studycharms · 5 years
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canines are foldy, foldy bois. (posting two days in a row? who IS SHE)
so far I think I’ve been okay? Like, I’m alive, and I’m starting to study slightly more. This is all progress. I think. I’ll let you guys know :p 
♫ Undo, The 1975
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studycharms · 5 years
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24.02.2018; seriously, it’s time to work, i haven’t done as much as i should this week and i have the weekend to fix that. i have a big deadline approaching in a few days and if i miss it i’ll be so angry with myself… it’s an extremely important one.
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studycharms · 5 years
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paperocelot on ig
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studycharms · 5 years
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studycharms · 5 years
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now i don’t see things the way i did before // dammit, i changed again // the offspring
yeah, my stats test is tomorrow.
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studycharms · 5 years
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hey there, i’m just here trying out tumblr.
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studycharms · 5 years
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rushed like 2 essays and a mindmap at school :")
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studycharms · 5 years
Ophelia: babe come over
Hamlet: I can’t I’m hiding a body
Ophelia: my dad isn’t home
Hamlet: I know
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studycharms · 5 years
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680 | This is a kouign-amann and I eat them all the time because a friend of mine got obsessed with them after seeing them on the Great British Bakeoff and she transferred her obsession to me. Every time I eat one I can’t help but think of the John Mulaney quote “this is the height of luxury!!!!” 
Currently Listening - Champion, Bishop Briggs
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studycharms · 5 years
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19 apr 19 not to flex my panda stickers but
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studycharms · 5 years
Tips and habits for exam day.
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1. Stop studying the day before. I usually stop at 5pm with all the studying. I do this because if I start cramming from then on, I’ll only get anxious. And at the end of the day, it’s no help for me to know the material if I’m gonna be so nervous and get a blackout. So I make peace with the fact that I may not know everything just so I can be relaxed when I do the exam. Which brings me to the next point. 
2. Get some sleep. Back in my high school days, I pulled several all-nighters. One of them was disastrous. I knew everything I needed to know but I was so tired, I worked very slow that day. And I could not finish the exam on time. That day I swore I was never gonna pull an all-nighter again. It’s just such a simple thing you can do to work efficiently, so it’s worth sleeping those hours. 
3. Have some fun. This might sound totally ridiculous, I know but hear me out. I cannot go stressed to an exam. When you’ve prepared well, then your priority should be not to panic and get anxious. Therefore, I like to do something fun to get my mind off the pressure and stress. I might go on YouTube and catch up on some videos, watch some anime, or just cook to distract myself. The point here is not to fall prey of negative thoughts.  
4. Prepare everything beforehand. After I’ve got some fun, it’s time to face reality back again. However, I like to introduce it slowly. I first start with showering, getting dressed, and especially packing my backpack. and double check that everything I need is in there. Those small little trivial actions actually give me reassurance because I feel like I have my armour on. And I won’t have to stress because I know I got everything I need.
5. Arrive a few hours earlier. This is crucial because I can make use of the empty classroom (most of the times) and choose where I can sit. When I’m doing an exam and I’m just under the AC, I would want to pee like crazy. So I love choosing my seat so I can choose a warm spot. Furthermore, I don’t have to stress because I’m late and I won’t be adding any more pressure on myself. This is all about making my life easier.  
6. Quick recap. Given that I will likely be alone in class for a few hours, I take my time to do a quick recap. Note: I said recap. I won’t be reading or learning any new things. I would just grab a pen and start writing everything I know from my head so I can identify what I might not remember that clearly. So I take my time to look for those things that are not as clear in my head and make a mental note to remember them. I feel like the pressure of the exam being so soon actually helps me remember it better. 
7. Meditate and avoid talking to your peers. After I’m done with recap, I just sit there and close my eyes. I get a lot of weird looks when I do that but it’s great because I can avoid my peers this way. The reason I say this is not because I want to be rude or anything, but I’ve realised that talking to my peers actually makes me more anxious. This happens because they are anxious, and seeing them like that makes me feel the same way. They also might start asing questions and get me all confused, so I prefer to just avoid all of that so my mind can be clear. 
8. Globally read the exam. After I get the exam sheet, the first thing I do is to read it globally. I do this so I can get a sense of how the exam is structured and what I will need to answer. While I’m at it, I highlight important commands. For example, if they ask me to give an explanation, examples or draw something I would highlight that so I don’t forget to do it. 
9. Shortly answer the questions with a pencil. When I start answering the questions right away, I sometimes get carried away and write more than I should. Other times, I might get stuck at one question and then I’ll start getting even more nervous and I’ll forget some of the things. So in order to minimize those risks, I shortly answer the questions right on the paper with a pencil using keywords. That way I know the main idea of what I want to answer. Plus if I’m short of time, it makes it easier for me to finish because I don’t actually have to think about the answers because I already know what I will be writing. It is an extra step that I take, but I’ve found that it works really well for me. 
9. Review your answers. Technically, I review my answers twice. First when I am wirting them with pen on the answers sheet and secondly when I’m done. I try to use the voice in my head, that way I feel like I can hear how my answers sound like. And it helps me see if what the professor will be reading makes sense. 
10.  Don’t discuss the exam with your peers. DONT. Do yourself a favour. This only makes it harder for me because I will start having second thoughts about what I wrote. The worse thing is that no matter how much I worried about it, there’s nothing I can do to change my answers again. So, it’s pretty useless and I know I will get worried for nothing and it will only give me more stress.
11. Reward yourself. Yes, after doing an exam, you should have no room for negative thoughts in your head. It doesn’t matter if you did good or bad, you should reward yourself because exams are a very stressful period. You have the pressure from your parents, teachers, society and even yourself, so don’t be hard on yourself. Plus this helps you keep them positive vibes strong!
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studycharms · 5 years
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productivity can mean different things
summer productivity does not mean or have to mean that you are grinding everyday to get work done. being productive could simply mean self-care. productivity comes in all forms, from painting your nails to doing the dishes to reading a book. it could even be something along the lines of creating a new playlist or folding the laundry. it’s up to you.
first off, plan a little
write your lists down somewhere that you’ll check again (i’m using a google doc.) make three lists: daily checklist, short-term goals, & long-term goals. leave room for revision.
daily checklist
don’t pile on tasks on this. it is unrealistic to put like ten things on your list to do everyday, and it’s exhausting and can even be anti-productive trying to attempt to complete such a list everyday. pick two to three things to do everyday. for example, mine says, “1. do khan academy (for SAT prep) 2. check the DMV for available appointments (to renew my permit oops) 3. read a book or three articles.” the second one is subject to change because eventually i will get an appointment, so always leave room for revisions.
short-term goals list
this is the list where you put stuff that you want to accomplish by the end of the week, month, etc. for example, mine says, “finish ap government chapter one by friday.” these can be specific or general. like my short-term goals list also has my goal of reading three books every week.
long-term goals list
what do you hope to accomplish by the end of summer? do you want to re-invent yourself? be proficient in a language? have finished all your college apps? you define your goals here.
studyblr ways to be productive
read a book get ahead and look at your AP curriculums; make a study schedule watch TED talks watch documentaries listen to podcasts make study playlists visit museums
self care ways to be productive (these are nothing new, but just serves as a reminder that taking care of yourself is good and productive. it is in no way a waste of time, so don’t let anyone convince you otherwise)
take a bath or shower the simple hygiene stuff (brush your teeth, etc.) clean your living space delete apps you don’t use or need drink water journal, draw, make music do whatever makes you feel happy (if you don’t have anything, go a try a bunch of activities! do something that scares you, you might be surprised) exercise (it doesn’t have to be a whole lot, just walk around and stretch every once in a while) sleep, rest, take time for yourself
other ways to be productive
- practice a sport or instrument - learn/continue learning a language - spend time with friends or family - make an exercising schedule (start off with small workouts and gradually increase) - learn to eat healthier (begin replacing unhealthy food for better substitutes; i - - trust you know the healthier options) - volunteer (find a place or two and volunteer regularly.  reminder: it shouldn’t feel like a job; remember why you’re volunteering in the first place.) - look for summer jobs (it might be a little late now for stuff like summer camps, but you can still apply to places that have the signs like “help wanted” or “hiring now”)
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studycharms · 5 years
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29.10.18 - Studied literature and drank tea today.
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studycharms · 5 years
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Here are some tips for studying abroad:
do your research
it’s a good idea to get to home the environment of where you will be staying. What’s the common transportation system? 
what’s the exchange rate + where to exchange your money? 
where is the closest bank and what do you need to set up a bank account as a foreigner? 
what data plan should you get for your phone?
let’s talk the noms (aka food)
you will miss the comforts of home cooking; that’s normal. i missed the southern chinese food that my family makes and the soups. There are just some things you won’t be able to find in your new location.
learn how to cook a few simple dishes to save that $$$. say your mom has a really good recipe and it’s your fav, learn how to make it from her so you can make it yourself if you want a piece of home.
do a google map search or walk around to find where the nearest grocery store is and what types of food (ie fruits, veggies, snacks) are available. don’t be afraid to try something new
bring some snacks that remind you of home. when you get homesick, reward yourself. easy things to pack include dried fruit, local cookies/biscuits, spices and seasoning (you know for instant ramen or some quick fixes)
try to bring things that are practical. aka don’t take your entire wardrobe; chances are you won’t be wearing all of it. yes, do bring your favorite shirts and your favorite pjs, but also check the weather. for example, on london, the winters aren’t cold, but always rainy. In the usa, i didn’t really get much use out of my trench coat, but i realize that there is a reason why trench coats are a thing in london. they are perfect for those rainy, foggy mornings with a slight chill. Be sure to pack layers so you are prepared no matter if there is a sudden weather change.
consider: is there a chance that you will be traveling during your breaks. In london, there are reading breaks in the middle of your term/semester/trimester/etc. and being in europe, you can very easily travel to another country (i.e. 3 hours to paris via eurostar!), so do you need a travel backpack or mini shampoo/soap bar for your travels?
make sure to buy international converters and adapters. check your electronics to make sure that the voltage is compatible. in the uk, iphones and most computers just need an adapter. but your hair curler may need a converter.
dorm life
in london, most of the accommodations by the universities are single suites, so you don’t have to worry about a roommate that you may potentially disagree with. 
but if you will have a roommate, talk to each other first to lay down some ground rules as a common courtesy. what are your likes and dislikes, wake/sleep habits, things to avoid doing, and just be considerate of each other. you don’t have be bffs with your roommate, if you are than great!, but if not that’s ok too but be friendly!
if your accommodation hall organizes events, go to them. meet new people that are not from your program or university. when you are alone in a new country, friends are what can be the difference from a great experience or a bad, isolated experience. so be bold and meet new people. you may find yourself learning something new.
Battling homesickness
try to arrange a designated time to call family, taking into account time differences – no use waking everyone up in the middle of the night or have your parents call you when you are in the middle of class or studying!
social support is very important, especially when you have had a bad day, and you just need someone to talk to, so make sure you call home!
don’t forget your friends too. that’s the beauty of social media, make sure you talk to your friends once in a while, and keep each other updated on what’s going on.
i’m not saying you won’t ever feel homesickness, because you will and that’s natural. but to help combat that that, stay in touch with the fam and friends back home.
and even if you aren’t a ‘social butterfly’, try to branch out and get connected with other students and new friends. after all, you are in a whole other country, and that calls for adventures. adventures are twice the fun when you share them! honestly, there are so many places that i wouldn’t have thought i’d go to if it weren’t from friends’ recommendations and planning as a group.  
what’s studying in london (as an american) like?
watch my day in the life on youtube ✨
**if you have any questions feel free to leave an ‘ask me’ or comment!**
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studycharms · 5 years
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studycharms · 5 years
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this is how i spent all of autumn break. in my dads mock-studio which is just a bright room in our summer house (honestly the light in there is magical). studying economics until my eyes bled. 
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studycharms · 5 years
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Hmm, looks like me in physics 🤔
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