studytothehd ¡ 4 years
university asks
How far along are you in your studies?
How far do you plan on pursuing academia?
What made you want to attend university?
What do you study?
What do you wish to accomplish by studying at university?
What do you want to do with your degree?
What’s your dream job?
Has university been what you expected it to be?
What’s the most important thing you have learned about yourself at university?
What surprised you the most about university?
What classes are you taking this/next semester?
What has been the most interesting class you’ve taken?
What has been your favourite class you’ve taken?
What is your favourite professor like?
If you have to write a thesis, what are you going to write it on?
What is your weird academic niche?
What’s your favourite thing about academia?
What’s your least favourite thing about academia?
Would you go to a different university if you had to choose again?
Would you choose a different subject if you had to choose again?
If you couldn’t study the subject you study now, what would you study?
What is your favourite course style?
Theoretical or practical?
Best book you’ve had to read for a course?
Worst book you’ve had to read for a course?
Favourite online resource?
The topic of the best essay you’ve written?
Would you ever consider getting a phd?
Who is doing the most interesting research in your field at the moment?
Do you have any minors?
What is subject you wish your university taught but doesn’t?
What is an area of your subject you wish your university taught but doesn’t?
The best advice anyone has ever given you about university?
Do you care about your grades?
Do you think you study enough?
How did your attitude towards studying and school change between high school and university?
What do you do to rewind?
Best tip for making friends at university?
Are you involved in any clubs/societies/extracurriculars?
Have you done or are you planning on doing any internships?
What is an interesting subject that you would never study yourself?
What has been your favourite thing about university so far?
What is your plan B career?
Do you ever regret your choice of subject or university?
Do you ever regret going to university?
How do you study?
What do you wish you’d done differently in your first year?
What things do you think you did right in your first year?
What are your thoughts on Academia?
Strangest university tip you have?
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studytothehd ¡ 4 years
✨13/08/2020✨ I spent today watching lectures and making notes on Athenian Democracy and Pericles’ Funeral Oration. I’ve fallen a bit behind with uni so I’m planning on an early start tomorrow to catch up!
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studytothehd ¡ 4 years
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3/08/2020 - my uni is online for this semester again after Melbournians go into a full lockdown. It’s our first day back today so I’ve reorganized my desk to make it functional and aesthetic!
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studytothehd ¡ 4 years
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5/06/20 In the last few weeks of semester I’m trying to stick to this exam study timetable I made. Today’s tasks: translation exercises and revising retail leases
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studytothehd ¡ 4 years
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23/04/20 This week has been super busy. Just had a mid semester exam for property law and I’m kind of disappointed with how I went, it was super hard. I am trying to be a bit kinder to myself in these stressful times though
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studytothehd ¡ 4 years
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14/04/2020 Spending so much time at my desk has made it so chaotic, I have reminders and post it notes everywhere. I have som evil assignments coming up in the next couple of weeks so I’m outlining my plans for them and working on property law notes.
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studytothehd ¡ 4 years
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12/04/2020 studying online, playing games with my family, zoom gym classes and walking the dog is basically all I do on my days off now... lucky to still be employed 2 days a week and volunteer every Thursday so I’m grateful I still have essential things to be doing. Stay home stay safe!
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studytothehd ¡ 4 years
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1/04/2020 Good morning! ☀️ It has definitely been a hot minute since I’ve posted oops. Like everybody else I’m also doing uni online. This is my desk that has actually been functional as a study space (rather than a mess of clothes...). I am, however, struggling to keep motivated and driven working from home. Does anyone have any tips?
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studytothehd ¡ 5 years
university asks
How far along are you in your studies?
How far do you plan on pursuing academia?
What made you want to attend university?
What do you study?
What do you wish to accomplish by studying at university?
What do you want to do with your degree?
What’s your dream job?
Has university been what you expected it to be?
What’s the most important thing you have learned about yourself at university?
What surprised you the most about university?
What classes are you taking this/next semester?
What has been the most interesting class you’ve taken?
What has been your favourite class you’ve taken?
What is your favourite professor like?
If you have to write a thesis, what are you going to write it on?
What is your weird academic niche?
What’s your favourite thing about academia?
What’s your least favourite thing about academia?
Would you go to a different university if you had to choose again?
Would you choose a different subject if you had to choose again?
If you couldn’t study the subject you study now, what would you study?
What is your favourite course style?
Theoretical or practical?
Best book you’ve had to read for a course?
Worst book you’ve had to read for a course?
Favourite online resource?
The topic of the best essay you’ve written?
Would you ever consider getting a phd?
Who is doing the most interesting research in your field at the moment?
Do you have any minors?
What is subject you wish your university taught but doesn’t?
What is an area of your subject you wish your university taught but doesn’t?
The best advice anyone has ever given you about university?
Do you care about your grades?
Do you think you study enough?
How did your attitude towards studying and school change between high school and university?
What do you do to rewind?
Best tip for making friends at university?
Are you involved in any clubs/societies/extracurriculars?
Have you done or are you planning on doing any internships?
What is an interesting subject that you would never study yourself?
What has been your favourite thing about university so far?
What is your plan B career?
Do you ever regret your choice of subject or university?
Do you ever regret going to university?
How do you study?
What do you wish you’d done differently in your first year?
What things do you think you did right in your first year?
What are your thoughts on Academia?
Strangers university tip you have?
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studytothehd ¡ 5 years
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9/03/2020 first day of uni work! my uni actually delayed the start of semester because of concerns about covid-19, so the first week is online only. it’s a bit weird but I’m just glad to be back. working on some french pre-revolution philosophy this morning
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studytothehd ¡ 5 years
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8/03/2020 finally tidied and organized my desk! On the bottom row from left to right is the large drawer with paper and stationery, then the small drawer with glasses and medical stuff, and the cupboard with important documents and spare stationery. All ready for uni to start tomorrow!
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studytothehd ¡ 5 years
How to make your mornings easier
So remember how I vowed to never take an 8AM again and then I did? Well I swore to myself never again. So I have a 9AM now haha. Living an hour away from campus idk why I do this to myself but hey gotta get that edumacation somehow.
Anyways, I have a lot of experience with this early morning thing, especially with depression and icy weather and rainy weather (all 3 make you wanna sleep in so much more) so here are some tips to make your mornings smoother, less chaotic, and maybe even more enjoyable!
Give yourself at least an hour in the mornings. Trust me. The more time you have the better it is. You won't feel stressed or rushed and you'll have time to wake up before driving
M U S I C. Seriously. This like makes mornings 1000x better. Put in some earbuds or blast that shit and have fun. Dance and jump and head bang while getting ready
Make or buy coffee the day before and put it in the fridge or something. Having coffee already made speeds up the routine and it's a nice little treat
Lay out your outfit the night before or at least plan it and know where everything is. Saves so much time even if you are the kind to just grab and go. I am like that. Just grab a shirt and pants and go. But laying it out the night before makes me feel accomplished and in the morning I'm like oh!
"I'll just get gas in the morning" is the worst lie. You'll hate yourself in the morning as that morning will be the one where you are running late and it is super chaotic. Get gas on your way home
Pack your bag for the next day WHEN YOU GET HOME. Don't wait. Mornings are groggy and not the best and you are bound to forget SOMETHING. So pack as soon as you can
Use an alarm you like. "But Lauren, if I like it I won't wake up!" It doesn't have to be peaceful. It can be straight bag pipes and screamo with a hurricane in the background. But if you like it, you'll be happier when waking up
If you know it's going to be cold in the morning, leave the fans off
Two words for you: overnight oats. Cheap, easy, and delicious. "But I don't like yogurt. I am lactose intolerant. I don't like Chia seeds. But..." thousands of recipes my dudes. Thousands. I hate yogurt and am lactose intolerant and hate most fruits. So I use oats, almond milk (vanilla flavored), vanilla extract, cinnamon, coco powder with some sugar mixed in, honey, and if I'm feeling really frisky, some flax seeds. Mix that baby up and stick it in the fridge and voila! A tasty and fast breakfast! You can even eat it on the go or blend it to make a smoothie!
If there's dew or ice, turn your car on like 10 minutes before you leave
Make a routine that keeps things steady and flowing towards the door. Dress, bathroom, breakfast, go
Coffee does not make a great breakfast
Put water next to your bed and drink it first thing in the morning
Hair and makeup can be done before class
Try to get to class half an hour early or more. This gives you time to review and prepare for class
If you have time, try some excercise! A jog, pushups, yoga, etc. It's a great way to get early morning serotonin and energy as well as feel better through the day
Take care of your animals before you eat to make sure you don't forget
If you bring lunch, pack it the night before
Set an alarm for bedtime and listen to it. When your bedtime alarm rings, put the phone or book down and sleep
If you wake up before your alarm, stay up if you have less than 30 minutes before it goes off
You can try burning incense in the mornings. Orange, lemon, and basically any citrus scent is known to improve your mood and help with energy
Consider buying a second phone charger that stays in your car so you don't have to worry about that
Simplify your skin care routine or modify it for the PM
Night showers are now your new beat friend
No you won't wake up extra early to finish that assignment. Just do it now
If you like hot coffee, prep the coffee maker the night before and set it to start when your alarm goes off especially if you sleep near the kitchen. You'll smell it
If you need to help calm your anxiety over your mornings, make a check list with everything to make sure you don't miss anything
Keep your keys in the same spot
If you have a dog, walk them before leaving or feed them when you get up. They catch onto patterns fast and will wake you up if you don't want to get up
Wake up at the same time during the week. Consistency allows you to fall into the patterns and allows you to get used to it faster and easier. And on days you don't have to leave until like 10, you get extra time
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studytothehd ¡ 5 years
2 & 10? :)
2. what’s your feel-good movie? 
I love re-watching my favourite marvel movies, mostly the winter soldier, captain marvel and Thor: ragnarok! I secretly love feel-good action/superhero movies
10. what’s something you’re excited for? 
I have mixed feelings but I’m pretty excited for uni to go back on Monday, it’ll be good to have some routine and see my debating friends again. Thank you for the ask!!
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studytothehd ¡ 5 years
soft asks to get to know people
what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
what calms you down?
what’s something you’re excited for?
what’s your ideal date?
how are you?
what’s your comfort food?
favorite feel-good show?
for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
compliment the person who sent you this number.
fairy lights or LED lights?
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
what do you want most in the world right now?
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
what would you say to your future self?
favorite piece of clothing?
what’s something you do to de-stress?
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
what movie would you want to live in?
which character would you want to be?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
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studytothehd ¡ 5 years
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Energy Management
A human-based organization method
click on images for better resolution; images also available here (link to google drive)
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Getting stuff done: How to deal with a lack of motivation
Flexible time-blocking: A more breathable way to get things done
The ABCDE Method
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studytothehd ¡ 5 years
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102 notes ¡ View notes
studytothehd ¡ 5 years
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evening routine
instagram | shop | commission info
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