studyvity · 8 years
This isn’t the hardest challenge you’re going to face in life
what i say to myself every time i’m faced with something difficult i don’t think i can do (via fightostudy)
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studyvity · 8 years
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[17/11/16] + 9:51PM + ~10/30~ Hustle for the pretty things and show them all you’re not the ordinary type.⭐️🎀
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studyvity · 8 years
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studyvity · 8 years
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studyvity · 8 years
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studyvity · 8 years
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@cofene’s weekly planner printables
i had nothing to do today so i just made some very simple weekly planner printables! i think i will try some more interesting weekly layouts next time.
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studyvity · 8 years
It’s not “uncool” to be smart and prepared and passionate and dedicated. Ignore people who say otherwise.
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studyvity · 8 years
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studyvity · 8 years
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school starts in about a month for me and i thought it’d be helpful to compile everything i’ve collected in the span of a year into one giant masterpost ! :]
back to school tips!!
for freshmen !!!!
tips for students!!
for busy students tbh
advice for the school yr
++ survive your classes
preparing for september
go back to school lik a BAWSE!
make your semester successful
get organized!!
desk organization
organize your life
digital organization
good habits for you
organizing systems
more organizations
the everything book
organize your notes!
guide to organization
keep your bag organized
notetaking methods
cornell notes !
take gr8 notes
basic notetaking
how to mindmap
take math notes!!
handwritten notes
take lecture notes 
google docs notes
more lecture notes
how to use onenote
guide to notetaking
organize your notes
uses for sticky notes
color code your notes
make your notes pretty
how to make flashcards
using your notes effectively
+ more ways to make them pretty
gr8 study methods !
studying tips
annotating lit
study process
study strategies!
how to memorize
lots of study tips
be a study witch!!
methods to try out!
improve your vocab
more study methods
how to start studying
voice record yourself
guide to study spaces
how to get good grades
active vs passive learning
+ recover from a bad grade
essay writing
tips for essays
writer resources
write a BIG essay
advice for papers!
essay conclusions
executing ur essay
write a great essay
gr8 grammar advice
improve your essays
how to write an essay
optimize your productivity
habits to form
get motivated
3 discipline tips
& avoid burnout
get things done!
productive habits 
discipline yourself
overcome burnout
one week of habits
how to concentrate
how to start working
conquer productivity
get 100% work done
how to achieve more
reach ur full potential
manage your time! 
the triangle myth
improve ur habits!
pomodoro method
manage your tasks
after school routine
stop procrastinating
have the perfect day
how to nap effectively
web resources
sleep tracker !
plant nanny [water]
put yourself first !
for bad days
fix your life !
staying healthy
how to not care
pick yourself up
anxiety part two
how to fall asleep
how to feel better
improve your life
little happy things
how to be happier
coping with anxiety
activities for ur mind
happiness habits<3
take care of yourself
don’t study too much!
basic health reminders
coping w panic attacks
balance sleep & school
make the most of ur day
get ur life back on track
beat procrastination
school organization
transitional words
online resources
bullet journaling
school supplies
gr8 powerpoint
homework tips
bullet journals
essay writin
study tips
more !!!
i hope this helps ! & check out my studygram for studyspo pics + my bts blog for me fangirling tbh :] good luck! x
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studyvity · 8 years
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motivation on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/167864289
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studyvity · 8 years
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Succes is an iceberg
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studyvity · 8 years
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studyvity · 8 years
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studyvity · 8 years
life tips and tricks
Hey, everybody! I hit 5k a little while ago, and I figured I’d celebrate by compiling a list of all the things I’ve learned in the past few years that made my world a little brighter
if you can, read books you’re assigned for literature classes once through before you start reading and analyzing in class. you’ll have a better grip on plot, and won’t have to worry about falling behind.
carry water with you everywhere, and take a sip whenever you’re anxious
pick up a hobby that involves art or crafts, but isn’t stressful
schedule time every day to do absolutely nothing
schedule everything. having a plan works wonders on stress
learn about things that interest you in your free time
it is never to early to start preparing for something
get your outfits ready the night before, including shoes and makeup
wake up at 5 am. you get time to wake up in the morning, watch a sunrise, and have a good breakfast
you will be 110% more productive if you’re wearing shoes. i kid you not. it’s magic.
find a pen that you like? a) write the name down and b) order a ton of it
have a journal purely for your favorite memories and happy thoughts. when you get sad, you can pull it out and have a book of reasons life isn’t always awful
if you haven’t been taking care of yourself and it’s the middle of the night and you’re exhausted and you feel like shit and you just want to sleep but your stomach is grumbling and your mouth is dry, get up and make yourself a cup of (non-caffeinated) tea. while it’s brewing, drink a glass of water and make yourself a healthy snack with enough protein to get you through the night. eat the food, drink the tea, and go wash your face and brush your teeth before you go to sleep. you’ll be tired the next day, but you’ll feel so much better
save your favorite childhood books to read on a rainy day
make a playlist for every mood you can think of, so you’re never alone with the silence
find a really soft sweater or blanket. designate this your hug sweater/blanket. curl up in it whenever you need a hug.
most importantly, drink water, take care of yourself, and have a nice day <3
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studyvity · 8 years
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1. Take a clipboard to school. You have to be prepared to do homework ANYWHERE at ANYTIME. Carry it in your hand with some paper and your homework clipped onto it and get work done whenever you can. Don’t keep the clipboard in your bag.
2. USE YOUR PLANNER EVERY DAY. Keeping track of assignments and important dates helps clear your mind. You don’t have to worry about remembering everything because all of it is written down. If you have a lot going on at once, start a bullet journal. If you can, divide your planner into sections based on different activities. For example, my bullet journal has 4 major sections: school work, extracurricular activities, community service, and general life issues. This creates order in the midst of chaos and also enforces the idea of taking everything one thing at a time. Your planner shouldn’t overwhelm you.
3. Get the biggest calendar you can find and hang it on the wall. The purpose of the calendar is to allow you to establish a general time frame for everything you need to do. PLAN AHEAD. Make sure EVERYTHING is on that calendar. Being overwhelmed by your planner is bad because it leads to a stressful day; your calendar takes on the role of allowing you to see the big picture. Having everything written down on a calendar creates a sense of urgency that’ll decrease the likelihood or duration of procrastination.
4. If you’re taking multiple AP classes, dedicate at least one day of the week to each subject. I had 7 AP’s so I studied a different subject each day. For example, every Monday was Macroeconomics day. I took my econ review book to school on Mondays and studied whenever I had some extra time. Start doing this 3 or 4 months before the exams in May to avoid cramming and excessive stress.
5. Sleep whenever you can but avoid sleeping on the way home from school. If you enter your home feeling sleepy the bed is going to be extra enticing.
6. If you NEED to pull an all-nighter (try to avoid them), drink a cup of straight up black coffee (no sugar) and take a 20 minute nap. It takes some time for the caffeine to kick in so you might as well get some sleep. You’ll eventually get used to the bitterness.
7. Sometimes you need to skip school but don’t skip unless you absolutely have to. If you do, you better not sleep in! Wake up normally and get to work ASAP. Do the makeup work and turn it in the next day, even if you don’t have to.
8. Study smarter, not harder. Figure out which study methods work for you. Note-taking is time-consuming so try to find alternatives. You don’t have to make everything aesthetically pleasing to post it on tumblr. In fact, if you’re compelled to take pretty notes just to post it on tumblr, LEAVE NOW. DO NOT WASTE TIME.
9. Do homework for the learning experience instead of the grade. Don’t copy work from your friends. If you use homework as a study resource, you won’t have to worry about long review sessions before a test. I have never studied for a Spanish test but the lowest score I’ve ever gotten on one is a 93. How? I did my homework.  
10. STOP TRYING TO BE PERFECT. STOP IT RIGHT NOW. Perfection = waste of time. Don’t spend 10 hours writing an essay if you know you can get the same grade by only spending 2. I used to believe that the most important thing was being proud of everything you put your name on but none of that matters when you haven’t slept in 48 hours.
11. Complete the difficult tasks first. One of the many reasons people procrastinate is to avoid difficult tasks. If you save the hardest assignment for last, you’re more vulnerable to wasting time.
12. This one is very bad because it involves lying but it saved my grade a couple of times: ALWAYS turn in your homework. Why? Rarely missing an assignment gives you a good reputation and teachers tend to trust hardworking students. If you ever forget to do an assignment and you’re known to be a good student, your teacher is more likely to believe your excuse. Or, if you really left it at home, he/she/they might give you an extra day.
13. GOOGLE DRIVE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. Can’t turn in your essay because you told yourself you’d print it in the morning and forgot? No worries! It’s in google drive! Need a past assignment for reference but have the copy at home? No worries! It’s in google drive!
14. Your study space significantly impacts productivity. Organize your room/space to maximize concentration/productivity.
15. MOST IMPORTANTLY, give yourself some time off. If you don’t, you’ll eventually burn out and nothing will be able to motivate you again. I like to go watch a movie alone once in a while because it clears my mind for 2 hours. Being constantly bombarded with due dates can lead to massive anxiety issues. And guess what? You can’t get anything done if you’re having multiple panic attacks or if you’re in bed all day because you’re depressed. Take care of yourself. School can wait but your physical and mental health can’t.
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studyvity · 8 years
Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made, or by dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused.
Alan Cohen (via psych2go)
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studyvity · 8 years
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I had a day off college today as it is the first day for the year 12 students so I did a bit of reading of this book in preparation for the TSA Oxford in November. It’s a very good book so far!
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