stuntzthedude · 3 days
Ao3 subscriptions are so fucking wild to me. Every time I write my silly fanfictions and post them 124 people get an email just to let them know that this idiot is posting their fanfictions again. I send 124 people an email every time I write smut. Imagine sending 124 physical letters out just to be like “hello everyone, I put some guys we made up in our heads through the horrors again.” Absolutely absurd. I am kissing all of you on the lips.
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stuntzthedude · 3 days
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stuntzthedude · 4 days
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happy and young
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stuntzthedude · 4 days
Ao3 version that lets you open the 'director's cut' where I, the author, explain every detail in excruciating detail to you and what it is in reference to.
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stuntzthedude · 6 days
Im going to let this out.
Ezio really is a comfort character for me. And I think it's only strengthen by the fact that I've known this man from his birth til death. I've watched him be reckless to when he became wise and when he passed on his wisdoms. I watched as he loved, lost, and learn to love again. And it really does give some semblance of hope. That no matter how hurt I am, I can make it.
Due to everything that has been going on for me this past year. I have been struggling but I've been also finding successes. I've finished another book, another rough draft and am continuing it survive. I've lost relationships but strengthened the bonds of the ones I continue to have.
My life isn't perfect but it shouldn't be. Because it's those imperfections that make us fight and that makes this life worth living.
Requiescat en Pace Ezio. Requiescat en Pace.
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stuntzthedude · 11 days
This is a slow fandom zone
None of that "Oh no they bomb-dropped all the episodes in a week 1 month ago, I'm late!" "The tag hasn't been active all week is the fandom dead?" "I only got a hundred shares the first hour no one cares about my art"
Slow down
Take a deep breath and slow down
Fandom is YOU. And me and everyone. If we doodle stick figures for a show that ended 30 years ago we aren't "late" or "doing too little", we're playing dolls in our own time and having fun with works of art that mean a lot to us
You can literally watch and engage with something that aired in 2004 as if it aired yesterday
If the tag hasn't been active for 14 months guess what? If YOU post there, it isn't dead. Literally you can talk about anything you want whenever you want there is no weird law against watching things that people aren't actively talk about
Let's be deranged about stories together
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stuntzthedude · 11 days
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Nanananaa :DD⭐️⭐️
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stuntzthedude · 12 days
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Just started tumblr, I’ll post more of my art in the future
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stuntzthedude · 12 days
i don’t believe in rpf except for the whatever the hell assassin’s creed fans are on about with it
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stuntzthedude · 12 days
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Codextober day 6: Free
Probably the last time the oldest Auditore brothers felt truly free
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stuntzthedude · 12 days
I do think Altair, Ezio and Connor be mortified by the concept of Animus but At first they would probobly think that its funny, like Ezio would be going "so you just lie down, watch us go about and wake up with our skills?.... Thats cheating!!!" Altair would be prob a bit salty. Connor would wish he had that of an easy time training.
Then they learn its not like "lying down and resting while animus does the work" at all;
Desmond wakes w muscle spasms and phantom pains from injuries he never got. He has chronic insomnia because his sense of time has been blinded so much he is basically jetlagged 24/7. He doesnt remember how long a day is supossed to go, how slow a month passes, how decades indeed take decades. He has backpain from lying down all day without being able to move, then his muscles protest when he has to move out of animus because thats the only time he used them. He forgets to eat, sit, drink, shower till someone tells him because he didnt have to in animus. He is shocked when people speak to him unprompted because there was always a reason for someone to talk to him first in animus.
Then they learn about his bleeds, how he became a puzzle of their skillset but also their minds. How he forgets his likes and dislikes because he has been others daily, longer than he has been himself in a while. He forgets where he is, if he is supossed to be there, if what he is seeing is supossed to be there. He forgets his name sometimes, replies to anything but his own even if the person is in the room as well. How he freaks out when he sees his reflection sometimes, remembering it as a strangers face. How he sees and talks to things that arent there but maybe was or will be.
They learn he isnt even himself sometimes, cant remember how to be. He doesnt know if he is mad at someone because he doesnt like them or if its Others feelings bleeding. They learn some of his own memories been forever replaced by their own and he doesnt even realize he never met that person only Connor has met before. He cant remember the day his mom got him his 5th birthday gift but Ezio's 5th birthday and his new gift of a carved horse figure is fresh in his mind. He doesnt remember his girlfriend from when he was 19 but he remembers Altaïr's one crush that lasted a week. He cant remember if he ever tried a dish but knows if one of them would like it based on the ingridients. He cant remember faces of his classmates at the farm but knows the novices names by heart.
They learn while they might have sacrificed their bodies and years for their training Desmond has sacrificed his whole self for it.
And it doesnt seem like cheating anymore.
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stuntzthedude · 13 days
At the end of the day I think Assassin’s Creed is about people. It’s about the quirks of people, the questions we ask ourselves, the choices we make. Stories about great people that could never be told, heroes no one will ever learn about, sacrifices no one will ever know to be thankful for. Men and women, killing and dying, making mistakes, falling in love, for thousands and thousands of years. It’s a story about peeling back the glamor of legend and infamy and seeing the names in the history books for what they are: people, for better or for worse.
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stuntzthedude · 15 days
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Why must this happen
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stuntzthedude · 15 days
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As a new ac fan I immediately fell in love with ezio (aka he has overtaken all my thoughts) and few of my doodles turned out good enough to post 👍👍 so enjoy✨
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stuntzthedude · 15 days
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I was procrastinating on my work and seeing that @stuntzthedude ‘s newest fic chapter absolutely rocked my shit, this lil comic happened ✨
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stuntzthedude · 17 days
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So it looks like NaNoWriMo are happy to have AI as part of their community. Miss me with that bullshit. Generative artificial intelligence is an active threat to creativity and the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people in creative fields.
Please signal boost this so writers can make an informed choice about whether to continue to take part in such a community.
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stuntzthedude · 17 days
fanfic writers are so fucking awesome in the sense that they can take one single scene, that lasts less than a minute, from the source material and turn that one single scene into a 40k word long fic with depth, feels, character study and development and create a whole storyline out of that one single canonical moment.
fanfic writers are so fucking awesome in the sense that they can take one single scene, that lasts less than a minute, from the source material and write 40 entirely different fics about that one single canonical moment and each one of those fics are literal masterpieces.
shout out to us fanfic writers ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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