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7 Lead Management Tips for Small Businesses
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7 Lead Management Tips for Small Businesses
Expansion of the customer base is a key priority for most small businesses. Business growth is a long-term process and can be challenging. Which is why entrepreneurs should consistently work towards lead generation. So, what is lead generation exactly? Let us first understand what constitutes a lead. A person or a business that is interested in the products or services you are offering is a lead for your company. Simply put, they are your potential customers. Lead generation is a process of invoking interest in a client so that a sales pipeline can be established. This helps in generating revenue for your business.
Here we will discuss some effective tips that will help your sales and marketing team target the right leads and get them to buy your product or service. Let us get started!
Tip 1: Know Your Audience
Your first job is to identify your target audience. Having a vague idea of who they are is not going to work. Research thoroughly about factors such as age, gender, education, occupation, location, lifestyle, and interests. You can also dig in more and get numerous other parameters to shortlist your target audience. Being specific will prevent you from wasting resources and time on those leads that are not going to get converted. To get started, ask the marketing team to put together a detailed report on your potential target market and their behaviour.
Tip 2: Make the Most of the Social Media Platforms
At the moment, social media is the most popular medium where you can easily interact with your target audience. The best part is that it is free of cost. Cultivate your presence on major platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to attract new customers and engage the existing ones. Create quality content and ensure that you are well-versed with the current trends so that you can effortlessly converse with the followers. These online conversations can help you understand your customers’ thought process, which in turn will assist you in improving your lead generation tactics.
Tip 3: Use Paid Advertising
Once you have narrowed down your target audience and the best mediums, you can use paid advertising to widen your reach. Are you worried that you have to spend a big amount? Worry not. You can promote your business through social media platforms that are extremely economical. Even then, start by buying a small amount of ad space just to figure out how it benefits your business. If you are getting a positive response, then you can think about capitalizing on ads by investing more.
Tip 4: Use Analytics
Go for the top lead management software that can help you analyse, collect and track the sales leads. It helps you in keeping all your leads in a centralized database. You can also manage the existing as well as the prospective leads so that they do not get lost in the pipeline. Managing your leads through a lead management software helps you to save a lot of time, resources and database errors.  
Apart from the lead management software there are free analytics tools such as Google analytics that can help you monitor your website’s performance. It gives you statistics on factors like number of visits, locations, popular pages, bounce rate, etc. This gives you an idea of how your potential leads behave and what kind of content you should cash on as well as avoid so that you can push the conversion rate. You will find similar analytics tools on social media platforms too. Use these tools consistently so that you can grow your organic reach and minimize your dependence on paid promotion.
Tip 5: Get Eventful
If you are involved in B2B products and services, then events can prove to be of great means to approach your potential leads. Speak at conferences and local events to share your knowledge and gain recognition. Another way is to host webinars to remotely connect with people. Participating in business expos is also a good idea to make new contacts and observe what your competitors are up to. Plus, if your company is organizing an event, then you can also live stream it on social media platforms or YouTube to widen your reach. However, owing to the current times of lockdown, webinars and social media live streams are great for connecting and interacting with your potential audience.  
Tip 6: Try email marketing
Email marketing can be a successful way to retain your existing clients and encourage them to buy your products and services again. However, make sure that you use email marketing very carefully. You do not want to end up annoying the leads with thousands of meaningless emails that will ultimately cause them to unsubscribe. Relevant content is must. It is equally important to be thoughtful of what your email communication is. Go through the mailer two to three times before sending it out to your target audience. Make sure you send emails in the appropriate amount and their content is relevant and of top-notch quality.
Tip 7: Offer free samples or trials
Free samples or trials is a great technique that allows the lead to experience your product or service. You can give out samples during events and even add them in shopping bags and deliveries. On the other hand, if you are selling virtual products such as software then you can urge visitors to sign up for a 30-day trial so that they get a chance to use some of your best features, which will hopefully encourage them to make a purchase. After all, a small freebie does not hurt anyone, right?
Lead management can be a long-drawn process that encompasses a lot of trial and error. However, it is important to stick to it, so that you can create a sales system that suits your company and clients the best. Likewise, your lead generation strategy should be dynamic so that it effectively serves the changing needs of the client.
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The usual business is no longer the same. We all know that many businesses have had to make drastic changes to their strategies due to COVID-19. To manage a successful sales function, it becomes important to think differently and be adaptive to change. While some businesses may flourish with the textbook strategies, some may not. Here are5 expert tipsthat will help you toincrease your sales even during the times of COVID-19. Tip 1: Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize. The first and most important thing is to understand where you stand as a business. If you figure that out, then the planning and strategizing become a little easier.
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5 Expert Tips to Increase Sales During the Pandemic
This is the new normal! The usual business is no longer the same. We all know that many businesses have had to make drastic changes to their strategies due to COVID-19. To manage a successful sales function, it becomes important to think differently and be adaptive to change. While some businesses may flourish with the textbook strategies, some may not. Here are5 expert tipsthat will help you toincrease your sales even during the times of COVID-19. Tip 1: Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize. The first and most important thing is to understand where you stand as a business. If you figure that out, then the planning and strategizing become a little easier. In case you are already an online business, then rethink of all the strategies that are irrelevant during the pandemic. On the other hand, if you are an offline business, one of the best investments right now is to go online. Your sales will boost not just through better after-sales service but also through pre-sales activities. Putting in your money into online marketing activities is an investment but make sure to be careful where you invest it. These are the 2 ways to lower your costs and get maximum benefits: Outsource your digital marketing work:It is only best to give this work to an external agency with professional know-how. These are the times when you do not want to make blunders with digital marketing performances. Your aim is to sustain the pandemic and boost your sales effectively. An external agency will have the current tracking, IT, and manpower to lower your burden of marketing activities. You can work in tandem with them and brief them on what you are specifically aiming at. Use automation platforms:Choose competent automation platforms and technology that will help you to integrate all your marketing and sales activities, track your inventory and sales, streamline workflows, get a comprehensive view of your customers, and reduce manual labour and errors. Tip 2: Be available Your customers are busier than before during these trying times. Moreover, your competitors too are trying to sail through this time successfully so they would do anything to be in the market. All you need to do to increase your sales is to be available to your customers. You already have a customer base that you sold your products to. At this moment, you need to make sure that they find what they are looking for and under a given timeline. In case you do not have the product that your customers are looking for, then they would go to the next best choice – your competition. This is something you do not want; so here are a few things you can work on: Give as much customer service as they require and possible for you Share video tutorials with customers to help them set up a WiFi or assemble a chair Make sure that you are available on all communication channels If they call your retail store for an exchange of a product, make sure you have it done Offer quick and inexpensive home delivery Share comprehensive FAQs on all your communication channels so that your customers can find what they are looking for Set up a 24x7 customer service team Set up virtual meetings with your customers Remember, customer loyalty is difficult to build. And it is even more difficult to keep it intact. Your sales will only rise when your customers are happy. Tip 3: Be considerate when selling to new customers COVID times are tough for everyone. It is important to be thoughtful when selling during these uncertain times. Strategies, where you send out thousands of emails and marketing communications, will have to be reconsidered. In times of pandemic, you are required to be creative and think out of the box to keep your existing customers glued to your business and prospective customers engaged. Here are a few things that you can do: Since it is difficult to understand what your prospective customer is going through mentally, personally, or professionally, it is best to reach with utmost care and concern. Once you have been helpful during the conversation, you can then proceed to discuss the current challenges that your prospective customer is facing. This is where you can tell them how your product is going to benefit them. If you focus on sharing a few relevant success stories with your prospects, then you will be saving a lot of time in gaining their trust. You need to engage your prospect faster than before. Tip 4: Rethink your marketing communications strategy It is crucial to remove anything irrelevant or inconsistent with the existing situation. In case you have not gone through all your marketing communications, it is time that you comb through them once. Take a look at the scheduled social media posts, campaigns, emailers, and see what needs to be changed or removed. Since it is the time of social distancing, it will be nice to incorporate healthy safety measures into the current marketing strategies. The tone of your communication is vital. You can always change your communications when the pandemic ends, but it is important to stick to relevancy at this time. Here are a few things that you can integrate into your communication strategy: Keep your messaging relevant and accurate Be sympathetic as a lot of your customers might be going through a hard time Be hopeful and try and bring a smile to your customer’s face Make sure to avoid making any inappropriate humour Note: If you are running paid ad campaigns, make sure that you have it up to date. It is vital to keep your inventory on track and updated as well. You do not want to be running ads on the products that are irrelevant during the pandemic or are out of stock. You also might want to lower the ad budget or stop a few advertisements that are not in line with the current situation. In this way, you can save a lot. Tip 5: Social media influencers can help boost your sales With more and more people going online, social media platforms are a great place to market your products. And who better than social media influencers themselves? Social media influencers marketing tactic is one of the most effective ways to connect with your target audience instantly. But first, you need to understand the psyche of your target audience and where do they spend most of their social media times on. Whether your target audience is glued to YouTube or Instagram or Facebook, you need to narrow down the social media influencers accordingly who can market your product on their account. This can help increase your sales drastically and be a new platform to market your products even after the pandemic ends. Final Thoughts Whether you implement a few or all these strategies, there will always be some areas that require a different approach. All you need to do is stay focused and be flexible to incorporate newer ideas that will help boost your sales, grow your business, and keep your customers happy. We hope you are all healthy and adhering to the required safety measures!
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7 reasons why your business needs an inventory management system
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7 reasons why your business needs an inventory management system
Inventory Management Software is the lifeline of any Business. Imagine going to a store for a product you need and seeing the “out of stock” sign. It is disheartening for the customer. And it would cost a business its sale. If you are one of the organizations who does not have a centralized inventory management system, then it might be costing your business more than you can imagine. Inventory management is challenging, and it might be creating a hurdle for your business to grow. Today, many organizations are moving to automated inventory management for accurate, efficient, smooth, and time-saving operations.
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What is the right time for upgrading accounting software?
Accounting is a crucial function of every organization. Apart from the usual profit and loss statements and payroll records, accounting data can help your business recognize opportunities for expansion and thwart any risky actions. As your business grows, your accounting needs will become more complex and will require better tools for managing key financial data. Your existing software may have served your small business well up till now, however, you need to assess if it’s lacking some features that are essential to handle your mounting operational needs. Discover why maybe it’s time that you get your accounting software upgraded. 
 Lack of advanced features
Your old accounting software only provides basic features that are no longer serving your business goals. If your company now has more employees, bills, and receipts, and sales then you are running the risk of careless management of financial data. Eventually, these can lead to dire tax-related consequences. When you are contemplating switching to a new accounting system, make a list of what features you need. Ask your accounting department what they need to make business operations smoother. This will help when you are comparing different accounting software 
 The limited scope of use
As your team and dealings multiply, it might become more and more challenging to use software that only permits storing a certain amount of storage for your transactions and data on employees and clients. If you sense that you have reached the limit of your accounting software, then start browsing for an advanced and more accommodating one like Busy Software.
 Accounting has become time-consuming
Growing business operations means more financial responsibilities to keep a track of. If off lately, you have noticed that accounting activities take more time than usual because a whole lot of information has to be entered manually, then you should consider looking at other options. Look for accounting software like Busy Software that offers features such as total or partial automation of certain data like recurring bills and receipts. With minor tasks out of the picture, now your team can take care of more critical financial facts and figures. 
 No provision for reports
Storing data is not enough, you also need a sophisticated system that drafts reports on demand. Having access to reports gives you insights into your business activities and helps you to make necessary tweaks if you are overshooting your budget.
No real-time reporting
Real-time reporting allows you to collect all the latest information and interprets it as it is happening. The tool of real-time reporting can be extremely useful as it can help your team to take correct decisions under pressure. With obsolete software, you will end up wasting precious time as information is not processed and ready-to-use in the current time, increasing the chances of losing out on profitable prospects.
 Compromises security
If you are using outdated accounting software, then chances are that it lacks modern security features. This automatically puts your data at risk, making it vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Unfortunately, if your system is hacked, you can lose some critical and confidential data not only about your business operations but also your employees and customers. Not to mention, there is an obvious peril of unauthorized transactions that can have long-term implications on the financial health of the organization. Another downside of using outdated software is that it will ultimately become buggy and crash which again might lead to loss of crucial data.
 No integrations
These days there are so many third-party apps that can simplify a lot of tasks for you. Using old accounting software will restrict you from exploring these options because of which you can lose out on potential money-making opportunities. For instance, sophisticated accounting software like Busy Software offers to integrate with payment gateways so that you can accept online debit and credit transactions. 
 Your current software is standard
Ideally, your accounting software should be customizable according to your business needs. Standard tools might not offer you the real-time data and reports you need for your business. For instance, a restaurant business might need additional features like menu management, inventory management, staff shift schedules, etc. So, when you are shopping for new software, ensure that it suits the kind of business you’re in.
 No remote access
Accounting software with no remote access can cause a lot of inconveniences when you or your employees are traveling or working from home. Delays caused by this can unnecessarily bring down the productivity levels of your workplace. So, we think that you should invest in an accounting system that gives your team the flexibility to work from anywhere and from any device.
The right accounting software such as Busy Software can significantly improve all areas of your business. So if you find yourself and your team bogged down with an outdated system, it is time you make the move and embrace a new one.
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BUSY has been empowring all type of MSME by helping them manage not just their accounts but also other business process like inventory, Taxation, Order, Payroll And Customer and much more
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BUSY has been empowring all type of MSME by helping them manage not just their accounts but also other business process like inventory, Taxation, Order, Payroll And Customer and much more
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