styxvonstrange · 3 years
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Santa Muerte from "The Divine Wild: A Goddess Oracle" 🌙🌙
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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Feliz #diadelosmuertos ! Here are my pieces for the &Gallery Lore show last month! I had Día de Los Muertos in mind. Prints are available at &Gallery in Tucson!
Here are the saints of magia blanca (white magic) - Señora Santa Muerte and La Virgen de Guadalupe- whom both have powers of healing and protection. I hope everyone can remember their loved ones fondly in these two days of celebration!
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
Hello loves!!
My friend's (16+)discord The Graveyard is an awesome space to join and just vibe. No crazy requirements, no toxicity, just a 100% open, positive and inclusive space to talk about anything and everything.
We welcome:
LGBTQ+, Systems, Artists, Furries, Witches, Gamers, Streamers, 420 folk, etc.
We have channels for anything and everything you could think of and would love to have you be a part of it.
I'm a mod there, so @ me if you need help or have questions!
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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A custom full length rosary I made a while back! I still have a few of these ready to go in my Etsy store, but if you are interested in one created specifically for you don't hesitate to shoot me a message!
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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One of the Goetic demons of Hell and a King, under the command of Lucifer. This information was shared to me by Asmodeus and is also my own experiences through working with this marvelous being. 
Some of his other names: Asmoday, Sidonay, Proteus
Rulerships: Valour, courage, inner-strength, dedication, protection, compassion, healing, destruction, passion, sex, desire, willpower, and other matters of the heart
History: Asmodeus is one of the many ancient gods who pledged themselves to Lucifer, to serve him in his Kingdom after the Rebellion against the Abrahamic god. Lucifer is the divine Light of Creation who led the way for freedom and empowered the other deities who followed him. Asmodeus as a god is connected to the land of Sidon and is a Lord of the Seas. He is also very close to his King and Queen- Lucifer and Lilith, for they see each other as family.
Rank: King
Elements: Water and Air
Colours: Black, red, and silver
Appearance: A strong and tall young man with shoulder-length black hair, fiery yellow eyes (like burning embers), black draconic wings, and ram horns. He goes into battle with staff or sword commonly, but sometimes with a mace. The dragon he is sometimes seen riding is a trusted friend of his from ages past. He can also appear as a bull or ram, which are aspects of his. His traditional art which shows him as having three heads is simply a symbolization of this.
Personality: Asmodeus is full of warmth, smiling often. He has very brotherly and patient energy, willing to do just about anything for those he holds dear. He is tremendously strong at heart and holds a great deal of wisdom and compassion, helping all those who are in need. Asmodeus has taught me many wondrous things and has helped me so much in my path, supporting me and guiding me onwards. He also feels war-like, but in a way that is similar to heroism. His darker side, however, is called Asmodai, one of the most destructive and terrifying of all the demons. When enraged, he becomes as if he is the very embodiment of wrath, and annihilates any who dare insult or threaten he or his loved ones.
Overall, Asmodeus is a master of emotions and knows how to rapidly gain favour by playing to the emotions of crowds, masses, or even single persons. He doesn’t have to lie, he simply uses emotional reasoning to appeal to peoples’ hearts in order to be convincing. Asmodeus tends to be very kind-hearted, loyal, passionate, and steadfast; he is of a true noble heart and is excellent when it comes to healing others. 
How to call him: Speak to Asmodeus as you would with any other god, be polite and considerate. Contact him through telepathically speaking in your mind, directing the words to him (you can do this verbally, but if malicious spirits hear, they may pretend to be him). When inviting a Goetic demon to you, try to dress well for them since they are divine and royalty.
What he can do: Asmodeus can help in gaining inner-strength, courage, perseverance, creating compassion between foes and friends, protection, the healing of emotional pain, destruction of abusers, justified revenge, and so much more.
His Enn (for meditation or devotion):  “Ayer avage aloren Asmoday aken”
Offerings: naturally made lemonade (pure lemons squeezed with some water and a dash of spearmint), absinthe, Jack Daniels no7, sweet wine, spiced rum, lemonade, goat meat, steak, chestnuts, pineapples, lemons, limes, apricots, honey, chocolate with rum, orchids, sunflowers, roses, axes, maces, ornate swords, ivory tusks, bull horns, ram horns, ibex horns, narwhal horns, gold foil in oil, rubies, peridots, carnelians, and black or red candles. Incense of Mastiq resin + benzoin + vanilla.
*He also deeply appreciates the energy of love as an offering
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
Santa Muerte "Pray for Us"
Available soon, follow on Instagram for giveaways
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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Mictlantecuhtli 🙏🏽💀💐
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
Devotional Acts to Death/Chthonic Deities
These are just suggestions. Adapt to your own personal needs.
Have a saving account!
Clean up graves
Read the history of your culture
Volunteer at hospices and end of life planning
Sign up for organ donation
Write a will/last testament
Create a memento mori
Trace ancestry (if possible)
Ancestor altars
Legacy Projects
Visiting Memoirs
Reading/writing poetry about death
Read books/articles on death and funeral traditions: - What happens to the body after death? By Maria Cohurt - Forensic Entomology: The Use of Insects in Death Investigations by Dr. Gail Anderson - ‘Death: a graveside companion’ by Joanna Ebenstein and Will Self - ‘Western attitudes to death from the Middle Ages to the present’ by Philippe Ariès - ‘A social history of dying’ by Allan Kellehear - ‘Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory’ by Caitlin Doughty - 'From Here to Eternity: Travelling the World to Find the Good Death’ by Caitlin Doughty - 'Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers’ by Mary Roach - 'Past Mortems: Life and Death Behind Mortuary’ by Carla Valentine - 'All That Remains: A Life in Death’ by Sue Black - 'Written In Bone: Hidden Stories in What We Leave Behind’ by Sue Black - 'Holding Space: On Loving, Dying, and Letting Go’ by Amy Wright Glenn - 'Being Mortal: Illness, Medicine and What Matters in the End’ by Atul Gawande - 'Traditions of Death and Burial’ by Dr Helen Frisby - 'The Adult Orphan Club: How I Learned to Grieve the Loss of My Parents’ by Flora Baker - 'Caring for the Dying: The Doula Approach to a Meaningful Death’ by Henry Fersko-Weiss
Video research: Demystifying Medical Aid in the Dying: Family Voices (part 1) Demystifying Medical Aid in the Dying: Family Voices (part 2) Why You Need to Plan Ahead for Death, with Alua Arthur
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
Theoi Summary - Thanatos
Θανατος (tha-na-tos) - Thanatos God of non-violent death Chthonic Daimon
Symbols: Sword, inverted torch, theta (θ), wreath Animals: Butterfly Colors: Black Plants/Herbs: Poppy, cypress Stones/Crystals: Black stones
Retinue: N/A Relations: Nyx (mother), Erebos (sometimes father), Hypnos (twin brother), Keres (sisters) Identified with: Mors (Roman), Letum (Roman)
Festivals: N/A
Epithets: Paeon (Healer/Striker)
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
Prayers I Make to Hekate, Goddess of Witchcraft 💀🪦🕯
Madame Hekate is my Patroness, and I pray to her almost every night. I may not pray for all of these things in one night but, I pray for them in the need of times.
Hekate is not only the Goddess of Witchcraft. She is a chthonic deity, aiding in the afterlife of the dead. She represents necromancy, dogs, cats, snakes, crows, owls, eagles, crossroads/doors (can equal each other), and so much more.
That every door I open, every path I take leads me to safety and a valuable lesson on my journey throughout life.
My beloved dog to remain safe outside, healthy, to rest well at night, and to stay for as long as she can.
The dog I puppysit for to receive anxiety relief, to be able to relax, and comfort as she sleeps through the night. (She has major anxiety issues)
The stray cats I help care for to have a dry and warm covering, find some sort of food, have a source of water, and to remain warded from predator animals and moving vehicles.
To all the spirits who passed this day and night, unwilling to cross over, lost, not missed by their families or people who never knew them. I pray for them to return to her to find their way home.
When a person/animal I find out passes, I pray they go to Hekate to find their away across the veil and do not remain lost if they are.
For safety, every single night. No harm done to my home or my loved ones. My family to make it through the night and to rest as well as I possibly can.
To warn me if something is to go wrong. If my family is in trouble, if an evil kiss was sent my way, and so forth.
To protect me from the dark, unknown entities, and all of the things I am afraid of. Not only protect me, but help prove to me that there is nothing to be afraid of at all. The night is peaceful for many creatures. She is apart of the night, I have no reason to be afraid.
Hekate grants my prayers if they’re genuine and needed. She knows what’s best for me and my journey. She’d never do anything to harm me, scare me, or make me fearful of her as my Patroness. I know she is here to hold my hand throughout this life, along with my Patron, Lucifer.
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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looking into infinity | itseriksen
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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Hail Hecate by IrenHorrors
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
Man-Eater Epithets of Hekate
This is by no means all her epithets, or in any particular order; just epithets I love that I had to share. TW: mentions of death, blood, murder.
aimopotis; blood-drinker/murderer
androphonos; killer of men
antaia; enemy of mankind
aoroboros; devourer of the untimely dead
borborophorba; eater of filth
brimo; angry one/terrifying
damasandra; dominator of men
damnodamia; subduer of subduers
kapetoktypos; tomb-disturber
kardiodiatos; heart-eater/feasting on men's hearts
katakampsypsaychenos; bender of proud necks
meisoponeros; vice-hating
oletis; destroyer
oxythymia; gallows/quick to anger
phthorenes; ruin-bringer/corrupter
thanategos; death-bringer
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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Daughter of the Night by ghostdottir
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊; 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈🔮🖤
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styxvonstrange · 3 years
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I did a thing.
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