subcutaneous-heat · 5 days
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subcutaneous-heat · 1 month
dear people with OCD: the next time you have spiraling & intrusive thoughts, what-ifs, or catastrophizing scenarios, I am sending a cardigan-wearing 46-year old NYU professor directly into your brain and he says "Aaaaand scene!!!" and he claps his hands slowly. and he says "Wow. Wow. Powerful stuff. Evocative imagery. A little bit post-modern, a little bit hysterical realism in the vein of Don Delilo but let's pause right here." and you will recognize your thoughts as a perplexing avant-garde film shown to an audience of 15 liberal arts students who are now trying to get a good grade and sleep with their professor.
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
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I been forgetting to upload this guy to tumblr but here ya go! My favorite and first dnd oc! Clayton McElroy! He is a half elf half ghost cowboy arcane ranger and his back story is... pretty dark. I'll probably write a summary of it some day under a post but until then, have his ref sheet! I'll probably share more stuff of him in the future whenever I get the chance!
Anyway, some small facts about him!
- He's 6'5 (6'6 with hie boots)
- He's 67 in human Years but like mid 30s early 40s in half elf years
- He's a Bounty Hunter
- He's demsexual and biromantic like any cowboy should. Also poly curious.
- He has a horse named Black Betty who is a big black Friesian mare. She only likes him.
- He was a DILF. (My friends call him a DILF, I am not attracted to him like THAT-)
- He used to be a red head.
- He tends to put on a stoic facade but is actually a really sweet and kind person. He tries his best to do the right thing.
Anyway, hope yall like him!
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
Actually, the "F" on my passport is for faggot, not female.
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
(driving home from work) i must not kill myself. killing myself is the myself killer. i will— (sees a guy jogging shirtless and he’s all sweaty) Woaw i wish I lived in his armpit (crashes car into telephone pole)
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
in the tags
say what you think prev's url means
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
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Miss ma’am. Why is your face?
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
being self aware suuuucks like yeah this thought pattern/behavior is stupid and pointless and a symptom. i know this. [does it anyways
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
i love being transgender. i hate the way im treated for being transgender but i love being transgender and i'll love being transgender until the day i die.
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
I'm 33.
Side note, isn't it so weird to be a wholly different age from your host. Fellow associates 🤨
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
reblog to give warm bread to your mutuals
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
hate the phrase 'baked goods' just a reminder that all my baking fucking sucks. my baked bads
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
evrybody hate me and want me dead. except for god he said faggot! you will live forever
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subcutaneous-heat · 2 months
trying to seductively get on my knees for you but my knees crack so loud it echoes and i’m stuck there for five minutes
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subcutaneous-heat · 3 months
Person who wants to do stuff trapped in a body that needs to lie down
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