subdanny · 23 days
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subdanny · 2 months
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A proper prostate Milking ( while in Chastity )
1. Insert Large Butt Plug to apply pressure on the prostate.
2. With subject laying on their back and legs spread open place Vibrator behind subjects penis.
3. Apply pressure with Vibrator rolling from penis to anus in a circular motion.
4. The subject will begin to feel their orgasm build just as if you were edging them.
5. In about 5 - 6 minutes the subject’s cum will begin to Ooze out of his chastity cage. Keep rolling until cum stops oozing. With all the cum drained out, the subject will still be extremely horny and sensitive. Even though the subject has been completely drained of cum they will still feel as if they are on the edge of an orgasm that will never come.
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Hardmasterfist is not a slave! Hardmasterfist does not need a mistress. Hardmasterfist trains Beta boys to embrace theirs true Sissy Selfs. Helping them to release their inhibitions and become the perfect Sissy.
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subdanny · 2 months
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I’m just curious about my followers, please indulge me
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subdanny · 2 months
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Mal ein paar Dinge durch den Kopf gehen lassen - in aller Ruhe und völlig isoliert 🖤
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subdanny · 2 months
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subdanny · 3 months
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subdanny · 3 months
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subdanny · 3 months
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subdanny · 4 months
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1. Allows her to her decide who will drive, whether on the road, or in the bedroom.
2. A clean home and good personal hygiene are high priorities for him.
3. Is very respectful towards all women, but only worships his Domme, putting her above all others.
4. Doesn’t expect his Domme to be a fetish dispenser for his kinks.
5. Can cook delicious, healthy meals and is always willing to try new recipes.
6. Tries to remain electronically available to his Domme at all times and physically available, job permitting.
7. Fiercely defends his Domme’s honor if someone talks about her behind her back.
8. Makes her feel worshipped, loved, and wanted the most when she is at her worst.
9. Allows her to make the rules for their relationship and fully accepts the consequences for breaking them.
10. Expresses his desire for her but never expects her to have sex with him.
11. Would rather lay around and fantasize about his Domme than ever watch porn.
12. Is eager to learn how to pleasure his Domme better instead of assuming his technique is good enough.
13. He keeps no secrets from her, informing her of his thoughts, his actions, and his feelings regularly.
14. Knows that his Domme will need aftercare too, and ensures she gets it.
15. Isn’t too proud to beg and grovel, and will do so if he knows that she enjoys it.
16. Understands his own need to submit and is comfortable remaining in a submissive role.
17. Is content being entirely sexually dependant on her while accepting her right to sexual independance.
18. Appreciates her dressing sexy for him but never expects it. His submission to her doesn’t change with her clothing choices.
19. Understands the male ego can be a detriment to her authority and accepts whatever steps she takes to diminish it in a harmless way(loving humiliation).
20. Informs her once of his kinks and desires then lets her decide if these should be included in their relationship. He never pushes them on her.
21. He is service oriented and one of his main goals in life is to make his Domme’s life easier. He allows her to decide the division of labor in the household.
22. Reassures his Domme often that her authority is accepted, respected, and wanted.
23. He helps her build and strengthen her dominance. He knows that acting bratty too often can make his Domme question her authority over him which detracts from their female-led relationship.
24. Allows her to speak for the couple and lead their conversations in public. He never contradicts her, projecting to all others a strong, united front on any subject. If he disagrees about something, it will be discussed later in private.
25. Remains sober at parties to be the designated driver so that his Domme may indulge herself.
26. Once absolute trust is established between them, he accepts her physical restraints or confinements without question or hesitation.
27. Gives her his complete, undivided attention with eyes on her whenever she speaks, unless it is unsafe to do so (while driving).
28. Knows his worth and doesn’t need constant reassurance to feel secure in the relationship.
29.  Accepts her discipline amiably when she decides he needs it and thanks her afterwards for teaching him to be a better sub.  
30. Knows how to use his safe-words and safe-gestures confidently so that his Domme doesn’t have to worry constantly about pushing him too far. He knows and expresses his hard-limits.
31. He isn’t ashamed to cry or show emotion while alone with her.  
32. Accepts her teasing and humiliations genially as long as it isn’t harmful to his long term self image.
33. Does chores the way his Domme wants them done, even if it isn’t the best or most efficient way.    
34. Never uses sarcasm when he speaks to anyone, ever.
35. He knows that his Domme is human too, and will make mistakes while leading their relationship. He will respectfully accept her apologies and never hold them against her, assuming she learned from her mistakes.
36. If something in the relationship is really bothering him, he will ask for a meeting on equal terms and discuss the issue with his Domme in a calm, respectful manner, instead of keeping it to himself and secretly resenting her for it.
37. Knows that masturbation is bad for their relationship as it diminishes his desire for her and tries to curb it himself. He accepts any measures she takes to ensure it can’t happen (chastity).
38. Would happily forgo penetrative sex so that she wouldn’t have to remain on birth control if that is what’s best for her.
39. Always puts his Domme’s wants and needs first, but graciously   accepts when she decides the opposite.
40. Respects his Domme’s privacy and what goes on between them, stays between them.
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subdanny · 4 months
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Read the best cuckold stories on my Patreon page.
It's an honor to be able to worship your wife's pussy before she gets fucked by a superior man. It's an honor - and a thrill - to be able to participate in her pleasure in that way. That's why you should always jump at the chance to fall to your knees and use your talented tongue to get her all wet for him.
Related Story: A Dutiful Cuckold
There are so many fun ways for it to happen, too:
You fall to your knees in front of her. You eat her pussy while she and her bull kiss and touch each other.
You're on your back. She's sitting on your face. She has her bull's cock in her mouth. You get to watch her suck his dick while you worship her cunt.
She's in bed and making out with him. She's stroking his cock. She orders you between her legs to do your duty as a cuckold. You obey.
She's on her knees in your bed with her bull's dick in her mouth. You crawl behind her and lick her pussy until she's soaked. She crawls forward, you place him inside her, and she goes for a ride while you fall to your knees at the foot of the bed.
You worship her pussy before she leaves for her date. You turn her on and leave her wet. You get her all hot and bothered, making it far more likely that she tries to get her bull to fuck her in the restaurant bathroom or in the car ride on the way back to his place.
She lounges in her lingerie and enjoys a glass of champagne while you dutifully worship her pussy as her bull drives to your place for date night.
You wait outside the bedroom while they fool around. When she's ready, she calls you in to get her pussy nice and wet. When you're done, you're banished to the hallway once more she can have private time with her bull.
What would be your preferred way of getting your wife's pussy nice and wet before her bull fucks her?
Please visit my Patreon page if you want more cuckold stories, captions, tips, training advice, and more.
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subdanny · 5 months
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subdanny · 5 months
It’s my Birthday 🍻
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subdanny · 5 months
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subdanny · 6 months
10 Gebote männlicher Keuschheit
1.      Da deine Besitzerin jeden Teil von dir besitzt, hat sie das Recht zu bestimmen, welche Teile von dir wann benutzt werden. Daher hat sie das Recht, deine Genitalien in einem Gerät ihrer Wahl zu sichern, wann und wie lange sie will.
2.      Deine Besitzerin benötigt keinerlei Grund oder Rechtfertigung, deinen Schwanz in einen Keuschheitskäfig zu sperren. Die Tatsache, dass sie es will, ist Grund genug. Ob du das willst oder nicht, ist irrelevant.
3.      Du darfst nicht versuchen, den KG, den sie dir anlegt zu entfernen oder zu umgehen. Du hast mit deiner Besitzerin zu kooperieren, wenn sie die Vorrichtung anlegt, ihr zu helfen, deine Genitalien zu sichern und auf eventuelle Schwachstellen der Vorrichtung hinzuweisen, damit sichergestellt ist, dass sie funktioniert wie beabsichtigt.
4.      Du hast deinen Schambereich sauber und gepflegt zu halten, damit der Verschluss nicht an gesundheitlichen Gründen scheitert und sie dich so lange verschlossen lassen kann, wie sie will. Das beinhaltet auch, dich einem Melken der Prostata zu unterziehen, um dich innen sauber zu halten.
5.      Deine Besitzerin hat deine Genitalien verschlossen, um dich deiner Fähigkeit zu berauben, mit dir zu spielen oder eine Erektion oder einen Orgasmus herbeizuführen. Deine Genitalien existieren nicht länger zu deinem Vergnügen – sondern zu ihrem. Du trägst sie nur für sie herum. Wenn der Versuch, einen Ständer zu bekommen für dich unangenehm ist, dann versuche es eben nicht.
6.      Du bist verpflichtet, deine Besitzerin über deine Trageerfahrungen zu informieren. Du solltest oft auf deinen verschlossenen Bereich blicken und ihn berühren, damit du dich daran erinnerst, was du genießen durftest und was sie dir weggenommen hat. Lass sie wissen, wie sich das anfühlt. Sie genießt es, von deinen Leiden zu hören.
7.      Deine Besitzerin ist berechtigt, über deine Unfähigkeit, eine Erektion oder Befriedigung zu erlangen zu sticheln. Sie hat dir das weggenommen und möchte das genießen. Sie kann Befriedigung erlangen, wann immer sie will – du nicht. Blöde Sache. Sie findet das höchstwahrscheinlich sehr erheiternd.
8.      Du bist nicht berechtigt, deinen kastrierten Status geheim zu halten. Wenn sie deinen Zustand zeigen will, kann sie das tun. Ihre Freundinnen wird das wahrscheinlich ebenso erheitern.
9.      Deine Besitzerin ist berechtigt, dich zu stimulieren, sei es durch den befohlenen Genuss erotischen Materials, direkten Kontakt oder sonstiges. Das gibt ihr die Möglichkeit, die Tatsache zu genießen, dass du dadurch keine Befriedigung sondern nur Unbehagen erreichst. Das ist lustig.
10.  Du solltest Freude darüber empfinden, dass deine Besitzerin sich die Zeit nimmt, ihren Besitz zu kontrollieren und glücklich sein, dass du sie etwas erheiterst. Du sollst ihr immer dafür danken, dass sie dich sicher verschließt und sie wissen lassen, wie dankbar du bist, dass deine Genitalien verschlossen unter ihrer Kontrolle stehen. Du sollst immer glücklich sein, wenn sie beschließt, deine Verschlusszeit zu verlängern und ihr sagen, wie sehr du es magst, von ihr kontrolliert zu werden.
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subdanny · 6 months
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subdanny · 6 months
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subdanny · 6 months
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