subtlemike2 · 5 months
Hey, it's okay.  Don't worry.  It's all right if you aren't ready for anal yet.  I'm certainly not going to do it without your consent.  I'd never do that to you.  But it wouldn't be good for you to get in the habit of saying no to me, either, would it?  That wouldn't be good for either of us, and it'd be terrible for our relationship.
So here's what we're going to do - every night, I'm going to ask you if you're ready for me to fuck you in the ass.  I won't do it if you ask me not to.  It's entirely okay if you say you don't want it yet.  But every time you do, I'm going to spank you.  Just so you remember that it's not good to say no to me.
If you keep making me do it I'm going to have to get a little firmer each time, so you don't get used to it.  That means every time you say no I'm going to give you five more spanks than the time before.  If it takes a while and the number of spanks gets high enough that I'm worried I might hurt you, I'll take the count back down some and switch to spanking you with something else.  Maybe a spoon, then a paddle, then a belt.  Hopefully you'll be ready by then, but if you're not, that's fine.  We'll see where we can go from there.
Every night.
Just let me know when you're ready.  I can wait as long as you need me to.
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subtlemike2 · 5 months
Darling, I know you're scared, but if you keep trying to close your legs, I'm going to have to tie them open. I'm sure you don't want that. Can you be good or do I need to get the cuffs?
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subtlemike2 · 5 months
One of the wonderful things about transitioning trans men is that there's a certain point where fucking the front hole hurts them more than fucking them in the ass.
You get a man on testosterone, a lot of the time he's all dried up, not making his own lube anymore.  Often shrunk tight, too.
You get a man who's had hysto, he's almost definitely dry and tight, and probably shallow, too, so every thrust is a hit in the gut.
If you're fucking a woman in the front, you can only go a few minutes before she's all slippery and loose.  A man?  You can fuck him as long as you want, as many times as you want, he'll still be dry as sandpaper and tight as a virgin and crying like you're tearing him apart.
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subtlemike2 · 5 months
"I want to make sure you know this has nothing to do with you being trans.  I'm gay, if I thought you were a woman I wouldn't be fucking you.  This is because you, personally, are a fucktoy.  You were born a fucktoy and that's what you'll always be.  You were born without the right to say no, and everyone can see it.  That's why your boyfriend's helping me out here.  It's why even if someone hears you scream, it won't do you any good.  They'll come in and see a fucktoy getting fucked, just like it's supposed to.  Don't worry.  This'll always hurt, but eventually you'll get used to it and people won't have to hold you down anymore.  You'll be able to cry into your arms instead of someone's ass."
"As soon as I'm finished in here I'll show your boyfriend how to get this nice and red.  A fucktoy's ass should never be this pale.  He'll be keeping it rosy from now on.  Now take a deep breath.  I want to hear you howl when I go the rest of the way in."
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subtlemike2 · 5 months
The thing is, my dear, that neither gender nor sex decides who is meant to be a breeder, and who is meant to be bred.  I was born without a dick, but a parasite being inside me would be just as unnatural as for someone born with a dick.  But you - you may be as much a man as I am, but you were born to be bred.
You were born to be bred, whether you like it or not.  And I was born to breed you.  Whether you like it or not.  Whether you’re a man or not.  If I have to hold you down while you squirm and cry and beg, I don’t mind.  It’s only natural.  Do you think a pussycat likes being bred by a tomcat’s spiked cock?  If I have to hobble you like a broodmare, strap you down like a breeding bitch, that’s my right and I’m happy to take it.  It’s how you were meant to be used.
Of course, my built-in equipment makes things a bit tricky.  That’s all right.  There are plenty born with dicks who were meant to be bred too, whose lives - just like yours - are worth little more than their fertility, taken by force if need be.  It won’t be any trouble to milk them of their worth and use it for you.
Ah, then.  That’s what I’ll do with you, my sweet little broodboy.  I’ll force your legs apart and tie them like a cow.  Open that hole between your thighs and fill it.  I won’t get any physical pleasure, no, but that’s not what matters, is it?  Just that we both fill our purpose.  Me filling your fertile little hole and you, broodboy, you spending the next nine months full to bursting, while your body works for me, obedient to me regardless of your desires.  (I will enjoy it, of course.  The stud always has more fun than the bitch.)
It’s okay - I don’t mind if you cry or beg or scream.  No one pays attention to the bleating of a goat on the breeding rack.
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subtlemike2 · 5 months
Hey, honey, what’s the matter?  I thought you wanted to have sex.  We said we were ready to take the next step.  Are you not ready after all?
...You want me to what?  Oh, sweetheart!  I’m gay.  Of course I’m not going to fuck you there.  If you wanted somebody to use that hole, you’re going to need to find someone else.
It’s perfectly all right that you’ve never had someone in your ass, I’m very happy I get to be your first.  It’s sad, though, that you’ve never slept with someone who properly respected you as a man before.  Straights, huh?  I guess it happens to a lot of trans guys before we come out.  I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that.
Shhh, shhh.  It’s okay, I know it hurts a little your first time.  Just stay still, you’re doing so well for me.  Don’t feel shy, it’s perfectly natural to cry, this is a really big step for you, you’re finally losing your virginity as a man!  It’s emotional, I know, sweetest.  I’m so happy I got to share something so special with you.  
You’re alright, baby, just relax, it’ll go easier.  Shh, you’re alright.
That’s my good boy.  
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subtlemike2 · 5 months
I'd like to take a big, masc trans man, and have him kneel in front of me while I carefully apply eyeshadow - not to feminize him, but so that I can watch it run when I make him cry.
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subtlemike2 · 5 months
I adore spreader gags and ring gags.  There's always an element of throatfucking that feels a bit false - if they really were as desperate and upset as all that, they could simply, you know, bite down at any time.  There's a certain degree to which, if you have someone's most sensitive organ between your apex-predator-teeth, you're always the one in power.
But a spreader gag - that actually takes away that power.  It makes your most important hole, the one you need to breathe, the one you depend on for life, the easiest entry you've got.  I can shove anything I want in there at any time and there is nothing whatsoever their bodies can do to stop me, not even a muscle offering the token resistance of an ass or cunt.
I could just leave their mouth held wide open so I have immediate hole access anytime I feel like it, or slide a dildo down so I can watch their throat bulge while there's absolutely nothing they can do but cry.  Set them down under my desk while I read and rest my cock in their mouths while their jaws ache more and more, but they can't do anything to relieve that pain, reduced really, truly, to just a helpless hole.
The vulnerability of having your mouth gaped open, so someone could just reach in and access your esophagus, your trachea, and even if your body becomes controlled completely by instinct as you suffocate or gag there's nothing your panicked body can do, your last, most primitive weapon taken from you -
Well.  It's delicious.
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subtlemike2 · 5 months
Tomcat is his master's personal pet, pampered and cared for like the expensive prize showpiece he is.  Delicate structure, perfect conformation, an ideal temperament.  Tomcat came from the finest bloodlines, and, of course, his master's investment depends on those bloodlines being carried on.
Tomcat is handed off to a tech at the facility, and she smiles down at the sweet, obedient little catboy as he walks nicely at heel through the halls.  He only begins to shy away when he sees the stocks.  He's been put in stocks for unpleasant veterinary procedures a couple of times before.  A catboy as well behaved as Tomcat is rarely restrained; stocks means something he doesn't want any part of.
A quick snap of the leash jerking at his collar brings him back to heel.
He's lifted onto the table, his collar is hooked to a loose strap on the stocks.  "Down," the tech commands him, and he rearranges himself onto all fours.  He's slow and reluctant, but the tech waits patiently.  His legs are pulled so they're held open by the poles of the stocks, and he whines.  The tech shushes him and rubs his ears.
A gentle press between his shoulder blades drops him onto his elbows, and his arms are quickly snapped into soft cuffs.  His legs are tugged about a bit more to get them in postition for padded straps to be pulled securely around his thighs.
The tech steps away to do something out of sight.  He tucks his tail tightly down, wrapping all the way down across his hole to his stomach.
The tech turns back around and tsks.  She tugs his tail back and tightens something around it, pulls it up and clips it to a pole of the stocks.  It makes his rear ache just a little.  He tries to shift into a position where his tail is at a less sharp angle, but held between the straps arouns his thighs and the taut tail he can barely even wiggle.
"Aw, I know, sweetie, but if you're going to get your tail in the way like that, it's going to be very hard for us to work.  We don't want anyone getting hurt, yeah?  You're okay, shh."
Her hand moves from petting his hair to pressing on the small of his back, and the other hand tightens the strap attached to his collar, and he's bent into a tight arch.  The collar presses against his throat and the ache at the base of his spine gets a little worse.  The table is hard against his elbows and he wants to go back to his soft warm bed.
There's a rattling behind him and he feels a vibration as something's clipped onto the stocks, and then there's a hand holding his cheeks a little more open as something hard presses against his back hole.  He yelps and tries to jerk forward and just ends up yanking at his throat and tail.
"It's okay, it's just a little nozzle.  You're a good boy, stay still."
The thing presses further in and he squirms as much as he can.  Then there's a click and something hot starts going into his belly.  The tech checks everything, readjusts the thing in his hole a bit, and steps away.
She starts looking at paperwork as his belly fills up more and more.  It starts to be uncomfortable and then its starts to hurt, and he whines as his tummy swells.  He's all full up and a cramp makes him try to curl up around his belly but he just hurts his throat and tail again.  The tech glances up for a moment and then back down at the papers.
There's no more flowing in but there couldn't be because he's already more than full, and he clenches his behind as the need to empty himself out fights against his house-training.  He's a good boy, he's trusted in his master's beautiful living room, on its beautiful carpets.
He squirms and clenches and whines and finally the tech comes back to the table.  She puts her hand gently against his belly, where his normally lean smooth stomach is hanging heavy.
"You're such a sweet little thing, you were very good.  And look, that's what it'll look like when you're full of kittens!"
She pulls the thing out of his back hole and tells him to Go and he lets all the water out into a bucket and it hurts on the way out, too, his stomach cramping again to empty him out.  She pats him dry with a towel and then wipes him with a bit of alcohol.  The smell makes his nose twitch.
Her fingers press against his front hole and then pull it open.  That's more familiar, the vet checks him there every time.  He doesn't like it but he knows it doesn't hurt.
Something cold goes where her fingers were and he starts to jerk forward yet again but stops himself.  The tech has her hand full holding him open and holding the cold thing and she's too focused to reassure him.  The thing is pushed inside him and it pinches uncomfortably and he realises it's that thing that stretches his hole out.  He hates that thing.  When they used it the first time was one of the times he'd been put in stocks before.  After the first time he just had to have his legs held and a tight hold on his leash.  He tried to  be good.  He just hated that thing.
It starts opening and pulling his hole open with it and the stretch aches.  He closes his eyes and waits for it to be over.  She's going to reach in and it's going to pinch and then she'll close it back up and take it out and it'll be awful but it'll be over soon.
It starts opening more.  It's never stretched him open this much and it hurts more and more, it hurts hurts hurts and he feels a tear going down his cheek and his ears are pulled miserably flat against his head.  It aches but also it's sharp and it hurts.  It holds him open forever before finally closing up and pulling out.  It drags against the sensitive skin as it comes out.  His hole doesn't close all the way even after the thing is out.
"Okay, sweetie.  The vet's going to be here in just a minute."
She loosens the strap attached to his collar and he gratefully unbends his back.  He looks down at the table.  His legs are still held firmly apart and he can feel the breeze going up inside his slightly-open hole.
After another forever the vet comes.  He glances at Tomcat just for a moment to check he's still properly secured then turns to the paperwork.  He shuffles through it and mutters a bit.
He walks quickly to Tomcat without looking at Tomcat's face or talking to him or patting him.  His collar is pulled back again and his back bends down.  The vet walks behind him and there's a metal rattle of tools.
Then a hand pulls at the lips on the sides of his front hole, not quite roughly but not gently.  A finger dips into the hole and then his cheeks are held open and another finger is dipped into his back hole.
There's another rattle and then yet another thing is being pushed into him, into his back hole.  It's about the same size as the nozzle had been but instead of stopping a bit inside him it keeps going and there's a pain inside him as it gets deep.  It finally stops going in but then he hears the vet turn away and the thing is left inside him and that pain up in his innards doesn't go away.
Something else goes into his front hole, and with that hole already stretched open so much earlier it doesn't feel big but again it keeps going in and in and IN.  It has to be past his belly button and it hits what feels like a wall inside him and there's a sharp pain and he jerks forward.  His breath is cut off and his tail hurts but it can't be supposed to go that far in, it's going to injure him, he knows it is!  He's a good boy, they couldn't be doing this on purpose!
The vet pulls back on his thighs and pulls him back into position against the stocks and he cries.  They want him to hurt.  He's a good boy and if they want him to hurt he will but he doesn't understand, and it hurts in places he didn't know could hurt.
The things in both his holes are wiggled around and each wiggle hurts more, it feels like they're making bruises inside him.  Finally there's some sort of pop inside him and the thing in his front hole pushes forward again a few inches.  The vet sighs and the wiggling stops.  Tomcat pants in relief.  There's a sound and then he feels like he's being filled up again but not in the same way as before.  It's not as much this time.
The  things are pulled out, the smooth, hard plastic sliding out through his holes.  The liquid inside him stays inside.  It's a good thing there's not as much of it as before.
A few clinks behind him and then the hand's back at his front hole.  It's had so much in it today, and he's so tired.  He stays still.  Fingers go in.
The fingers go further, and it makes the ache from when he was stretched before come back.  The fingers press against the sides of his front hole and he gives a quiet whimper.  Then the fingers start going deeper and there's more of the hand and now it's stretching even further than the cold thing before and it feels like he's tearing and it's SO BIG and he yowls and kicks.
The thigh restraints keep him from kicking more than his foot but he kicks out at the vet and he tries to pull from side to side and then there's a sharp slap on his rear.
He freezes.
The hand's in him so so far, and it's enormous, and he knows his belly is bulging out again, and he cries.  He stays still and tries not to tighten around the huge thing inside him and mewls and cries.
The hand moves around in his guts for a while and then finally, finally pulls out.  He aches and his front hole is wide open even with nothing in it and everything hurts all the way from his chest down.
He tried to kick someone.  Maybe he isn't a good boy.  Maybe that's why they're hurting him.
The vet loosens him so his head can come down, and unclips his tail, and he collapses as far down as he can, his head against his arms.
The vet gives him a firm pat on the shoulders and leaves as the tech comes back in.
She coos at him and brushes some of the tears off his face before moving behind him.  She starts to wipe his sore sore holes clean, gently.
"Aww, poor baby.  I bet that wasn't fun.  But you're going to have such beautiful kittens."
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subtlemike2 · 5 months
I want to kneel under a desk and cockwarm a trans man. His dick down my throat for hours, him not getting any physical pleasure from it, just the pleasure of hearing me gag when he thrusts forward every so often, just because he's bored. Sometimes reaching below the desk and holding my head down on his never-ending erection just because he can. The darkness and boredom with nothing to focus on but the silicone in my mouth and the ache in my jaw, never knowing when it'll be broken up by desperate choking for breath.
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