successisnotadream · 2 years
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There is no secret to success turned 12 today!
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successisnotadream · 5 years
I just got back from a cruise every business owner needs to go on a cruise and take notes on the customer service they provide and how they up sell their products that is how it’s done folks .... Phil
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successisnotadream · 5 years
Don’t run with a new business idea....it is to easy to trip and fall instead head out at a steady pace eyes up big strides eyes on goal .... wear comfortable shoes sometimes it takes time to make things happen ... be very patient no business just happens overnight.....ask for advice even if it cost you for professional advice it is too easy to get caught up in our own dream when sometimes we need a reality check ....Starting a new business is not for wimps .
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successisnotadream · 5 years
To make bread you need dough.
Dough doesn’t just happen on its own you can’t just grab a some dough out of your fridge and make bread , someone has to make the dough first .... so many people just want the bread in business without the effort of making the dough first ,making the dough is the most important part there is steps there is ingredients there is failure but after awhile you have a little dough to make bread .... Success is a recipe you just need to follow it closely...
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successisnotadream · 5 years
Keep your head in the game and your eye on the score
Philip Hunter
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successisnotadream · 5 years
Focus adjust.... Focus adjust .....
We need to Focus every day on what’s happening inside our business everyday take the time to get a clear vision what is happening in the business every aspect right down to the smallest things , So easy to focus on competitors and what they are doing we can lose focus on our own business .... I always say set the benchmark make the competition lose focus on what they are doing . Sometimes we need to take a step back and look from the outside in see what others are seeing to get a real clear picture you don’t want a filter on the real picture of your business.........
#nofilterneeded #success #business #haveagoodday
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successisnotadream · 5 years
“Be like a postage stamp, stick to one thing until you get there.” - Josh Billings
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successisnotadream · 5 years
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
— Lao Tzu (via philosophyquotes)
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successisnotadream · 5 years
Set goals
Setting goals in your personal life and business life is very important .....reaching those goals is a must ,make your goals reachable then set new ones if you set the bar two high it just brings discouragement .... set it to low and it brings discouragement ... set it so you have to stretch all you have to touch it ... then a new height can be set #settinggoals #setthebar #encouraged
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successisnotadream · 5 years
If it’s not black it’s white
You need the contrast to see things very cleary as simple as black and white is ,it will always be black and white ..... but if you throw a splash of colour in the mix it totally changes the picture don’t be afraid to change the picture ....
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successisnotadream · 5 years
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successisnotadream · 5 years
“Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.”
— Les Brown via @thenocertainty
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successisnotadream · 5 years
A life line won’t save a sinking ship however it will save a life
Philip Hunter
#business #success #thankyou
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successisnotadream · 5 years
Customer always right ?
Who said the customer is always right? This statement has caused a lot of stress and frustration to small business owners the customer is not always right , but they are the one standing with money in hand going to pay you .
Remember every customer big or small is very ,very important to your business I never go with the approach that a customer is always right but I do go with the attitude of total customer satisfaction a happy customer is a returning customer.
#customer #success #businessadvice #keephonest
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successisnotadream · 5 years
Customer service is #1 in business a real close 2nd is Employee service .
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successisnotadream · 5 years
If you Put all your eggs in one basket the hardest part is not breaking one
Philip Hunter
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successisnotadream · 14 years
Do you have what it takes to run a business ?
So you want to start a business ? Here is some questions to look over just to see if you have it In you to be a business owner. 1. How well do you run your own personal life do you struggle along ? 2.How well do you handle stress? 3.How well do you get along with others ? 4.Do you have any problems starting and finishing projects ? 5.Do you think all business owners are wealthy ? 6. Are you thinking of this business just to get wealthy? 7. You think it will be easier to be your own boss instead of taking orders from a boss ? 8.Can you stay very calm in emergency situations ? 9.How is your anger managment ? 10.This is a very important question ,do you believe in yourself and your ideas ?                                              
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