sucheonstherapist · 2 months
Sometimes, I catch myself judging others, but then realize that I'm the one who has a blog dedicated to a fictional man who hasn't shown up in well over 100 chapters 😔.
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sucheonstherapist · 3 months
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a timeline of falling asleep in a family of insomniacs
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sucheonstherapist · 3 months
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29K notes · View notes
sucheonstherapist · 3 months
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Current mood
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sucheonstherapist · 3 months
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expression practice with the little emo guy
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sucheonstherapist · 3 months
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cell shading! (dies over and over and over and over)
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sucheonstherapist · 4 months
💫🌷I'm into you Pt 4•°
Synopsis: Sucheon Kang is your admirer, the way he shows you affection however is in such an odd way... A grumpy(?) Kind of way. At first you thought he was just trying to be more nicer to people not until you noticed that he's only acting this way to you.
You as: Anon [Anonymous]
It has been an hour or so since Sucheon left your place. The spice of the Tteokboki from earlier lingered on your tongue, the tranquil silence seemingly filled your ears, and the dim yellow lighting stained the white ceiling of your home like ink on paper. The soft smooth material of the couch your body rested upon felt like soft snow underneath you, the coldness of your abode was oddly comforting like the sound of rain.
Your phone buzzed against the wooden material of the table in front of the couch you lay upon—the silence breaking for a split moment, the oddly tranquil state of nothing in your head vanishing into existence. Sucheon sent you a message. You picked up your phone and opened the message.
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"Having the time of your life aren't you?" Sucheon teased, looking at them with a small grin plastered on his face as they took pictures of the scenery before them. "I sure am!" They happily exclaimed, smiling at him.
The way their hair gently danced with the wind as it blew through.. The rays of the setting sun kissing their skin.. Their smile radiant and vibrant like a carefree childhood dream.. Their eyes so full of life and emotion that it just makes you feel so complete, so alive.. so... real... It's like heaven taking a human form, and wherever they go that place is heaven on earth, a paradise so true.
[Snap!] The sound caught you off guard, it was definitely the sound of a camera shutter, although it didn't came from yours. You turned around came face to face with Sucheon holding up a camera similar to the one he got you but in a different color.
He noticed the surprised look on your face, "Thought we could match so I got one for myself." A complete smile plastered on his face for the first time, A smile so fresh and sweet that honey and the freshest fruit you could ever have could never compare to. A sight to behold. "And... Photography seems enjoyable."
You smiled. [Snap!] Sucheon blinked in surprise, "What was that for?". "You took a picture of me without me knowing, its only fair I take a pic of you too." He chuckled, "Touché". He snapped another photo of you.
The rain poured down from the sky heavily, your weather app is one big liar for telling you that it would be a breezy sunny day—hence, you didn't bring an umbrella. "Man this sucks..." You thought, sighing as you took your phone out from your pocket—contacting Subin when..
"Bus stop?"
"Oh—Sucheon.. and yeah, bus top."
He opened his umbrella and held his hand out to you, "I'll walk you there." You took his hand and walked with him. He stayed you till your bus arrived and offered his umbrella for you to use since it was still raining.
"What will you use if I use your umbrella then?"
"I have this." He took out the jacket you lent him before from his bag, smiling. [See part 3]
You chuckled, "Okay.. Thanks a lot, Sucheon.", He flashed you yet another smile as you boarded the bus.
When you got home, your blew up with text messages from Subin and Jisuk... though most of it just them fighting, again.
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"Though I will admit... I think I'm starting to like him.."
Suman knocked on the door of his Nephews room before opening the door and heading in, " 'Cheon I'm going out, you want som-..." He stopped in his tracks, There he is again... Suman thought, looking at his nephew staring off into space again. Sucheon suddenly smiled and rolled over, lying down on his stomach and hugging his pillow. What the hell is happening to my nephew? Staring off into space is rather okay but what now?! Oh no... He couldn't have grown delusional because of what he's going through can he? Did I just fail as a father figure and an uncle?! Suman then noticed a picture of someone pinned on the wall just by his nephew's desk. Ahhh.... Suman walked over to Sucheon and poked his side, "WHAT THE FUCK-!" Sucheon jolted away, "Oh- Hey Unc.." He grew composed, "Hey lover boy I'm going out, want something?" "I'm not a lover-" Suman shushed him repeatedly, his pointer finger extended. "You don't have to hide anything or someone from me, you can always trust me, hmm? Now, want anything?" Sucheon blinked, "Fried chicken...?". Suman nodded with a smile, "Okay", He left the room. "What the hell was that...?"
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He really did adore it, for every time you saw him—the bracelet is on his wrist. He wore it everywhere he went.
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—To be continued....
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sucheonstherapist · 4 months
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I've never watched the anime but maybe I will idrk
Look up your name in the gifs and show the first gif that comes up
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@absurdumsid @inka-boi @childofthest4rzz @tobi-draws @largefound
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sucheonstherapist · 4 months
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Added two cuz why not
@hykar @honestlyautomaticchaos @littlekohai77 @0hitandmiss0 @clockwork-freminet @star0dusterhouse
picrew chain!!!
Do your irl self and your favorite color in the background! Using this picrew
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And don't forget to tag some folks!
@the-worm-machine @tarnacop-machine @pagenysaxiphoner @sweet-mango-child @n3komachine @bobanchikn
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sucheonstherapist · 4 months
💫🌷I'm into you Pt 3•°
🌷This is a repost because I didn't like how I wrote the previous one, it bothered me so much that I stopped writing for a few weeks Im sorry TT, (I also hit the back of my head on the wooden edge of a sofa by accident and blacked out for q few days). Also I forgot to mention that this fic is an AU where in there isn't awakened abilities and such.
Synopsis: Sucheon Kang is your admirer, the way he shows you affection however is in such an odd way... A grumpy(?) Kind of way. At first you thought he was just trying to be more nicer to people not until you noticed that he's only acting this way to you.
You as: Anon [Anonymous]
"Sucheon, can I ask you something?" Your heart raced—regretting that you decided to ask.
He looked up at you—covering his mouth as he chewed. "Yeah?" He swallowed.
"Why are you getting me stuff?"
"Because I can and I want to, simple as that." A non-verbal way to tell you that I like you.
"Why do you want to?"
He was silent, his eyes staring into yours. He looked away eventually, stirring the chopsticks around the noodles to gather them before he spoke, "Maybe because... You're not shit like the rest..." He took a bite. Should I just... tell them?
You laughed a little, God that laugh or yours... "Not shit?" "Mhm." "Not satisfied with that answer but okay." You continued eating, a light smile formed on his face.
1 year before.
All eyes are on him wherever he went, eyes that showered him with either fear or hatred. Of course, who wouldn't fear the prodigal son of a wealthy businessman in a world where the rich reign? Who wouldn't fear the student who have some students under a chokehold with his wealth? Who wouldn't hate being under a chokehold that's used against them? Talk about having your studies sponsored by the Kangs themselves. Who wouldn't hate such an arrogant asshole?
"Ahh- fuck-!" Sucheon cursed, moving his face away. "Oh sorry- did I press too hard or is the alcohol too strong?" [Name]—who found Sucheon in an empty classroom beaten up and bruised—apologized. "You're good. Just the alcohol." Sucheon sighed, turning his head back to your direction. Gently, you rubbed the cotton swab on the small cut on his face.
What the fuck am I feeling? Sucheon's heart started to race. His breathing a little quicker than normal and his ears burned slightly. You're so close to him... Your scent... Your eyes... Your so..."You're the new kid at class 2-A right?" Sucheon asked, trying to distract himself. "Mhm." "Name?" "[First Name] [Last Name], and you are...?" "Sucheon Kang." "Oh so thats you.." "Hmm?" "A classmate told me about you, well.. more like warned." Typical. "What did they say?" "Just told me to be wary of you and that you're pretty arrogant." Again, typical. "Ahh.."
"What happened might I ask?"
"Got beaten up, obviously."
"I meant the details about it specifically."
"Got beaten up by 3 classmates over some petty shit."
"Is that so? Tell me about it."
"Fuckers can't get over getting their shit criticized in front of people, I mean it was fucking ugly they just can't accept it. If you want to be dogshit for the rest of your life just say that, That was in the previous school year too for sucks sake. Took three of them to beat me up and they had the nerve to act all tough and shit." That wasn't everything... Fucking assholes had to bring in that dead man into shit that he got nothing to do with just to get something out of me...
"Ahh... There, all good."
"Thanks." He tapped your shoulder twice before standing up and leaving the classroom.
It's understandable why people dislike him, his overconfidence and pride. Terrible indeed. But using someone's moment of silence when they're grieving the loss of a father and the loss itself as a way to give him a taste of his own medicine? Just as terrible. Though Sucheon's actions and attitude aren't all that justifiable, we can't blame him either for it stemmed from the kind of people he is with at home—if it could be even called one—rooting deep into him.
The suns rays was blazed down at everyone in the field, students sheltered under any shade they could find to take a break. Sucheon sat down at the end of bleachers under the shade of a tree. "Hey you good?" [Name] asked, looking at Sucheon who' looked liked is on the verge of passing out from the heat. Their voice echoed in Sucheon's head, his vision a blur and a haze as he looked up at them. Is that angel or its just light above this persons head? [Name] picked up their water bottle, "Drink up, you're getting dizzy from the heat." They said, assisting Sucheon to drink. The fog in Sucheon's head started to clear, seconds later he managed to hold the bottle and drink on his own. "Feel better?" Sucheon looked at them, their heart pounding and their ears starting to burn. "Yeah. Thanks." THIS FEELING AGAIN? WHAT IS THIS?!
Whatever Sucheon was feeling it didn't just happen when you were near or the two of you are talking, it doesn't stop on the eye contacts you to exchange, even the smile you greet him with when the two of you see each other in the hallways or in the cafeteria. It happened every single time possible as long as it involved you. Though he wouldn't deny that it was nice having at least one new person that wouldn't shoot a dirty or fearful look at him wherever he went. It was like a breath of fresh air to him. One day he even unknowingly smiled back, to which he questioned himself for.
"Sucheon?" Suman waved his hand in front of his nephew's face, no response. "Sucheon???" He tried again. "Yoohoo.." Suman snapped his fingers, still no response.
There's that fucking feeling again... "Sorry for using you as shield." Sucheon apologized as he bandaged your forehead. "It's fine." "Still, you got hurt cause of it." "Like I said, its fine. You're already taking responsibility for the outcome of what you did, that itself is already a sincere apology." "You're not going to.. say.. something?" Sucheon chuckled, "Well, what were you expecting to hear?" He shrugged, "Anger, mean words and such." "What is there to be angered about when you're already making amends?" "Right.." "Mhm." ...Do I... like them? No fuck no. Hell no.
"I can take care of it myself." Sucheon insisted, though hi state and the bleeding wound on his knee burning red says otherwise. You rolled your eyes "You literally couldn't walk without a support." You poured betadine on a cotton swab before gently rubbing it on his wound. Sucheon just stared at you, his heart racing. "There." You said, pulling down the end of his rolled up pants after you finished bandaging the wound. "I'll stay with you till your uncle gets here." "No need, thanks." "I insist." "...Fine." Maybe...? SUCHEON. NO.
The sun was out earlier and the sky was bright, Sucheon didn't expect it would rain really hard moments later. Now he's stuck at a convenience store where he ran into you. "You're gonna get sick, stupid." He grumbled, handing your jacket back to you. "I won't, my place is just down the street so its fine. Yours isn't." You handed him your jacket back, "Just use it to get to the bus stop anf get home safe." You smiled at him softly before sprinting through the rain. Sucheon looked at your jacket, his heart pounding. ...I think I do like them... Oh my fucking God... FUCK.
"...He's at it again." Suman thought to himself, peeking at his nephew who was once again sitting on his bed and staring at nothing from the door after his knocks were ignored 5 times. He then shut the door and sighed. "What's happening to him?"
WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING TO ME?! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?! WHY AM I ACTING SO WEIRD THESE DAYS?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! For some reason, Sucheon's attitude had noticeably toned down a little bit which came across as concerning to everyone on campus and to some people in the company. "Maybe the loss of his father caused this much change to him... Sad but thankfully he's a little more bearable now." Most of the people thought, who knew it was just some person named [Name] who coaxed out those small changes out of him.
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"Hmm? ...Waffles huh?" Sucheon glanced at the clock 12AM. "......Fuck it, its now or never."
"What's the container for?" Suman asked, looking at his nephew behind him who was transferring the waffles into a take out box he somehow has. "Can't you eat it in a plate instead?" "...It's not for me." "Oh? Who for?" "Just someone." Suman gave him that look, "Unc it's not that-" "It totally is don't lie to me."
"Let's go to the lake a block down from school tomorrow, yeah?"
"Do I have options?"
"No, you're going. That's why I didn't ask if you want to."
He smiled a little at your reaction, finding how flabbergasted you were quite amusing.
"I like your smile, don't hide it so I can see it more often."
"Eww, just shut up and eat you flirt." OH MY FUCKING GOD JWDKKDKFKCJFJF
—To be continued....
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sucheonstherapist · 4 months
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I know this is from an old chapter, but is it just me, or does everyone in Baekdu look related?
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sucheonstherapist · 4 months
Guys as Sucheon's therapist (real) he informed me that he will be showing up anywhere between the next chaper to the next 500 😔
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sucheonstherapist · 5 months
💫🌷Im into you Pt 3•°
Synopsis: Sucheon Kang is your admirer, the way he shows you affection however is in such an odd way... A grumpy(?) Kind of way. At first you thought he was just trying to be more nicer to people not until you noticed that he's only acting this way to you.
You as: Anon [Anonymous]—Anon who doesn't treat Sucheon as any different, Anon who treats him like a human being and just that.
"Sucheon, can I ask you something?" Your heartbeat raced as the words slipped out your mouth—regretting that you proceeded with asking, but what can we do now that the damage is already done?
Sucheon looked at you and raised a brow in inquiry. You hesitated, he waited for you to speak. "Is there a particular reason why you uhmm... Act different..? Towards me but still the same as before to others?"
"Act different?" He knew what you meant and he has an answer for everything he says and does when it comes to you is intentional. Everything he says and every pause in his words, every glimpse, every look, every thing he does for you, every single thing he gets for you. Every single thing is intentional.
"Like..." You paused for a moment, pondering and trying to recall a time where the way he acted towards you is the same as how he acted to the others, only to remember nothing. "Everything."
"Is there a particular reason why? If so can you... tell me?"
He remained silent for a moment, and that silent was deafening. The tension it brought along was heavy, even more so how Sucheon's looking straight into your eyes.
"You're not that shit like the rest... Well to me at least." He said, his gaze looking elsewhere. Damn... Fucked up my own chance to confess... WHY IS THIS SO HARD?! WHY IS CONFESSING SO HARD FOR FUCKS SAKE?! WHY CAN'T I SAY HOW MUCH I LIKE YOU??? THAT WAS SO FUCKING SHIT SUCHEON LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAN [NAME] IS NOT THAT SHIT? YOU PRETTY MUCH IMPLIED THEY'RE SHIT TOO, I FUCKING SUCK AT THIS!
"Ahh... I see."
His gaze met you again, "Don't get me wrong, Im not saying that your shit you're just not THAT shit like the others but not you're not shit." His stammering made you slightly laugh. "Yeah yeah I get it don't worry." His softly smiled. If only you knew how much I like you...
5 months ago °•☆•°☆°•☆•°☆°•☆•°☆°•☆•°☆°•☆•°
Before he even reached Highschool, school already sucked. Dirty and terrified glances rain down and hit harder than hail. The Academy was no better either, heir of Baekdu this—heir of Baekdu that, the special treatment is fun and all not until you get sick of it too, for in the long run it doesn't seem nor feel all special anymore. Only good thing there is how there isn't as much terrified and dirty looks raining down at him. Though unjustifiable, we can't really blame him for how his attitude and actions stem from the kind of people he used to be with at home—If it still can be even considered as one with its former suffocating environment and toxicity, a place lower than all rings of hell built in a supposed sanctuary.
"Sumin-Nim, who's he?"
"Oh, him?"
"That's Sucheon Kang of class 10-A, still as shitty as he can be."
"How so...?"
"You've been attending this highschool for at least half a day already newbie you would've understood it by now like all the other newbies before."
"But I don't..."
"You will."
But they never did.
"Sucheon-ssi! I got you water, you look like you're about to pass out. Im a little worried." [Name] handed him a bottle of cold water with a worried smile. Through his eyes, its either the suns bright rays casting light over them making them look ethereal or they're an angel in disguise.
It all felt new to him, as refreshing as honeydew. For once there wasn't fear nor hatred behind the eyes of a person looking at him nor even noticing him.
[Name] felt a little startled when Sucheon took the bottle from them without a word and drank from it, nevertheless they thought it was understandable with how hot the weather is and he seems to be on the verge of passing out—Thus, they spoke nothing about it and sat a formal distance apart beside him on the bench.
Sucheon felt a little weird, like he should say something to them regarding something. He pondered for a moment then when his gaze landed on the bottle he was holding he wondered if that could be it. "Thanks." He said before feeling a slight sense of fulfillment. "No worries." They smiled at him. For once, he saw a smile pure and genuine directed at him and not some half-assed "I want this to be done with" bullshit of a "smile" when it comes to someone forced to having to do something with him. He couldn't describe it but all he knew he's feeling a mix of emotions within him.
Walking down the hallway and being in classes felt a little more bearable when someone amidst the crowd doesn't look at him in such a way and would wave at them with a small genuine smile on their face and doesn't hold a heavy atmosphere when in the same room as him. Other than that—group activities, group discussions, and debates felt more bearable and enjoyable too thanks to you never making him feel left out and actually understanding his point of view.
Sucheon knew something is going on with him when he started looking for you amidst a sea of people, how his eyes are taking quick glances or full on staring at you from afar like its on autopilot—How he would feel lighter than air whenever he sees you, how he'd feel his heart and stomach fluttering whenever he sees you laugh or smile. Every small interaction that the two of you had, even the simplest hi to one another—He longed for that interaction everyday, though he wished that the interactions lasted longer he still cherished it, he also felt guilty that he's a little too honest and straightforward that it startles you at times.
If only he knew that he was falling for you.
Sucheon was walking down the hall when he heard people talking and one of them sounded oddly familiar...
"How come we don't see ya around if we study at the same school?" Jisuk asked. "What building are you two in?" You asked, "Building 1, same as our other two friends." Subin answered. "Ahh! No wonder why... Im in building 2." "Oh, no wonder we don't see you around." "Mhm."
"[Name]...?" Sucheon stopped in his tracks, looking at you—his heart fluttering, but it felt different from the one he usually feels whenever he sees you. He felt... uneasy.
"Sucheon-ssi!" You smiled upon seeing him. "You two know each other?" Subin asked—rather mischievously. "Mhm, we're classmates." You answered. "Ehh? Sucheon studies at Hae Dam too?" "That's surprising."
"I didn't think you're an awakener so Im really surprised but hapoy to see you here!" Sucheon looked at you for a moment, The way he looked at you was as if something gutted him before he started walking away. "Eh? Sucheon-nim?! Hey hey! Wait up!"
Why do I feel so uneasy seeing them here? What the fuck is going on with me? Is this their ability or what?
"Sucheon!" He snapped out of his thoughts, looking behind him to see you there, gasping for air and holding his wrist. "Did I say something wrong? Im sorry if I did... I was just happy to see you here. We're not really close but Im just really happy that there's at least one person I know at this place I'm unfamiliar with."
Sucheon's head started racing and thoughts began spilling out as if it were kept hidden and ignored for a long long time.
No its not that you said anything wrong, no. You never said anything that hurted me. You never did. Not even a glance either. Im just fucking worried about what might happen to you. You're too pure for shit like this... Id kill for you if it meant keeping that light in your eyes but I can't have the only person who is nice to me view me as some ruthless monster at the top of hierarchy either... I've slightly changed yes but what if they think of me differently from now on? Especially if they're told about the shit I used to do... What if they treat me differently? What if they walk on eggshells around me? Would they look at me like that too? Please... Please no. Fuck please no. Anything but that. Everyone else is fine but please not you... God please if you're real don't take them out of my life I love them too much I–... I love them?
"Sucheon-ssi are you okay?" They wiped a tear that trailed down my face. "Yeah, sorry. Its just..." "You don't have to explain." "..." "You seem tired, rest up yeah? We can talk the next day." "Okay." ...I love you...
"So my uncle recruited you?" Sucheon asked. The two of you are walking around campus after classes. "Mhm, I was honestly surprised to learn that you're the heir of such a big organization that took me in." Fuck... "[Name] can you promise me something?" "Yeah?" "You may view me as the heir of Baekdu and comprehend how high of a status that is but... promise not to view me just as that?" You sighed, before smiling. God that smile. "Sucheon-ssi... Though I can't promise that I'd be able to view you exactly the same as before now that I know and acknowledge that you're at the top of the hierarchy and is technically my superior, that doesn't mean I'll treat you like you're anything but a human."
Sucheon cracked a smile in understanding, "Okay." I Love You.
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"Hmm? ...Waffles huh?" Sucheon glanced at the clock 12AM. "......Fuck it, its now or never."
"Why are you boxing it up?" Suman asked, wiping his hand with a towel—Him and Sucheon just finished making waffles. "Thought it was midnight snack?" "It is but not for me." "May I ask who?" "You know the person you recruited 5 months ago?" "Oh [Name]? Thats for them?" "Mhm." "Out of pure curiosity, do you like them?" Sucheon choked on air.
Present °•☆•°☆°•☆•°☆°•☆•°☆°•☆•°☆°•☆•°
"Now, is there a particular reason why you're suddenly asking me these?" Sucheon grinned ever so slightly. "Its because of that fucking waffle." You laughed. "The one you were craving 3 weeks back?" "Yes." "Oh do enlighten me." He grinned again, crossing his arms and leaned back against the foot of your couch.
"Its nothing really. Just thought why would my superior bother to get me waffles at 12AM."
"Well I wanted to and I can." It's one way I can express how much I like you.
"Why though?"
"Why not?"
"Say, do you want to join me tomorrow at the lake just down the block from campus?"
"Will you take no for an answer?"
"No. Why did you plan to decline?"
—To be continued....
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sucheonstherapist · 5 months
💫🌷Im into you Pt 2•°
Synopsis: Sucheon Kang is your admirer, the way he shows you affection however is in such an odd way... A grumpy(?) Kind of way. At first you thought he was just trying to be more nicer to people not until you noticed that he's only acting this way to you.
You as: Anon [Anonymous]—Anon who doesn't treat Sucheon as any different, Anon who treats him like a human being and just that.
You and Subin sat down on a wooden platform under a huge tree, sheltering in its shade from the blazing sun, the breeze brought by the lake facing the courtyard outside the campus cooling your bodies down. It's campus clean up day and all of the students are assigned to clean their classrooms and certain places within the school grounds, staff and teachers are included in this activity.
"They should've scheduled the courtyard clean up early in the morning or in the afternoon where the sun isn't cooking us assigned to this task alive." Subin muttered, wiping off her sweat with your towel. You checked todays weather temperature on your phone, 33° Celsius.
"...We're already done with this part at least." You sighed, knowing that the two of you might've passed out from the heat if it took the two of you any longer. "Just the hallway left."
"You got water with you?" Subin asked, "Forgot to take it down with us, its in the classroom." "Fuck.." Subin reached for her pocket "Fuck, I left my card in my bag..." The two of you sat in silence for a moment. "Jisuk?" "Jisuk." Subin stood up and looked for him.
No thoughts, head empty, and staring at the grass. Thats how you looked like as you sat in silence. A cold and moist material jolted you awake when it pressed against your skin. You looked towards the direction of where it came from and faced Sucheon, holding two ice cups of 2 different drinks of some sort.
"Did I scare you?" "Just got surprised thats all." "Ahh okay... Got you something by the way." He handed you the ice cup he pressed against your skin earlier as he sat down beside you. You took the cup with a small smile on your face, "What drink is this?" You asked, looking at the light green liquid. "Green grape ade, thought you might like it.", you smiled again "Thanks."—The two of you sat there in silence, just drinking refreshments.
"We found a big dead ass rat right under the pot, I nearly vomi- HOLY SHIT GO BACK-" "OW WHAT THE FUCK SU-" "SHHH"
Subin pushed Jisuk behind a wall and hid behind it too, peeking at you and Sucheon sitting beside each other.
"You see this shit?" "No, your head full of air is too bi- HOLYYYY-" "SHHH".
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(This is the best one I can find Im sorry TT)
"Oh the storage rooms?" You said, finishing your drink. "Yeah—got assigned with Jisuk and he's making things more difficult, no offense." You chuckled. "Is cleaning the courtyard easier?" "Pretty much, the heat is what makes it difficult." "Ahh..." Sucheon noticed a spray bottle in the cleaning bucket given to you and Subin, he grabbed it and sprayed a bit on you. "What was that for?!" "To cool you down, you said its hot." He said, trying not to smile. You blinked at him. He sprayed again. "Sucheon." He sprayed again, grinning. "Sucheon." He kept spraying then started chasing you around with the spray bottle.
"Stop it!" You squealed, running away from him. "What? I'm just helping you cool down!" He laughed as he ran after you and spraying whenever he gets close.
You saw a hose on the ground and picked it up, Sucheon stopped in his tracks. "[Name]... Please don't-" "What? You don't want me to help you cool down in such a hot weather?" You opened the faucet and chased Sucheon with the hose spraying water. "[NAME]!" He exclaimed, picking up an empty bucket to shield himself then started running away from you as you chased him around laughing.
Subin snapped a picture of the two—Her and Jisuk giggling and feeling on top of the world. "We're gonna have loads of fun with this shit!" "I'll miss teasing Iseul though." They laughed.
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[KDRAMA: Our Beloved Summer]
Sucheon was walking down the hall, carrying a bucket of dirty water. Subin and Jisuk were walking in the opposite direction as him in same hall, upon seeing Sucheon—the two started snickering.
Jisuk started jogging in a real slow pace while Subin acted as if she was running after him. "Im gonna spray alcohol on you Jisuk!" "Ahh! Subin please no!" Then they started laughing. Sucheon frowned, he knew what they're trying to imply or do, or both. "Oh look Subin a hose! Better start running!" "Jisuk no! Ahh!" The two were laughing and all not until they screamed and ran off, partially laughing when Sucheon turned to them and was about to pour the dirty water onto them.
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"I don't think he understood..."
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You were expecting a notification from Sucheon to arrive sooner or later that says "Outside." When he leaves the stuff he got for you outside your door, a knock isn't what you expected. Nevertheless, you got up and opened the door. He was there. "That's new." "Were you shala?" "...That's not how you use the slang-" "Oh...".
From that day, he would knock on your door instead of sending a message to tell you that he left what he got you in front of your door. He doesn't stay, just hands it to you then smiles—a very tiny one. Then leaves, but the two of you would talk on the phone shortly after.
This day however it was different...
He's sat down with you on the floor of your living room, eating the tteokboki he brought with him for the two of you. "Do you think it needs a bit of spice?" He asked, looking at the tteokboki like something is missing. "I think its good." "Thats good to hear." He smiled—a really soft one, your lips wanting to curve into a smile too seeing it. "Why, did you make it?" You asked—your lips finally curving into a smile, finding the thought of it cute and sweet. Sucheon remained silent for a moment, his ears burning a light shade of red. "So you did make it." "Shut up and eat." "Thats cute." He looked away, his ears getting redder.
A question suddenly dawned into you as you looked at him. "Should I ask or should I not?" You pondered. "Nah Im just jumping to conclusions and assumptions... But what if..."
—To be continued....
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sucheonstherapist · 5 months
💫🌷I'm into you Pt 1•°
Synopsis: Sucheon Kang is your admirer, the way he shows you affection however is in such an odd way... A grumpy(?) Kind of way. At first you thought he was just trying to be more nicer to people not until you noticed that he's only acting this way to you.
You as: Anon [Anonymous]—Anon who doesn't treat Sucheon as any different, Anon who treats him like a human being and just that.
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"Hmm? ...Waffles huh?" Sucheon glanced at the clock 12AM. "......Fuck it, its now or never."
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"The what?" Text is meant to be confused, maybe he thought that you were askin what was outside, nevertheless you place your phone down on the mattress of your bed as got off and headed out. Upon opening front door of your house you came face to face with white plastic bag sitting on your porch. Cautiously—you picked it up and took it inside.
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The waffles are warm, the cream still cold, and the sugar-coated strawberry still fresh. It tasted heavenly—Even better with the thought that the prideful heir of Baekdu went through the trouble of getting it for you. The thought was sweeter than sugar. Mid-chew however you realized that its... quite... odd...? Why would the prideful heir of Baekdu go through the trouble of getting waffles for you this late night?
"Yeah that could be it..." You concluded once you figured that he might be trying to be a bit nicer and decided to start with you first—taking another bite of the waffle.
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"Those fuckers are really quick when it comes to stuff like this huh?"
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"Thought you didn't get to bring any food with ya?" Subin raised a brow while her arms crossed. "Yeah I didn't get to." "Huh?" "Sucheon got it for me." Subin smiled—But not just any smile, its the smile that she uses to tease people. "What? Why are you smiling at me like that?" "...You're joking right?" "Huh?" "You're fucking slow...." Subin pinched her nose bridge, "He likes you.". Your brows furrowed "No he doesn't.", Subin frowned "He definitely does." "No, I think he's just trying to be nicer and starts off with this." "Why'd he flip me off in the cafeteria then?" "Maybe he's trying to get used to it first, baby-steps you know?" Subin face palmed.
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"That's what you've been doing wrong, the revelation method only applies if the circle you illustrated is almost a full circle not until it touched the line that connected both points and the northern line. You're not gonna create a full circle." Sucheon explained—he flipped through your solution page once more. "Thats the only thing you got wrong, you're good." "Thanks" You thanked with a smile, He cleared his throat. "Ok, I'll get going." He then stood up from the chair and walked away.
Subin and Jisuk (Who's definitely watching the whole tutoring session from who knows where) sat beside you as soon as Sucheon was out of sight.
Subin: First the waffles, next the sandwich, and now THIS?!
Jisuk: You still believing that he's just trying to be nice?
They sighed, Sucheon is still Sucheon when it comes to the rest—especially the two of them. You're a different case however.
Subin: You're fucking blind.
Jisuk: Ultra blind promax.
—To be continued...
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sucheonstherapist · 5 months
All these hot men in eleceed, only for me to obsess over some bastard who would probably rip my head off if I came within an arms reach.
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sucheonstherapist · 5 months
💫Sucheon Kang Headcanons
•A light sleeper that is easily waken up even with the most subtle movement anywhere near him when he sleeps or the smallest noise being made.
•Definitely has Insomnia, I don't make the rules.
•Listens to music (Even his favorite ones) with either the STRAIGHTEST face known to mankind or humming along—there's nothing in between.
•I can see him listening to: The Weeknd, Al James, Chase Atlantic, Arctic Monkeys, Childish Gambino, MCR, and Cigarettes After Sex.
•Chase Atlantic coded—I said what I said.
•I can (somehow) imagine him learning how to play a guitar (He'd definitely go for the electric one) and like he got everything he could possibly need and purchased a really good guitar too—only to get frustrated with how the strings are too hard and is hurting his fingers to the point he just can't play at all and left the guitar and the materials he got in his closet to rot. "What the fuck you can change strings?" I can hear him saying that if he finds out you can change the guitar strings to one you're more comfortable in using.
•Definitely gets pissed at the claw machines. I can see him pinching his nose bridge in annoyance if the prize is dropped when its so near to the hole where prizes are dropped in. I think he broke one or two claw machines.
•Has the meanest side eyes and/or eye rolls.
•Better start praying if you show up to unhinged/out of pocket insults and you see him there cause for some reason, even the most basic ahh insults becomes so mean when it comes from him. (His insults fr piss at the soul)
•If he were a character in the Mean Girls, he'd definitely be Regina George.
•He's definitely not misogynistic, racist, homophobic or anything of the likes (Its pretty hard to see him that way too cause it just don't sit well nor does it fit well at all.) but he is definitely the quote "It doesn't matter what you are cause if you suck, you suck."
•He's definitely a Grumpy Admirer Who Secretly Cares or is like very straightforward about it—There's nothing in between (FR GONNA WRITE ABOUT THIS OMG IAJDISJSJFJC).
•Immediately blocks a person if they ask him if he's single when he's in a relationship.
•Other than Bomber Jackets, I think he likes leather jackets, racer jackets, and baseball styled jackets too.
🌷Hell week is hell weeking real hard rn, really sorry if the finals week turned into my final week. Will try to survive through this.🥲
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