sufferbuddies · 4 days
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…”…Sometimes I like to write from prompts. I’ve noticed some think I’m going through something at the time, but that’s not necessarily true. I think we can all agree we have a wealth of emotions and experiences spanning our lifetimes 😉
Here’s a little piece I wrote spurned on by the words “cursed crops” .
Thanks for being here 🖤🖤…”…..
Sometimes the momentary glimpses of joy that I feel - a laugh actually felt - I think maybe - just maybe the grieving may be passing.
Then tomorrow comes and it starts-
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sufferbuddies · 5 days
Psalm 77
The righteous cry unto the Lord—They remember the wonders of old, how He redeemed the sons of Jacob and led Israel like a flock.
To the chief Musician, to Jeduthun, A Psalm of Asaph.
1 I cried unto God with my voice, even unto God with my voice; and he gave ear unto me.
2 In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran in the night, and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted.
3 I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah.
4 Thou holdest mine eyes waking: I am so troubled that I cannot speak.
5 I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times.
6 I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search.
7 Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will he be favourable no more?
8 Is his mercy clean gone for ever? doth his promise fail for evermore?
9 Hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? Selah.
10 And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High.
11 I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.
12 I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.
13 Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?
14 Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people.
15 Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.
16 The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee; they were afraid: the depths also were troubled.
17 The clouds poured out water: the skies sent out a sound: thine arrows also went abroad.
18 The voice of thy thunder was in the heaven: the lightnings lightened the world: the earth trembled and shook.
19 Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.
20 Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
And the suffering ends.
Let the body release it now. It’s okay. Let it go.
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sufferbuddies · 13 days
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We all wear masks to hide our
pain and sorrow,
but underneath we are all just
fragile souls in need of
love and understanding.. ✨
@wordsby.a ★ #wordsbyanish
Art© @muhammedsalah_ 🖤
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sufferbuddies · 13 days
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The truth is
We’re not easy to love
We sometimes get too angry
Too quiet
Or say things we don’t mean
But with all that, still, some people decide to stay
And love us with all our moods
May we all find someone who decides to love us even when we are unbearable.
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sufferbuddies · 13 days
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My father once told me,
"If someone hurts you, forgive them, but never forget what they’ve done."
It was a mantra I carried with me, a reminder each time I met someone new or let someone into my life. But over time, it became exhausting. It’s draining when you extend kindness, only to be met with betrayal. It’s heartbreaking to admire someone, only to find they’ve been talking behind your back.
One day, frustrated, I asked my father,
“Do they even deserve my forgiveness?”
He smiled, folding the newspaper he had been reading—a part of his daily routine after checking the mail.
“Child, everyone deserves forgiveness. If someone wrongs you once, forgive them. If they do it again, give them another chance. But if they hurt you a third time, then it’s time to forgive yourself.”
I must have looked puzzled because he chuckled, handing me a piece of candy as he gently clasped my hands.
“Forgive yourself for believing in them, for trusting too easily. Forgive yourself for giving them another chance when you thought things might change. And most importantly, forgive yourself enough to set yourself free—free from hatred, from revenge, and from the weight of your past.”
The next morning, I found my father in tears, sitting in front of my mother. His best friend of ten years had betrayed him. I asked him if he was angry, and once again, he smiled, shaking his head.
“My heart has no room for hatred. I don’t deserve to carry that burden. I’ve forgiven him, but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten. The next time he sees me smiling, despite everything, he’ll understand who really suffered between us.”
Wiping his eyes with his favorite handkerchief—the one I’d given him for his birthday—he added,
“The best gift you can give to someone who’s hurt you is letting them see you live a better life despite it. We only have one life, so don’t waste it on people who’ve left scars on your heart. Let them see what they lost, and how, in their own way, they helped you grow.”
It was then that I realized, without his words, I might still be haunted by things that were never my fault.
✍️ Unknown
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sufferbuddies · 14 days
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sufferbuddies · 15 days
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This week has been rough
This whole ‘Let Them’ is getting out of hand.
Lost a major contract this week. Will cut our income more than 50%.
We got here without it.
Granted. We got dumb ass stupid not knowing what we were getting ourselves in.
But man , did we learn ALLLLOT ALLLLOT ALLLLOT ❣️❣️❣️❣️
As I’ve been spiraling for days , barely doing the minimum, I have been keeping prayer, meditation, and the constant reminding my own brain that in life , these things do. Not. Matter. In life , I have learned about all of things that matter most in this life. Took a morning to go see dad. Felt good. Then the car broke down and now I am stranded at home.
But. The parts for repair are only $500 , not $1000 , so there’s that.
Just in time as I am typing this , The Spirit #remindsme that we #gotHere #without it -
#thatsright #wow #StopWorrying #StopSuffering
It’s weird - it’s like when you think that you deserve to suffer because of the things that you’ve done - it’s like you find reasons to make yourself suffer. And you almost like it.
But. I’ve been here before. I know exactly where it leads.
#LetsTry #SomethingDifferent and #StopTheInsanity
#Look at #WhatYouHave #blessing after #wonderfulblessing
#authentic relationships
#honesty and most of all #love
Knowing where it comes from. Knowing how to get it. Knowing how to take it in. Knowing that it - wait #ScratchThat - #IhaveLearned #EvenMore through #AllOfThis that #HeLives #HeIsWithMe #NotAgainstMe #HisEyeIsOnTheSparrow
I came here to rant and whine and cry.
And #IamReminded
#ItsOkay #IamOkay #YouOkayToo #LetsGo
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sufferbuddies · 15 days
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sufferbuddies · 15 days
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Not to self -
I must always remember that was is , will not always be.
And I must be prepared for that.
At all times.
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sufferbuddies · 17 days
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sufferbuddies · 17 days
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Arjun Yadav
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sufferbuddies · 19 days
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"I am convinced there is one love
in your lifetime that you can never
forget and you will never get over.
It is different from all the rest
because it marks a before and after
them…in your life.
And it is the most terrifying kind
of love because you experience
a passion that is out of control…
it excites you and scares you
at the same time. You become addicted
to that feeling of being alive.
And this kind of love…and only
this kind you would move heaven
and earth…meet them on the other
side of hell…just to feel it again." ♥️
~ N.R.Hart ♥️
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sufferbuddies · 21 days
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This says it all.
A broken one.
That’s who doesn’t notice.
A broken one.
Like mine.
Maybe yours too.
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sufferbuddies · 26 days
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This is SO. TRUE.
I just received this this morning in meditation and now i am seeing it in my feed #OutOfTheMouthsOfTwoOrThree #ShallMyWordBeEstablished
He is able to love you when you cannot. And you are able to receive it.
I have finally been able to do this morning. After spending the last 22 years with Him. The Lord was finally able to. I received it. For the first time.
This - love - that The Lord professes.
He’s been handing it to me the whole time. I just couldn’t figure out how to receive it.
I’ve been carrying it around - in my hands - covering myself with it sometimes - I even handed it off in a meditation circle , and thankfully was blessed that the circle burned the members and my flame was brought back to me.
Like Adam who gave up his first estate. But was able to get it back through the atonement, so I received my flame back through repentance.
And I have never. looked. Back.
He Lives. He Loves. He is aware of me. And He is aware of you , too.
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sufferbuddies · 26 days
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Deep hurt changes people
They struggle to trust
They withdraw, trying to make sense of it all
They lose spontaneity
They become quiet and pensive and moving slow
They lose interest in the many voices and opinions of the world around them ...
Do not judge them
Do not try to fix them
Just try to understand
And if you can't understand, be glad it's not you, and not your pain you have to understand
Just let them know you're still there ...
Ready and waiting
Ready and caring
Ready when they are,
to take your outstretched hand ... or not.
Either way,
You'll pray and you'll stay,
if you care, if you love
Ever there ... ✨️
✍️🏻By ©Hantie, A Friend
🎨Artist|—Emile Corsi, "Lunar Blessing", 1863
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sufferbuddies · 27 days
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One day you will realize that happiness is not what your house looks like, but how you love the people within its walls. Happiness is not finding success by a certain time, but finding something you love so much time itself seems to disappear.
Happiness is not thinking you have earned the world's approval, but waking up each day and feeling so at peace within your own skin, quietly anticipating the day ahead, unconcerned with how you are perceived.
Happiness is not having the best of everything, but the ability to make the best of anything. Happiness is knowing you did what you could with what you were given.
Happiness is not something that comes to us when every problem is solved and all things are perfectly in place, but in the shining silver linings that remind us of the light of day is always there, if we slow down enough to notice.
- Brianna Wiest
🎨Christine D'Addario
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sufferbuddies · 27 days
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Though I didn't know what You were doing.
I fought You every step of the way.
I did not want to come back here to this place.
Too much pain shrouded my vision.
I could not see how great You are.
I yelled at You and argued with You.
I pleaded with You to just take the anger away.
I thought You cruel in Your silence.
Really, You were just working...
You were preparing the way for me.
You were lighting the path of healing.
You were touching the depth of roots within.
You were teaching me to trust in You.
You were answering every question.
You were listening to every prayer.
Now, I get to stare at Your beauty as I write.
I get to match breath to movement.
Breathing You in as I gaze in wide wonder.
I could not see before.
Oh, but I can see You now.
My God, my Lord Jesus Christ.
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