suffering-tc · 3 years
Last night I had a nightmare that you died. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced something so distressing in my sleep before. I never got to say goodbye. I never got to apologize. I never got to make things right. And when I woke up I realized that’s my biggest fear; that things will end the way they are now, and there will never be closure or a happy ending.
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suffering-tc · 5 years
Would you like to join my relationship blog to answer asks from sex to quick relationship advice? All you would have to do is troll our ask box and answer any asks, it wouldn't take much time at all.. especially since I haven't put it out there yet, but I will when I find someone. I have 3 women writers working with me cause I respect women, and our blog is a classy, cute, sexy place where we just want to spread as much positivity as we can. It's 100% positive content 100% of the time. Lmk..
I’m not sure how qualified I am, but if you want me to then I’d love to!
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suffering-tc · 5 years
Part. 3 Sorry I don’t remember where I left off. He would be better off with her but fuck it hurts so bad. I want to let him go but it’s so hard. Like my heart physically hurts and it fucking sucks. I was hoping you could give me advice. Also I’m so sorry this is really long. I just really need help because this has been plaguing my mind for so long. -M
I totally understand what you’re feeling right now :(
It can hurt a lot when you feel so much love and admiration towards someone, but can’t talk about it. One thing to try and avoid is speculation about him and the female teacher, our minds tend to play tricks on us ;)
Something that works for me is to write down what I’m feeling. Not just a diary, but write is as if you were writing a letter to that person. This way you can get that relief of having everything you feel out in the world, but without any of the repercussions of telling him.
Best of luck <3
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suffering-tc · 5 years
Part 2. Every time he would say good morning to me. For the last week he stopped and I felt so heart broken. Then one day he said good morning to me again and I couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. I feel so pathetic. Also I think there’s a girl teacher interested in him. She sweet and kind. I know she way better for him. That’s why I try to push away my feelings, but it never works. He would be better off with her but fuck it hurts so bad. -M
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suffering-tc · 5 years
Part 1. I don’t know what to do. I fell in love with my tc. He’s 23 and I’m 17. He’s really kind and has helped me a lot. I had him last year for math. I catch him staring or smiling at me all the time. My heart aches because of how much I love him. I try to push my feeling down but it never works. The littlest things he would do, would make my heart flutter. I pass his classroom every morning to go to homeroom. -M
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suffering-tc · 5 years
what would be your dream tc interaction?
Considering how things are between S and I right now, it would honestly be just to sit down for 10 minutes and talk to him. I wish so badly that I could talk to him about what happened, because we haven’t really spoken since and because of that I’ve never fully gotten closure. I’d want to apologize for how things went down, clear the air, and tell him how much I appreciate all he did for me and I hope he doesn’t feel any resentment or guilt or anything.
That’s probably not the kind of answer you were expecting, but that’s what it is for me haha
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suffering-tc · 5 years
Heyy! I love ur blog and I wanted to ask u for some advice please. So my tc and i wanted to meet up in school before the break to wish eachother Merry Christmas n such but he couldn't come so I decided to write him an email instead, where I just wished him Merry Christmas and nice holidays and he responded on christmas eve about how happy my email made him. I'll be seeing him again on Tuesday and I have NO idea how to tell him his response made me hella happy without sounding weird. Any advice?
It’s hard for me to say without knowing what his email said, but I think a simple “I really appreciated your email” would be nice. Depending on what the email said, you could make reference to something he said or make a joke about it to lighten it up a little :)
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suffering-tc · 5 years
I used to be part of the tcc for suuuper long and then got over my thing for teachers. At least I thought so. My current bf who is my true love is gonna become a teacher haha
Awww that’s so cute! I’m glad it worked out for you <3
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suffering-tc · 5 years
I've always thought the tcc was interesting. Now I'm in high school (well I'm technically still in 8th grade but I'm at the high school) and I think I might have a tc? But I'm not sure if I actually like him or if I'm just glorifying the tcc in my head and forcing myself to have a tc. Just btw ik not to act on any of these feelings or anything haha
I’ll admit I judged the TCC pretty harshly before I became a part of it. I’m not exactly sure how you can decipher if the feelings are genuine, I think only time will tell.
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suffering-tc · 5 years
So my tc story is a lil more lucky than most, he kissed my forehead yesterday before I left, I usually stay in his classroom after school to talk and doodle on his white board. I was really upset that my LA teacher was being an ass and talked to him abt it. He hugged me and kissed my forehead and just, it made my heart uwu
That’s cute, but also please be careful. It sounds innocent and the culture might be different where you are, but make sure nothing could be dangerous to you or to his job.
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suffering-tc · 5 years
hi. i am so confused. this year i'm graduating from school and i take exam preparation courses. btw this summer i realised that i'm more interested in dating people a couple of years older and also that being good at math is hot. as expected, i fell for my math teacher. he's around 23 yo. i understand that i don't have a chance with him. i feel a lot of doubt bc i'm about to turn 18 and he's not my teacher at school. i think this crush could be toxic but i need someone to tell me if it rlly is
Only you can know if the crush is toxic. Does it make you feel mostly positive emotions or negative ones? The way I see it, if you’re worried about it being toxic, then it probably is. Also, he’s very young for a teacher! Wow!
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suffering-tc · 5 years
I'll turn 18 soon. I just really want him.
Make sure you know all the laws regarding teacher student relationships in your area. Some places it is illegal for a teacher and student to have a relationship for two years after the student graduates, regardless of age.
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suffering-tc · 5 years
I've started to fail his class because i can't concentrate. The whole ''impressing him'' thing ain't working.
If it is affecting your grades so much, you may want to speak to a guidance councillor at your school about switching classes. Books before boys!
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suffering-tc · 5 years
i told him that for the first week of school i had a crush on him but that i got over him but that was a LIE i still like him:/
How did he react to that? It’s good that you feel comfortable opening up a little about it, but just be careful not to make him uncomfortable :)
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suffering-tc · 5 years
Hey I am starting to think that my teacher may be interested in me because he’s always been so kind to me and even before when I didn’t like him like that, i don’t know but I sort of find him cute but he’s the only teacher that’s been really nice to me what should I do
Make sure you aren’t just interpreting his kindness into romantic feelings. Teacher tend to be very kind because that’s there job, try not to over analyze that stuff. I would not pursue anything, just leave the situation alone.
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suffering-tc · 5 years
My tc of 3 years is leaving at the end of the semester for good and it feels like a new form of heartbreak I wasn’t ready for. I fell in love with him and I got close with him and hearing he was leaving has hurt in a new way I didn’t know existed. I’m very happy for him and what he’s doing and where he’s going, I’m excited for him! It just hurts so much and I don’t know what to do or how to deal with it, and my friends are trying their best to help me but it feels like nothing helps.
I’m sorry you’re going through that. Make sure you take a chance to tell him you appreciate him and that you’ll miss him, I’m sure that’d make him happy :)
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suffering-tc · 5 years
Hey I have this tc that I think he is 32 and I’m 16 and man I’m head over heels for him I just couldn’t stop smiling this one day I stayed afterschool and where I asked him something and man did we have eye contact like he was staring through my soul & I locked eye contact with him but It felt like he was gonna kiss me tho cuz Idk it’s like those romantic movies where 2 pple just lock eye contact for like for 3 sec & then one of them or both go straight for the kiss Just something I want to shar
That’s very cute, but please make sure nothing happens that would cross a boundary. When we have crushes we tend to look at things through rose coloured glasses, and I wouldn’t want you getting hurt because you misinterpreted a situation :)
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