sugadrms Β· 2 months
The worst part of self-imposed pressure is wanting to finish a sculpture in one day,
forgetting and failing to recognize that the beauty of any work comes from repeated effort, not from the rush to complete it.
Every day, we have a unique palette of colors 🎨, according to the fluctuations of our moods and our own vital energy. And that’s normal.
It's important to understand that each day, our different color palette helps us see what has already been done and what we can improve.
We float, our color palette floats, and that's exactly why one day we add brown, another day purple, another day orange and yellow, until the work is fully composed with the colors it needs.
And that's how we get there.
Of course, we should always avoid self-criticism and instead look forward, not backward.
Much of what is done in haste, simply to finish a task, lacks appreciation, presence, and self-recognition.
Beauty lies in the step-by-step process, in the lightness, and in the small investments!
Little by little is how we get there.
Trust in that! 🩷
Understand that the most productive things in your life are not those you finish quickly, but those you dedicate yourself to little by little. In your own time and with consistency. In your time.
So, right now, look at the things you’ve done until today with appreciative eyes, rather than focusing on what is lacking.
You're on a journey!
Tomorrow is another day. Calm down 🩡
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sugadrms Β· 2 months
Say it with me: I trust the journey, even when I do not understand the path.
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sugadrms Β· 2 months
i have met a few amazing professional astrologers until now, here's what I have seen and learnt (life tips edition)
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hey, its been a while since I posted anything :) a lil diff from my prev posts, this post is an observation series from the astrologers I have met. All of them, were absolutely wonderful and powerful having years of practice, some of them even having connections to influential people. My family had several connections to them because of my mother and grandmother, and basically where I am from. I am telling most generic things I have learnt while talking to them so anyone can use them as they please :)
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1.If you want to succeed with education, learning, passing some important exam and things like that, strengthen your mercury. One of the simple things you can do is, feed green to birds and animals or water plants. Could even be learning a new language
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2. Always keep your hands, and heels moisturized. It helps for a good venus.
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3. If you are someone who likes wearing black all the time, I would suggest adding some light coloured clothes to your wardrobe. If you absolutely cannot, add colours like brown, dark maroon etc.
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4.Reminds me, avoid wearing black on special days, like your birthday.
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5. If you can wear silver ornaments, please do. Wearing silver ring (check what is the right placement) or earrings, helps strengthen the moon, and helps regulate mind, and brings good luck.
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6. If you want a stronger Jupiter, wear gold. If its possible, avoid meat on Thursdays.
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7. Helping poor people, or helping anyone in general, especially women, strengthens Saturn. If possible, consider doing this every Saturday, can even be as small as feeding the stray dogs.
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8.Reminds me, disrespecting women, is one of the worst things you can do. Not only it is morally wrong, it weakens to your Saturn to a degree where you will start to loose all your material wealth. SEEN THIS 11/10 TIMES FR.
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9. Cut your nails, and put them in the soil. Maybe have a separate pot with soil and put it in there. My mother met an astrologer yesterday and this is what he said "Your nails carry energy. When you cut them off, they look for their way back to the source. When you put a dead person under the grave, the first thing that happens is the growth of nails. Disposing them in the wrong places can have very bad effects, like a bad health or luck"
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10. IF its possible, try cutting your nails, every friday.
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11.Avoid eating at places of strangers or people you arent much aware about. Food made at any body's home has energy, and if you dont know about the person, its generally a bad idea to do that.
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12. I dont know how many people know this but your name carries energy. Thats why sometimes, its suggested to change a few alphabets in your name. The way your birth numbers and name numbers synchronize is supposed to have some effect on your life. I learnt this when I met a very amazing astrologer, when he was using my name to find numbers. He showed me how exactly this works
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13. Having a strong sun can lead to a good career growth. One of the ways to do so, is wake up before the sunrise, bath before the sunrise. Avoid eating at sunsets , always keeping your home well lit at sunsets.
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14. Excessive use of substances is often related to a bad NN. NN is one of the things that defines your purpose, material wealth, unexpected changes that come (good or bad) and your decision making skills. Having a bad NN is often considered to make you act stupid, reckless, lose your money or status amongst others. Want a bad or weak North Node? please keep your home dirty, especially your kitchen and bathroom /use your footwears all inside your home and never keep your plates back into the kitchen after meals and leave them at the table unattended :)
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15.Not keeping a good personal hygiene is again a bad Venus. Also, use of perfumes or fragrances can help somewhat with strengthening your Venus.
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There is more but that's all i remember for now. Remember all of this is from a personal point of view and if you feel any of this conflicts with your morals, ethics or religion, please be free to ignore it, although I tried to keep this cut and clean as much as possible. This is from my experience and what I have seen and learnt. Astrology does affect your life but to a limit, although, I have seen a lot of this, I still believe a lot of your life is free will. Have good morals, do good, receive good. None of this works if you're downright evil lol.
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all the best, leave post suggestions or feedbacks as you like :).
i love you all
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sugadrms Β· 2 months
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sugadrms Β· 3 months
Hello, my beautiful and brilliant sunshine!
Could you please do an interpretation of Jupiter in 12H. I have this placement. Thank you.
Have a lovely day! ❀️
Hello love! Sure, I can tell you about that placement. Lovely day ahead for you too. ❀️
Jupiter in the 12th house
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These natives find a lot of relief, growth and healing by being alone, which is precisely why they choose to isolate themselves when there is a lot on their shoulders or a lot of stress going on in their lives. They have this old mind in young shoulders vibe, a mix of joviality and charm with hints of wisdom and compassion. They are not only very empathetic people but receptive to the energies of those around them. They have that quality of changing the vibe of a room by entering it, as well as reading between the lines of the other's small comments or behaviors. Throughout their lives, the most important journey they immerse themselves in is the journey within themselves, exploring themselves at a deep level, questioning deep and not so superficial matters. They are kind people with a very generous heart, especially with those they call friends. Their altruism and empathy can lead them to be very successful. They tend to care more about the common good, sometimes even before their own good [especially with tense aspects]. They have the tendency to give a lot of themselves in a selfless way, which can attract people who take advantage or intend to take advantage.
Many of these people are very focused and devoted to their beliefs, whether religious, spiritual or any other nature. Sticking to their ideals, they dream big and can be introverted and creative since childhood. They are very tolerant of people and, even without meaning to, they make others feel very good, either by listening to them or simply not judging them. People can get attached to them quickly and tell them those things that they don't talk about easily. They usually play the role of teacher, mentor or guide for many people around them, as people rely on them when they need support or advice. Jupiter in this house plays a protective role in the lives of the natives, since being the house of enemies, it will ensure that the natives always emerge victorious from any situation, whether they are aware of it or not. They may have a tendency to attract people who want to absorb their good energy, so it is crucial that they cleanse their energy and environments. The truth is always presented to them in one way or another and they are highly protected.
This is one of the places of resilience par excellence, because in the face of the various problems or difficulties they experience at the beginning of their lives, these natives are reborn and re-emerge stronger than ever. They know how to get ahead both with others at their side and on their own. Being in its domicile, Jupiter can present its best qualities, from the previously mentioned wisdom, to psychic, artistic or social abilities. They usually attract a lot of luck, recognition and appreciation easily. This astrological position favors foreign travel, increasing the chances that natives will explore distant lands or feel attracted to them. There is likely a specific culture or country that they feel connected to. These natives have a lot of positive karma from other lives and will be gifted with gifts, skills that they worked on in other lives or simply with that feeling of having luck on their side.
-> Go back to the masterlist
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sugadrms Β· 3 months
Planets in the houses II
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════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ═════ Jupiter in the houses ═════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ═════
1st house || 2nd house || 3rd house || 4th house || 6th house || 7th house || 8th house || 9th house || 11th house || 12th house
═════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ═════ Saturn in the houses ═════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ═════
1st house || 2nd house || 3rd house || 4th house || 5th house || 6th house || 7th house || 8th house || 9th house || 10th house || 11th house || 12th house
═════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ═════ Uranus in the houses ═════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ═════
1st house || 2nd house || 3rd house || 5th house || 6th house || 7th house || 8th house || 9th house || 10th house || 12th house
════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ═════ Neptune in the houses ═════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ════
1st house || 2nd house || 3rd house || 4th house || 6th house || 7th house || 8th house || 9th house || 10th house || 12th house
═════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ═════ Pluto in the houses ═════ βˆ˜β—¦ββ—¦βˆ˜ ═════
1st house || 2nd house || 3rd house || 4th house || 5th house || 6th house || 7th house || 8th house || 9th house || 10th house || 11th house || 12th house
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sugadrms Β· 3 months
Pluto, Neptune & Uranus notes (random version)
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Pluto in the 3rd house
Pluto in the 3rd house suggests a deep fascination with communication, research, and uncovering hidden truths. Individuals may be skilled at investigative work, journalism, or research that delves into the mysteries of the world. Sibling relationships may be intense and transformative, with themes of power and control.
Pluto in the 4th house
Pluto in the 4th house signifies deep transformations related to home, family, and emotional foundations. Individuals with this placement often undergo profound changes in their family dynamics, including issues of power and control. They may have a strong connection to ancestral healing and uncovering family secrets. Strong traumas with family, including of past lives, can be represented by this placement.
Pluto in the 6th house
Pluto in the 6th house signifies a profound transformation in one's daily routines, work habits, and health. Individuals with this placement may experience intense periods of self-improvement and may become deeply involved in healing or wellness practices. They may have a powerful impact on their workplace dynamics, leading to significant changes.
Pluto in the 7th house
Pluto in the 7th house can signify intense and transformative partnerships, often involving themes of power, control, and deep emotional connection. They have a knack for uncovering hidden dynamics within relationships and may work as relationship counselors or therapists.
Pluto in the 10th house
Pluto in the 10th house signifies a deep transformation in one's career and public image. These individuals often experience significant career changes or may hold positions of power and influence. They may be known for their ability to uncover hidden truths in the public sphere.
Pluto in the 11th house
This placement signifies a deep transformation of one's social circles, friendships, and involvement in group dynamics. These individuals may be drawn to intense or secretive groups or organizations.
Pluto in the 12th house
Pluto in the 12th house suggests a deep connection to the collective unconscious and the hidden realms of the psyche. These individuals may experience intense dreams, visions, or psychic phenomena. Their spiritual and psychological journey often involves facing deep-seated fears and past traumas for profound healing. This placement can represent someone who runs away from their own inner life.
Neptune in the 6th house
Neptune in the 6th house can lead to a dreamy and idealized approach to work and daily routines. These individuals may struggle with boundaries at work, often going above and beyond to help others. Health concerns may have mysterious or hard-to-diagnose origins, leading to a need for holistic and spiritual healing.
Neptune in the 5th house
Neptune in the 5th house can indicate a deep love and approach for artistic and creative expression, often through hobbies like painting, writing, or music. These individuals may experience a romantic idealism that colors their love affairs, seeking soulful and imaginative connections. They may be drawn to working with children.
Neptune in the 7th house
Neptune in the 7th house suggests a deep yearning for idealized and soulful connections in relationships. These individuals may be drawn to artistic or spiritually inclined partners who evoke a sense of romantic enchantment. They can struggle with boundaries in partnerships and may need to maintain clarity in their agreements.
Neptune in the 8th house
Neptune in the 8th house suggests a deep fascination with the mysteries of life, death, and the afterlife. Individuals may have vivid dreams and psychic experiences related to the spiritual realm. They are often drawn to exploring the depths of their own psyche through therapy or self-reflection.
Neptune in the 9th house
Neptune in the 9th house can lead to a spiritual and philosophical quest for higher truths and wisdom. Individuals may have a deep connection to mystical or religious experiences, often seeking spiritual teachers and gurus. They are drawn to exploring different cultures, philosophies, and belief systems through travel and study.
Neptune in the 11th house
Neptune in the 11th house can indicate a strong desire for utopian ideals and a commitment to social causes and humanitarian efforts. These individuals often have a broad network of friends who share their ideals and visions for a better world. They may be drawn to artistic or spiritual groups that promote collective healing and transformation.
Neptune in the 12th house
Neptune in the 12th house suggests a strong connection to the spiritual and subconscious realms. These individuals may have a heightened sensitivity to psychic experiences and dream symbolism. They often require periods of solitude and introspection to recharge and (re)connect with their inner selves.
Uranus in the 1st house
Uranus in the 1st house brings a strong sense of individuality and uniqueness to one's self-expression. These individuals may have a natural inclination toward being pioneers in their personal lives. Their appearance and personal style may be unconventional and reflect their progressive outlook.
Uranus in the 2nd house
Uranus in the 2nd house suggests a unique approach to finances and personal values. These individuals may experience sudden financial gains or losses that lead to shifts in their attitudes toward money and possessions. They are often open to innovative investment strategies and unconventional ways of earning income.
Uranus in the 5th house
Uranus in the 5th house can bring unexpected and exciting adventures in the realm of creativity, romance, and self-expression. These individuals may have a natural talent for avant-garde arts or innovative forms of entertainment. They seek freedom and independence in their creative pursuits and love affairs.
Uranus in the 8th house
Uranus in the 8th house suggests a revolutionary approach to shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. These individuals may experience sudden and unexpected changes in their shared finances, such as inheritances or joint investments. They have a profound interest in the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth, often leading to unconventional spiritual or occult pursuits.
Uranus in the 9th house
These individuals may be advocates for freedom of thought and expression, often challenging traditional belief systems. Travel experiences may involve unexpected twists and turns, leading to new perspectives on the world.
Uranus in the 10th house
Uranus in the 10th house can bring unexpected and unconventional career paths, often involving technology, innovation, or social change. These individuals may be seen as trailblazers in their professional fields, challenging traditional norms. Their public image may undergo sudden shifts and changes throughout their lives.
Uranus in the 12th house
Uranus in the 12th house brings an element of surprise and unpredictability to the subconscious mind. Their dreams and intuitive experiences may be unconventional and lead to personal liberation.
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sugadrms Β· 3 months
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sugadrms Β· 3 months
Here I found some leak of Pillars opinion about the other Pillars. The source is found in Demon Slayer databook 2. The images is found on Twitter.
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703 notes Β· View notes
sugadrms Β· 3 months
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What if KimeYaiba characters become Youtubers? (Part 2)
Iguro will most likely make a channel dedicated to snakes
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sugadrms Β· 3 months
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What if KimeYaiba characters become Youtubers? (Part 3)
Worried comments emerged in the vids likeΒ β€œis Polished Child okay after that…?” and Kouchou replied withΒ β€œYes, unfortunately.”
p.s. Doma’s name in Japanese is literallyΒ β€œPolished Child” www
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sugadrms Β· 3 months
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What if KimeYaiba characters become Youtubers? (Part 4)
i know we all just love to bully Giyuu so much
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sugadrms Β· 3 months
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What if KimeYaiba characters become Youtubers? (Part 5)
Aniki’s channel is just another level of wholesome-ness
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sugadrms Β· 3 months
Kimetsu no Yaiba Databook Translations
@knybits @kimetsu-no-yaiba-imagines
Some translations and additional info from the latest databook:
Ages, Heights, and Weights
Amane Ubuyashiki - 27
Tanjiro - 15 - 165cm, 61kg
Nezuko - 14 - 153cm, 45kg
Zenitsu - 16 - 164.5cm, 58kg
Inosuke - 15 - 164cm, 63kg
Genya - 16 - 180cm, 76kg
Kanao - 16 - 156cm, 46kg
Tomioka - 21 - 176cm, 69kg
Rengoku - 20 - 177cm, 72kg
Uzui - 23 - 198cm, 95kg
Tokito - 14 - 160cm, 56kg
Shinobu - 18 - 151cm, 37kg
Mitsuri - 19 - 167cm, 56kg
Obanai - 21 - 162cm, 53kg
Sanemi - 21 - 179cm, 75kg
Himejima - 27 - 220cm, 130kg
Tanjiro - Headbutting, Cleaning
Nezuko - Sewing
Zenitsu - Hanafuda, Sugoroku
Inosuke - Anything taught to him by Tanjiro
Genya - Bonsai
Kanao - Blowing soap bubbles
Tomioka - Tsume Shogi
Rengoku - Noh and Kabuki, watching sumo wrestling
Uzui - Wives & Onsen visits, searching for secret hot springs
Tokito - Kamikiri, Origami
Shinobu - Ghost stories
Mitsuri - Cooking, Menko (card game)
Obanai - Senryu, Haiku, watching candy sculpting
Sanemi - Raising japanese rhinoceros beetles
Himejima - Shakuhachi
Favorite foods
Tanjirou - tara no me
Nezuko - konpeito
Zenitsu - sweet foods, expensive foods (like unagi)
Inosuke - tempura
Giyuu - salmon daikon
Rengoku - sweet potato miso soup
Uzui - fugu sashimi
Tokitou - daikon white radish with miso sauce
Shinobu - ginger flavored tsukudani
Mitsuri - sakuramochi
Iguro - shredded kombu
Sanemi - ohagi
Himejima - takikomi gohan
Genya - watermelon
Kanao - anything that Aoi makes, ramune
Taisho rumors
Tanjiro - he gets hard-headedness(literally and hardhead as in stubborn) from his mother. He knows how to talk to animals but he has a hard time interacting with insects.
Nezuko- her specialty is using an abacus at high speed. She’s destroyed 7 abacus so far. Just like Tanjiro and her mom’s headbutts, Nezuko has a fearsome forehead flick. She thinks Zenitsu is a strange dandelion.
Zenitsu - recently he has been playing sugoroku (a type of board game) with Tanjiro and the others. Because he never had friends before, he never played it. He likes to play β€˜kotorokotoro’ (another kind of game) but because he always loses, he has become stressed β€” the game has something to do with 4 kids in one line and 1 kid is the β€˜demon’ and you lose if you get touched or something
Kokushibou - having 6 eyes doesn’t confuse him, but I think other people who look at him may be confused
Shinobu - the length of her hair goes down to her collarbones and its done in a style called β€˜yakai-maki’ (kind of like an updo). She gets along well with Mitsuri because of them both being women. Mitsuri is teaching her high-collar (westernized) cooking.
Sanemi - the characterΒ β€œkill” in his haori embodies his desire toΒ β€œkill all demons.” He always keep his uniform open to expose his chest and is proud of his pectoral muscles. Perverted isn’t it?
Genya - because he has no talent as a swordsman, his mental state was driven into a corner and he ate a demon. There he discovered this idiosyncrasy as his own ability.
Breath of Love is an offshoot of Flame
Breath of Insect was created because Shinobu could not learn Flower breathing
Breath of Snake comes from Water breath
Breath of Beast comes from Wind even if is unintentional
Breath of Rock has no offshoots
Breath of Sound comes from Breath of Lightning
Birthdays, Birthplaces to follow and some summaries of Novel stories
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sugadrms Β· 4 months
Signs in the houses | Libra
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Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Scorpio | Sagittarius
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Libra in the 1st house:Β With this Venusian sign in the ascendant, there is no way this individual doesnt have their own kind of charm and attractiveness. Beautiful, elegant, charismatic and most likely likable to others. Your smiles are so god damn mesmerizing, my day brightes up whenever i see a libra risings smiling. My bro is one and smiling suits him so much.
Libra in the 2nd house: Libra is a very stylish sign so in this placement, the individual surely likes spending money on things that have to do with their appearances. They want to feel and be beautiful so they take care of themselves a lot and dont limit themselves financially when it comes to them.
Libra in the 3rd house: Very attractive and likable voice, they are smooth and more sensual talkers. I also notice great handwriting from these individuals. Very likable among others, great conversationalist and has their own way with words. Diplomat.
Libra in the 4th house: Comes from a family that is very kind and warm, plus these qualities were passed down to the individual. Your home probably has great interior design, you loved and still love spending time at home. Even though your childhood probably was so pleasant, you may have been suppressed as a kid and you learnt to cope with your problems by handling them on your own.
Libra in the 5th house: Very pleasant and outgoing partner. Charming, attractive, has a great sense and anticipation for life. Warm, giving and loving. You are charismatic and most likely will be talented with any type of hobby and activity that involves art.
Libra in the 6th house: You take care of yourself a lot and you love yourself. You have a great healthy body and organism. You try to make your daily life more interesting and full while also being balanced. You become sick when you get carried away and lose that balance but you are quick to act and get better. There is a special emphasis on the hips and a great smooth voice.
Libra in the 7th house: It may sound shitty but appearance does matter the most in this placement- HAHASVGA You want a partner that you can never get enough of looking at, someone stylish, charming, sociable and likable to others. You want to look like the perfect couple with your partner in the outer world and it does work most of the times so you are a couple that is very pleasant to be around. You may get jealous easily but you avoid actually showing to your lover as you dont want to pressure them or make them feel uncomfortable.
Libra in the 8th house: Libras are in general people pleasers so you know very well thats how they will be in bed too. They prefer gentle sex. Even if Libras love themselves a lot, they do have a very vulnerable and fragile image when being exposed to others. Great lovers, you will just feel very special with them, their purpose is to please you. They feel pleasure by seeing you being pleased.
Libra in the 9th house: A person that always calms down hot water. Zen energy. Not judgmental about other people’s religions, beliefs and opinions but they are not so open about their own. They are literally the people you should go to so that you will calm down. They like peace and thats what they try to achieve. Fights upset them if they are ongoing for a long time.
Libra in the 10th house: Great reputation. You are most likely popular in your occupation or you notice many times that people approach you very naturally. You would make great in an occupation that brings justice and peace. Everyone likes you, you are diplomatic and you even have your enemies close by, to take control of the situations and not be caught off guard. Many will like you for your looks, others for your zen energy and others for your friendly and approachable character.
Libra in the 11th house: Gentle, warm and loving friend. BEST HUGS EVER, I JUST WONNA HUG PEOPLE LIKE YOU ALL THE FREAKIN TIME PLEASE. You want the best for your friends, you support them so much emotionally and always stay by their side. You share more personal stuff with your friends instead of your family. Whenever you have an argument with your friends you can never last holding a grudge on them for too long, unless they did sth very forked up. You want to make up quick as you dont like feeling upset. Most people enjoy your presence and you probably make very easily friends wherever you go.
Libra in the 12th house: You may seem like a person that likes to start dramas and rumors about others but your secret self is very compassionate, gentle and giving. You just believe that this is the best way to be accepted by others instead of showing your true self. Spirituality and exploring your soul is sth you enjoy doing.
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sugadrms Β· 4 months
the designated old soul of each element
the higher mind of the fire siblings,Β  sagittarius is the untouchable arrowheadΒ  sprinting and spreading knowledge across the globe like wildfire, the world is where they reside and the flames are past the initial ignited spark of aries, and unsatisfied being contained within leo’s ever-burning solar display. sagittarius fire has aim and purpose now that a broader perspective is achieved, seeing far ahead into the future to set the determined goal with hope, joy, and a spirit of adventure
at the topmost peak of the mountain having cultivated the self-worth of taurus and put virgo’s tangible servitude into action, to achieve the success point where they now proudly stand - the durable powerhouse capricorn who built fromt he ground up, the foundation, and the blood sweat and tears to show for it, this is earth in itsΒ  most refined form - dug up and polished for the world to gaze at and admire.Β resources and diligence now have the larger purpose of achieving something far-greater, to be witnessed ruling worldwide
aquarius whose simple thoughts have evolved into worldviews and mere contacts are now an unshakeable brotherhood. aquarius recognizes the individual in all of us, the whole, the society effort - where the back-and-forth duality of gemini and libra is extended beyond justΒ β€œme and you,” but accounts for the rest of the world, no matter who you are, what your background, where you are in life - the unique aquarius puzzle piece has something that others around them lack, recognizing that when we join together we form THE ALL
the soul of the pisces goes beyond simply who they are, how they feel, the individual core, but rather encompasses those and the world around them. pisces is a conglomerate, forever absorbing and reflecting. there are no more boundaries, because pisces is universal, no longer content within the safe and familiar of cancer or in the dark hidden depths that is scorpio’s realm… these are all limiting for pisces who craves the experience of everything of, beneath, and above this earth. pisces currents flow without limitations, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
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sugadrms Β· 4 months
GAZA NEEDS YOU. DON'T LOOK AWAY. YOU CAN SAVE LIVES. Below are some VETTED campaigns to support the people who have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. DONATE DONATE DONATE. If you cannot, share widely.
(June 1)
Help Iyad and his family (@iyadsobhei) - Iyad is an elderly man who has been living in dire conditions with deteriorating health; he needs to evacuate with his wife and eight children. This fundraiser currently has NO FUNDS.
Help evacuate Hani's family (@skatehani) - A dear friend, and a Palestinian skater trying to evacuate 10 members of his family; he has lost his father to injustice. Less than halfway to his goal.
Help Husam and his family (@husamthaher) - Husam desperately needs to save himself, his wife, and 3 young children.
Ahmd needs urgent evacuation (@ahmd-iyd) - Ahmd has lost his livelihood to this genocide, and needs funds to help his family evacuate and rebuild their life.
Help Mahmoud Abu Hamam and his family (@ma7moudgaza) - A college student who desperately needs to evacuate to Egypt.
Help Iman’s family find safety (@imaneyad) - Iman has a family of 7 who need to find safety.
Help Mahmoud's family evacuate (@mahmoud0qassas) - Mahmoud and his family need to get to Egypt. His brother in law needs medical attention ASAP.
Support Ruba and Amal's family's urgent evacuation (@rubashaban @amalshabn) - Ruba and Amal's family are lacking the basic necessities of life; they have an elderly father who desperately needs to be evacuated for medical care.
Help Omar evacuate (@omarsobhi) - Omar is a 20 year old Palestinian student who wants to save himself and his family from this genocide.
Support Fahmi and his family (@fahmiakkila) - Fahmi's life has been turned completely upside down, and he now finds himself responsible to save his parents, sisters, & brothers - 7 members.
Save a displaced Gazan Family (@ranibra) - Rania is married with five children, her husband needs medical care. She is now responsible to save her children. Help them evacuate.
Save little Yusuf and his family (@ahmednabubake) - Yusuf is in an intensive care unit fighting for his life in Gaza; he needs urgent evacuation alongside his family.
Save a family trapped in Gaza (@mohamedalanqer) - Mohammed Alanqar and his family are living in fear, urgently needing financial assistance to escape to a safer environment.
Help Gazan children survive (@aymanayyad81) - Fadi Ayyad, an 18-year-old from Gaza seeks the funds to help his family survive these gruesome conditions.
Save Tawfik and his family (@tawfikwaleef) - Tawfik is an engineer from Gaza who urgently needs to escape Gaza with his family.
Help Tahseen and his family (@tahseenmush) - Tahseen and his family are from northern Gaza and need urgent help to survive this genocide.
Help Nader's family to evacuate from Gaza (@nadershoshaa) - Nader and his family, consisting of six members, are currently displaced in the south; help them evacuate and survive.
Don't ignore this listβ€”your support is URGENTLY needed. Each fundraiser here is an opportunity to help, and it has been made easy for you to find these fundraisers. You can easily save lives. Pick at least one to support. Once again, your donation can save lives. If you can't donate, please share these campaigns.
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