sugulani · 17 hours
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Toji fushiguro new outfit
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sugulani · 17 hours
actor!gojo dryhumps you under the sheets during the “fake” sex scenes you both film together… nobody on that set has any idea that your moans and his moans are, in fact, very real
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sugulani · 1 day
thank you for the tag kiara 😚 mwah
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open tag !
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i found this rlly cute piccrew maker where you can add rlly cute accessories for christmas!!
this is what i look like in my head :3
i'm tagging @jabamin @etherealxmaya @ihrtlert @suguella @tetzoro @tetsuskei and anyone else who wants to do this!! 🩷
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sugulani · 1 day
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sugulani · 1 day
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gay toe spread ^_^
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sugulani · 2 days
☆. contains: satoru gojo x gn!reader; con-artists au, crack, he's stupid, he also has a massive fucking crush on you (and you're no better btw), reader smokes a cigarette gasp!! oh and reader is wearing a suit wc: 2.2k
+ a few hours later...
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the spring sun warms your skin as sit on a little bench on top of the hill that overlooks your destination. a castle – it's fancy, fanciest you've ever seen. it's fucking massive and you can't help but wonder, how it would feel to sprint through the long beautiful hallways of the place...
way too many super cars are lined up in front of it and their various colors are making your eyes hurt. people in stunning dresses and equally stunning suits spill out of the machines and they laugh and roar, smoke blowing from their noses and lips as they flex their expensive pipes and cigarette holders. bald men with terrible mustaches flood your vision and you decide that you've had enough for the moment and let your head fall back. this is your last chance to recharge before the work begins.
digging in your inner suit pocket, you pull out a silver cigarette case with a beautiful engraving on it. memories reside in the little crevices of the art and the thoughts make a sentimental (albeit an annoying one. you'd never do this in front of him.) smile tug at the corners of your lips. the tiny machine was part of a set, a gift for you.
you try not to think about that for too long.
patting the side of your upper thigh, you dig out a lighter. it's just a plastic one; it's old as hell and it has definitely seen better days. but despite its tired look, you still consider it a friend, a partner, a helping hand.
you grab a cig from the box and place it between your lips before pocket the case again. the lighter is warm in your hands as you stare at the design on it. swirls and lines run all across the silver, dancing and merging together. a lot of memories are buried in the cracks of them and a sentimental smile tugs on the corners of your lips.
click! click! click!
perhaps today is the day you'll lay it to rest. there's no fire, no heat, but you're not mad. the cigarette hangs from your lips and you let out a sigh. you lean back onto your hand and close your eyes; if you won't get your final energy boost from nicotine, the sun will have to do it.
a gust of wind brushes over your skin, it cards through your hair and you feel alive. the laughter from down below finds it way up to you and it makes you crack a grin yourself – these rich pricks won't know what hit them. this'll be an easy job, no sweat. in and out, it'll only take a few hours tops if everything goes without a hitc—
time slows.
cracking open an eye, you watch the stick catch fire.
engravings in silver – a perfect match to the ones on the case that's hiding comfortably in your chest pocket. right beside your heart. pale, slender fingers and manicured nails, a perfectly fitted sleeve – it's him. trailing up his arm with your eye, his cologne fills your nostrils and you realize that he's standing way closer than you thought.
it takes a mere two seconds and you craning your neck to meet his eyes. they match the clear sky, the only difference being that while birds twirl and dance in the blue ocean up above your heads, little stars twinkle in his.
satoru gojo.
and his stupid fucking smile.
you hate him.
he snaps the little silver machine shut before placing it back into his pocket with one swift move. his pearly white teeth shine under the blinding sun and the sight of his dimples makes your stomach churn. silly butterflies.
staring up at him, you hollow your cheeks and breathe in the smoke. it travels through your mouth and makes its way deep into your lungs. he's patient. the grey fog fills your organs and you let it simmer before letting out out again. you blow it at him but he doesn't budge; your eyes look so pretty in this light. he watches your lips curl into a pretty little smirk and then he's already being blessed with your saccharine voice. "gojo."
he does a dramatic bow as he stands before you – his one hand behind his back and the other on his heart. "my beloved."
the hum and the eye roll you award him with warm his insides. he straightens his spine and locks both his hands behind him, almost making him look like an innocent, virtuous person. it's that charming smile of his that's able to save him from just about everything. his ability to bare his teeth in the most endearing way pisses you off.
it really fucking does.
he twirls on his heel and the gentle gust of wind ruffles his snowy hair. he eyes the castle below and the little ant-people that buzz in front of it.
"you got an invite?" he asks in a sing-song voice. he seems excited. that's a bad thing for you. he will ruin your plans, you already know it.
"i did not."
you don't need to see his face to know that his smile has stretched even wider. you hate it. he quirps a little "hm" before spinning back around. his hand dips into his inner suit pocket and returns with an ivory envelope. his eyelashes flutter shut as he dramatically fans his face with it.
you hate him.
"that's too bad. they have this cool new system – they give you a keycard. they check it at the door, of course, but after that you can just go wild with it." he paces around in front of you while you just inhale the smoke back into your lungs as a way to alleviate the fact that he's going to ramble about a fucking key card. "there are tiers, you see. the smaller guys just get to use it as the invite while others..."
he turns to you with a big grin. "can actually open some super secret doors."
he flicks the envelope just to show it off some more and you wish you could suffocate him with the cigarette smoke. or maybe you should just push him off this damn hill instead.
"not that you would know anything about it though..." his words trail off as his eyes snake their way up from the ground and to your pretty face.
"and you're one of the big guys then, i presume?"
your remark is like water off a duck's back. it's the exact opposite actually – it only eggs him on. he watches the smoke slip from between your lips as you try to bite him back, he watches your chest fall; you look handsome in your suit. he's never seen you in an outfit like this - sure, he's seen you in some fancy fits before but this... takes the crown for sure.
you almost look like you belong here, though he skeptical on whether you'd think of that as a compliment or not. he doesn't say it, opting for something else.
"you look good– "
"you look good."
you blink up at him, he blinks down on you. he fiddles with his fingers behind his back and he bites back the comment he wants to make about you complimenting him, about you two speaking at the same time. something about being partners, something-something.
he does look good.
he's also wearing a gorgeous black suit on top of a pearly white shirt and a matching black bowtie adorns his neck, and it looks like he did try to style his hair just a little, but you know him – you know he likes it when the wind messes it up. he always says it makes him look more rugged.
you assume he doesn't know what the word means.
silence falls upon the two of you, engulfing you in this comfortable little bubble. your lips wrap around the cigarette again and he pockets the envelope in his hand.
"y'think so?"
he asks for praise so nonchalantly that you almost give in. "...maybe."
satoru's chest puff up and his eyes light up even more than ever – you regret your decision to tell him that. his lips part but you don't give him a chance to tease you any further.
you shake the cigarette butt before pushing yourself off the bench. satoru observes you, always so excited about everything you do. he can't tear his eyes from you. placing the cig back between your lips, you approach the man in front of you in a confident stride.
without locking eyes with him, you take your place a little bit too close in front of him and casually reach for his tie. satoru's breath hitches at the sudden proximity but he doesn't back away. you tug at the edges of it, your eyebrows furrowing in the process. you look cute, all concentrated and everything. his smile makes its way back onto his lips as he stares at you and his hands twitch at his sides.
smoke dances in the air as you take your time to fix his tie; the sun melts the two of you together as the silence settles around you again. the breeze plays with his hair some more, it grazes the apples of your cheeks and it's refreshing. this feels like the old times.
"smoking kills, you know."
his voice is barely above a whisper and you snort at him. "so do cars, dipshit."
"hm, douche."
you send a sharp glare at him and he doesn't even try to hold his ever-growing grin. the stupid fucking butterflies in your stomach are making you sick. he's about to say something ridiculous again, so you rush to give his earlobe a gentle-not-so-gentle tug. you laugh at the way he winces and the way his skin turns a dark shade of pink in a matter of seconds; it manages to bloom all over his ears and the apples of his cheeks before he decides to swat your hand away.
your eyes and the tingling pain in his ear are enough to distract him from your wandering hands. skilled fingers dip under the front of his suit jacket as you lean forward to whisper to him. "it's touché."
his eyes glue themselves onto the cigarette in your mouth, between your pretty lips, giving you more than enough time to swipe the envelope from his chest pocket with ease.
dusting off some imaginary dust from his shoulder, you cock your head to the side and take the cigarette from your lips while giving him another good look. how could you not? despite his god-awful personality and his tendency to screw up every single one of your plans in one way or another – he's the most beautiful man you've ever seen. from this angle you could count the freckles that are scattered across his nose and cheeks, hell – you could count his damn eyelashes if you really wanted to.
(you kind of do.)
while he's being bewitched by you and your eyes and your perfume and the damn smoking stick in your hand, you hide the envelope behind your back. you make use of the promiximity between you two, your own body concealing the movement of you tucking the thing under your own suit jacket and into the waistband of your pants. you're here to steal afterall.
satoru rubs his ear and feigns a pout. it's the fakest one you've seen yet, but then a dopey smile makes it's way onto his lips and for a second you think that your plan didn't work, that he felt it, that he saw it—
"you know... if you wanted satoru to just get you an invite, you should've just said so, sweetheart."
you stare at him with a blank face and he shines right back at you. he plucks the cigarette from your hand and throws it to the ground, stomping on the thing, he puts out the light with the heel of his foot.
"but... since you didn't ask for it, since you didn't ask for satoru's help... you'll have to find your own way in, yeah?" he's way too smug, too arrongant and the only thing that's making you feel better is the thought of him being shut out from the party because he doesn't have the invite. anymore.
"stop referring to yourself in third person, it makes you look stupid."
"you don't think i look stupid in the first place then?"
you can't wait for this day to be over.
"alright. go now. run along, little prince." you give his shoulder a shove but he refuses to back away, leaning closer a little instead.
"are you gonna be okay out here, hm? all alone? no keycard or nothing?"
even his breath smells good. you want to punch him.
"don't worry about me, gojo. i'm sure i'll figure something out."
"ahh! you always do! and that's why you're the greatest, baby!" wincing at the volume of his tone, you clench your jaw and press your teeth together. satoru loves it when you do that. "don't take too long, okay? i'll miss you."
he offers you another fake pout and turns around on his heel, but not before giving you a wink. he looks over his shoulder for the last time and...
"don't forget to throw away the cig! littering isn't sexy!"
he's so overbearingly annoying and he will so ruin your fucking plans.
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sugulani · 2 days
satoru’s a very needy kisser. his lips move fast and his breaths come in short; there’s this persistent lack of self-restraint he always seems to exhibit around you but it’s especially apparent when he’s kissing you
he likes to grab your face with both hands, rarely ever just the one. he kisses you like you’re both the stars of a movie— two lovers finally reuniting after a long and dangerous journey apart, a deep and passionate kiss shared as the climax of the movie fizzles out, hands desperately grasping at each other’s clothing for purchase; a poor attempt at grounding the intense romantic feelings they hold for the other
and, well— he kisses you like this even if you were just in the other room for a few minutes
he’s very loud about it too, in more ways than one. he likes to hum against your lips, loves the way your own curl up at the ends when you feel the vibrations in his chest. his lips smack against yours with practiced precision; even after years of kissing you he’s still perfecting it every day, you think. sometimes he’s giggling and other times he’s panting; sometimes he doesn’t let up until one or both of you start moaning into it. his kisses are the reason why you’ve both been late somewhere on several different occasions— “one more kiss, baby,” it never stops there with him, because before you know it he’s got you pinned underneath him and his hands are slipping underneath your shirt, your previous plans long since forgotten in the heat of his touch
it’s why you try not to kiss him too much in public. it’s not that you’re embarrassed of him, far from it— it’s just that the way he kisses you and the way you kiss him back is borderline pornographic sometimes. he jokes that everyone would pay to see you two go at it but you’re not sure you want that kind of attention on the both of you when you’re at a local coffee shop, and he respects that fully
(it’s almost because of that very boundary that his kisses grow needier than ever when you’re both finally alone. he’s so clingy with you and when you’re both out on dates it takes everything in him not to kiss you breathless in front of everyone; so the very moment you both get some privacy, his lips are on yours before you even knew it)
satoru loves kissing you, and you love the way he kisses you. it’s symbolic of how you make him feel— needy, breathless. clingy. insatiable. always wanting more of you
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sugulani · 2 days
ohmygod GIRLLL your theme is serving everything on the menuuu loveit !!
thank you ! that means a lot coming from you because i’m OBSESSED with your naruto theme !!!
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sugulani · 3 days
you ask suguru what it felt like to get his lip pierced, he doesn’t respond at first, instead he leans toward you and nips your bottom lip with sharp teeth, “like that”
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sugulani · 4 days
18+ mdni; fem!reader
pervy roommate!gojo, who was feeling extra bold one time and found himself standing at your door, watching your sleeping form. chest slowly rising and falling and soft breaths leaving your pretty lips. he's already half-hard by just looking at you.
he takes a slow daring step forward and waits for a reaction. but nothing. your eyes stay shut and only another soft sigh leaves your lips. he takes a couple of more steps until he's stood right beside you. god, you look adorable.
kneeling down, he's almost eye level with you. he takes another good long look at your face. so cute. plump lips slightly parted, you look like the dream you're having is good. he'll make it even better. he lets his eyes wander down your jaw, to your neck and to your barely covered chest. the small top you're wearing is not doing a good job at hiding what's underneath and he feels himself getting harder.
the blanket over you is only covering exactly half of your hip and one of your legs while the other leg is completely out. his gaze wanders further and your choice of sleepwear captivates him. he takes a quick glance at your relaxed face. could these shorts be any smaller? if you were to part your legs a little more, he could probably see you.
leaning back towards your covered cunt and he takes a sniff. closing his eyes, he muffles a groan. fuck. his hand seems to have a mind of its own, moving down his body, slipping under his sweats and finally giving his cock the very needed attention it deserves. he's rock hard and leaking pre-cum. the wet patch on his grey sweats proof of his desperation. giving it a firm stroke, his eyes roll back into his head. he needs to do something.
so he ever so gently trails his free hand from your thighs to your warm pussy. feeling the slight heat of it, he muffles another groan. he guides his fingers over it and towards your chest, pushing your top up as much as he can. the sight of your soft tummy makes his dick throb in his hand. a wave of goosebumps washes over your body, making you stir and him still. eyes wide, he waits for you to open yours. even though the thought of you catching him in this act is arousing on its own, he wants this to last a little longer.
after taking a second to make sure you're still in your dreamland, he drags his fingers from your stomach, over your top and to your breasts. the sound of his hand moving up and down on his pre-cum covered dick fills the room and he doesn't know if he's ever been this excited before. his slender finger circles your nipple and he watches it harden under his very eyes.
leaning closer once more, he presses his lips around your nipple through the top and a shaky breath escaping your mouth draws his attention. the way your lips part gives him a glorious idea.
quietly standing up, he pulls his sweats just down to his thighs, just under his balls and lets his dick spring up against his navel. he gives it another stroke before bending his knees and lowering it to your sleeping face. when his sensitive tip touches your soft parted lips, he's unable to contain the smallest whimper. he wishes he had his phone because the sight in front of him is quite literally the hottest thing in the world and he knows he will never get enough of you now.
he only manages to push an inch of his cock into your mouth before he feels his climax approaching at an alarming rate. quickly pulling out, he gives it a couple of fast and hard strokes and then he's already spilling his seed onto his palm with a shudder. his eyes remain on your face and now he really hopes you would wake up so he could make you clean him up. he takes some of his cum between his fingers and smears just the smallest amount on your lips. he spreads it around and then gently pushes it inside your warm mouth with his two fingers. his own mouth hangs open as he's trying to catch his breath but when your lips close around his fingers on it's own accord, his dick twitches again. he knows he's really pushing it now and you're bound to wake if he keeps fucking around, so he reluctantly pulls his fingers away and places himself back into his sweats. we'll continue this some other night.
+ you can find more of roomie!gojo here!
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sugulani · 4 days
SEXYSEXY THEME I'M GONNA EAT UUUU>:33333 - @teddybeartoji
HEHEHE THANK YOU MICKEY >3< not if i eat you first
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sugulani · 4 days
your theme ??? EATS ,, GOBBLES ,, DEVOURS ,, it’s so pretty in pink !! i love it 🩷
HIII JASSY ( ˘ ³˘(◡‿◡˶)
thank you ! i loveee the colour pink, it's so coc coquette 💝
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sugulani · 4 days
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sugulani · 5 days
18+ mdni; gn!reader
pervy roomie!satoru... wants to cum in your coffee in the morning. he's palming himself under the table while you're making yourself a cup; he keeps biting his own hand to muffle the sounds that threaten to spill from his lips but you think that he's just... stimming. he's about to burst already but he has to wait for the alarm on your phone to go off – the one he set when you were in the bathroom earlier. he was just hoping that he'd put in the right time, he just needs to... make you taste him. he wants to do it so badly, he's been thinking about it for so fucking long.
so when your phone finally goes off and you stare at satoru with your pretty, wide eyes before running to go and get it – he's already pushing away from the table and rushing over to your counter. it only takes another couple strokes before he's cumming right into the cup. a bead of sweat rolls from his temple as a dopey smile streches across his face. just as reaching for a spoon, you pop your head back into the kitchen, rambling about how you don't remember setting alarl for today. satoru stirs your coffee with a grin – you look extra pretty in the mornings. he loves your voice. he's obsessed.
finishing your sentence and turn to your roommate; your eyes widen once again and satoru's heart skips a beat. a hand slaps against his forehead and he's left staring at you witha dumbfounded expression – something, something about him being so warm, questions about whether he's feeling okay. you're so fucking sweet. he reassures you with a breathy laugh and guides you to the table before handing you the mug.
his crystalline eyes glue themselves onto your lips – the way they curl around the ceramic, the way your eyes close as the liquid fills your mouth. the way you hum at the taste. his dick twitches again in his cinnamoroll pyjamas and his cheeks flush into an even darker shade, which earns an eyebrow raise from you.
you look so worried, genuinely distraught at the thought of him being ill and it makes him even harder. you love him<33
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sugulani · 5 days
i hate sukuna because you could feel off one day and ask him ‘do you like me?’ as like, playful banter to feel normal again, and he’ll hold your chin and say ‘one of my ribs belongs to you.’ and act like it’s fucking nothing.
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sugulani · 5 days
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Olivia Phillipps
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sugulani · 6 days
wanting to fuck gojo is not that different from wanting to fuck a circus clown
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