sukilane · 2 months
Buster Moon's Total Sing 1 Crime Counter
In a recent rewatch of the Sing movies, I decided to keep a running tab on the amount of crimes that Buster could hypothetically be charged with. And there were... a lot. This list is a lowball estimate in a lot of the numbers provided and I will say that I am not a lawyer, I just looked this all up. So is this perfectly legally sound? No, but then again, neither are these movies. So... have fun!
Failure of payment for employees/Breach of Contract (x4)
At the start of the film, we see that Buster has not paid the stage crew of his latest show by giving them paychecks that bounced and not providing them with compensation after finding this out. We only see four of them, but for all we know, there could be more crew that were out of frame.
Traffic violations (x6)
Okay look, that biking through town scene was cute but bikes are supposed to obey traffic laws and ummm... Buster did not. Man went straight through intersections like he was playing real life Frogger. There were probably more than six to be honest but that's at least the ones we saw.
Now this is grey area, but Buster could, hypothetically, be fined for loitering on private property (ie. in the restaurant) since he was never planning on actually purchasing anything from the business. It would be a hard case, but it, technically, has happened before.
Hiring discrimination 
While I love Johnny, the only reason Buster did not hire Daniel the giraffe for the talent show was because he refused to make accommodations for the boy's height, which could be discrimination based on either a disability or genetic information. I'm not entirely sure which one Daniel's height would classify as in universe which is why I listed both.
Breach of Contract/Fraud (x7)
Due to the prize money being stated in writing and the talent show cast being hired under the understanding that they would have a potential of getting that compensation/it was available to them, it is illegal that he did continue to lie about that when he had no means or real intention to provide it (I know he tries to get the money, but when he hired them, he had no intention of paying any of them $100,000).
Energy Diversion
Stealing electricity from your neighbors is, unsurprisingly, a crime.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor
This is only due to Meena was technically an accomplice to the energy diversion since Buster got her to help so, technically it could be argued that its aiding and abetting and she does seem to be implied to still be a kid.
Unsafe Working Conditions (x8)
That theatre is falling apart at the seams and the fact someone got hospitalized as a result only goes to further prove the conditions being unsafe. I really need to read up on OSHA because that theatre is probably breaking all the codes.
So Pete (everyone remembers him right?) gets absolutely slammed in the face with a sand bag due to a series of events caused by Buster and ends up in hospital. Not only could he be sued for damages, he could get charged with negligence as well for that.
Trespassing (x2)
When building the water stage for the theatre we see Buster on both Les Calmars's (the restaurant's) private property and on another building's roof to access the water tower. Both are trespassing.
Water Theft
This should shock no one but stealing water from a water tower is illegal.
Plastering the ads for the squids on the front of Les Calmars is vandalism technically so that's fun.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor (x4)
Buster did drag Meena into helping him with all of this meaning, yes, she has now committed five crimes due to him.
Unsafe Working Conditions (x108)
So I am not gonna count all of those squids. I'm not sure the number is even consistent to be completely honest with you. So we're going just go with it being 100 and move on to the fact that water stage was in no way up to code and created really unsafe environments for all his employees.
Negligence (x108)
His employees were not only trapped in a flooded building due to him but were also in a hostage situation. There is no way everyone walked away scratch free so this is here just as a catch all.
Endangerment of a Minor (x2)
Now, I am solely basing this off headcanon but if not just put these as two more tallies in the endangerment category, but Johnny and Meena seem to be around 16-17 years old in this movie. And, you know, he got them trapped in a flooding and collapsing building.
Endangerment (x112)
This is for everyone else, squids included, he got trapped in a flooding and collapsing building.
Public Nudity
The man changes into a speedo on the side of the road. Might be out of frame but still counts.
Public Menace
Look, this is legally described as "using threats or conduct to put someone else in fear of imminent danger"... and I don't know about y'all but the whole watch party felt in fear of imminent danger watching that bloody car wash scene okay?! They are cleaning the cars with their bodies. That's weird.
The destroyed theatre was property of the bank when they went back to it y'all, that is textbook trespassing. Like Judith even points it out later.
And while cleaning up the debris and making the stage was cool and all, not his stuff anymore so it could be charged as vandalism. It might be a hard case due to them technically cleaning up but still could be charged as vandalism. And even if it isn't, the destruction of the property definitely would be. So pick which one you want to count this as.
Remaining on bank property despite knowing he was not allowed to be there is not allowed in a court of law apparently.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor (x4)
He did encourage both Johnny and Meena to help rebuild the stage, so at the least they would be loitering and trespassing.
Aiding and Abetting (x5)
And this is for the rest of the troupe + Mike which he encouraged to help as well.
Failure to Comply
Another grey area one, but since he was given a verbal warning (that likely had legal backing to it), Buster could technically be hypothetically charged with a Failure to Comply with a court order to stay off the property/leave the property when Judith told him too.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor (x2)
And the encouraging Meena and Johnny to stay at the show and not just leave (you could argue that was Ash but they are kids and he is their boss so he technically is in charge of them right now).
Aiding and Abetting (x88)
This is a combo one of Aiding and Abetting the adults of the troupe to stay and encouraging the crowd to trespass! He's the host, he is technically the ring leader here, he would get in trouble for it. Also, I'm not counting everyone + there are too many different heights that that count would likely not be accurate so let's just go with 88 and move on.
Final Crime Count for Sing 1: 365 individual crimes!
Buster... why? Just why? One for every day of the year. You did not need to do that.
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sukilane · 7 months
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sukilane · 7 months
I feel like this could happen lol
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I almost forgot the queen
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sukilane · 7 months
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sukilane · 9 months
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She went home with them...
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sukilane · 10 months
howdy hi hey, I guess I need a pinned post or something :3
the name is Syl, this is my blog for bein a dork about illumination's sing duology. I love these funky characters waaaauugh!!! as you can tell suki is my favourite and I am so in love with her ogijkdf <3 BUT FRET NOT. because I'm here to appreciate the franchise as a whole too! 🌟
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he/him pronouns | adult | pr0ship DNI |
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sukilane · 1 year
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Back on my bullshit
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sukilane · 1 year
Buster’s Enemies
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sukilane · 1 year
Now that Sing 3's development is confirmed, I really do wonder who's gonna be writing/directing it? 🥹
I remember in an interview around the release of Sing 2, Garth Jennings mentioned that if a third one happens, he wants to pass on the director torch to someone else. Here's the clip itself, actually!
To me it's just.. concerning to try and imagine the franchise without him? 🥹 I feel like it could go down the route of being so incredibly bland, especially in the wrong hands.. I know Jennings has had a history in the music industry, and I think it's part of the reason he was such a good director for the franchise, you know?
It's possible he's changed his mind since the interview, but I guess we can't really know for sure. Either way, I'm just dearly hoping that the franchise is in the right hands 🌙
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sukilane · 1 year
Ohhh!! Guys!
In the first movie, when Buster shows Meena and Miss Crawly his blue prints for the new stage, you can see his signature in the top left corner!!
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I traced it so it would be more clear ♡ very cute!! 8•)
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sukilane · 1 year
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Summer has arrived and here's some Porsha and Jimmy being swag ⊙ω⊙
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sukilane · 1 year
Any headcanons with Suki and the Moon Troupe members?
-Buster's always kept his sass with this lady. It's become a joke between the two of them.
-Suki joined Moon Theater after the whole Crystal incident. Everyone's friends now!
-Of course, a few them still hold a tiny secret grudge against the Saluki, but she's fixing her mistakes
-She constantly convinces big-time theaters to hire Moon and his troupe for shows
-Suki actually got a birthday party shortly after she joined the troupe. They made her strawberry cake~
-Or, Meena did, anyway.
-Porsha spent about thirty minutes jumping up and down when Suki joined.
-Suki's middle name is Elizabeth hehe
-Suki's parents once visited her with the troupe. The visit was an... adventure, to say the least!
-Buster often brings in coffees, and he knows exactly what Suki likes. Suki often helps him improve scripts afterwards in return
-She says he writes well
-The conversations Suki has with the troupe never fail to bring smiles to everyone's faces. Though, once in a while, when one or more of the troupe wants to pry into someone else's life, she gets a little uncomfortable.
-When did this happen? You'd be here a long time if I told you. It was a 10,000 word oneshot XD I'm a Sing fanatic who just happens to love throwing Suki into things.
-Suki secretly loves pop, and Gunter and Porsha LOVE to drag her into dance routines during rehearsals.
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sukilane · 1 year
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These two specifically
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sukilane · 2 years
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Tryina figure this lady OUT
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sukilane · 2 years
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This time with special guest star @lemonisntreal‘s Charley Moon!
Strongly considering making the next one an OC special edition… Or maybe an “actually all canon characters for once” special edition instead?
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sukilane · 2 years
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I made a replica of his card 🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️
I used a proper business card printing service and everything
I even made sure the finish was the right one! Because it reflects a bit!
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sukilane · 2 years
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Suki stressin
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