I hate doing this. I really really hate doing this. But I made a Gofundme for donations to go towards a 8k-and something hospital bill hanging over my head from after my motorcycle accident. If any of you could maybe donate even just a dollar, or spread this around for me, I would appreciate it more than anything in the world..
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Hey, if anyone would like to roleplay, just shoot an ask!
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My muse has just taken a Truth Potion, send “Spill it” plus a question and they will answer.
My muse cannot give half truths, partial truths or bend the truth. They will have to spit out everything then and there!
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Send me a ( ˘ ³˘)♥ for my muses reaction to your muse randomly kissing them
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What type of demon would your Inquisitor be most vulnerable to?
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Solas: I can sense an ancient elven artifact nearby.
Me: You're an ancient elven artifact nearby.
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“And why not? I believe I’m allowed to look at whoever, HOWEVER I’d like.” Aerwyn huffed, like a cat who has proven their point.
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“Stop looking at me, like I grew another head.”
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shippy angst starters.
"You're an idiot if you thought I cared about you."
"You took advantage of my feelings for you."
"Fuck you, fuck your boyfriend/girlfriend and fuck everything about you!"
"I'm in love with you and I'm sick of having to hide it."
"You were supposed to be different."
"You were the one, I can't just move on!"
"I loved you, and just because we broke up doesn't mean I can turn it off."
"I love you too much and you don't love me at all..."
"I would've done anything for you..."
"You left me. You don't get to come back."
"I want you to hurt like I do."
"That's it? You're just giving up on me?"
"I never thought we'd end like this."
"It's such a shame to let you walk away."
"Love isn't a three-way street!"
"Is this goodbye?"
"I would have followed you anywhere. "
"Do I even matter to you?!"
"My back has turned on you."
"I should have known you'd break my heart."
"You're gone and I'm haunted and I bet you are just fine!"
"Goodbye, my almost lover."
"It's over."
"I can't do this anymore."
"I'm leaving you."
"I'm done crying over you."
"I have to let you go."
"You said you loved me..."
"I LOVED you. Past tense."
"I don't believe in love."
"I never loved you."
"I hate you."
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Finally regained access to this blog!! 
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Reblog if your 18+
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50 Shades of Blue! Send a colour to ask something sexual:
Aqua: Top or bottom?
Azure: What’s your biggest turn-on?
Baby Blue: Have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender?
Carolina: Have you ever had sex with someone of a different gender?
Cerulean: What’s your biggest turn-off?
Cyan: What’s your sexual orientation?
Cobalt: Rough or soft?
Cornflower: Are you a virgin?
Denim: Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
Electric: Do you prefer lingerie to regular underwear?
Indigo: Do you like phone sex?
Lapis: What’s your best fantasy?
Midnight: Are you into role-play?
Oxford: Have you ever had sex with more than one person?
Periwinkle: Do you use toys often?
Persian: Would you do public sex at all?
Powder Blue: Vanilla sex or spiced up?
Prussian: Confess a kink to me?
Royal: What’s your favourite position?
Sapphire: When was the last time you had sex?
Sky: Do you read smut/watch porn?
Teal: Where was the strangest place you ever had sex?
Tiffany: Would you/do you do sex work?
Turquoise: Have you ever taken part in group sex?
True: Do you remember your first time?
Ultramarine: Do you do/enjoy oral?
Zaffre: Make up your own question!
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Relationship & Courting antics Asks.
♥ Do they seek out love or let it find the? Are they even interested in romance?
♥  When they have a crush on someone, how do they let them know?
♥ Tell us about a time they were rejected.
♥ Do they spend a lot of time in the courting stage or attempt to get to first base as fast as possible?
♥ Do they wait to be intimate until after marriage or break all the social rules?
♥ Do they have open or closed relationships?
♥ How do they feel about polygamy?
♥ Are they loyal to their partners?
♥ Are they patient with their partners?
♥ Do they include their partners in most aspects of their life?
♥ Do they make an effort to find someone with similar views, be they political or moral?
♥ Do they seek to find a partner purely to further the bloodline and name, is it for true love, or is it for pleasure alone?
♥ Do they sleep in the same bed/room as much as they can or do they sleep separately?
♥ Do they make it a point to eat at lease one meal a day together with their partner, or do they do as they please?
♥ Do they enjoy talking to their partners before going to sleep or is it straight to dreamland?
♥ Do they have at least one bonding activity they devote to doing with their partner exclusively?
♥ What sort of characteristics or quirks draw them to someone?
♥ Do they have a ‘type’?
♥ What was their first impression about their partner/person they are courting?
♥ How did their relationship start?
♥ What was the most romantic time they had with their partner?
♥ Tell us about a sacrifice they made for their significant other.
♥ Do they apologize to their partner even if it wasn’t their fault?
♥ Will they lie for the sake of their significant other’s happiness?
♥ If they could choose their partner again, would they choose the same person?
♥ What do they love most about their significant other?
♥ Have they had dreams about their partner/the person they are courting?
♥ Do they understand their partners/person they are courting’s feelings without them having to say anything?
♥ How do they express their love to their partner?
♥ Would they leave the person they love if it meant saving their life/giving them a better chance at life?
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How I feel with every RP
RP partner: (writes fantastic starter with intricate dialog and plot settings)
Me: I have to go I'm too stupid to talk to you
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Send ‘🍞’ to throw a loaf of bread at my muse.
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I return!! I have more screen shots of updated Aerwyn!! I will post them after the holidays are over!
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Aerwyn was caught off guard by this sudden show of affection, and yet she seemed to drown in him for the moment. “Ma vhenan.. I have missed you.” 
Her eyes drifted closed for just a few seconds, drinking in the moment. 
“You have been well, I hope.”
❤~! (If it's alright!)
Send me ❤~! for my muse to dip and kiss yours
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It had been to long, since she had departed for the western approach. Solas didn’t like it, but he had to admit, that the longing for her had become overwhelming some days. Now, that she was back, he used the chance, wrapped his arms around her and dipped her down.
His lips capturing hers in a passionate kiss, that he only broke to get some air.
“Vhenan.”, Solas said quietly. “Welcome home.”
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Send me !!! for my muse to find yours huddled in a corner, terrified
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