sullenphoenix · 1 year
Castlevania: Nocturne Prompts
Part I An assortment of prompts taken from the show Castlevania: Nocturne on Netflix. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ God, why do you have to argue about everything? ”
“ I know that feeling. That pain. That hate. ”
“ To hell with the natural order. ”
“ Stay close. Stay together. ”
“ You can kill me, but it won't do you any good. ”
“ I thought you might want to argue me to death about it. ”
“ You talk like I don't know when to keep my mouth shut. ”
“ No good will come of all this hatred. ”
“ We have a common enemy in evil. ”
“ The world is changing. ”
“ Whatever they are, I'm sure they can die. ”
“ There are things I don't talk about either. ”
“ We're all descendants from gods. We just have to learn how to draw on their power. ”
“ He looks like he found god. ”
“ We need to get out of here! ”
“ They were coming from everywhere. All we could do is retreat. ”
“ None of this is your fault. ”
“ He knew the risk when he chose to come here. ”
“ I fled... But I guess you couldn't do that. ”
“ I could not be caged. ”
“ Run. Run as fast as you can. ”
“ Who the hell are you, and what do you think you're doing? ”
“ You need to get out of those wet clothes. ”
“ It's what in our hearts that matters. ”
“ Warriors in arms. Family in hearts. ”
“ Freedom was sweeter than the sugar we harvested. ”
“ There will always be masters and slaves. You can't kill us all. ”
“ Who the fuck are you, and what do you want? ”
“ Faith is a foundation. Faith is order. Faith is a companion in the hardest of times. When the world abandons you. ”
“ Has the world abandoned you? ”
“ You know my name. Tell me yours. ”
“ You expect me to believe you care? ”
“ They're all going to kneel. Every single one. ”
“ They're going to love you. ”
“ We lit a spark. And the spark lit a flame, and then the flame was an inferno. ”
“ What the fuck just happened? ”
“ Do you understand what you are? ”
“ You were created to obey. To obey me. ”
“ Was there an error in how you were made? ”
“ You exist only for me. ”
“ Are you all right? ”
“ Maybe the only way to save him would be to kill him. ”
“ I'm not afraid. I'm saying we need a plan. ”
“ I know it haunts your dreams. ”
“ You're not cowards. You're just children with no experience of the world. ”
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
touch-starved prompts ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐚 ꒱
— “can… can i have a hug? please?”
— “oh, sweetheart- come here.”
— “how long has it been since someone hugged you?”
— “just hold me.”
— “is this okay?”
— “we don’t have to talk, if you don’t want to. we can just sit here together until you feel up to anything else.”
— “can i hug you? you look like you could do with it.”
— “are you blushing?! that’s adorable.”
— “it’s okay, baby, just let it all out. i’ve got you, i promise.”
— “you fell asleep in my arms. it was kind of adorable.”
— “please, never apologise for wanting to be loved.”
— “you don’t need to earn my affection, not now and not ever.”
— “i’m never more at peace than i am in your arms.”
— “not that i think cuddling will fix everything, but i’m pretty sure it can’t make things worse.”
— “i never knew i could feel this loved.”
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
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"Master Bluesummers! Uh... What a... pleasant surprise!" Try not to have a heart attack, Angelo. Legato can probably smell fear.
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
🕯️ for Rowan 👀 (you know this was coming)
Rowan is... Rowan means a lot to Angelo. His business associate, his teammate. A confident and a skilled fighter in equal parts. The man who made Angelo feel more alive, ironic considering Rowan's parentage. Angelo would die for him and live for him in equal parts. The dhampir makes him see red and makes him feel warm and happy at the same time. The ultimate contradiction. Saddled with music taste more awful than Angelo could ever believe one man to have. As maddening as he is loveable. Love. Angelo felt... He... They are business associates. Inseperable till death does them part. It helps that Rowan's bite is as enjoyable as his bark.
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
send "you're the prettiest thing i've ever seen." to see my muse's reaction. ♡ [feel free to add context / actions / other dialogue as needed.]
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
Angelo had been gone for several hours on his 'mission' now. All Rowan had managed to get out of him before he got properly dressed and left their hotel room was 'Request from my boss, shouldn't take too long, be back before our plans' and then he was gone. They were meant to have lunch plans together but Angelo had been gone well past midday at this point, the sky starting to darken into evening. It was a little worrying even. It didn't usually take that long for Angelo to do much of anything, the man was good at what he did. It felt like forever until something of interest had happened, several gasps heard outside of their hotel room, followed by the almost trademark heavy footfalls of his partner in crime. Angelo wasn't exactly quiet. The door handle jostled for a moment before falling still, the man on the otherside cursing under his breath. It was a keycard lock, some... newfangled thing he constantly forgot about. He missed keys. It took several more moments until the door slammed open, a truly ghastly figure shambling through it. Angelo looked a real mess, his usually well-kept long hair a total mess, clumped in places with what was probably dried blood. He hobbled inside, Firestarter's hand grabbing onto the doorframe for support. Blood dripped down from what had to be a cut on his forehead, joining the blood dribbling down from a split lip, both making a mess on his poor suit which was... equally as rough. The red did a lot of the legwork in hiding what were probably the worst parts of his injuries, although dark blood pooled between fingers where he clutched at his side. The poor man looked one step from simply just passing out in the doorway where he stood. "Room service's coming with a medkit, pay the guy more money from my stuff." He muttered, taking another step before his leg buckled and he collapsed down in a bloody heap, Firestarter fading out as he fell. He had made it a step into the room, better than he'd expected.
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
starter call ,     feel  free  to  combine  multiple  prompts !
send  😊  for  a  happy  starter .
send  🙁  for  a  sad  starter .
send  🙌  for  an  excited  starter .
send  💢  for  an  angry  starter .
send  🌷  for  a  soft  starter .
send  😝  for  a  silly  starter .
send  💬  for  an  angsty  starter .
send  💀  for  a  violent  starter .
send  🌹  for  a  romantic  starter .
send  🔞  for  a  sexual  starter .
send  👼  for  a  comforting  starter .
send  👿  for  a  threatening  starter .
send  💥  for  an  argumentative  starter .
send  ⚔️  for  an  action  starter .
send  💋  for  a  flirty  starter .
send  ❤️  for  a  loving  starter .
send  🔪  for  a  hostile  starter .
send  👁️  for  an  envious  starter .
send  ❗  for  a  frightened  starter .
send  🩹  for  an  injured  /  sick  starter .
send  ⚠️  for  an  urgent  starter .
send  🥂  for  a  celebratory  starter .
send  👫  for  a  reunion  starter .
send  💤  for  a  lazy  starter .
send  🛡️  for  a  protective  starter .
send  🏠  for  a  domestic  starter .
send  🔥  for  an  intimate  starter .
send  ☂️  for  a  weather  based  starter .
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
Heart this post for an RP starter from me!
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
Insert Mushu Gif here.
I live! Kind of. I do actually mean it this time I promise. Life is finally starting to unhectic itself for me and I think I can at least get back to semi-active here. With that being said- I'll start poking around and posting openers again, getting to any long-overdue replies I've been holding back.
I don't advertise it much but the easiest way to prod and contact me is through my discord: Mr. Hyde#0824
If you want to chat, brainstorm or whatever I'm much more reachable there than on Tumblr's... inconsistent messaging system.
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
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A new piece of completed art commission of Angelo and a friend's character!
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
Cont. @bxtsence
“I… would appreciate some time alone, yes.” Angelo said bluntly, his hands slipping casually into the pockets of his suit jacket almost instinctively. It was a comfort thing. It took him a moment to even register Rowan’s… odd choice of attire, but it was barely noticeable to the Mortician, just a flicker of understanding behind the strange suit-wearing man’s eyes. “Thank you for allowing me this chance.” He owed the Mortician one, even if it was perhaps a given requirement.
Angelo almost let out a relieved sigh as Rowan stepped away from him, the mafioso letting out a slow breath as his Stand manifested, pulling itself from his back, bandaged hand grabbing onto the sheet covering Jacob and pulling it free with a dramatic little flourish. Angelo wasn’t… he had seen far too many dead bodies in his time, but it was different when it was a family member. Firestarter loomed over both living and dead for the briefest of moments before Angelo himself moved in closer. His brother’s skin was pallid, the most fitting description he thought was ironically ‘Corpse-like’ really. He kept his gaze away from Jacob’s head, running a hand down his older brother’s arms as he tried to find… something. Anything. Wait a minute- were those divots? They were tiny enough to be almost imperceptible to the naked eye. Like dozens upon dozens of pinpricks. No, they were bigger than pinpricks but only barely. It was less like a pinprick and more like someone had experimented with violent acupuncture for the first time- this was not normal. They looked too fresh to be self-harm injuries as well, what sort of 'suicide' was this? Angelo was already suspicious of the claim, now he really couldn't believe it.
He went to call out to the Mortician, maybe this was just something they did to the bodies for some reason- Angelo hesitated… What was the guy’s name again? Roman? Rory? Roland? Fuck. “Mortician!” He called out to the still morgue, hoping the Mortician with the name that had to start with Ro-something would hear him! “Something is off with this body.” Firestarter grabbed the sheet once again as Angelo turned to face where Rowan had left, letting his Stand at least cover Jacob’s lower half before Rowan entered. It was the least he could do for his big bro. "I need a second opinion." He stated as the other man entered, not even clicking onto the way Firestarter clutched at his shoulder before slipping into his self and fading away. It was just how Firestarter did things. He doubted Robin was a Stand User anyhow.
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
Cont. @jazzkiller
"I certainly try to make the red... work with myself." Angelo chuckled quietly, adjusting the tie he wore with a soft, almost awkward chuckle. Midvalley is greeted by the Firedancer's face flushing, the ambient heat around the both of them warming, gently ticking upwards- almost unnoticeable were it not someone so perceptive. "You are certainly more appealing than most of His Guns, I must admit- other than perhaps... the Punisher and Double Fang the others do nothing for me." So matter of fact about it too! "You're at least half-decent after all, Hornfreak~ And you're able to carry a tune wonderfully." He's... still flirting??? This has to be a trick.
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
God I loathe pornbots with the heat of a trillion suns. Please go away- I get so many of them now. I'm not even a big RPer!
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
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"Wha-? The point of torture is not meant to also be self inflicted here!" Angelo hissed, grumbling quite loudly at the thought. "We just make their mother's own recipes wrong."
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sullenphoenix · 1 year
Assumption: he really hates pizza
The Mobster nearly explodes there and then with rage. It's honestly kind of a miracle how animated the usually collected and calm man can be. "-Next you'll being saying I don't like puppies or cute guys or-" He's going to be ranting for awhile it seems, oh dear.
Meanwhile Firestarter just looks disappointed behind him, the bandaged stand shaking Its head at his user's antics.
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