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A cardiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the heart and blood vessels. They diagnose and treat conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and arrhythmia.
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Understanding Heart Disease and Prevention by Dr.Sumit Shejol
People need to be aware of the risk factors and preventative measures for heart disease because it is one of the major causes of death in the world. Heart disease and the methods people can take to prevent it will be discussed in this blog by renowned cardiologist Dr. Sumit Shejol of Aurangabad. Dr. Shejol will go into detail about just how people can lower their risk of getting heart disease and lead a healthy, fulfilling life, from lifestyle changes to early detection. This site strives to inform readers and give them the power to control their cardiovascular health and make informed choices about their health.
One of the most common causes of death globally and a serious concern for many people is heart disease. It’s critical to comprehend what causes heart disease, what elements contribute to its occurrence, and how to prevent it.
A variety of disorders that affect the heart and its function are referred to as heart diseases. Cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and heart failure are a few of the most common heart conditions. Numerous variables, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle, might contribute to the development of these disorders.
Fortunately, there are steps people may do to lower their chance of getting heart disease and stop it from having a negative impact on their lives. The following are some of the best techniques:
Eating a balanced, healthy diet: A diet low in processed foods and saturated fats and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help lower the risk of heart disease.
Exercise frequently: Regular exercise can assist to maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure, and reducing stress, all of which can help to stave against heart disease.
Quitting smoking can significantly lower the risk of acquiring heart disease because smoking is a key risk factor for the condition.
Finding techniques to manage stress, such as through exercise, meditation, or talking to a therapist are crucial because chronic stress can raise the risk of heart disease.
Regular doctor visits can aid in identifying any potential risk factors for heart disease and offer the chance for early intervention and treatment.
In conclusion, heart disease is a major worry, and it’s critical for people to understand the causes of it as well as how to avoid it. People can lower their chance of getting heart disease and have a healthy, meaningful life by changing their lifestyles, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising frequently, giving up smoking, managing stress, and scheduling routine doctor visits.
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How do I recognize the symptoms of congestive heart failure?
Welcome to this blog post on recognizing the symptoms of congestive heart failure. In this post, Dr. Sumit Shejol will discuss the signs and symptoms of this condition and how to recognize them. He will also provide some tips for managing the symptoms so you can live a healthier life. We hope this blog post will help you better understand congestive heart failure and how to identify it in yourself or others.
Congestive heart failure, also known as CHF, is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. It is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide and can lead to several complications if left untreated.
One of the most widely recognized side effects of CHF is windedness, which can happen while resting or doing active work. This happens on grounds that the heart can’t siphon sufficient blood to the body’s tissues, causing the development of liquid in the lungs. Thus, the individual might feel like they can’t slow down and rest and may need to sit up or remain to inhale all the more without any problem. Fatigue and weakness are also common symptoms of CHF. This is because the heart is not able to pump enough blood to the body’s tissues, which can make it difficult for the person to do daily activities.
Expanding in the legs, lower legs, and feet is one more typical side effect of CHF. This happens when liquid develops here in the body because of the heart’s powerlessness to siphon sufficient blood. The individual might see that their shoes or rings are tighter than expected and that their legs and feet feel weighty. Rapid or irregular heartbeat is another symptom of CHF. This occurs because the heart is not able to pump blood as efficiently as it should, which can cause the heart to beat faster or irregularly.
A persistent cough or wheezing is also a symptom of CHF. This occurs because of the buildup of fluid in the lungs, which can cause the person to cough or wheeze to clear the fluid.
It’s vital to take note that these side effects may not be brought about by cardiovascular breakdown and ought to be examined by a medical services proficient. They will want to analyze and suggest treatment choices. Treatment for CHF can include medications, lifestyle changes, and in some cases, surgery. Medications may include diuretics to remove excess fluid from the body, ACE inhibitors to reduce the workload on the heart, and beta-blockers to slow the heart rate. Lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and quitting smoking can also help to manage CHF.
In conclusion, recognizing the symptoms of CHF is important to receive the necessary treatment. Counsel your medical services proficiently assuming you suspect that you have CHF. Additionally, It’s essential to make the way of life changes to keep your heart sound and lessen the gamble of creating CHF.
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Heart Effects of Cold Weather 
Welcome to Dr.Sumit Shejol’s blog Heart Effects of Cold Weather! Cold weather can be difficult for many of us, particularly those with cardiac issues. As the temperature drops, so does the chance of heart problems. Dr. Sumit Shejol will discuss the impact of cold weather on the heart in this blog, as well as share some recommendations on how to keep safe and healthy in cold weather. We can safeguard ourselves and our loved ones by knowing more about the impact of cold weather on heart health. So, let’s get this party started!
Cold weather can have a significant impact on our heart health. As the temperatures drop, our bodies have to work harder to maintain a normal body temperature, putting extra strain on the cardiovascular system. This can lead to an increased risk of heart attacks, chest pain, and other heart-related issues.
One of the main ways that cold weather affects the heart is by constricting blood vessels. When our bodies are exposed to cold temperatures, the blood vessels in our skin and extremities will constrict in order to preserve heat and protect the core of our bodies. This can cause a decrease in blood flow, which can lead to an increased risk of blood clots and other cardiovascular problems.
Another way that cold weather can affect the heart is by increasing blood pressure. When our bodies are exposed to cold temperatures, our hearts have to work harder to pump blood to the body’s core. This can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure, which can be dangerous for people who already have high blood pressure.
Additionally, cold weather can also increase the risk of heart attacks. The combination of increased blood pressure constricted blood vessels, and the extra strain on the heart can cause the blood to become thicker, making it more difficult for the heart to pump. This can lead to a heart attack, particularly in people who already have heart disease.
To protect your heart during the colder months, it’s important to take steps to stay warm and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dress in layers to help retain heat, and be sure to stay dry, as wet clothing can cause your body to lose heat more quickly. Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding smoking can also help to reduce your risk of heart disease.
It’s also important to be aware of the warning signs of a heart attack, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
In conclusion, cold weather can have a significant impact on our heart health. It’s important to take steps to protect our hearts during the colder months, by staying warm, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and being aware of the warning signs of a heart attack. With the right precautions, we can enjoy the winter months without putting our hearts at risk.
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"The best heart care in Aurangabad is here! Dr. Sumit Shejol is here to take care of your heart health needs!"
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swami Vivekanand Jayanti "Celebrating the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda on his Jayanti - Let us take a moment to recognize his tireless efforts to empower us all."
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Dr. Sumit Shejol (Cardiologist) --Simple Outdoor Exercises for a Healthier Spring
The warmer temps have finally arrived after several months of cold weather. It's time to put away the heavy sweaters and get out the shorts and T-shirts now that the sun is shining. Additionally, now is the ideal moment to switch up your workout and go outside. While our experts discuss spring exercise tips and the advantages of outdoor activity, check out some enjoyable and straightforward outdoor activities you can look forward to this season.
Springtime Outdoor Exercise
 Did you know that one in four persons does not exercise as frequently as they ought to? This shocking truth is a result of a number of factors, including a lack of time, discomfort, and facilities. The outdoor activities listed below will get you moving if you're ready to start experiencing the benefits of fitness.
Walking: Walking for pleasure is beneficial for both physical and mental health. To retain strength and agility, try to spend simply ten minutes outside each day.
Exercise doesn't have to be difficult; try swimming It improves cardiology health. Great activities that can improve flexibility, balance, and strength include swimming and water aerobics.
Playing with children is a terrific kind of exercise even though it may not seem like it. a fun and effective method to exercise. Spend some time walking or playing basketball in a park to get your heart rate up.
Gardening: The best time to start a garden is in the spring. It is a fantastic type of workout in addition to getting you outside. You will undoubtedly feel the burn as you remove weeds and clean up your garden beds.
Hiking - Hiking may give your daily strolls a sense of adventure. Explore a new trail, take in some fresh air, and take in the outdoors while still getting some workout.
Although it might not be the most enjoyable outdoor activity, spring cleaning will help you. Cleaning out your garage, your grass, and your patio will all benefit from this.
Tips for Spring Exercise
This spring, keep in mind some practical advice before going outside to exercise to make sure you can continue doing so in the warm climate.
Get a checkup - Even though you may feel well, it's important to go to the doctor to monitor your cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart health.
Team up: When you work alongside a friend, you are more likely to start moving. Find a time that works for you both and bring along your partner, kids, or work pal. When exercising outside, you will be exposed to more sunlight, so it is important to shield your skin from UV rays. Stretch - Maintaining flexibility, strength, and health of your muscles by stretching before and after exercise. Remember to skip. this action!
Maintain hydration: Experts advise drinking at least 8 glasses of water, each containing 8 ounces. Our cells receive nourishment from water, which helps prevent weariness and cramping in the muscles.
Fitness Advantages of Outdoors
brings down blood pressure
alleviates insomnia
reduces stress, tests your body and intellect, and increases happiness
supports the management of weight
strengthens heart health
For more Cardiology Consultancy Contact Us--https://www.hrudaysparshclinic.com/contact-2/
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Cardiac Arrest in Young Age - Causes and How to Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death
Although it seldom occurs, a sudden cardiac arrest does occur in young persons. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 2,000 young, otherwise healthy people under the age of 25 pass away in the US every year from sudden cardiac arrest. Younger folks are suffering heart attacks and cardiac arrest at alarmingly worrisome rates.
What is cardiac arrest?
Cardiac arrest is the sudden cessation of heartbeat or the heart's ability to pump blood throughout the body. Typically, there is no advance notice. A person who experiences a cardiac arrest will suddenly pass out, lose consciousness, and not be breathing at all. Some warning signs to look out for include unexplained fainting, chest pain or shortness of breath, and a family history of cardiac arrest. If a cardiac arrest is not treated quickly, it might result in death.
Causes of cardiac arrest in young adults
The reasons of cardiac arrest typically change with age. The majority of cardiac arrests in adults over 35 are brought on by coronary artery disease. The causes of cardiac arrest in young persons can vary. Young adults may experience cardiac arrest due to a variety of conditions, such as:
1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is first. a difficult form of cardiac disease in which the heart muscle thickens excessively.
2. Disturbed coronary arteries
Some people have improperly linked coronary arteries from birth, which can reduce blood flow to the heart muscle during activity and lead to cardiac arrest.
3. Long QT syndrome 3.
Fast and erratic heartbeats can result from this inherited heart rhythm problem.
4. Brugada disease
a hereditary condition that alters the regular rhythm of the heart. Structural
Can you prevent sudden cardiac death?
Here are some actions people can take to lessen the risk of sudden cardiac death:
1. Family background
People with a family history of sudden cardiac death should discuss screening possibilities with their doctor as it can be a useful step to help lower the risk of sudden death.
2. CPR and defibrillators
One of the best strategies to stop sudden cardiac mortality is to make defibrillators widely accessible. A defibrillator can swiftly administer an electric shock to recover a normal heartbeat in the event of a cardiac arrest. In places like schools and sporting arenas, age-appropriate life-support training like CPR can assist respond quickly if someone's heart stops.
3. Risk factors and cautionary indications
Knowing the warning signals and contacting emergency medical assistance might be helpful.
Here are some actions people can take to lessen the risk of sudden cardiac death:
1. Family background
People with a family history of sudden cardiac death should discuss screening possibilities with their doctor as it can be a useful step to help lower the risk of sudden death.
2. CPR and defibrillators
One of the best strategies to stop sudden cardiac mortality is to make defibrillators widely accessible. A defibrillator can immediately provide an electric shock to restore heart function and save lives in the case of cardiac arrest. Although it happens in young adults who are not participating in organized sports, sudden cardiac arrest is thought to be one of the main causes of death in young athletes. If you're pregnant, your doctor could urge you to stay away from competitive sports.
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Dr Sumit Shejol---How Cholesterol Link to Your Heart
Your blood contains cholesterol, a waxy, fatty-like material. Your body needs cholesterol to manufacture hormones, insulate nerves, and create new, healthy cells. Normally, all the cholesterol your body requires is produced by your liver. But certain meals, such as milk, eggs, and meat, can also introduce cholesterol into your body. Your chance of developing heart disease may increase if your body has high cholesterol levels. The doctors at Hrudaysparsh Cardiology Clinic are here to support you on your path to a healthy heart, whether you've been seeking for the best cardiologists around to help control your cholesterol or are looking for a practise that focuses on cardiovascular illness. Below, we discuss how having high cholesterol can result in heart disease and what you can do to prevent it.
Does High Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease?
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or bad cholesterol), and high-density lipoprotein are the two types of cholesterol (HDL or good cholesterol). While HDL works to eliminate cholesterol from the blood, LDL is the main contributor to the waterlogging plaque. Fatty deposits in your blood vessels might result from an excess of cholesterol in your body. Your arteries become more difficult for blood to pass through as these deposits increase. Your heart receives oxygen via the blood. Chest pain may occur if not enough blood and oxygen reach your heart. A heart attack, stroke, or heart failure can occur if the blood supply to your heart, brain, and other organs is totally cut off. Occasionally, the fatty deposits can suddenly burst and form a clot. Once a
What Affects Cholesterol Levels?
Your chance of having abnormal cholesterol levels might be influenced by the following factors:
Unhealthy diet - Eating foods high in trans-fat, saturated fat, and carbohydrates can raise your cholesterol levels. Saturated fats are often found in full-fat dairy products and fatty animal cuts. Desserts and packaged foods both include trans fats. LDL cholesterol can also be reduced by eating a balanced diet rich in fibre, dark leafy greens, whole grains, skinless poultry, and fish.
Obesity - Having a large waistline might raise your cholesterol. Lowering LDL, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels while increasing HDL levels can be achieved by losing weight or maintaining a BMI under 30. Lack of Exercise - Regular exercise can improve HDL cholesterol levels and decrease LDL cholesterol. Experts advise 30 minutes of moderate exercise.
Hereditary - High cholesterol may run in your family and be inherited.
Age and Gender - Cholesterol levels increase as you age naturally. A high cholesterol level is typical in those over 40. Women typically have lower cholesterol levels than men their age before menopause. Women's LDL levels tend to increase after menopause.
Alcohol and Smoking - Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol while also smoking cigarettes can raise your total cholesterol.
Medication - Medication, such as progestins and steroids, can lower HDL levels while raising LDL levels.
Treatment for High Cholesterol
It's crucial to find a reputable cardiologist nearby and make an appointment if you have high cholesterol. Our cardiologists at Hrudaysparsh Cardiology Clinic strive to reduce LDL levels in order to diminish your chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Together with you, your doctor can decide on healthy objectives including regulating your food, getting enough exercise, and keeping a healthy weight. Your doctor can then give medication in accordance with your risk factors or provide minimally invasive surgery options.
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Dr Sumit Shejol--Cardiologist Consultant In Aurangabad
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In this video, I will discuss the condition known as Hypertension. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries is too high. This can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.
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Dr. SUMIT SHEJOL-- What are some myths about heart health?
The heart, which serves as the hub of the circulatory system and pumps blood throughout the body, is. When the heart is in good health, blood is pumped effectively, and blood pressure is kept within normal limits. One of the most crucial components of a person's existence is hence their cardiac health. Unfortunately, several misconceptions about the subject cause it to be misconstrued frequently. So, the top heart specialist in Aurangabad dispels the myths about heart health in this article. Only older persons suffer from heart ailments.
1)Not only the elderly are susceptible to heart disorders. According to the top heart expert, heart disease is an issue that is becoming more prevalent in our culture and can affect young people. Therefore, it's crucial to be aware of the symptoms and seek treatment for the illness as soon as it manifests.
Dr Sumit Shejol emphasizes that in order to avoid heart failure and heart attacks at a young age, it is most important to maintain a good diet and an active lifestyle. That may sound easy enough, but the sedentary nature of the modern lifestyle makes it challenging to implement. Consequently, do your best to set out at least 30 minutes each day for walking, participating in sports,
2) People with a family history of heart disease have little hope.
You can still overcome the odds even though your risk of acquiring heart disease rises if your father or mother has had a heart attack, stroke, or heart illness. In fact, you can cut your odds in half if you follow a nutritious diet, engage in regular exercise, keep a healthy weight, and don't smoke.
If you already have heart disease, it's crucial to have regular examinations with a heart expert and keep an eye on your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
3) A heart attack and cardiac arrest are the same thing. One of the most pervasive misconceptions about heart health is this one. Cardiac arrests and heart attacks are two distinct medical situations that are sometimes misconstrued. When your heart's blood supply is cut off and the heart muscle begins to deteriorate, a heart attack happens. The best heart doctor in Aurangabad contrasts this with cardiac arrest, which happens when the electrical signals in your heart are interfered with and your heart stops beating. Additionally, a heart attack may result in cardiac arrest because an irregular heartbeat can occur when blood flow to the heart is disturbed.
In either scenario, contact emergency services right away and get medical attention as soon as you can.
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