sumitjioson · 3 years
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Are you looking to find a genuine partner for your life online? then you can visit at the Best Indian Matrimonial Site in India - https://www.andwemet.com/
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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In our most recent discussion with participants online, andwemet pondered the question— “Why are we afraid of getting into new relationships?”
Now, the common consensus was that the fear of getting into new relationships stems from unpleasant experiences in the past, be it lost trust, being gaslit, or perhaps even just falling out of love. The most important thing to remember in these cases however, is that this feeling is normal and that you are not alone.
Speakers in the sessions shared their personal experiences wherein incidents from their past deterred them from trying to find someone new in their 30s. Factors such as trust issues, impatience, intellectual compatibility, loss of freedom and even the loss of your sense of self all played a part in giving rise to doubt and insecurities. This train of thought sometimes even leads people to give up on the idea of marriage altogether.
So, the question remains, how should we deal with these fears?
Recognising that this fear exists would be step one. Unless you’re able to come to terms with the fact that there is something holding you back there isn’t much you can do to tackle it.
Next, try to understand why you are being faced by these thoughts. Try, to separate truth from fiction and be self-aware of your hang ups and insecurities. It is also important at this stage to set up an open line of communication with any potential partner before pressuring yourself into a relationship.
Lastly, understand that no relationship is perfect no matter how well matched the two individuals are. Each couple has their arguments and rough patches, but it is important to recognise that the two of you are a team, working together to solve the problem.
Ultimately, it is a very human reaction to be wary of being vulnerable in a new setting, and at times this instinct can come in handy. Although, this doesn’t mean you should not pursue a relationship that you think could end up being something wonderful.
If you think you are ready for a serious relationship but can’t find that special someone don’t hesitate to try methods such as online dating. There might be a bit of a taboo surrounding the subject, especially in India, but in today’s busy lifestyle, using these websites can help find your significant other without needing to resort to blind dates or set ups arranged by your family.
Just remember to take your time and dismiss any external pressure that might push you in a direction you would rather avoid. Make your decision, keeping in mind your own capabilities and boundaries, and don’t let self-doubt hinder your search for love.
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sumitjioson · 3 years
Seeing her family this way put a lot of pressure on Sheetal – though it was all unsaid but there was a huge elephant in the room. All of this started impacting Sheetal’s health and mindset. Read more: https://www.andwemet.com/
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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If you are looking the best and trusted Matchmaking Dating Site online in India, then you find huge crowd in a single link at
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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All in Sheetal Kapoor’s family were well and healthy. Sheetal’s father’s business was thriving, her sister announced her second pregnancy, her brother was going to an Ivy League school to do his MBA, his visa had come through. Sheetal’s mother had also become a micro influencer on Instagram and that too was picking up. Sheetal too was doing well at work, she was working in the digital marketing division of a Mountain View based technology company. For someone outside it appeared all was perfect in the Kapoor household, however that was not the case. Everybody in the house was stressing out as Sheetal was going to turn 32 years old and was still single and there was no sight of prospect partner in sight.
Sheetal’s sister, a doctor, 5 years older than her got married at 27. Sheetal’s sister founder her life partner on an Indian online dating service and had to go through a lot of opposition from her family as the man she chose was not from the same caste and her family was very particular about that. In fact not just caste, her husband was from Bangalore while Sheetal and her family were from Indore. Despite opposition Sheetal’s sister got married to the man of her choice and today they were expecting their second child. Not only this the family had accepted the Sheetal’s sister’s husband and family but they had still not warmed on the fact that the couple met online. Given Sheetal’s brother in law was a doctor as well, when asked by relatives and friends the parents made up a story that the couple was working together in a hospital where they met.
Getting back to Sheetal, the parents her siblings were getting restless that they were not able to help her find a match through their known circles. Sheetal’s parents were not willing to sign up online on any Indian matchmaking matrimonial service as they had their trust issues using online for a serious relationship. They had heard their friends talk about online dating sites promoting casual dating.
Seeing her family this way put a lot of pressure on Sheetal – though it was all unsaid but there was a huge elephant in the room. All of this started impacting Sheetal’s health and mindset.
During this time she caught up with her girlfriend from college who was visiting from Boston. This friend was surprised to see Sheetal who was always bright and chirpy looking really dull. She asked what the issue was and learnt about the pressure at home. This friend was the family favourite too, so she asked Sheetal to invite her home where she can tell Sheetal’s family how she met her husband on andwemet a new dating site for urban Indians. She went around to tell Sheetal why she trusted it and how she found only real people. She did mention it took her 5 months of search but ultimately, she found her husband and was really happy.
Sheetal did exactly as asked by the friend, her friend met the family where she knew Sheetal’s parents will ask on she met her husband – she was ready with all answers and saw that she had managed to change the mindset of parents to trust online dating and make them realise it is safe and can be trusted.
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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Find the best and 100% genuine Indian Matrimonial Site in India to build up genuine connection. To get more information, please visit at: https://www.andwemet.com/
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sumitjioson · 3 years
Priya Wanted To Live-In With Her Partner Before She Married Him
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Nitin and Mina’s daughter Priya just turned 27. Priya was celebrating her second birthday staying home thanks to the pandemic. Priya was inundated with calls to wish her the best but every call asked her about her relationship status. After receiving birthday wishes, the next sentence asked by all who were wishing her included the following sentences
-          You are 27 years, what plans for marriage
-          Are you dating or in a relationship?
-          Have you signed on any Indian dating app
-          Your parents must be looking for a boy for you
-          Aha you are 27, when are we being invited to your marriage
While Priya was open to meeting someone, she was open to signing up on an online matchmaking service but she could not understand why all her family and her friends asked about her plans to get married. She could understand the family’s concern or curiousness, but found it odd when her friends asking the same because she had never asked them ever their plans to marry, and she had single friends in both their mid to late 20s and early to mid 30s. Priya could not understand the obsession around the fact around marriage and it is not that she did not believe in it, she very much did and wanted to marry.
A little bit about Priya, her parents lived in a city which had finest schools and colleges and she worked hard to study in them. She got a job in another city but was working from home since last 2 years  because of pandemic, but with things opening up, she was going to move to the new city soon and was super excited about the fact. Basically for 27 years she always lived with her parents and now she wanted to live alone, independently to know herself better, to know what she wants from her relationship and from life in general, because till now all her needs were being fulfilled at her parents home.
Not only was Priya keen on living away from home, she was keen in meeting someone for a relationship, something fun but not casual, something to start as friends and then long term maybe.  She also knew that she wanted to get into a long term relationship but wanted to start it with companionship where they both lived in their own homes and in time try livingin  and post that a marriage. She knew that if the introduction happened via the family route then she would not be able to extend the courtship as she wanted, besides when families get involved all the responsibility comes in and for now she wanted a relationship without any responsibility. Her long-term serious relationship she wanted to try for 7-9 months post which get married.
Priya had never signed up on any Indian dating apps and her girlfriends did not have anything much to say about them, more so because she was not seeking something casual. It was then one of her aunts told her about andwemet an online dating service for single Indians who are conscious and are fine for things to go slow vs the mindless swipe culture. Given andwemet was not that well known she signed up on Bumble but could not handle the pressure of swiping and gave in and signed up on andwemet and today after over 5 months she has met someone who she thinks she will like to know for longer. At the same time Priya has moved into the work city, has a small apartment in the city center close to work and is enjoying knowing herself better.
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sumitjioson · 3 years
Relationships need to be fun, yes there will be disagreements and arguments, but no one has to stay in an abusive relationship. Also do not blame yourself for the relationship not working. Anything that breaks is hurtful, give it some time, collect yourself and restart your happy life and in case looking to date again, looking for a serious relationship than you may want to consider signing up on andwemet.
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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Anyone can find the legal information at the Best Indian Matrimonial Site in India - https://www.andwemet.com/
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sumitjioson · 3 years
Being In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship?
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Unfortunately, culturally among Indians, emotionally abusive behavior is normalised by both victim and abuser, as well as their family and friends. It can be a difficult situation to escape and the victim might instead find themself excusing the behavior and making adjustments to accommodate the abusers behavior.
 So here are some questions to ask yourself if you think something is a miss:
1.       Find that your partner is allowed to express anger but you are not?
2.      Find that you have been slowly isolated from friends and family, people who care about you?
3.      Find that your partner always finds fault with friends and family?
4.      Find that your partner often puts you down and/ or blames you for their problems or holds you responsible for others’ mistakes?
5.      Find that your partner insults you but then says they’re joking?
6.      Feel apprehensive or anxious often? Especially around them?
7.      Find yourself letting go of things or hobbies that once made you happy?
8.     Feel unsupported in achieving your own career or life goals?
9.      Find yourself doing things a particular way to keep the peace, no matter the physical cost to you?
10.  Find that your partner shames you or constantly compares you with others?
11.   Find yourself always walking on eggshells, trying to avoid a comment or outburst from your partner?
12.  Feel like you have no control over your own life?
 If you’ve answered yes to 2 or more of these questions, it's time to do some introspection. You can do this by talking to your partner, couples counselling, etc. However, if you do not observe any improvement, it is best to consider making changes to your situation in a way so as to prevent pain and grief for yourself, and perhaps others such as children in case they are involved too. It is very easy to believe your partner will make changes, they might lie about it as well. But more often than not they will revert to their old ways, and so the best thing to do is to gather the courage and leave while you can.
 Relationships need to be fun, yes there will be disagreements and arguments, but no one has to stay in an abusive relationship. Also do not blame yourself for the relationship not working. Anything that breaks is hurtful, give it some time, collect yourself and restart your happy life and in case looking to date again, looking for a serious relationship than you may want to consider signing up on andwemet.
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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sumitjioson · 3 years
“Hey Kareena, what are the best online sites for dating to look for in a life partner. Are they any new ones, I am not looking for the likes of bumble or hinge or even trulymadly. Do you know of anything else?” Malaika sent this as a whatsapp message to her friend Kareena. She further wrote – “This is for my cousin who is 32 years old who is keen to find a partner. She will be connecting with some local matchmakers but will also like to take the search in her own hands, so of you know of anything trusted let me know.” See more at https://www.andwemet.com/
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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If you are thinking that you are not happy in your life and you need to join with someone who can stay with you for your time then you can join - https://www.andwemet.com/
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sumitjioson · 3 years
This Presentation is created about a conversation for a girl with her parents about Matchmaking site. Find more information about this at https://www.andwemet.com/
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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Kavya asked her parents to find a partner for her. She was working in a high-pressure finance firm in New York and was not being able to find time. She had her share of fun and casual relationships and was not keen to get in a serious relationship. She was also keen to find an Indian as a partner, it did not matter to her if he was a citizen or not, but she wanted him to be living and working in the US.
Kavya was born and brought up in America, she was 30 years old and had been visiting India every year since she was 2. Her both maternal and paternal grandparents lived in India, her maternal grandparents lived in Delhi and her paternal grandparents lived in Bangalore. Not just them she had her parents siblings and extended family living in India too. Every year she would spend 2 weeks on an average in India, a trip she longingly looked forward to as she enjoyed meeting the extended family. She had considered moving and working in India however she did not find a job that would excite her enough. In fact Kavya had tried dating her cousin’s friend – it was a long distance relationship, they were together for over 12 months, but it fizzled out, because the man she liked refused to relocate to America and she did not find a job of her choice in India. 9 months had passed since the last relationship and Kavya felt ready for a serious relationship, and she knew she wanted to meet someone from the same ethnicity, that is Indian. She was OK with a long-distance relationship to start with but was sure that her future partner should be working and living in America.
Kavya did sign up on dating apps as Hinge, Coffee with Bagel which gave her access to men from all ethnicities which was great but not for her as she knew about her filter criteria so  these dating apps became a bit of a chore when it came to looking for what she wanted. She also signed up on Shaadi a legacy Indian matrimonial site but did not enjoy the sign-up process, so she reached out to her mother to do a search for her.
Her mother agreed and said she would spread the word around among family and friends to suggest prospect matches if they knew of any, but also started going online to look out for new Indian dating sites, sites that cater to Indians 30 and above in the hope to find something. In her search, the mother came across andwemet – her curiosity made her sign in. She found it to be an interesting platform and realized soon enough that she would need to ask Kavya to sign up as the platform asked for a verification ID of the individual looking for a match. The mother liked the idea of profiles being approved, this would avoid catfishing which was highly predominant, she had read some place in the media that 40-50% profiles on Indian dating site are fake, so seeing the verification bit made her feel good and asked Kavya to sign up while she also looked around. When Kavya resisted saying that she does not have time – the mother told Kavya that if Kavya wants to be in a relationship then it is important she makes sure she time and also suggested that she should own the whole process of getting to know the prospect match which again will require her to give it time. Kavya reflected and agreed and also did sign up on andwemet and is currently there searching for her prospect match.
Author: - https://www.andwemet.com/
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sumitjioson · 3 years
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