summerladydiary · 7 years
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summerladydiary · 7 years
Where do you live? What language did your great grand parents speak? What are you afraid of?
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summerladydiary · 7 years
Parrots and surprises
This morning when I entered in the dining room after a guard announced me, I saw that I was the last person to wake up, everybody was already here : my father and the 4 Velaryon. The last sit was just beside Daemon. I was terrified and seriously considered to go back to my apartments and ask for breakfast in it... But why? I didn’t even know it... I decided to face him and I proudly walked toward him and sat on the ivory chair. I felt his look on my profile. I just couldn’t look at him so I served myself some mango and red juice, ignoring him. When my father finished his conversation with Lord Velaryon, he asked me : 
- So, my Keithia, what are you going to do today? 
- This morning, I have class with Bronn, my teacher from Westeros, I added to the Velaryon, and then, I will practice archery, like every morning. I don’t know yet what I am going to do this afternoon after lunch. 
- Maybe you could bring our 2 young friends, Lord Daemon and Lady Elaena to the beautiful places of our island?
- It would be great I guess, quietly said Elaena - which was a great manifestation of enthusiasm - and she looked at me, waiting for my response.
- Sure, with pleasure, I answered her. 
- Daemon will come too, she added, without consulting him before. 
I risked a look in his direction. His face, as always, was unreadable. The rest of the breakfast went pretty normal. I went to my apartments find my bow and some arrows. Then Elaena and Daemon joined me outside in front of the palace, because they wanted to follow me the entire day. 6 guards had to accompany us.
- Do you see the colored birds that are flying there ? I asked them. They nodded. We are going to their forest. It’s really not dangerous, I added, seing a Elaena and Daemon look each other with anxiety.
We walked half an hour to the forest. Daemon even talked to me, he said the island was beautiful, and smiled to me! 
When we arrived in the forrest, we felt the humidity and the warm of the numerous trees that surrounded us. 
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summerladydiary · 9 years
Smile, the worst is yet to come, we’ll be lucky if we ever see the sun
Mikko Ekko
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summerladydiary · 9 years
Never apologize for having high standards
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summerladydiary · 9 years
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bird from the Summer Islands
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summerladydiary · 9 years
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Xanda Qo, Princess of Sweet Lotus Vale, was a warrior woman from the Summer Islands. She invented the famous goldenheart bows.
Valentino Couture, Fall 2015
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summerladydiary · 9 years
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got meme - five houses (3/5) -  house velaryon
House Velaryon of Driftmark is an ancient and proud house, with the blood of old Valyria in its veins. Velaryons, like the Targaryens, often have the Valyrian features of silver hair and purple eyes. They rule over Driftmark, the largest island of the Blackwater Bay.
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summerladydiary · 9 years
The day we first met
This morning, I woke up early to be prepared for our new guests arrival : a rich couple from Valyria, the Velaryon. They have two kids, a daughter and a son who are twins. My father wants to begin some business with this family. He has been talking about this meet since a month now and he seems really excited with it. Me, well I don’t really like it when the guests are only here for business. I remember once, a man from Qarth came on our island, and wanted to buy our people for slavery! He was so disgusting. Xanda (my servant and best friend, she is named after the great Xanda Qo) helped me with my toilet and my clothes. We both agreed on the fact that I should wear the white dress I made for the occasion with a turquoise feathers coat. I was a little stressed out, I didn’t know how old were the Velaryon kids. Maybe we have the same age, or are they younger, older? I couldn’t go to the dining room because it was reserved for our first lunch with the guests, so I just had my breakfast with Xanda in my apartments. 
At the end of the morning, my father and four guards came to pick me and we went to the harbor of Jhala. When we arrived, we saw a big boat. We waited and then, ten people get out of the boat. Six of them were wearing metal combinations, my teacher once told me that they were called “armor” and helmets on their heads. I guessed that the four others were the Velaryon. They had a great beauty, they all had light blonde or almost white hair and had a graceful body. They approach us and I could watch their faces with more details. They had red lights in their eyes, and their four faces had a similar and perfect symmetry. The father, Aegon Velaryon salute my father first by tighting his hand vigorously. 
- Valar Morghulis! he said.
- Valar Dohaerys, my father respond with enthusiasm. 
His wife did the same thing. Their children were staying setback, proudly. I thought that I could watch their son for days - he was so beautiful. He was taller than his father, and fit. His face had something attractive but impassive too. The shape of his face were perfect, his eyes were unreadable and the red lights in it added something dangerous to his face. A few blonde-white and straight wicks came on his face. He turned his face and looked at me in the eyes few seconds - or years - then I couldn’t handle it much longer so I looked away. I’ve watch him again and I am pretty sure that I saw him smile for a half second. He and his sister were really look alike. They had the same height and she had the same mysterious light on her face. My father proposed to go back to the palace were we could have lunch. 
Everybody seemed to enjoy the lunch. They were fish with red rice, a traditional food in the Summer Islands, Mango, pineapple and grenade juice, tons of different sorts of buns, and all fruits we can find on the island. The dining room were well-prepared, with flowers everywhere. I exchanged few words with Elaena, the Velaryon’s daughter who were sitting beside me. Despite of the appearances, Elaena is really nice and she first engaged conversation. She asked me about the multicolor birds that she saw on our way to the palace, and then told me that she really liked my coat. She also interrogated me about food she had never seen before. Her brother, who’s name is Daemon, didn’t say a word but I am sure he were listening to us the hole time. My father was really excited but he was trying to hide it - wish were a success - and he and the Valeryon appeared to appreciate each other. We all ate a lot, then my father called servants to bring the Valeryon in their apartments. Our guests had a long journey, they were really tired so they asked their dinner to be served in their suites. We told them to have a good night and to rest. I tried to keep my eyes away from Daemon, but I felt his look on me. I watched him really quickly, and they all left the room. Then, I joined Xanda in my apartments and told her about Daemon : 
- I am looking forward to see him, he seems like a nice guy... she said
- Oh.. stop being so sarcastic! I said to her. Anyway, they are my father’s guest, I settled. They are not here for a long time so I’ll only see them at meals.
I asked to have my dinner in my suite with Xanda, then she helped me going to bed. My father said once to me that valyrian people have dragons, creatures that spit fire and are as big as whales. I fell asleep quickly and dreamed of fire and blonde creatures with red eyes. 
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summerladydiary · 9 years
Who am I ?
My name is Arya Keithia of Jhala, princess of the Summer islands. My father is the king of Jhala. We live in a palace that is called “Golden Parrot Palace” because it’s located on the Golden Head. I don’t have any siblings and my mother died when I was a child. I am the only heiress. I am 19 years old. In the palace, we are not just the two of us : my servant is also my best confidant, I have a teacher from Westeros who makes class everyday to me (and I love it), and there is a lot of people in our palace, just, you know, like any other palace in the world. So I think this is all, you will discover my world progressively as I will tell you about my days. 
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