sun-blessed · 2 years
I have all of my saved drafts now all sent to the new blog, @sunxxblessed. This means that I am officially entirely on that blog and no longer on here! If you need me or want to rp/plot, you can message me over there or on my discord Prettyboy Crowley#5158. This blog will stay up as an archive and I will check in periodically to make sure I didn’t miss anything. It’s been fun RPing on this account and I look forward to the adventures we will have in the new one going forward!
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sun-blessed · 2 years
Hello friends! Guess who is back with a new Discord that they want people to join!
This time it’s ✨gay✨ and book related! I’ve been wanting to join a LGBT+ book club for a while now but there aren’t any near me and I have no friends in real life to start one. So I made my own! This is still a brand new server and idea so there isn’t much to it yet. I figured planning would probably need to be in order after some people join. Click the link below if you’re interested and come read gay books with me.
hey come check out Discord with me https://discord.gg/TFUU3wShhe
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sun-blessed · 2 years
“I worry something is gonna hurt us” (henriette&louis)
Louis had to be honest with himself when he heard Henriette speak: he was also worried. The truth was that he was always worried. That his family would be hurt, that he would hurt.
That Henriette would be hurt.
But he didn't want to let Henriette know about his worry. It would surely only increase her own and that was the last thing he wanted. If anything, he would do anything to help her worry less. To comfort her and make everything better in whatever way he could.
"There is no need worry, mon amour. We are well protected here. You are well protected. I will never allow anything to hurt you. I give you my word," he told her. He offered her a smile before he leaned in to kiss her softly.
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sun-blessed · 2 years
"so am I to call you pére, now, Lucifer?" -Dacian
Lucifer smiled at the young man. He hadn't really thought about what Dacian should call him, only that he cared about the boy and wanted to be a father figure to him. If Dacian wanted to call him his father, he wouldn't mind it.
"That's up to you, young one. But if you choose to call me it I don't mind," he told him.
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sun-blessed · 2 years
“ why is it your always the one to pick up the pieces every time my heart breaks? ”
Cullen smiled softly at the question, reaching over to brush Rose's hair from her face. He hated seeing Rose hurting either physically or mentally. If he could do anything to take that pain away for her he would. He always would.
"It's what I'm here for. I will always be here for you Rose, no matter what happens. If you ever need to talk about anything or need my help with anything, you only need to ask," he told her.
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sun-blessed · 2 years
( Ok so I have some old (some REALLY old) asks that I'm gonna answer on here. Any drafts I have if replies I'm going to use the new blog for the replies. Same goes for any replies after the asks are posted :) )
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sun-blessed · 2 years
( So I've got the main theme set up on the new blog and I've begun the slow process of imputing the muses to the muse page, so I think it is ready for launch. I'm gonna be moving everything over to it now so go follow me at @sunxxblessed to rp with my dozens of muses lol )
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sun-blessed · 2 years
( if I come back to rping with Isabela and Dolores Madrigal added to the muse list, mind ya business 👀
But actually like, who would be interested in those tbh Bc I love Encanto so much )
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sun-blessed · 2 years
I’ve been gone for a while I know, accept this as apology? Also I had to make a new discord (rip me and my loss of backup codes) so the new one is Prettyboy Crowley#5158 if anyone wants to add me on it and rp on there while I get back into the swing of things here 🤷🏻‍♂️❤️
Hello friends! Guess who is back with a new Discord that they want people to join!
This time it’s ✨gay✨ and book related! I’ve been wanting to join a LGBT+ book club for a while now but there aren’t any near me and I have no friends in real life to start one. So I made my own! This is still a brand new server and idea so there isn’t much to it yet. I figured planning would probably need to be in order after some people join. Click the link below if you’re interested and come read gay books with me.
hey come check out Discord with me https://discord.gg/TFUU3wShhe
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sun-blessed · 3 years
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Aphrodite-esque dresses that I wish I owned…
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
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sun-blessed · 3 years
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i say this before doing just about anything
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sun-blessed · 3 years
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The Family Madrigal
“This is my family a perfect constellation”
“Every year our family blessings grow”
“But I don’t know who is who!”
“It is physically impossible to relax!”
“They say he saw the future, one day he disappeared”
“If you’re impressed, imagine how I feel”
“I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical”
“We swear to always help those around us”
“Wait, who’s a sister and who’s a cousin? There’s so many people!”
“She’s a perfect golden child”
“He’s accident-prone but he means well”
You can marry my sister if you wanna but between you and me, she’s kind of a prima donna”
Waiting on a Miracle
“Don’t be upset or mad at all. Don’t feel regret, or sad at all”
“I’m fine, I am totally fine, I will stand on the side as you shine”
“I’m not fine, I’m not fine”
“I can’t take another night up in my room waiting on a miracle”
“I can’t heal what’s broken, can’t keep down the unspoken invisible pain”
“All I need is a change, All I need is a chance”
“So what can I do? I’m sick of waiting on a miracle”
“Come on, I’m ready! I’ve been patient and steadfast and steady!”
Surface Pressure 
“I’m the strong one, I’m not nervous”
“I’m as tough as the crust of the earth is”
“I glow ’cause I know what my worth is”
“I don’t ask how hard the work is”
“I take what I’m handed, I break what’s demanded” 
“But under the surface, I feel berserk as a tightrope walker in a three-ring circus”
“Was Hercules ever like “Yo, I don’t wanna fight Cerberus”?”
“I’m prеtty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of sеrvice”
“What breaks the camel’s back? It’s pressure like a drip that’ll never stop”
“Give it to your sister, your sister’s older. Give her all the heavy things we can’t shoulder”
“Who am I if I can’t run with the ball? If I fall to pressure like a grip and it won’t let go?”
“Give it to your sister, your sister’s stronger, See if she can hang on a little longer”
“Who am I if I can’t carry it all? If I falter”
“Under the surface, I hide my nerves and it worsens”
“I worry something is gonna hurt us” 
“The ship doesn’t swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is”
“I think about my purpose can I somehow preserve this?”
“Line up the dominoes a light wind blows, You try to stop it tumbling but on and on it goes” 
“If I could shake the crushing weight of expectations would that free some room up for joy?” 
“Give it to your sister, it doesn’t hurt and see if she can handle every family burden”
“Watch as she buckles and bends but never breaks no mistakes, just pressure” 
“Give it to your sister and never wonder if the same pressure would’ve pulled you under”
“Who am I if I don’t have what it takes?”
We Don’t Talk About Bruno
“We don’t talk about [name]”
“You’re telling the story or am I?”
“I’m sorry, mi vida, go on”
“I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling”
“I associate him with the sound of falling sand”
“When he calls your name it all fades to black”
“He sees your dreams and feasts on your screams”
“He told me my fish would die, the next day, dead”
“He said that all my hair would disappear, now, look at my head”
“Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read”
“He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised, and someday be mine”
“He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach, Betrothed to another”
“I want not a sound out of you”
“Give me the truth and the whole truth”
What Else Can I Do?
“It’s not symmetrical or perfect but it’s beautiful and it’s mine”
“What else can I do?”
“I make perfect, practiced poses so much hides behind my smile”
“What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment?”
“What could I do if I just knew it didn’t need to be perfect? It just needed to be? And they let me be?”
“I wanna feel the shiver of something new”
“I’m so sick of pretty I want something true, don’t you?”
“You just seem like your life’s been a dream since the moment you opened your eyes”
“What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?”
“Seize the moment, keep goin’”
“What can you do when you know who you wanna be is imperfect? But I’ll still be okay”
“The way is clearer ‘cause you’re here, and well I owe this all to you”
“Show ‘em what you can do”
“There’s nothing you can’t do”
Two Oruguitas
“The wind grows colder but they’re together”
“They hold each other, no way of knowing They’re all they have for shelter”
“They long to stay togethеr But something inside them is growing”
“Don’t you hold on too tight”
“Both of you know it’s your timе to grow; to fall apart, to reunite”
“Wonders await you just on the other side”
“Trust they’ll be there and start to prepare the way for tomorrow”
“What happens after the rearranging?”
“So let the walls come down the world will never stop changing”
“Both of you know It’s your time to go to fly apart, to reunite”
“Just let the walls come down” 
“Don’t look behind you, fly till you find your way toward tomorrow”
All of You
“It may seem hopeless but we’ll get by just fine”
“I think it’s time you learn, You’re more than just your gift”
“And I’m sorry I held on too tight, Just so afraid I’d lose you too”
“The miracle is not some magic that you’ve got the miracle is you, not some gift, just you”
“The miracle is you. All of you”
“Got a lotta apologies I got to say”
“Hey, we’re just happy that you’re here, okay?”
“And no matter what happens we’re gonna find our way”
“We have no gifts, but we are many and we’ll do anything for you”
“It’s a dream when we work as a team, You’re so strong”
“I may not be as strong but I’m getting wiser”
“Let’s plant something new and watch it fly”
“Would you watch our little girl go?”
“I just have so much love inside”
“You take care of your mother and you make her proud”
“I’m seizing the moment, so would you wake up and notice me?”
“It isn’t perfect, neither are we”
“We see how bright you burn, We see how brave you’ve been”
“Now, see yourself in turn, You’re the real gift, kid”
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sun-blessed · 3 years
christmas / holiday starters
Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
at a party
“Woah, someone drank too much egg nog.”
“Look, I only came for the Christmas cookies.”
“So do I make a sexy Santa/elf/reindeer or what?”
“Merry Christmas! Let’s get wasted.”
“Is my outfit too festive/not festive enough?”
“Hey! Come on in, I’ll get you a drink.”
a grinch
“I can’t believe I’m all alone during the holidays.”
“Most wonderful time of the year, my ass.”
“I hate snow. And smiling children.”
“If I hear one more Christmas song, someone is getting strangled with tinsel.”
“The only thing good about Christmas is the candy canes.”
“Wow, that gingerbread house is…unique.”
“Egg nog is disgusting.”
“I’ve had my tree up since November.”
“How could you not like the holidays?!”
“I’m going to shove a candy cane up my ass. I’m so excited!”
“Christmas is the only time of year when I’m stressed out AND receiving a bunch of gifts.”
“There’s NO way I’m going to lose the house decorating competition.”
“Christmas isn’t a holiday. It’s a way of life.”
“What did you get me?” / “I’m not telling you! It’s a surprise.”
“I didn’t know what to buy you, so..I made you something…”
“You gave me the present that I gave to YOU last year?”
“It’s perfect…”
“Aw, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“The only gift I want is stability and happiness. But this wrapping paper is pretty.”
“You just rip the paper right off?! You heathen.” / “You save the paper? Nerd.”
secret santa
“Ugh, I can’t believe I got ___ for secret santa.”
“I got ____!! What should I give him/her/them?”
“Who bought me socks? They’re plain white no-brand socks.”
“The limit was $20, people. Why do I see an iPhone?”
“I know who got me this. There’s only one person who knows me this well. It’s you.”
with friends
“I got us matching ugly sweaters.”
“Do you think I can fit these candy canes up my nose?”
“Merry Christmas, fuckers. I’m broke but at least I got you stuff.”
“This is really corny…but you’re already a gift to me.”
“I haven’t seen you in so long! Get over here and give me a hug.”
“Are you Santa? Because I’d sit on your lap.”
“Have I been naughty this year?”
“Oh, I’d ride in your sleigh.”
“Your eyes twinkle like tree lights.”
“All I want for Christmas is you.”
“It’s snowing! That’s so perfect!”
“Great, now my flight is delayed…”
“How am I supposed to get home in this weather?”
“Baby, it’s cold outside…”
“Let’s have a snowball fight.”
no snow
“Why can’t we have a white Christmas?”
“It’s too hot for hot cocoa.”
“I wish I could wear a sweater without dying.”
“It’s nice to get away from all the cold.”
“The only ice I want to see is in a cold drink.”
knows nothing about other holidays
“So is it Jesus’s birthday?”
“Where did Santa even come from?”
“…Isn’t the tree a pagan tradition?”
“How do the deer fly?”
“This holiday sounds like it was made by someone on crack.”
“What’s a Hannukah?” / “What’s a Kwanzaa?”
“Is what I’m wearing okay?”
“Stop calling me a grinch! I’m not even Christian.”
“Watch me shove all these latkes in my mouth.”
“You don’t know how to play with a dreidel?” / “Let me teach you the dreidel game.”
“See the menorah? It’s LIT.”
“Try the sufganiyot and you will forget about Christmas cookies.”
“Hannukah is the time of year when us Jews gather and decide the next step in taking over the world. At least that’s what that crazy guy from work told me.”
“Do these dreidel cake pops look Pinterest-y enough?”
“Christians get WAY too upset over Starbucks cups. I’ve never gotten a Hannukah Starbucks cup! You don’t see me rioting about it.”
“That’s not a dreidel…That’s a beyblade.”
“Who needs one day of Christmas when I have a whole week of Kwanzaa?”
“See the kinara? It’s LIT.”
“I can’t go home until I buy a new kinara.”
“What do you think of the decorations? I think I need more African print.”
“How are we out of food? Kwanzaa is about the harvest!”
“I like Kwanzaa. It’s a holiday of principles.”
“It’s not a ‘made-up’ holiday. All holidays are made up.”
“Kinda wish the unity cup was filled with whiskey. And that I could drink all of it.”
“No matter the holiday, family time is always a bad idea.”
“This isn’t Pinterest-y enough!”
“Come on, let’s take a quick selfie. We never see each other.”
“You know I’m Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist/atheist/other, right?”
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sun-blessed · 3 years
( help I stumbled onto KinkTok and now really want a dom/sub au rip )
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sun-blessed · 3 years
( HELLO FRIENDS I AM STILL ALIVE and also really missing rp suddenly ahh. Thinking about making a comeback (again) and re-aliving this blog. What y’all think?
Also I’m currently reading Red, White, and Royal Blue and high-key want to do the book’s general plot as an RP. Prince/princess falling in love with the president’s kid? *chefs kiss*
Anyway hit me if you’re interested in rping with me? I’m down for new threads, reviving old threads, au’s, anything really! )
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sun-blessed · 3 years
shippy memes for you hoes
“ i had a dream about you. ”
“ i’ve never cared about anyone the way i care about you. ”
“ i know it’s not fair to ask you to wait for me, but i can’t bear the thought of seeing you with someone else.  ”
“ i’m not really good at this sort of thing. i never really had much luck with relationships before but i wanna make it work. i want us to work. ”
“ i love you. you don’t have to say anything, i just thought you should know. ”
“  i do care about you i’m just. i’m not good at talking about it. ”
“ i didn’t like seeing you with them. ”
“ you’re my person. you’ll always be the one i go to. ”
“ i could have lost you today! do you know what that would have done to me? ”
“ do you even know what you do to me? ”
“ i can’t stop thinking about you.  ”
“ you’re the most amazing person i’ve ever met. ”
“ i don’t deserve you, but i want you anyway. ”
“ you’re safe with me, you know that right? ”
“ please just tell me how you feel. ”
“ just say the words. tell me you want me and i’m yours. ”
“ you’re always there. i didn’t used to see it before, but i do now. every time i’ve ever needed someone, you were there.  ”  
“ you had a dream about me? ”
“ i guess i always kinda had a little bit of a crush on you. ”
“ you thought i never noticed you, but i did. i always saw you. ”
“ oh my god please don’t tell me you tried to make breakfast again, the stove hasn’t recovered since last time. ”
“ you waited for me? ”
“ i was always kind of hoping we’d give it a shot one day.  ”
“ you were always my maybe, ya know? ‘maybe they’d finally ask me out.’ ‘maybe when i wasn’t the one looking, they were noticing me too.’ i know it’s silly, but. you were always in the back of my mind. ”
“ oh god you’re really gonna do the whole rocks against the window at midnight boombox thing aren’t you? ”
“ i’m gonna wait for you, as long as it takes. ”
“ loving you saved me. ”
“ why me? out of everyone you could’ve chose.  ”
“ i’ve always loved you. ”
“ i know it’s late, but i just needed someone and. i guess you always answer when i call.  ”
“ i brought pizza and wine and a horrible movie so in the words of rory gilmore, i’m ready to wallow now. ”
“ you didn’t have to come ya know? i’m glad you did though. ”
“ if we could run away together and go anywhere, where would you take me? ”
“ what are you doing here? it’s the middle of the night. ”
“ i dont want to go back to how we used to be. i want more. i want you. ”
“ you’ve had every piece of my heart since the moment i met you. ”
“ why is it your always the one to pick up the pieces every time my heart breaks? ”
“ are you gonna keep looking at me like that or are you actually gonna kiss me? ”
“ i’m gonna marry you one day. ”
“ i used to think about what it’d be like if we got together. ”
“ yes, of course i love you, you idiot. ”
“ just stay this time. stay for me. ”
“ don’t you dare give up on us. ”
“ i always come running back to you. i can’t help it. ”
“ you deserve someone who always puts you first. ”
“ you were never my second choice. ”
 “ they don’t deserve you. and i’m not— i’m not tryna be that asshole that says i do. but sure as hell would never hurt you like that. ”
“ i’m never gonna let you go.  ”
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sun-blessed · 3 years
( Listen, all I want out of life is a relationship like David and Patrick on Schitt’s Creek 🥲 )
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