sunallama · 17 days
LOVEEEE i’m back in my kuroo phase
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“this is killing me.” kuroo mumbled as he tossed his phone to his side. “just trust me bro,” his best friend-turned roommate bokuto grinned. “this works everytime for me i swear!”
kuroo sighed before grabbing phone again to refresh his instagram story views once more. several people had already viewed the post-gym mirror selfie he’d taken in attempts to garner attention from one particular follower of his; you. “maybe it’s too cringe…” he muttered while over analysing the photo that had already gained a couple of likes within the twenty minutes it had already been up for. “nah.” bokuto reassured him and pat his friend on the shoulder. “you look sexy.” kuroo stared back at the two-toned haired boy. “… thanks bro.”
this isn’t something kuroo would typically post but times were tough and he was desperate. he’d seen you around campus but luck was not on his side when it came to scheduling and the two of you barely had class time together. yet the little class time you did share, kuroo hung onto it tightly and would let scenes of these weekly one hour classes replay in his head more often than he’d like to admit.
“i feel like a modern jay gatsby,” the ex volleyball captain huffed. “my selfie is the equivalent of the wild parties he’d throw in hopes to get daisy’s attention except i don’t want to post every night, i’ve already made myself cringe with this one post.” bokuto stared back at his friend blankly. “yeah… whatever that means.” kuroo frowned back “it’s a classic, you should know what i mean!”
how much longer was he going to have to wait? bokuto had promised him quick results with this method and so far he’d felt deceived and lied to. if talking to you when he got the chance wasn’t enough to get a conversation going outside the classroom, then social media seemed like the next best attempt to start interacting more.
what were you doing? why weren’t you viewing his story? could you even see his story? did he accidentally block you?
these questions ran through his mind as he quickly rushed to check to make sure he hadn’t for some reason blocked you from seeing his story. he half wished he did because then at least he’d know what on earth was taking you so damn long to see the photo he was increasingly starting to hate more the longer it was posted.
“this is stupid.” he stated as he faced bokuto who had zero concerns in his method in gaining someone’s attention. “it works you just have to wait, trust me.”
kuroo frowned as the little red hearts of others who weren’t you fluttered from the bottom corner of the photo. “look!” his best friend grinned as he leaned over kuroo’s shoulder and pointed to the screen of his phone. “you’re getting likes on it!”
“what’s the point if they’re not likes from the person i posted this for in the first place.” kuroo grumbled back in response. he couldn’t believe he’d been subjected to such an attempt to gain some attention from you. it was ridiculous.
it had been about forty five minutes since he’d posted it and he was slowly losing his mind. sure, the post was going to be up for twenty four hours (if he didn’t give into the voices in his head telling him to delete it) so forty five minutes was nothing, but the minutes were beginning to feel like hours and he was dying inside. why weren’t you viewing it already and what could possibly be keeping you off your phone right now?
“this is stupid.” he decided as notifications from his old team mates started to flash up on his screen. the last thing he needed was lev replying with ‘looksmaxing’ to a post that was secretly dedicated to you. “no, it’s barely been up!” bokuto whined. “you look hot so you should get some replies anyway what’s the big deal?”
pinching the bridge of his nose, kuroo huffed. “the big deal is the person i posted this for hasn’t replied!” what was the point in making sure to go to the gym during a rest day just to take this photo if he wasn’t going to at least make his existence more known to you? he’d even worked his legs enough to the point of managing to achieve the sweaty but sexy look. the muscles in his legs were dying, but his dignity sure as hell wouldn’t.
the college student opened up his phone with the intention to end the mental war inside his head once and for all by deleting the post altogether. bokuto watched his friend in defeat but his eyes flashed. “yes they did!” he yelled and pointed to the screen as your name flashed at the top of his screen.
kuroo’s heart jumped at the sight of your profile picture he’d made a daily routine of staring at and the now blue dot indicating a message from your profile in his inbox. to think he was going to delete this post just a second too, what were the chances?
psyching himself up, kuroo took a few quiet deep breathes before letting the time next to your message pass for a few minutes. he wasn’t an instagram warrior by any means, but he knew enough about general rules in order to not look desperate online.
bokuto watched over his friends shoulders as the two stared in anticipation awaiting the message kuroo had been dying for. this was it. leg day two times in a row was gruelling and he’d regret it for the next few days but it would have been worth it. the countless messages from his old teammates mocking his attempts at a thirst trap could be looked past now that you had finally given into the bait he’d so carefully laid. this is what he’d been waiting for. days of preparing and deciding how to gain your attention had finally paid off and he was about to reap the rewards he’d sown.
clicking the message with baited breath, his heart raced as bokuto’s grip of his shoulder tightened. finally.
‘the label on your shirt is sticking out, make sure to cut it’
“a wins a win.” bokuto filled the silence between the pair as kuroo stared at his phone with a blank expression. “… a wins a win…”
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2K notes · View notes
sunallama · 2 years
kuroo with a flirty gf
your flirty personality is what compelled him to you in the first place. kuroo is used to using random pickup lines on girls that he’s interested in, but malfunctions as soon as someone flirts back. 
he stammered a lot more than he’d like to admit around you a first, but got a grip pretty soon. before long, he was asking you out on a date, and you guys became a happy couple.
most of the time, kuroo adores your natural flirtiness. the way you subconsciously touch him when you talk, the compliments that flow out of your mouth with ease, how giggly you become, and most of all, the romantic gaze of your eyes.
his heart nearly stops when you stare up at him with those big, round, doe eyes.
however, sometimes, he’s less than appreciative of your flirtiness. especially when you’re talking to a boy who’s not him.
kuroo was pissed off when he went to pick you up from your last class of the day and saw you talking to some guy. but it wasn’t the talking that pissed him off. it was your delicate hand that was lingering on his arm. it was your the way that you giggled at his words. it was the way that your gorgeous doe eyes, the ones that were reserved for him only, were staring up at that boy with an interest that made kuroo’s fist curl.
he knew you didn’t mean to be flirty, that’s just how you were. but that didn’t stop kuroo from marching over and pulling you away mid-conversation. dragging you away by the wrist, he ignored your splutters of protest as he pulled you away to a safe distance.
you crossed your arms over your chest, waiting for an explanation. kuroo, confident as he was a couple minutes ago, began to shrink under your gaze. 
“baby, you can’t look at him like that.” he muttered, only confusing you more. after seeing your expression, he began to explain. 
after hearing him out your gaze softened, pulling him in for a hug. 
(side note if you bring his head down to your chest and run your fingers through his hair he will actually melt)
after a ton of reassurance on your part, kuroo began to feel better. he promised you that he would try and control his jealousy, and you promised that you wouldn’t give other boys “the look” (even though you weren’t entirely sure what that meant).
you both went back to his house and cuddled and watched movies for the rest of the night.
(and this totally never happened again)
216 notes · View notes
sunallama · 2 years
kuroo with a flirty gf
your flirty personality is what compelled him to you in the first place. kuroo is used to using random pickup lines on girls that he’s interested in, but malfunctions as soon as someone flirts back. 
he stammered a lot more than he’d like to admit around you a first, but got a grip pretty soon. before long, he was asking you out on a date, and you guys became a happy couple.
most of the time, kuroo adores your natural flirtiness. the way you subconsciously touch him when you talk, the compliments that flow out of your mouth with ease, how giggly you become, and most of all, the romantic gaze of your eyes.
his heart nearly stops when you stare up at him with those big, round, doe eyes.
however, sometimes, he’s less than appreciative of your flirtiness. especially when you’re talking to a boy who’s not him.
kuroo was pissed off when he went to pick you up from your last class of the day and saw you talking to some guy. but it wasn’t the talking that pissed him off. it was your delicate hand that was lingering on his arm. it was your the way that you giggled at his words. it was the way that your gorgeous doe eyes, the ones that were reserved for him only, were staring up at that boy with an interest that made kuroo’s fist curl.
he knew you didn’t mean to be flirty, that’s just how you were. but that didn’t stop kuroo from marching over and pulling you away mid-conversation. dragging you away by the wrist, he ignored your splutters of protest as he pulled you away to a safe distance.
you crossed your arms over your chest, waiting for an explanation. kuroo, confident as he was a couple minutes ago, began to shrink under your gaze. 
“baby, you can’t look at him like that.” he muttered, only confusing you more. after seeing your expression, he began to explain. 
after hearing him out your gaze softened, pulling him in for a hug. 
(side note if you bring his head down to your chest and run your fingers through his hair he will actually melt)
after a ton of reassurance on your part, kuroo began to feel better. he promised you that he would try and control his jealousy, and you promised that you wouldn’t give other boys “the look” (even though you weren’t entirely sure what that meant).
you both went back to his house and cuddled and watched movies for the rest of the night.
(and this totally never happened again)
216 notes · View notes
sunallama · 2 years
Let us all not forget this glorious moment
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(screenshots given to me by the awesome @itz-darktrax​ )
86 notes · View notes
sunallama · 2 years
A Taste of Flavour
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
A/n: I really like this idea and I’m quite proud of how this turned out. I wasn’t too sure if I wanted Kuroo or Atsumu to be the love interest, but in the end, I chose Kuroo cause I wanted a teasing bastard XD. This is just a really cute and fluffy scenario of teenage co-workers to lovers uwu.
Word count: 5.5k
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You pushed the door of the kitchen open and emerged with a tray balanced on one palm, while the other held some change for the man that decided to pay with 2,000 yen for an order which was clearly less than 1,000.
“Who goes to a café with no coins?” You grumbled underneath your breath and neared the table where you set two cups of coffee and a piece of apple pie.
The old ladies you served smiled up at you in appreciation and nodded their heads while you bowed politely. “Enjoy!”
Following that, you went up to the businessman sitting in the corner of the shop and handed him the 1,200 yen. He didn’t even bat an eye at you, just kept typing away at his laptop.
Asshole. You thought to yourself, walking back to the counter and sitting behind the cashing machine with a huff.
You hated working here, your parents’ café. Actually, you didn’t hate working for your parents, you were just fed up with waitressing as a way to get your pocket money. You wanted an interesting job! One that you could actually learn something from and have fun.
Leaning against your palm, you sighed as you looked around the quiet establishment. Your parents were in the kitchen, either cleaning up or making something. You were left to take orders, bring orders and work as the cashier.
Thankfully, it was not rush hour so there were only three customers; all of which had been tended to.
As if someone had heard you and wanted to punish you, the bell on top of the doorframe rang, signalling that someone had entered. You groaned loudly, not in the mood to talk to anyone else right now.
“Behave!” Your mother hissed from behind the kitchen door and you rolled your neck to spare her a glance before walking up to the newly-occupied table. 
“Hey boo!” A familiar voice called out to you and you lit up when you realized it was your friends who had come to see you. “Guys! What are you doing here?”
“We could feel you dying from home,” Himari smiled cheekily at you, to which you hung your head low. “How did you know?” You chuckled to yourself and Ichika shook her head. “When are you not?”
They knew perfectly well just how much you didn’t enjoy working here and they felt bad for you. “True, but what can I do? I ‘have to earn’ the money I get,” you mimicked your mother’s voice and the girls just laughed along with you.
“You still want to work anywhere else but here?” Himari asked and your attention snapped to her. “Why? You know somewhere I can work?!” 
“Yes, actually,” Himari grinned, playing with a strand of her hair. “I was asking for you ‘cause, you know, you’ve made us go crazy by how much you have been complaining”
You felt your cheeks heat up slightly and shame hung over you. “Sorry about that...” Ichika just waved you off. “Nah, we’d be worse if we did something we hated.”
“I don’t hate it here,” you crossed your arms over your chest and jutted out your lower lip. “I’d just rather do anything else.”
“Same thing-” Himari rolled her eyes. “-but anyway. I have a friend who has a classmate that works at the tech-shop just around the corner from the park. He told her that they were looking for another employee. Want me to hook you up?”
You jumped excitedly, clasping your hands together. “Oh my God yes! Please, please do!”
“Sure thing,” Himari winked and picked up the menu lying on the table’s surface. “But first I would like to have a banana shake and a chocolate-chip cookie. Ichika?”
“Make that two!” Ichika grinned and Himari waved you off. “Now bring us our orders and I’ll make that call.”
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After receiving the confirmation text from Himari that you were good to go, you quit in front your parents with such smugness, for a split second you forgot just who you were talking to.
Your mother crossed her arms and gave you a pointed look whilst your father simply shook his head from amusement. “Hope you know what you are doing, kid,” he ruffled your hair and you just nodded. “Of course! I always know.”
“Right...” Your mother trailed off and you stuck out your tongue before she pulled you in for a hug. “Make sure to be on your top behaviour! You won’t have us to back you up if you get into any mess.”
You giggled, wrapping your arms around her and squeezing gently. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
Glancing at your mother, your father shrugged his shoulders before tapping your back. “Come on now, you don’t want to be late for your first day, now do you?”
Grinning at them, you fixed the strap of your purse across your chest before waving them off and exiting the café.
Now, you stood in front of the tech-shop, big and bright flashing letters letting you know that it was open and running. Taking a deep breath in, you plastered your friendliest smile before entering.
Just like your café, there was also a bell to signal customers entering. However, it was electronic and the loud ‘bing!’ that came from the automated doors had you almost jump.
The air-conditioning hit you straight in the face and you had to rub a little at your arms as goose bumps rippled all over your exposed skin.
“Good afternoon!” A guy wearing a blue polo shirt with the store logo appeared out of thin air and you blinked up at him. 
He had black thick hair, which seemed completely unkept and straight out of bed (nice way to greet customers) and bright hazel eyes. They almost looked cat-like. His lips were pulled into an almost cocky grin but you could tell he was happy to assist you.
Also, you didn’t surmise the fact that he was tall. At least, tall for your standards. You couldn’t deny he was pretty cute.
“Can I help you with anything?” He asked and you flashed him a small grin. “Actually, I’m here for employment? A friend of mine arranged this through one of her own friends-”
“Oh! You’re Himari’s friend?” He asked and your eyes lit up, nodding at him. “I’m the classmate of her friend. Kuroo Tetsurou,” Kuroo extended his arm for a handshake and you gladly took it, liking this guy already.
After giving him your own name, you shook his hand just like your parents had taught you to. He whistled. “You got a firm shake. I’m sure you’re definitely getting the job.”
At his words, your smile fell and you let go of his hand. “Get? Don’t I already have it?”
A forced laugh escaped him and he scratched the back of his nape, as if uncomfortable. “Didn’t I make that clear when I told Yuki? Oops.”
Your face contorted and your eyes widened in alarm. “I haven’t prepared for an interview! Let alone, I haven’t worn anything professional!” You looked down at your outfit, which was just a pair of shorts and a plain white shirt. “I was expecting to receive a uniform!”
You began to pull on your hair out of nervousness and Kuroo waved his hands at you. “Calm down! There’s nothing to worry about.” You looked up at him with a bite of your lip. “The boss is a chill guy. Besides, I doubt anyone else will come in for the job. Not everyone wants to be a techie.”
At that, you couldn’t help but sigh. He was probably right. He got the job, why couldn’t you?
“Alright,” you breathed out and he smiled at you. “Cool! I’ll let him know you’re here then.” And without another moment to spare, he was gone. 
You played with the hem of your shirt, fidgeting a little. You hoped he would be considerate enough that you hadn’t brought a resume or a recommendation letter and oh God you were not prepared in the least-!
“Hi there! You must be our candidate,” at the sudden voice you snapped your head to the counter, almost getting whiplash. 
A middle-aged man with the nametag ‘Gakuto’ plastered on the front of his shirt greeted you and you rushed to bow out of respect. “Yes, sir! It is great to meet you.”
He chuckled at you. “I see you’re quite the polite girl. That’s good employee-material.” You couldn’t help but smile. 
“Tetsurou over here let me know that you were not aware that there would be an interview,” he said, sending a pointed look at Kuroo, to which he sheepishly grinned at. “Sorry...”
“Anyway,” Mr. Gakuto shook his head, as if having expected such outcome. “I just want to know why you wanted to take this occupation and if you have any past experience with anything else.”
You blinked once, then twice. Is that all he wanted?
“Well,” you started and almost mimicked Kuroo’s sheepish look. “I worked as a waitress at my parent’s café and I kind of got... tired of it?” Realizing how that sounded you quickly back-tracked.
“I-I mean to say that as a teenager I want my independence! When I was younger I liked it but lately I’ve just wanted to try out something different.” You smiled awkwardly, feeling a little sweat form at the back of your neck.
Kuroo gave you a thumbs up from behind Mr. Gakuto’s back while the man himself gave you a sympathetic look. “I assume it was not easy for you family to let you go?”
“They were a little saddened but they understood where I was coming from,” you smiled, thinking back to how they didn’t try to hold you back one bit. They knew you wanted some space, some freedom. And you couldn’t have that under their surveillance 24/7.
“Of course, you kids just want to get out to the world already!” Mr. Gakuto nodded his head with a big and amused smile as you agreed with him. 
“Well, I don’t see a problem with you working here,” he turned to Kuroo who smirked and rested one arm on his hip. “I’ll make sure no problems occur.”
Your nervous grin widened and your eyes lit up. “Count me in on that!”
“Alright then,” with a small groan Mr. Gakuto reached out to behind the counter and pulled out a fresh blue polo shirt along with a blank nametag. “Welcome on board!”
A small squeal escaped your lips but you quickly coughed in order to cover it up. Kuroo stared at you completely amused while Mr. Gakuto simply chuckled at your excitement.
“Kuroo, make sure you show her just what she has to do.”
“On it, sir.”
And with a final nod of his head, he went to the back of the store, closing the door behind him and leaving you once again alone with Kuroo.
“See?” Kuroo beamed as he walked up to you. “Told you you’d get it.” You just gave him a closed-eyed smile. “Thanks, but I almost had a whole nervous breakdown because of you.”
Kuroo emitted a small ‘pshh’ and waved you off. “Don’t flatter me.”
You laughed and looked down at the shirt in your hands, along with the nametag. “Eh, is there a bathroom where I can change into this?”
“Yep!” He held you by both shoulders and pointed at a small door in the corner. “Right in there, dollface.”
“Thank-” You paused, twirling around so his arms would fall off you. “Did you just call me ‘dollface‘?” All Kuroo did was hum, a glint in his eyes. “It suits you.”
You scoffed, but your cheeks grew hot all of a sudden. “Shut up... or I’ll start calling you bedhead.”
“Well, both are accurate nicknames so I don’t see the harm in that,” he shrugged and you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “Whatever...” You mumbled, turning back around to head for the bathroom.
“Let me just fill this out for you,” Kuroo reached out to the nametag on top of your folded shirt, winking at you. “I have a marker behind the counter.”
You nodded your head, not thinking much of it and leaving for the bathroom.
As you changed out of your own shirt and into the polo, your mind trailed off to your little interaction with Kuroo. Wait... 
Was he flirting with you?
Your ears began to burn and you quickly splashed your face with a little cold water (thankful that your makeup was waterproof). “Jesus... no one has ever flirted with me before...”
Shaking your head, you fixed the collar of your shirt and folded your other one. After fixing your hair a little and taking one final glance at your appearance, you left the bathroom.
“Hey Kuroo,” you called out and you heard him hum from behind the counter. “Is there anywhere I can put my shirt?”
“Just place it underneath the counter. You can also put your bag there,” he instructed and you nodded, doing as told. 
He slid your way your nametag and you looked at it to make sure he had spelled your name correctly when- “Did you draw a heart next to my name?”
“Can’t prove it was me,” he crossed his arms over his chest and you shook your head, playfully rolling your eyes as you felt your ears burn up again. “You are literally holding the marker.”
He looked down and grinned like an idiot. “Oh? Guess I am.”
“Okay enough of all this banter,” you smiled a little awkwardly. “Care to show me what I’m supposed to do?”
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“Hey, bedhead?” You called out at Kuroo from behind the glass-display you were cleaning and he hummed, used to your nickname by now. Three weeks had passed since you had started working at the shop after school.
“I was wondering; how old are you?” 
You glanced at Kuroo, who stopped wiping underneath one of the display tables. He pulled away and with a small groan sat up straight, giving you a small eyebrow raise. “How old do you think I am?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking,” you shrugged and he whined, tilting his head back. “Come on, dollface! Use your imagination a little.”
At that, you looked at him expectantly and was about to sputter nonsense at him when he quickly shook his hands. “No, I take it back. You’ll say something insane like ‘30’ or something.”
“How did you know?” You clasped your palms together in wonder and he threw at you one of the cloths he had been using. Laughing a little at his pouting, you sighed and gave in to his request.
“Well, Himari told me her friend was your classmate and I don’t think she hangs out with kids younger than high-school,” you thought out-loud, eyes looking up at the ceiling. “Ugh... I guess you’re either the same grade as me or second? So 17-18.”
“Ding ding ding, we have a winner!” Kuroo grinned and walked up to you, leaning against the wall you were standing next to. “I’m a third year. So we both the same age, huh?”
“Guess so,” you looked up at him; you were still not used to looking up when talking to someone. All your friends are way shorter than him.
Out of curiosity, a question popped in your mind. “Do you play any sports? You’re quite tall enough for basketball or something.”
Your comment had that stupid cocky smirk appear on his face and you had to refrain from rolling your eyes for the hundredth time since you guys met. “You like tall guys, dollface?”
No, you were not used to his flirty remarks just yet, so your cheeks lit up and you averted your gaze elsewhere. “Jeez, can’t even hold a two minute conversation with you without trying to get in my pants.”
He leaned back and cackled at that; his laughter sounding so strange to you. It was high-pitched and croak-like; you didn’t expect a dude like him to make such noise.
“You have a weird laugh,” you poked at his arm and for a moment you froze. Holy shit his biceps were big!
“I know,” he sighed, grinning down at you. “People usually call me a hyena.”
“That’s what it sounds like!” You giggled as you imagined the comparison. A perfect match. “Your real laugh is hella weird.”
“My real laugh?” He calmed down, asking with a tilt of his head. “Yeah,” you smiled, crossing your arms and also leaning against the wall. “A lot of people most of the time laugh more politely- just like you when you make your little jokes.”
His eyebrows furrowed, as if in consideration.
“People do it subconsciously,” you shrugged, “you probably do it too. It’s not always appropriate to laugh so hysterically.”
Your observation must have sparked something because his eyes lit up and his lips stretched wider. You didn’t like the evil glint you were seeing. “What is your real laugh then, dollface?”
Your face fell and you took a small step away from him. “I-I don’t know...”
Kuroo’s teeth appeared behind his lips, almost smiling cunningly. His fingers rose slowly as he wiggled them around, taking a step close to you as you took one more back. “Well, I think it’s only fair we hear yours since you heard mine!”
You yelped when he lunged at you and you quickly rounded the glass display, making sure you didn’t fall onto anything. “Can’t you just make me laugh like a normal human being?!”
Kuroo chased after you around the store, grinning widely at you. “You give me way too much credit.”
For about a whole minute you were running in circles around the display tables, giggling softly as he ran at you as if it was his life purpose. Thankfully, it was not a busy day and Mr. Gakuto had left half an hour ago due to some appointment.
Just as you were rounding the corner for the fifth time, Kuroo reach out to you and began to tickle your sides, causing you to twirl around and try to slap his hands off, all the while wheezing from laughter. “S-STOP!”
“Not until I hear your real laugh, dollface!” 
And it didn’t take any time for you at all to start laughing really loud, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you attempted to push him away. 
You felt Kuroo cease his tickling and you gasped, finally enough oxygen entering your lungs for you to begin to calm back down. With a peek from one eye, you saw Kuroo’s smirk soften into something more sincere and your chest heaved slower than before.
“You have a cute laugh.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and you almost failed to notice how his cheeks tinged a light pink colour. Struggling to find any words at all, you just smacked at his chest, only then realizing just how close he was to you. “No I don’t...”
“You do,” he insisted and you shook your head, trying to hide how flustered you had ended up. You wanted to blame it on the whole running and tickling, but something in the back of your head told you otherwise.
Finally, you pushed him away and picked up the cloth you had dropped on the floor. “Let’s just get back to doing our job, Mr. playboy.”
At the new nickname you heard him gasp from behind you and you looked over your shoulder to see how he had placed a hand over his heart. “Is that what you really think of me?”
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Two weeks later, you were just getting off your bike in front of the Tech-shop when you heard your name being called. 
You looked up from locking your bike to find Kuroo only now arriving. Strange. He was always there before you. “Hey bedhead! How come you weren’t here already?”
He stopped in front of you and took off his backpack, a small, nervous grin playing on his lips. “I was going to be earlier but I almost forgot something at home so I had to go back and get it.”
At that, you felt intrigued. “And what’s that?”
You noticed how he hesitated to grab whatever it was that he wanted from out of his bag before quickly taking out what seemed to be a flyer. He handed it to you and you quietly read it to yourself. 
Your eyes widened from interest.
“Well, remember when you had asked me if I played any sports?” You lit up at the memory, the fun you both had running around in the shop. “I’m actually the captain of my school’s volleyball team. We’re pretty good.”
You looked up at him and you saw how he wasn’t saying it to brag; he genuinely believed it. “And there’s a tournament?” You asked, seeing as the flyer had a date and two teams on it.
“Yeah! I was wondering maybe you’d like to see us play?” He scratched the back of his head and you could tell he was feeling a little nervous about asking you. You couldn’t really see why.
“I’d love to!” You told him and Kuroo smiled bashfully, as if he was getting his favourite candy. “Really? That’s great!” You liked seeing him this excited and you giggled to yourself, looking back down at the flyer.
“I don’t really know anything about volleyball though,” you confessed and Kuroo clasped his hands, gaining your attention once more. “Fear not! As long as you don’t cheer for the other team, we’re good.”
You laughed at his comment and nodded, pocketing the flyer for later. “I’m sure I’m capable of that much.”
Kuroo patted at your back and you grinned, both of you walking inside the shop, side by side. “It’s next weekend,” he informed you and you did a mental self-check that you did not have anything planned for then.
Even if you did you would have tried to change it to be at his game.
“I’ll be there,” you promised and he smiled, before walking behind the counter and greeting Mr. Gakuto.
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The loud chatter from the gym guided you through the quiet school corridors, finally leading you to the entrance of the stands. You had tried arriving earlier than what the flyer stated so perhaps you could see Kuroo before the game and wish him good luck, but you got lost along the way.
Thankfully, you didn’t miss the actual game, you were just in time for the warm-ups wrapping up. You stood right behind the railing in an attempt to spot Kuroo on the court. Leaning a little over it, you gripped on it tight, feeling anxious for some reason.
You were surprised to find him along with his teammates, wearing a bright red uniform with the number 1 on his back. It made sense for him to be wearing it since he was the captain and all, it’s just that you had never seen him in anything else but that blue polo for work. 
It didn’t help that the sweat trickling down his face made him look a lot more attractive than he already was. 
He was huddled up with his team and you could tell he was giving some inspirational speech because he seemed to be very serious as the rest stared at him with determination. You smiled when they all linked hands and shouted “Let’s go!” before parting to line up at one side of the court.
The night before, you had taken the liberty to watch one or two videos on volleyball, just so you weren’t completely lost during the game.
You noticed that Kuroo and the other captain met with the referee, so you took that as your chance to let him know you were here.
Just as he was walking back to his team, you whistled at him. “Hey, bedhead!”
He looked up instantly and he smiled brightly once spotting you. “Dollface! You came!” 
“Like I promised,” you smiled back and he nodded his head. “Good luck!” You wished and he patted his chest in appreciation, before heading off to his team.
From where you were standing you saw how some of his teammates witnessed your little interaction and even slapped Kuroo’s back, most likely to tease him.
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You stood up in anticipation, seeing as Nekoma was at match point for the second set. They had already concurred the first, but it seemed as if the other team was not ready to let up just yet.
Anxiously, you chewed on your lip, watching intensely as number 4 from Nekoma served with purpose, almost causing the other team to fall out of formation. The ball moved so fast, you almost didn't see how Kuroo along with another player blocked a very dangerous spike.
They would have won the point had it not been for the libero of the other team, who saved the ball just before it hit the floor. You could see the frustration in Kuroo's expression, how into the game he really was.
You admired just how passionate he felt about it, the way he was giving it his all to block most of the other team's advances.
Before you knew it, someone from Nekoma was spiking hard and the game came to an end. The whistle blew and cheers erupted throughout the whole court. Along with the crowd, you screamed happily, smiling brightly and clapping at Nekoma.
It was so fulfilling getting to see Kuroo hug his teammates and jump up and down in victory, yelling and congratulating one another.
You caught him look up in your direction and you waved at him with a big grin, although you weren't too sure if he could spot you in the sea of spectators. Seeing as people were beginning to leave the stands, you followed the line leading towards the exit, ready to go and congratulate Kuroo.
“Hey, dollface!” 
Blinking, you looked over the railing and onto the court to find Kuroo, waving at you with an award-winning smile. Leaving the single-file line, you neared the edge. “Hi!”
“Come down!” He told you and you nodded, laughing while pointing at the line behind you. “That’s what I’m doing.”
To your surprise, he shook his head and extended his arms up at you. “Come on, jump over the railing.” Your eyes grew wide, horrified. 
He laughed loudly at your expression. “I’ll catch you, don’t worry.”
“I can’t do that Kuroo!” You tried reasoning, feeling a little nervous but he just scoffed. “You don’t have faith in me? I thought we were supposed to trust each other, as partners in crime and all.”
“Partners in-? Kuroo, you dork!” You giggled and his smile did not let up. “Trust me, I won’t let you fall.”
Sighing, you gave in, carefully climbing over the railing and looking down at his open arms. His eyes were urging you on and you couldn’t help how your heart was picking up its pace at how eager he seemed.
“Catch me!” You insisted and Kuroo snorted. “Of course.”
Before having time to second-think, you let go of the railing and squeezed your eyes shut. Three seconds later, you felt arms gripping at your waist and halting the little breeze that whizzed past your hair.
“See? Wasn’t that hard.”
You peeked an eye open and looked up at Kuroo, your face heating up in the process as he lowered you to the ground. “Y-Yeah,” you stuttered out, for only your gaze to fall on his arms, which were still around you.
Kuroo must have only now realized his lingering touch because he quickly let go of you, chuckling lightly. “Congratulations on winning! Ugh... this is for you.” You pulled from out of your purse a little bouquet you had picked up on the way to the game, filled with beautiful red and white tulips.
“I’m not too sure what volleyball players usually receive after a game, so I hope this is appropriate,” your grin wobbled as you handed the flowers to him and Kuroo stared at them with pursed lips. “I saw from the poster how your mascot colours were red and white!”
His fingertips trailed over the petals and a faint smile traced his lips. “Thank you... no one has ever gotten me something after a game, let alone flowers. They are beautiful.” His words were spoken in such a gentle manner, you had never heard him talk like that before.
Your heart skipped a beat and you waved it off. “It’s the least I could do. You guys played so well! Even if I couldn’t really understand half of the things going on.”
Kuroo grinned widely when you said that and looked back at you. “The fact that you came is more than enough.”
Your lips parted and your cheeks flared up. For a second, you felt very shy.
“You look really nice, by the way. All for me?” Kuroo’s compliment caught you off guard and only then did you remember what you were wearing. 
You had chosen to wear a summer dress along with some sandals, since the weather was so nice out. Trying to hide the fact that he had flustered you to the point of no return, you lightly pushed at his shoulder. “Anything different than our work attire is better.”
“Can’t argue with that,” he mused. “But you do look lovely.”
A groan escaped your lips out of embarrassment and you covered your face with both palms. “Kuroo, your flirting game levelled up along with your ego? Just ‘cause you won doesn’t give you the right to embarrass me.”
He just smiled and before you knew it, his hand was gently tugging at yours. “Hey,” he softly called to you and you lowered your arms, one falling to your side while the other was held by Kuroo.
It caught you off guard how he suddenly looked very nervous; it reminded you of last week when he had asked you to the game. 
His eyes where not on you, rather the floor as he chose his next words slowly. “Would you like... to go grab a bite or something? Just the two of us?”
You almost fell backwards, not having expecting in the least to be asked out. Blinking once, twice, thrice, you shook your head and took in just how nervous he appeared.
You’d never seen him like this! If he wasn’t already sweaty from his game you would have thought he was sweating bullets because of his anxiousness.
“Wow...” You exhaled softly and Kuroo looked at you expectantly. A part of you felt just as awkward as Kuroo, but you knew he needed a little boost of confidence. “Bedhead, are you asking me on a date?”
His lips curled up at your response and you saw how his stance straightened up. “I mean, if you want to.”
Feeling a sudden rush of self-confidence yourself, you stood on your tip-toes and grazed his cheek with your lips. His breath hitched in his throat and you even saw his Adam’s apple bob. “I’d love to.”
Taking a step back, you gave him a slight grin despite feeling like a volcano ready to erupt. Thankfully, Kuroo seemed to be a whole lot worse. “Make sure you take a shower first, though. You’re quite sweaty.”
Kuroo caught himself on the railing and you could tell he was trying to play it off cool by leaning against it. He almost missed it as he was not looking at it. “D-Did you know sweat is actually 99% water and 1% salt and fat?”
You rose an eyebrow, clearly amused by his very flustered behaviour. “No, I did not. But save the interesting facts for when he go eat.”
He nodded and finally took a step back, “you got it! Ugh... meet me at the entrance in five minutes?”
“You got it!” You giggled as he nearly backed up on a table, turning around to stop himself. It was so endearing to see the almighty tease be a klutz because of a girl finally flirting back.
Your heart fluttered in your chest. Kuroo had asked you out! You were going to go out! It was amazing how you contained the squeal that threatened to escape your lips.
Composing yourself, you took a calming breath before finally leaving the gym and going to stand at the entrance, waiting for the night to actually begin.
And when you saw Kuroo’s bedhead all wet yet still standing tall, you knew you were going to love it.
Let’s just say, that was the day you both started dating.
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sunallama · 2 years
i hate marching band
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sunallama · 2 years
jealous tetsu. that's it.
Kuroo x Reader
Warnings: None 
Words: ~850
About: CEO Kuroo and his secretary.
A/n: Very cliched but there is just something about Kuroo in a suit *malfunctions*
Keep reading
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sunallama · 2 years
cuddling hcs
ft. kuroo, atsumu and iwaizumi
loves loves loves to cuddle! 
unfortunately is a very busy man, so doesn’t get to see you much during the day, and most of the time you end up cuddling late at night on weekdays :(. 
he often comes home late at night to you on the couch (reading, watching TV, etc after a long hard day of girlbossing) and he’s just exhausted.
poor bby hasn’t slept in a while so his eyebags are showing, his hair is even more messed up then usual, and all he wants is to sleep next to you. or on top of you.
you beckon him over to the couch and he drops his stuff, dragging himself over.
he lays down on top of you with his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around your torso. 
girl take your hands and rake it through his hair a few times, scratch his scalp and he will be out like a light. 
he just feels so safe around you ugh
another one who’s super super touchy around you. 
he’s definitely someone who’s comfortable with pda, and isn’t afraid to show you off. 
a lot of the times you’ll find yourself in his brother’s restaurant in some booth, with his arms wrapped around you as his brother screams at him to dial it down.
good times.
in private, atsumu is a very playful cuddler with a tendency to smother you at times.
he loves wrapping his arms around you and giving you kisses, but a lot of the time all he wants is to feel safe in your arms.
as talented and awarded as atsumu is, he still has a ton of insecurities, and one of them if that you’re going to leave him once you see him as he sees himself. pls reassure him by wrapping your arms around his shoulders and resting your hands on his head. 
it makes him feel so good
as tall, buff, and menacing as his man looks, he is so so so soft for you omg.
however, he’s pretty shy and doesn’t like to draw too much attention to himself, so he isn’t really into pda. however, if you like it, he’ll hold your hand. maybe he’ll even wrap an arm around your waist if he’s feeling protective.
in the comfort of his own home, iwa will cling to you like a giant koala. you’re cooking? iwa’s right there with his arms around your waist. busy working? he’ll pull up a chair and lean his head on your shoulder. watching TV? you’re cuddled into his side with your legs tangled together. 
in bed, iwa likes to make sure your safe by wrapping both arms around you and resting his chin on top of your head. 
however, i hc that he runs really hot, which is great for the winter, but in the summer, you end up subconciously moving away from him in the middle of the night due to how warm he is. 
he always has his hand on some part of you though. in the morning he’ll pull you closer to him again as you complain about how hot he is. 
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