sunflowerbabeeee · 3 months
Intimacy is not just physical. To crave a persons presence and energy rather than just their body is the purest form of intimacy.
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sunflowerbabeeee · 3 months
“It’s complicated because I care and don’t care at the same time”
— Unknown
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sunflowerbabeeee · 4 months
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sunflowerbabeeee · 4 months
It’s so hard to have sweet dreams when I’m such a nightmare 🎶
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sunflowerbabeeee · 3 years
The amazing moment when you feel your anxiety leave your body after a good ol smoke sesh by yourself.
Now I feel like I can conquer the rest of my day.
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sunflowerbabeeee · 3 years
“You can never really go back to the same waters. Not only are you no longer the same, but neither are the waters you left. The current has changed. The elements of nature have affected the stream. When you return, although it appears the same, it really is a different river and you are a different person. Therefore, you cannot cross the same river twice.”
— Alice Walker
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sunflowerbabeeee · 3 years
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Do your thing babe. 💋
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sunflowerbabeeee · 3 years
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sunflowerbabeeee · 3 years
Many people are struggling through mental illness. They feel like their whole world is crashing down on them with nobody in sight to help.
That topic is sensitive & hard to speak about because people feel like nobody will ever understand. How is it so hard for people to be kind.. respectful & just be there. Listen. Watch. Pay attention to your loved ones because you never know when it’ll be the last time you ever see them again.
If you have a loved one & know about their struggles help get the help that they need no matter how long it takes. (800) 273-8255 (suicide hotline)
Don’t give up. Life is too beautiful to let words, hate, lies, pain & grief eat you alive. There’s a higher power that will set you free. You just have to believe that in your heart & remain strong, courages & resilient through it all. Remember, it’s only a chapter of your whole novel that’s still being written.
Much love. 🤍
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sunflowerbabeeee · 3 years
“The strongest people are the ones who are still kind even after the world tore them a part.”
— Raven Emotion
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sunflowerbabeeee · 3 years
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