sunflowerbabyblog · 1 year
a journey
Its so interesting how quickly things can change. I never thought id be a runner. a few months ago i couldnt even run for a minute without feeling like i was gonna die. Today i ran 5k in 38m25s. 1m35s less than 2 weeks ago. i only stopped a couple times. me a year ago could not have even fathomed this. and i look forward to it now. its not torture anymore. And yes, im slow. but thats not important. its not a competition. im just so happy to be improving. Everytime i run it gets a little easier. I get a little stronger. Just really feeling a lot of gratitude this morning.
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sunflowerbabyblog · 1 year
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This is what I look like lately.
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sunflowerbabyblog · 1 year
Post Gym Rambling
Hi! This is my first post on this account. Not really sure what im gonna use this account for yet. But its nice to have somewhere to brain dump. Pen and paper is hard for me. Takes too long i think so i lose interest fast. So here i am.
Just got back from the gym. Im on week 4 day 4 of an 8 week program. Today was back and biceps. I feel super strong and and it really feels like ive made a ton of progress. I started this program about 6 months into restarting my gym journey. Its been so rewarding. Back in 2016, I was the fittest ive ever been. From the beginning of 2017 up until about 6 months ago, I had gained about 100 pounds. I was so lost. I had no motivation to do anything in my life. I hated my work. Hated myself. Ate my feeling a lot. I finally decided in wanted to stop hating. Now Im trying to unlearn all of those negative lifestyle choices i subconsciously made. Its the hardest thing ive ever done. But im pretty happy right now. I celebrate the small victories. Its nice. So far ive lost about 30 pounds. I try not to step on the scale too much because im mostly focused on building muscle. But once in a while i like to see where im at. Looking in the mirror i can see a significant difference in my physique. But my journey is only just beginning. Im actually excited for the future. 
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