sungiehearts · 4 years
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here's the comment
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I am disgusted
stays, this is not a drill. this is not some clownery shit floating around, this is real. Felix's life is on the line. support stray kids with all your might to keep him alive. being an idol is hard and people need to know that. if you truly are a stay, pls support stray kids, even if it's just watching a MV, streaming, voting, buying an album, anything helps. pls. Felix's life is important.
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sungiehearts · 4 years
When I say “Fanfiction is free” part of what I’m saying is yes, you did not pay for the thing.
But I saw a comment from someone that made me realize the rest of the intention behind these words is being lost.
Fanfiction is provided for free, but it is not produced for free.
Authors pay their effort, including physical and emotional and mental. Authors pay their time, in planning the story (mental time) and writing the story (physical time). Sometimes it’s less than an hour for something quick and dirty, like askbox prompts. Sometimes it’s years of their lives in epic fic hundreds of thousands of words long. Authors pay additional time to alpha read their own stories, trying to make sure that they’re free of SPAG errors and make sense and sound good. Beta readers pay their time and effort alongside the authors for editing the stories. Authors pay for posting their stories with all of the anxieties that come from allowing their work - which to this point they have invested all of the above - into the public eye because while it has certainly cost them a good amount to produce the story, fandom history has proved that many other people out there enjoy fanfiction, and authors believe that at least someone else will enjoy their story, too.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is that it costs the writers a lot of something in order to produce it. A lot has already been paid into a piece of fanfiction by the time it is available for readers to read. The expense of fanfiction creation is, by and large, resting squarely atop the shoulders of writers.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is that readers don’t have to pay the cost of creating fanfiction.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is that readers don’t have to pay in anything - not time, not money, not effort, not anything - in order for fanfiction to be created. It’s a donation. It’s a gift. It’s available for you to take or leave, at the expense of someone else.
Writers have, for a very long time, requested donations of one thing as remuneration for everything they put into making fanfiction: comments. Authors have asked, in so many different iterations: “If you have consumed what I have labored and invested in to create and if you have found any enjoyment in it, please tell me, so that I can recharge enough to do this again.” Some of them may recharge on critical comments, but most of us don’t because we’ve already paid everything we want to pay to create the story.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” isn’t just that it doesn’t cost you any money. I am saying “Please respect the time and effort you didn’t have to pay into creating this thing you enjoyed, by respecting the individual creator’s requests.”
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is “be kind to authors, they have paid a lot for this gift they’re sharing with all of us, and they deserve to feel like it was worth it.”
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is “please don’t charge authors more time and emotional effort than what they’ve already provided you at no absolute cost.”
I’m not saying any of this to argue. It’s a fact that authors pay into providing fanfiction. They do it for fun. They do it out of love. They do it because they enjoy writing. No one is making them do it. No one is paying them to start or finish the story. That doesn’t mean it’s not WORK. And the only return they get on what they put into the story is the kindness of strangers that invest a little bit back by leaving a nice comment. That is why they stay, that is why they do it again, that is why we have fanfiction.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is “please don’t be the one charging authors so much more that they leave.”
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is “please keep it that way.”
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sungiehearts · 4 years
the space between us
pairing: chan x reader
genre: idk fluff maybe a tiny bit of angst?
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you and chan used to be best friends when you were kids. always going to each other’s houses. but as time passed by you didn’t see chan as much and then one day he left. he moved away to korea and never came back. you never saw him again. it’s like he vanished. you still lived your life tho. middle school came. you went through that without him; same thing with high school. it’s not like you forgot about him though. he always was in your mind for someone reason hm.
you had just graduated from highschool in Australia. you didn’t want to go to college there tho. it was your dream to move to a different country. so that’s why you decided to study in Korea. you were kinda scared only because you had never really been before but you did know the language.
you now had been living in Korea for around 5 months now. you met some friends and hung out with them a lot. you weren’t usually the “party” type but neither were you the “stay at home and study all night”type either. tonight you decided to go to the night markets with your friends. you loved fashion. and your friends were into fashion to. after being there at the night markets for about 1 hr you got a little hungry and decided to go get something to get. you decided to go into this little cafe around the corner with your friend jennie.
“y/n look look look” she said trying to make her pointing not that noticeable
you looked to where she was pointing and saw a really cute boy around your age. he was just chilling with some friends. they looked like they could’ve been famous or something. but the boy she was pointing at looked really familiar. like you knew him from somewhere but you could only see the side of his face. “jennie he looks really familiar but if only i could see his whole face then maybe i would remember where he is from “you said
after saying that she grabbed your hand and pulled you into the cafe. “just order what you want to eat and maybe when they leave you could take a glance at his face” she said
with that you nodded
about 10 minutes later you started to see the boys get up. you tapped on jennies shoulder and she looked to where you were looking. as the boys were getting up the boy you were talking about earlier looked at you. oh fuck you thought. he looked as shocked as you were. you turned your head quickly. he decided to walk up to you and you were panicking. “y/n he is walking up to you omg” jennie said excited
“uh y/n is that you ?” he said nervously
“uh yes hi ch-chan” you said trying to sound calm
“well uh long time no see ?” he said slightly smiling
“can we talk outside “you said
he nodded in agreement
“um chan why are girls staring at us ??you said confused
“im a kpop idol” he said
“oh yea is that why you left Australia ?” you asked
“yea it is im sorry i didn’t actually tell you before i left” he said
“oh it’s okay at least we saw each other again” you said
all of a sudden you see a bunch of boys come up behind chan
“oh y/n these are my members. we are called stray kids. and boys this is y/n” chan said
“ oH so this is the girl you keep talking about” jisung said
“han jisung stfu “ chan said
you started laughing and so did the rest of the boys
after talking for a few minutes hyunjins phone started ringing. “hey we gotta get to the studio now” hyunjin said seriously
“oh okay well bye y/n nice talking to you !” said seungmin
“okay bye boys ahaha” you said waving
you noticed how chan hadn’t moved
“don’t you need to go?” you said
“yea but i wanted to get your number and give you a hug bc who knows how long until i can see you again” he said
“oh yea right here and ofc we can hug ive missed you” you said
after giving each other hugs and your numbers you said bye to each other and walked back inside.
- the end
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sungiehearts · 4 years
all good things must come to an (end)start - lee minho
pairing : lee minho x reader
warnings : mentions of trying to get into someone’s pants, cussing
genre: angst , fluff
word count: 1342 words :)
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8 years . that’s how long you and minho had been best friends. you had some where caught feelings for him about 2 years ago. maybe it was because he would buy you uber eats at like 2 am to make sure your were eating and staying healthy. or maybe the way he managed to make you smile by doing absolutely nothing. you heart longed for him. you wanted him more than a best friend should. but you couldn’t help it. you couldn’t help but fall for him. he was amazing. he had every girl in the whole school wrapped around his finger. but he didn’t treat you like that. he didn’t treat you like an object. he treated you like a princess. maybe that’s why you fell for him. Eit’s not like you wanted to after
you hated your self endlessly. how the fuck could you EVER be perfect enough for someone like him. he could have every fucking girl and he wouldn’t ever choose you. that’s what you always thought. you constantly knocked yourself down for not feeling enough for him. it was a constant day to day thing. you even started to hate being around him some times bc it triggered those emotions, feelings, and thoughts.
that’s when you decided you need to end this friendship. you hated that thought. it made you cry and freak out everytime. you had this. you hated knowing that that was what you had to do. you couldn’t continue feeling this way. it was to much.
you asked minho to meet you at the boba shop because you need to talk to him. though out the whole day of school minho keep coming up to you and you tried to seem okay but it was just hard. he knew something was wrong but knowing minho he wouldn’t dare to say anything bc he knew it was scary when you were upset.
you were walking to the coffee shop where you’re like your be meeting minho to tell him you don’t want to be friends anymore. as you were walking up to the coffee shop you saw this beautiful girl like amazingly beautiful. perfect body, nice cheekbones, like the whole deal. then you saw a boy right beside her. you thought at first they were a cute couple until you realized the boy way minho. you heart started pounding. minho never told you he was seeings someone. then you saw her turn around on kiss him. that’s it. tears wildly escaped your eyes. he didn’t kiss her back but still. after about 10 minutes she left and you dried your tears off. you started walking towards minho with your face still puffy.
“uh hi minho you ready to go get some boba?” you said trying not to sound like you just cried
“uh yea but are you okay ?? you look like you have been crying” he said
goddamn y/n you fucking blew it.
“oh yea im okay ! just got something in my eyes earlier nothings wrong minho let’s go” you said trying to sound convincing
you both got inside and got your boba and sat at a table. every second your heart beating a little bit faster after knowing that you will never be able to do this again bc he might hate you after this.
“so why did you want to meet me here y/n”he asked
“u-h u-m min-ho see uh i think we should end things. please understand that i don’t want to talk about why but this friendship
is unhealthy for me and it’s causing me issues please understand me and respect that” you said trying to reason
minho was beyond startled. the girl he loved more than a friend is just going to end this right now ?? end their almost a decade of friendship now ?? but that’s right “friend” never would be would huh ?
“no” he said
“what do you mean no ?? “ you asked
“i can’t let you leave like that and i won’t let you” he said harshly.
“minho your gonna half to o-ok- okay” you said trying to hold back tears
the next moment he looked up you were gone he couldn’t find you so he check ur life 360 group chat and saw you went home.
five months later
you both had not talked in five straight months. you constantly ignored and avoided any contact with one another. his friends stop talking to you. you only had two other friends besides minho. yeri and yuna. you had told them what happened and they comforted you though it all and you were incredibly thankful. the only thing you couldn’t get ride of were you feelings for minho and he couldn’t get rid of his feelings for you either. you both were in love with each other yet you both were just two dumb to realize.
yuna and yeri has invited you to one of their parties and you said fuck it why not. the only problem was that minho was gonna be there. you had to suck up and show you had moved on when in reality you really hadn’t and neither had he.
“get in bitch “ yeri yelled from outside of your house. the party was at yunas house and yeri came to pick you up. after arriving everything was going well. you met a bunch of cute boys.
you were chilling in the kitchen talking to this dude named Jackson. he was hOt honestly. and see here you kinda went along with him well. you were talking for about 45 minutes and decided to sit down at the table beside each other.
minho had been eyeing you though the night. you looked gorgeous to him. but he didn’t trust jackson. jackson tried to get into girls pants so he keep an eye on you to make sure you were okay. everything was going good so he decided to look away. until he heard a small “ jackson stop i don’t like that” from you followed by a “your gonna fucking listen to me” from Jackson which you saying “no your making me uncomfortable; get your fingers out of my pants” behind it.
minho didn’t care so he ran up to you and look at jackson
“dude she fucking said get off of her don’t treat her like that” minho said
“ minho stfu if i wanna treat her like that i will” jackson said while pushing minho
minho grabber your wrist gently and pulled you outside before jackson could get to you again
“y/n are you okay ?? did he hurt you ?? did i hurt you ??” minho said rambling
“minho i am fine. he was just trying to get into my pants. but why where you trying to help me ?? i thought you hated me?” you said
“no i don’t hate you-“ he cut him self off and looked down. maybe now is the time he should confess bc he can’t hold it back anymore
“look im sorry for what happened 5 months ago but listen i love you like not in a friend way but relationship wise” he said still looking down
“ you what ?? why didn’t you tell me sooner? i ened our friendship bc i thought you didn’t like me back and it was starting to hurt me and the day at the boba shop i saw a girl kissing you.” you said while in disbelief that he liked you.
“what you like me ?? i didn’t tell you bc i didn’t want to hold you back and that girl was my ex. trust me i have NO feelings for her” he said
“im sorry i don’t know what to do now” you said sadly
“let’s ditch this place and go to the market and get a bunch of snacks and to a drive in movie, how bout that ?” he said smiley cheeky.
you giggled
“yes ofc let’s gooo “boyfriend “ “
you said making him blush almost immediately
“okay “girl friend” “ he said winking at you
with that a true love blossomed☺️
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sungiehearts · 4 years
the lack of love - choi san
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pairing: san x reader
genre: angst
warnings: none,,,?
word count: 500
san had been acting very strange lately. he came home late. didn’t even spare you a glance and even didn’t eat with you. you didn’t even know if he loved you anymore. i mean you tried your hardest every single day to make him happy but i guess sometimes people love each other but not in the way others want them to. you knew that san didn’t love you like you loved him. he was cold towards you. constantly getting annoyed by you. he hated that he felt that way. he never meant to fall out of love. so here you are now. at 11 pm , waiting for san to arrive home so you can talk to him. you were laying in your bed that felt empty without him. listening to every rain drop. it was your peace. san was your peace but he didn’t love you anymore
tears were slowly trying to escape your eyes. you had to be strong. that’s when you heard the door open. the squeaky sound awakening your thoughts. you forced yourself up to go to the kitchen where you heard san opening the fridge. “what are you doing up this late y/n; shouldn’t you be going to sleep by now” he said “ i needed to talk to you san. i can’t talk to you tomorrow about it. okay ?”you said which came out more confidently then you had expected. he looked at you. you could tell he was sort of nervous by the sound of your voice. “uh okay what is it” he asked “san admit it. you have fallen out of love with me and as bad as that may hurt me, we can continue this relationship with the lack of love it has “ you stated
san sighed. he knew you were right. he hated to admit that and he didn’t want to continue to constantly see you in this state. it was unhealthy. he knew he had fallen out of love. he wanted to love you. he really did. he did try. then he looked at you. “maybe that is for the better y/n. i hate to admit it but i did fall out of love. i didn’t want to and i tried so hard. i love you but not the way i used to and i don’t want to see you like this; it’s unhealthy.” he said. tears started to escape your eyes. you didn’t want to break up but you hate too. you knew deep down it was the right thing to do. “san i already have a place to stay. so i guess this is good bye then” you said choking on your tears. you then grabbed your suitcase and headed for the door. but san stopped you. “at least give me a hug before you leave and i never see you again” he said
you forced a smile. and then you hugged him.
then you left. you left him and he left you and that’s that.
the end !
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sungiehearts · 4 years
how can i help?
here you can find donation links, petitions, how to educate yourself, etc.
if you can afford to donate: official george floyd memorial fund here minnesota freedom fund here stephen lawrence charitable trust here the NAACP legal defense fund here black lives matter here
petitions you can sign: justice for george floyd here, here & here get the officers charged here reclaim the block — minneapolis here justice for breonna taylor here, here & here justice for ahmaud arbery here, here & here pass the georgia hate crime bill here **if you are international and aren’t able to sign, here are some zip codes to use: 90015 — los angeles, california  10001 — new york city, new york  75001 — dallas, texas 
text or call: text “JUSTICE” 688366 text “FLOYD” to 55156
get in contact with the district attorney and minneapolis mayor. leave a message demanding that 4 officers including derek chauvin (badge #1087) and tou thao (badge #7162) be arrested for the murder of george floyd.  minneapolis mayor’s office, jacob frey: (612) 673-2100 minneapolis district attorney, mike freeman: (612) 348-5550 OR [email protected] minneapolis PD emails: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] you can find the email template here
breonna taylor was murdered in her sleep by policemen (jonathan mattingly, brett hankison and myles cosgrove) who raided the wrong house and shot her 8 times. call the louisville mayor’s office and police department to demand that the police be fired and charged. louisville mayor’s office, greg fischer: (502) 574-2003 louisville metro police department: (502) 574-7111
undercover cop, jacob pedersen of the st. paul PD was seen smashing windows as the catalyst to many of the riots that occurred in minneapolis. email the st. paul PD and report his actions. st. paul PD email: [email protected] proof of smashing windows here proof it was pedersen here
want to learn more? i strongly recommend the book “Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race” by reni eddo-lodge. you can find an extract here.
list of resources: black lives matter google doc here black lives matter carrd here elle osili-wood on twitter here
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sungiehearts · 4 years
skate into your heart♡︎
pairing: han jisung x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: cussing
word count: 768
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[1:39am] that’s what time the
clock read on your bedside table. you
looked back at your phone again. you were
just watching youtube. bored; that’s what you were. extremely bored. bored of everything. like nothing gave you satisfaction except late night skating with you best friend jisung. the only problem was; was that you were deeply inlove with him. but if you were being honest; he always is with a bunch of girls. like hooking up and stuff. of course it hurts but he’s not yours. you decided to scroll through instagram, only to see a girl from your school name yeti post a pic with jisung:(( you felt,, jealous, mad and angry. but he was yours anyways. thats when you heard a knock on your window. “jisung what the heck”
“sorry but let me in you fucker” he said trying to sound angry. you were excited to see him but sneaking him in while your were asleep was rlly risky. you were also scared. you loved him more than a best friend and every moment with him hurt. “and why are you here at almost 2 in the morning ??” you said sassy. he looked deeply in your eyes bc he knew it made your flustered. “hmm idk
y/n, why am i here ?”he said trying to make you mad bc he found it cute. “if you are trying to ask me to go skating then no bc i have a test tomorrow” you said. he signed “ please I will buy you food tomorrow” he said pleadingly “okay fine jisung but just this once okay “ you said “okay okay okay” he said happily; which made you giggle.
so with that you climb out of the window with jisung. after climb off of the tree you ran to your backyard to go get your skate board before heading to jisung. “so where are we going ji ?” you said . he started smiling at the nickname “ji” since he loved when you used it.
“hm i guess we can skate to our usual skating site but i- uh i have something- um to tell you “ he said stuttering after his words. you looked at him confused. you looked at him. he looked, nervous. more than usual. “jisung what wrong? you know i am your best friend and here for you no matter what right ?” you said worryingly. he nodded his head. so you both started skating down your street. on the way to the skate park you checked your phone. the phone read
[2:03am] shit you had to be back soon.
after arriving at the skate park after about 14 minutes of skating you looked at jisung. perfect. the only words to describe him. no flaws. you on the other had thought you had millions of flaws. not ever enough for him. those were your sad daily thoughts. that’s when jisung snapped you outta of your thoughts by saying “ uh okay i need to talk to you. i understand if you don’t feel the same way but you know that’s okay. but um uh y/n
im deeply in love with you uh im sorry” he said with his face down in his hands.WHAT. THE. FUCK. you thought. you were VERY MUCH shocked. like, your hot, amazing, talented best friend is in love with you ????
“y/n are you okay ? uh why are you making that face im sorry” he said nervously.
you looked up at him shaking your head
“ji im fine but wow just WOW i didn’t think you felt the same. this is lowkey shocking ahaha” you said. NOW JISUNG IS SHOCKED SHHS.
“wait YOU LIKE ME ???!?!” he said
that made him giggle and then the next thing you know he runs up to you and hugs you. he then looks deeply in your eyes and you hug him back and all of a sudden the next thing you know his lips are in yours. it’s a nice sweet kiss full of love. his lips are soft and taste like honey. “maybe we were just to dumb to realize we actually liked each other “ you said smiley widely “hm maybe so but at least we love each other” he said
“i guess but i should be getting homeee” you said “okay let’s go home love” he said sweetly “ LOVE ?? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM “ you started laughing “ stAp making fun of meee” he said fake whining “nooo it was cute “love” “ you said winking. “ i said stop” he said laughing while softly fake hitting you.
~the end
i hope you enjoyed !!
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sungiehearts · 4 years
𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔♡︎
soobin txt x reader
soulmate au !
genre: fluff
warnings: cussing and thats iT
word count: 486 words :)
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[4:30pm] that’s what’s time it read on your phone.
you were studying in the library at your university. you were studying for your chem test when all of a sudden you started hearing ticking. like a clock. ticking over and over again; every second, every minute, and every hour. you couldn’t figure out what it was. that is when you felt some thing on you wrist. you looked down only to see your soul mate clock.
[1 hr til you met your soulmate] what the fuck ?!?! you thought.
as a child you always believe in soulmates. your mom always talked about how she met your father. about how they had connected dreams that brought them together.
you stopped believing in soulmates. you waited and waited yet nothing came. it was like it was never gonna happened.
but here you were; one hours away from meeting the love of your life.
that’s when you ran out of the library
“shush” said the librarian
“uh im sorry” you said
you were freaking out. not knowing who it could be.
soobin on the other hand. he never paid attention to his ticking soulmate clock. it’s not that he didn’t care it’s that he was afraid of caring to much. so he just pretended that he didn’t care when inside his heart would be 10x fast every time it went down
he was walking out of class and decided to head to the park for some air since school was getting rough with the chem exam coming up.
bAcK tO yOu
you decided to head to the park as well. maybe if i run away they can’t find me ?
you thought
you started running around for around maybe 50 minutes ?
in that time you got coffee and called your best friend lisa to tell her what was happening
she was beyond excited but you oH you were nOt
soobin was just listening to his music when he felt something buzz
he thought it was his phone but it wasn’t. he started to feeling his wrist vibrate.
he realized it was his soulmate clock.
he looked at it
[1 minute left until you met your soulmate]
HOLY SHIT,, he thought
you were looking at yours at the same time
you were both walking forward not even realizing it you ran into soobin
“uh im so sorry please for-“ you were saying until you realized what just happened
“wait your my- my sou- soulmate “ soobin said so confusingly
“wait WHAT- we are soul mates “ you said but at the end of the sentence it sounded more excited
“oh my god uh your so- so pretty” soobin was saying while you were giggling
“aH your so cute” you said feeLing bOld
he mentally said fuck it and he went for it
“well im free so wanna go grab some pizza ?” he said nervously
“ah yes ofc” you said smiling
so i hope you enjoyed it🥺
0 notes
sungiehearts · 4 years
you had just got home after one of the hardest days. firstly, you went to work and everything was going well until mid shift your mom called saying your sister was in an accident. you didn’t know what to do so you were cry and your manager decided that you should get home. so after leaving work you went to the coffee shop do get some coffee and think about what had happened; except someone had spilled their coffee on you.
so you went home, took a shower, ate some noodles, and here you were now at approximately 12:30 am lying in the bed with your thoughts in your head. you missed jisung. you wanted him to be there to comfort you through the long hard day but yet he wasn’t. he was at work and to top it off he wouldn’t be coming back for at least another hour and you hadn’t even heard from him all day.
then you started crying. all your stress was just coming down on you at once with hot tears wetting the bed which you laid on.
then that’s when you heard the door open.you got up and walked to see if it was jisung. putting on your slippers you walked to the kitchen seeing jisung. he looked so incredibly exhausted. his heart broke seeing the tear stains down your face.
so he hugged you. he then picked you up and took you to your shared bedroom.
“jisung what are you doing ?”
“uh well you look like you have had a rough day so tell me about it “ he said
“as long as you promise to tell me your day too” you said while putting your pinky out
“okay okay” he said while giggling at your cute gesture, while doing a pinky promise
so that’s when you broke. you broke down explaining your horrible day with him doing the same. he explained how he keep on messing up the dance at practice.
after about half an hour you cuddled into his chest and fell asleep.
“maybe all we need is each other” is the last thing he said before kissing your forehead and dozing off to sleep as well
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sungiehearts · 4 years
im acting like a bad bitch with resting bitch face whilst walking to uni but really im listening to chewing gum
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sungiehearts · 4 years
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Jisung when noona already has a boyfriend
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sungiehearts · 4 years
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you came to the wrong neighbourhood, motherfucker
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