sunlightamed ยท 7 months
๐“†ฉโŸก๐“†ช โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” PROMPTS.
scrambling in here to send this now before i forget! sorry in advance for mistakes since i'm mobile-bound, living by a prayer, and packing for a trip, godbless.
mun notes.
with lantern rite finished and the related threads sitting in my almost full queue, i'm hoping to put klee and kaeya ( @ocelberich ) into more interactions. though primary focus will be on klee, as i am not quite confident in my kaeya voice yet to churn out as many threads. whether you'd like to grab them for a mission board prompt or a simple, general thread, give this post a like or comment OR simply knock me over the head in dms. preferably discord, since i do not check tumblr often.
for klee,
liyue commission. this will be treated as klee's second happenstance of foreign community service. the milleth has come to the agreement with the adventurer's guild that she must spend a few days helping clean the docks since there were many instances of klee setting off too many fireworks, creating her own firework formulas, and testing the compatibility between firework and jumpty dumpty. so! your muse has either been assigned as her guardian / community service partner or someone she's recruiting personally.
fontaine commission. if there's anyone willing to give the institute a messy handbook full of explosive ideas and formulas, it's klee! she's very excited to have the chance and will happily drag your muse around to be her inventor sidekick! she's open to sharing and listening to ideas, unless they're boring and exclude jumpty dumpty in any given way ( /j )
slumdog fishing cup. klee's been preparing for this moment her entire life. they said that any method of fishing works so OBVIOUSLY, she's allowed to manipulate her usual fish blasting habit into something tamer! is so excited for this that the poor girl keeps forgetting that the fish needs to be alive first before it can be deemed worth the point. whether you're a fellow competitor or a spectator floored by her performance, come watch her fish!
for kaeya,
mondstadt commission. as the cavalry captain, i'd like to format this in a manner of kaeya recruiting your muse to help, as he would be one of the first to know of the incident. likewise, his affinity for animals and talent for horse taming will come in hand! he's quite worried about the wellbeing of the horses, before and during the attempts at guiding them back, so i'd want to explore his tendencies of self-and-ally-sabotage in moments of stress. up to us how much danger the horses and us are in during the trip back to the stables!
boat savvy fill-ins. is adept at holding his breath and unsurprisingly very willing to help, especially since the trade between nations is very vital to the economy. not to mention that certain businesses in mondstadt thrive on overseas trade. honestly, i do not doubt that he would know a bit on the topic, but really, he's here to fill-in for the knights of favonius and jean, since she isn't here to assign a mondstadt representative to the task.
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
little sun brightens within the embrace of her other half, giggling and gasping and clutching onto his collar when he kneels, impossibly brighter than she was before. her heart aches in her chest, paired with the airy laughter that shakes her shoulders and twitches her hands. however, she simply beams up at albedo at the press of his lips against the crown of her head, managing a soft, "hi, big brother," before their focus is turned elsewhere.
where her brother looks is not where klee's attention is caught. instead, she oohs and aahs up at the sight of kaveh's smiling briefcase flying around, supposedly doing that scanning thing he mentioned earlier. awugh, it looks so fun! how is it flying? little sun steps forward, away from albedo, with her gaze tautly pulled up as the briefcase rounds its path towards its handler,
dendro core detonates. (-2HP) STONEHIDE LAWACHURL 0/10SP, 48/50HP. HYDRO SAMACHURL 0/30HP. KLEE 9/10HP
the warning reaches her a moment too late. by the time she realizes where her feet have nudged, the dendro core has already unfurled and exploded on itself. klee braces, raising her arms and spreading her feet apart, managing to withstand the detonation despite its stubbornness and knocking her off her feet.
"i'm good!" she exclaims, raising her head to offer the others a brave smile. "klee's never felt better! did you see how sheโ”โ”"
STONEHIDE LAWACHURL 0/10SP, 48/50HP uses shockwave and hits all enemies. (roll: 1d20=7, -1.5HP) KLEE 7.5/10HP. KAVEH 11.5/13HP. crystallize triggers and negates damage, NEUVILLETTE 12/12HP. ALBEDO 8.5/10HP
again, klee is interrupted, though this abrupt shift comes in the form of a lawachurl's roar, the blur of a brother's uniform, and yet another embrace, though this one is tighter, pressing her against his chest. and, of course, she's smart, not stupid; little sun dims her light, curling against albedo's front to make herself smaller. if he has to protect her, then she has to meet him halfway! make herself as small as jumpty dumpty!
it works, almost, though the shockwave sends tremors through the both of them, straightening klee's spine and knocking a small noise from her lips. gloved hands tighten around albedo's collar before loosening her grip to rub away the blur of her gaze.
golden flashes across albedo's arm and the lawachurl watches him steadily when he leaves klee behind. but little sun is stubborn before she is obedient; a little sister before she is a victim.
ย KLEE 7.5/10HP energy roll: 1d3+2=4. widsith roll: 1d3=2 (elemental skill modifier +1)
when the lawachurl brings its wrath upon albedo, klee is there to meet it, eyes bright and gloved hands scalding.
KLEE 7.5/10HP uses elemental skill and hits stonehide lawachurl. (-5HP) STONEHIDE LAWACHURL 35.5/50HP STONEHIDE LAWACHURL 35.5/50HP counterattacks, hits and hits klee with normal attack. crystallize triggers and negates damage. (roll: 2d20=19, 10, -0HP, -1HP) KLEE 6.5/10HP energy remaining: 2/4
jumpty dumpty summons itself within a second, perfectly on-time with the flick of her hand, aiming the careless bounce of it towards the crest of the lawachurl. the energy collides and ignites sparks into explosions, blurring her vision until she stumbles from the cloud of smoke; only then, aware of the shadow beneath her feet.
the first strike of the lawachurl's fist does not connect, breaking off against the glow of golden light surrounding her. but that is all it can do for her before the next hit knocks klee off her feet and onto her side. if not for the heaviness of supplies in her rucksack, she would have flown farther, but the shift in weight works in her stead.
and, as if never knocked back, klee pushes herself off the ground, wincing only slightly when she sees the lawachurl's attention shift. "hey!" comes the little sun's smiling exclamation, "watch this! scan em', jumpty dumpty!"
the lawachurl's curiosity is rewarded by the sparks of a tossed jumpty dumpty, smiling as the energy ignites,
KLEE 6.5/10HP uses elemental skill and hits stonehide lawachurl. (-5HP) STONEHIDE LAWACHURL 30.5/50HP STONEHIDE LAWACHURL 30.5/50HP counterattacks, hits and hits klee with normal attack. (roll: 2d20=18, 3, -1HP, -1HP) KLEE 4.5/10HP energy remaining: 0/4
and knocks the bigger monster off balance. klee cheers, her pointed helixes twitching as her gloves grow clammy once more. stone cracks, splitting where pyro has begun to break its outer layer. when it roars at her, she's prepared, clutching onto the straps of her rucksack and spreading her feet.
not being hit is unlikely, so the best plan is to ease the fall! thus, klee meets the first strike with a wavering confidence, trembling only slightly. however, even when the wind is knocked out of her, there is a faint relief of the others' safety that keeps her smiling, though weakly. it is the second strike that sends her yards away, coughing and wincing even before her body hits the ground. once she lands on her shoulder, klee pushes back on the weight of her rucksack, stopping the possibility of a roll.
then, spluttering and hugging herself, she simply lies there, heaving in an attempt to draw in enough air. little sun never fully falters, however, since she promised to keep from napping again! so, she offers a weak thumbs-up and gives herself a moment. just a few seconds! ough, enough to calm the dizziness blurring her gaze...
@iustitians !
i'm sorry mr. neuvillette sir. i didn't know your game
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
when little sun manages to open her eyes despite the weight of exhaustion draped across her, it is alongside a stretch of her arms and a pitched, long yawn. to dim the immortal spark of this sunshine would require the strength of a large, selfish monster, bent only to conquer and take and...
oh, huh. is that a lawachurl appearing before them? oh, it's been a looong while since klee's seen one. how fun! she's almost too eager to spring to her feet, oblivious to how she wobbles and sways on weak legs, letting the blanket strewn across her limply fall to the ground.
until scarlet eyes recognize the bone-white fabric, the dark outlines, the sleeves she could never fit; klee's hand reaches down and catches the coat by its collar before it slips completely. clutched in gloved hands, she stands there, simply holding onto the coat in silent wonder, before her gaze rises to the dark blue of her big brother's shirt; his back towards her, sword still drawn, and gold encased around the curve of his palm.
and, for the repeated tenth time of the day, she remembers why she had so easily latched onto albedo's leg when first brought together by mama.
"for when big brother kaveh wakes up," klee whispers to herself, shuffling over to drape the coat over where he is still rousing from his unconscious state. smiling, oh-so-brightly, she adjusts her rucksack and skips forward, stopping only to bend and grab her cap from where it fell earlier.
KLEE 10/10HP energy roll: 1d3+2=4. widsith roll: 1d3=2 (elemental skill modifier +1)
little sun's smile grows, impossibly so, and widsith hovers at her side as she throws herself at albedo's back in an embrace. "big brother albedo!!" exclaimed just as jumpty dumpty reveals itself within the palm she reaches past him with, fingers aiming condensed energy at the hilichurl before them.
KLEE 10/10HP uses elemental skill and hits cryo hilichurl shooter. (-5HP) CRYO HILICHURL SHOOTER 15/20HP ricochet hits stonehide lawachurl. (-2.5HP, halved by shield) STONEHIDE LAWACHURL 9/10SP, 50/50HP energy remaining: 2/4
pyro gathers and, just as swiftly, ignites into the form of her dear friend; aiding in its jumps until the energy proves too much. when the first explosion sets a tremor in the ground and spreads from foe to foe, klee has already stepped in front of albedo, giggling as she offers him and neuvillette the optimism of a youthful sun.
"sorry about napping! klee reaally didn't mean to fall asleep. she'll stay awake this time! she promises!" and as if that was no enough, widsith opens its pages at her side, paired in time with the turn of her heel. "look, klee can show you guys!"
KLEE 10/10HP uses elemental skill and hits hydro samachurl. (-5HP) HYDRO SAMACHURL 25/30HP ricochet hits cryo hilichurl shooter. (-2.5HP) CRYO HILICHURL SHOOTER 12.5/20HP energy remaining: 0/4
arrows hurt, but klee has known the importance of directing her light at more than one enemy. thus, she clasps her hands together and, from between her palms, gathers the necessary amount of pyro energy to fill the form of another jumpty dumpty. though careless, she tosses her friend in front of her with a cheer, watching as it bounces harmlessly toward the samachurl before igniting itself into another explosion.
then, klee turns again to face albedo, though her gaze travels past him and she tilts away. "oh! klee thinks big brother kaveh is waking up now!"
@iustitians !
i'm sorry mr. neuvillette sir. i didn't know your game
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
little sun hadn't been paying attention when all fell to ruin, in all honesty. when she came to, mister neuvillette was bearing the faint glow of something blue, kaveh had finished snacking on his toast ( that klee kind of wanted to ask for a piece of. it looked good! ), and jean had somehow, someway, disappeared though spark knight swore that she had entered with them earlier! before she could utter a question, two hands clasp her under the arms and raise her to her feet with ease. giggling, she kicked her feet and squirmed until released, smiling up at albedo once set down.
"oh? not a laughing matter?" klee gasped, hardly reacting to the gloved hand smoothing the frizz of her hair, "sorry, klee hadn't meant to laugh. she wasn't giggling!"
but whether laughing or not, the air around them sparked as empty space became filled with conjured monsters. albedo struck first, followed by the call of kaveh's fun floating briefcase, before klee found herself nearly trembling with excitement once more.
"klee wants to scan too!" she wasn't quite sure what was being scanned, but it sounded fun and she was all about fun! "heard that, jumpty dumpty? let's scan!"
KLEE 9/10HP energy roll: 1d3+2=5 KLEE 9/10HP uses elemental burst. charged attack energy cost lowered to 1 until end of turn. energy remaining: 3/5
rucksack heavy on her back and scarlet eyes bright with joy, little sun leaned only slightly, bearing the weight of the growing jumpty dumpty between her fingers until it became too heavy and, thus, burst above her into flames, drawing up the familiar curve of a clover.
with everyone's attention unspecified, klee grew dizzy looking for enemies and simply settled on the glowing shield encircling the abyss mage, all cozy and fluffy within its bubble. and she was gonna pop it!
KLEE 9/10HP uses charged attack and hits electro abyss mage (roll: 1d20=2. -4HP, halved by the shield) ELECTRO ABYSS MAGE 2.5/10SP, Overload triggers and hits all surrounding enemies (-2HP). HYDRO SLIME A 13/22HP. HYDRO SLIME B 13/22HP. DENDRO SAMACHURL 18/28HP ricochet hits hydro slime b. vaporize triggers. (-4HP) HYDRO SLIME B 9/22HP ricochet hits dendro samachurl. burning triggers. (-2HP) DENDRO SAMACHURL 16/28HP. burning (-1HP) DENDRO SAMACHURL 15/28HP ELECTRO ABYSS MAGE 2.5/10SP 30/30HP counterattacks and hits klee with thunderbolt (roll: 1d20=2). aggravate triggers. (-4HP) KLEE 5/10HP. aggravate hits kaveh (-2HP) KAVEH 8/10HP energy remaining: 2/5
pyro energy grew in its wealth, gathering in little sun's grasp until it summoned the curves and glow of a clover above her head; brought down upon the mage's shield with a crackling noise that swiftly blossomed into an explosion. and, jumping on her feet, klee happily cheered as the eruption pittered off into little kabooms and kabams, carelessly spewing at a hydro slime and the funny dendro samachurl.
though her victory was shortlived by the raise of her hair and the clamminess of her gloves, seconds before she realized the thunderbolt arcing towards her. the dizziness nearly knocked her off her feet, swaying dangerously as she shook her hands and whined, "owie! that hurt!" because it had, and, shoot, now her gloves were all sweaty.
she was hardly aware of another golden-haired companion being struck by the time she mustered another collection of pyro energy.
KLEE 5/10HP uses charged attack and misses (roll: 1d20=1. -0HP) ELECTRO ABYSS MAGE 2.5/10SP 30/30HP counterattacks and hits klee with thunderbolt (roll: 1d20=13, -2HP) KLEE 3/10HP energy remaining: 1/5
pyro energy that fizzled from her hands and crackled noisily above her until the clover had basically evaporated. little sun swayed from foot to foot, fighting mainly to keep herself upright despite the weight of a rucksack at her back.
"ough, oh, klee's... klee's dizzy. she..." the warning became a yelp, the widsith floating when she yanked her hand away, unable to comprehend the unwarranted sparks of electro that snuck beneath her sleeves, into her skin, and up her arm. stuttered breaths, watering eyes; aw, this wasn't as fun as she thought! and, from instinct alone, the little sun nearly ran to find her other half before realizing that the mage's shield still laughed at her from where it crackled and sparked.
big breaths, klee! wipe away your tears! no one else is crying! and this, as motivating as it was, pulled klee's hand up to summon her vision once more.
KLEE 3/10HP uses charged attack and hits electro abyss mage (roll: 1d20=15. -4HP, halved by the shield) ELECTRO ABYSS MAGE 0.5/10SP, Overload triggers and hits all surrounding enemies (-2HP). HYDRO SLIME A 11/22HP. HYDRO SLIME B 7/22HP. DENDRO SAMACHURL 13/28HP ricochet hits hydro slime b x2. vaporize triggers (-8HP) HYDRO SLIME B 0/22HP ELECTRO ABYSS MAGE 0.5/10SP 30/30HP counterattacks and hits klee with thunderbolt (roll: 1d20=18, -2HP) KLEE 1/10HP energy remaining: 0/5
when the smoke of an explosion cleared, little sun had been knocked to her knees before the ever-still crackling of the abyss mage's shield. but, despite the twitching and coughing, she smiled weakly and cheered with as much enthusiasm as physically possible when the dull explosion of the hydro slime reached her ears.
however, within moments, flashes of blue and the tightened density of the air,
dendro core a detonates. (-2HP) ABYSS MAGE 0/10SP, 25/30HP. HYDRO SLIME A 6/22HP. DENDRO SAMACHURL 2/28HP. KLEE 0/10HP
little sun dimmed her shine at the hands of a core she had not even recognized. rucksack torn just slightly and hat fallen before she, klee slumped over with a soft mutter of her brother's incoherent name, unresponsive yet, from the erratic rise and fall of her chest, still bright.
@iustitians !
i'm sorry mr. neuvillette sir. i didn't know your game
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
LITTLE SUN IS BLINDED BY THE SPUR OF DARKNESS. one moment, there's a large circular portal thingy, and the next, she's standing beside big brother albedo and master jean andโ”โ”oh! kaveh and mister neuvillette are here too! huh, surprising, though, as they hadn't been there when jean led her and albedo up the staircase. but, the idea of origin is of no matter! they're here now and klee can hardly stop herself from bouncing on the heels of her feet at the sight of them, eyes bright with a closely adored recognition.
"heheheโ”โ”" small, gloved hands raise to wave happily at the knights' companions. "hello, big brother kaveh! hello, mister neuvillette! wowww, i can't believe we're all here at the same time..."
an excitement that, truly, only blossoms when abyssal space transforms before them into the shape of monstersโ”โ”both slime and hilichurl alike. nothing this spark knight has not fought diligently against. thus, stopped only by albedo's offered arm, which she takes without hesitation, klee smiles at all near her; ally and enemy both.
when albedo lets go, gathering geo-energy around them in constructs, it is all she needs to run forward. rucksack carries most of her weight as she dashes after the path albedo's form creates. "oh! wait for me, big brother! klee's coming with!"
KLEE 10/10HP energy roll: 1d3+2=4 KLEE 10/10HP uses elemental skill against hydro slime a. vaporize triggers. (-6HP) HYDRO SLIME A 0/5HP ricochet hits hydro slime b. vaporize triggers. (-6HP) HYDRO SLIME B 0/5HP ricochet hits hilichurl berserker a. (-3HP) HILICHURL BERSERKER A 3/8HP energy remaining: 2/4
little sun rushes past hilichurl torch, swung toward her brother, and at once conjures the energy necessary to bring jumpty dumpty to life. between her fingertips, it glows, and grows, and once its temperature rivals that a scalding cauldron, klee lets it fly from her grasp. tossing it carelessly before her and watching, happily, as it bounces with that silly smile on its face.
"go jumpty dumpty, go! bounce!"
the loud, colorful explosion that follows is inevitable. hydro slime bubbles and swiftly pops in its place, leaving behind only goob and glob that vaporizes within seconds. andโ”โ”oh, look! the other hydro slime exploded too! though excited and victorious, little sun is far from finished! after all, jumpty dumpty never gets tired until it has fun twice!
KLEE 10/10HP uses elemental skill against large electro slime. (-4HP) LARGE ELECTRO SLIME 6/10HP. overload triggers. HILICHURL BERSERKER A 1/8HP. HILICHURL BERSERKER B 6/8HP LARGE ELECTRO SLIME 6/10HP counterattacks and hits klee (roll: 1d20=12) KLEE 8.5/10HP energy remaining: 0/4
the next slime, though electro and bigger than her, is hardly a terrifying sight. everyone knows that electricity and fire only make greater explosionsโ”โ”and klee likes those! so, she wields pyro once again, letting it grow between her fingers until it takes the shape of her little friend; waiting only a moment before tossing it to bounce toward the slime. and, truly, jumpty dumpty never misses!
but klee's excited woos and yays are interrupted by the growing shadow at her feetโ”โ”the electro slime returns her bouncing friend for a bounce of its own. one that knocks little sun off her feet and into a tuck-and-roll that leaves her feet away.
"owie! ow! awugh, klee's good! klee's fine!" she hisses, shaking off her hands as she sits on the ground, pouting all the while. aw, she hates being zapped! it makes her gloves all clammy and her golden hair frizz up. no fun...
@iustitians !
i'm sorry mr. neuvillette sir. i didn't know your game
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
[ LANTERN MAKING ] โ”โ” each year, we send up glorious lanterns with our thoughts, prayers, and hopes for the future, and what makes them so special is that no one lantern is the same. create your own work of art to carry on into the vast expanses of the night ! / / i hadn't meant for this to get sad mfmewmkkds IMSORRYYY
little sun had found her other half by the xinyue kiosk dessert cart, unable to resist the temptation of a second confection in albedoโ€™s hand. thus, she had stayed at his side for a good whileโ”โ”nibbling on a fish-on-a-stick, being carried on his shoulders to touch a lantern, and dancing in front of a laughing musician while her brother twirled her aroundโ”โ”all to this moment.
curled up at his side, little legs thrown over his knee, klee yawned and held onto the lantern as albedo tinkered with it a tad bit more. their individual lanterns were beside them, left in the hopes of them creating one together. it had been kleeโ€™s idea, but albedoโ€™s eagerness made it so that the dream became theirs.
another yawn; she pressed the pads of her fingers against the lanternโ€™s structure, holding it still for him to work on. โ€œdo you think mama and papa will be able to see our lanterns once theyโ€™re in the sky? if they fly high up enough?โ€ย 
she believed soโ”โ”mamaโ€™s schedule of sending mail always seemed to align with whenever klee finished a project. or whenever she waddled into albedoโ€™s workshop with tears pricking the corners of her eyes. thinking about mama, and how much papa had been smiling when he announced the journey, made klee giggle a little. a breathless sound that toed the line of falling apart.
bright eyes began to water against her wishes, her bottom lip trembling even as she trapped it between her teeth. when klee raised a hand to her face, wiping at the corner of her eyes with her coat sleeve, a heavy weight began to settle in her chest.
โ€œi miss them,โ€ she whispered, โ€œbut klee shouldnโ€™t be cryingโ€ฆ kleeโ€™s having fun! she is, really! butโ€ฆ iโ€ฆ i want them to mโ”โ”make a lantern with usโ€ฆโ€
but thatโ€™d be impossible; mama and papa were far away now, bravely venturing off on an important journey. thatโ€™s why she was here with albedo! and she was happy to be here, butโ€ฆ little sun wiped away at her face harder, sniffling into her sleeve until she felt her face was less red. enough to glance up at albedo with a small, weak smile. โ€œcan weโ€ฆ can we make them one, โ€˜bedo?โ€
he is fiddling with the frame of their lantern, teal irises boring into the paper craft like a paramount experiment. the afternoon is breezing by, idle words and hums fluttering between them like swallowtail kites. midday light casts its tranquil sunbeam over the little sun nestled at his side. even the alley cats have taken up colorful corners of the harbor to stretch out for a nap. at some point albedo had assumed the reins of their tinkering, having draped an arm around klee while she held the lantern for them. the occasional passerby casts the siblings a glance. all is well, their smiles presume. all is never as it seems, albedo's eyes volley right back.
he feels, first, before he sees klee cry. the first little sob that racks her body sends a pang of alarm through him, his arms tensing on instinct. the tiny sound of a hiccup comes next, calcifying a lump between albedo's ribs and driving his ministrations to a halt.
( the lump is large. it is heavy, it is peculiar, it is human. klee wrings this sort of thing out of albedo in record time, and perhaps that should scare him more than it does. )
albedo reflects. a homunculus he may be, but in this moment, he is the older brother that rhinedottir had never allowed him. rhinedottir herself is an enigma. he can only hypothesize his master's relationship with aliceโ€”he has done so for yearsโ€”but all he has to go on is what they say about hexenzirkels of a feather. they go, they come, they go again. they leave behind more questions than answers. they leave behind crying children who try to be brave.
he closes his eyes, feeling his insides constrict more and more with each word that tumbles from klee's shaky lips. find the truth of this world, gold had instructed him, all that time ago. she had not made it easy.
but albedo has since acquired many truths and double the falsehoods. a valuable one of the former is this: children should not have to learn how to put on a brave face. that is the job of adults. he sets down his drafting compass, gathering her into his lap to give her his undivided attention.
"it's alright, klee. you needn't explain yourself," albedo starts,ย  "nor need you fear anyone's disapproval. i know that you're having fun."
mindful arms loop around klee to ensure she cannot fall, allowing her to relax freely into his chest should she wish. she is safe here. she need not stand on occasion, nor sit up so straight. the minute that klee's sorrows demand any poise of her is when albedo will have failed her, too.
"that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to miss them, or feel sad when you do." ย  a soft tilt of his head.ย  "it merely proves that you have a very big heart..."
albedo continues, the tip of his index finger curling and uncurling in a single nudge, just over where klee's heart beats. like durin's, it bleeds warmth. it bleeds love, and life, and everything worth protecting.
"...with all that more room to hold bigger burdens."
if he could carry them all for her, he would. his gloved thumb brushes along klee's cheek, catching a stray tear and swiping it gently from her face.
"indeed, it would be wonderful if they could be here to make lanterns with us."ย  albedo concurs, followed by a brief press of lips. what can he do? what can he say? him, an artificial creation masquerading as something more?ย  "... however, i believe that aunt alice will be watching from afar. she would recognize your handiwork right away, and treasure your message to her. you're thinking of your parents, just as they think of you."
he cannot replace a mother's love, cannot replicate that which he does not knowโ€”only try to stave away the ache klee fights. he must strive to be enough. eyes soft in thought, albedo tucks a stray blonde lock behind her pointed ear. he is besieged by the urge to gather klee even closer, a soft sigh breathed into the crown of her head. after a moment, he pulls back, meeting her gaze with a faint smile.
"now, i do hope you're ready to blow everybody else's lanterns out of the sky. ahโ€”figuratively. figuratively,"ย  albedo tacks on the last bit in a hurried mutter, tender palms cupping klee's face as he gives her another once-over for tears. when he finds none, he gives one cheek a doting pat.
"we'll make ours a sight to remember, hm? and, when aunt alice comes home, you can show it to her up close. let's see, we'll start with..."
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
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based on this
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
truth to little sun's wandering gaze, wriothesley had deshelled the crab with ease! like, a lot of ease! and he seemed completely tame with the idea of breaking open the other piles of bright red, fresh crabs threatening to slide from their perch behind them. her eyes widened, wonder shining impossibly bright within scarlet irises as she shook her hands; to rid herself of the excitement trembling her body. mama taught her that trick! besides, if she hadn't shook her hands, then she'd probably start shaking and bouncing her knees, which would shake the table and cause a scene and who knows if all of wriothesley's hard work would beโ”โ”
"oh, thank you, thank you!" klee interrupted her train of thought, smiling up at the man as he rose from his seat to grab a full bowl. her gratitude blossomed fruitfully into pride at the drop of a title; boss, which was what master jean was, which made klee as much of a good person as her! but she had not voiced this, since she still wasn't sure if jean had come to the lantern rite and she learned, long ago, that some whispers about her were carried through the wind . . . somehow.
and, when wriothesley came back, the spark knight had no worries with tilting the small bowl of crab meat and digging her fingers into it to pinch small cuts into her mouth. at the pace wriothesley's cracking these things, she'd be able to chow and refill within moments! how great was that!
scarlet met cerulean; spark knight's smile seemingly managed to brighten despite its natural brilliance. "klee came with big brother albedo! master jean couldn't make it and mama is away with papa on a faraway, very secret, adventโ”โ”oh . . . if it's secret, klee shouldn't mention it. but klee forgot if it's actually a secret so,"
a pause for her to nibble on another tear of crab meat. it was then that she realized that wriothesley had asked a question she hadn't answered! quickly, she added, "oh, klee can share with . . . hmm, i actually don't know who to eat this with." but, of course, though her gaze fell to the table in a moment of contemplation, it immediately rose back to wriothesley after seconds. "well, do you like crabs? if so, klee can share with you! i don't think big brother albedo really likes or doesn't like crabs and you're the closest friend so you're the next best option!"
or rather, anyone in liyue was, for that matter! whoever liked crabs could eat with them! but klee wasn't very kind to the idea of announcing that openly in the restaurant, especially since the vendors might hear her. besides, wriothesley ought to be hungry, sitting here cracking crabs, right?
hm. about that. "how do you deshell them so quickly? every time klee tries, mama or lumine always end up having to help her."
partner tag : @dukemeropide !
๐“†ฉโŸก๐“†ช โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” lantern rite : klee & wriothesley .
lantern rite 2024 , continued here / prosperity toss prompt.
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
.ย  ย  ย  ย  ย albedo / / @spidergourmet asked,
albedo has never needed a special day to treat klee accordingly. even so, the festivities and merriment make a golden foiled gift feel all the more magical. he squats to klee's height, a gloved arm beckoning her closerโ€”the other arm waits patiently behind his back, seconds away from revealing the surprise of the hour.
"happy lantern rite, klee." albedo draws out a red pocket, presenting it to his younger sister. "i think red quite suits you. did you know? it's the color of a hero, of sparks, and particularly in liyue... of 'luck'. just like your clovers."
just like everything that has led him to here. there could be no greater fortune than what she has given him. ten, a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand mora has nothing on it.
"now, make sure not to spend it all in one place, yes?" a palm cups the side of her headโ€”albedo's language of doting is silent like snowfall, but certain as the imprint of footprints left in its powdery white blanket. "you mustn't forget to indulge yourself, either. i'm very proud of how responsible you've been growing in your adventures."
received: albedo's red pocket! a weighted crimson envelope packed even heavier with mora. 100,000 mora, to be exact. happy lantern rite!
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little sun was almost too eager to be anchored by her other half, smiling from cheek to cheek, her chest rising in uneven breaths as she panted and tried to collect herself before her brother. after all, running to and fro in a game of chase with the other children of the harbor surely put her out of breath! but no matter how breathless, how dizzy with excitement, this mage's gaze immediately stuck to the arm albedo kept extended behind him. round, bright eyes narrowed, her mouth opening to maybe exclaim her surprise before all of her attention is pulled back to his face. to his smile, mainly.
thus, she giggled, tawny skin flushing merely from excessive joy as she nodded, "happy lantern rite, big brother! iโ”โ”" but a gasp interrupted her; her gasp, to be specific. a red pocket was raised to her gaze, bright and golden and full and hers! all hers!! klee squealed and hopped on the tips of her boots, anchored only by the hand albedo gently had on her arm, keeping her close enough within the invisible bubble of their conversation.
her first red envelope of the year! or, well, that's how the tradition went... but! it was a first! klee giggled until the mirth trembled her shoulders and her voice spilled into the sweetest fit of laughter, her arms outstretched, not to reach for the envelope, but instead for her brother. she practically tripped into his arms, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck and trapping the crimson pocket between their bodies.
"klee knows! klee knows! mama said she knew red would be my color ever since... well! ever!" little sun held him closer, laughing against his skin until she pulled back, still smiling, still bright. gloved hands carefully took the crimson envelope, holding that, too, close to her chest as she swayed on dizzy feet. a softer fit of laughter slipped from her at the touch of albedo's hand against her head, thus, she pressed back into the embrace.
klee's assurance came in the form of little uh-huhs and happy mhms. she nodded, "i promise! klee will be diligent with this." but her promise came too early, as albedo hadn't finished. and, when he did, his words left her in a silent, wide-eyed state. she blinked, rapidly, bright eyes unable to fathom what he had said.
but then, little sun laughed, a small sound, glancing away albeit nervously, kicking her foot against the wood of the harbor beneath them. "oh, big brother..." she whispered, clutching onto the red pocket as though it were him, hugging it to her chest until she remembered that, unlike her parents, he was tangible; kneeling before her with a gentle smile.
so, once again, klee embraced him, arms around his neck and head bowed slightly. laughter hadn't left her, still prominent as she said, "thank you, 'bedo! thank you so much! klee's grown so much and learned so many things and it's all because of you! well, most of it. hehe, i can't forget about the other knights." when she pulled away, it was to press a quick kiss to his cheek, before ultimately remaining in the embrace. "klee can't wait to buy so many souvenirs with this... and, oh! maybe we can take a trip to fontaine and buy some of their gear! have you seen this ladyโ”โ”very pretty and blueโ”โ”who..."
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
.ย  ย  ย  ย  ย qiqi / / @qihuaque asked,
[ lantern making ] Each year, we send up glorious lanterns with our thoughts, prayers, and hopes for the future, and what makes them so special is that no one lantern is the same. Create your own work of art to carry on into the vast expanses of the night.
Qiqi has just finished running errands for the Adventurerโ€™s Guild when she spots a familiar girl with a bright red cap darting back and forth ahead of her. Upon closer inspection, she finds that itโ€™s Kleeโ€”the bright, cheerful girl who invited her to a meal at Wangshu Inn not too long ago.
โ€œKlee.โ€ Qiqi wanders over and gives a small wave. โ€œHappy Lantern Rite. Qiqiโ€ฆwants to ask if Klee has made lanterns.โ€ She gestures to the glowing paper lanterns strung up all around them, from railing to railing and lighting up the tops of pedestriansโ€™ heads with a soft gold. โ€œThere is a booth nearby. You can paint itโ€ฆand make wishes.โ€
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little sun halted its shine immediately after the moon droplet came before her, her delight swiftly being dropped into the hands of her dear friend. she met qiqi halfway, smiling so hard that her face hurt and her fangs were bared. however, not in ill intent, as she happily embraced qiqi's presence with a few hops and excited nodding, waving right after as she'd forgotten to do so despite the gesture being her first welcome.
"yah! klee's made a few lanterns with big brother!" she exclaimed, though her gaze still followed the path of lanterns above them qiqi gestured up at, unable to stop herself from laughing sweetly at the sight. but the reminder from her friend immediately caught her attention. she paused, unmoving if not for her rapid blinking, before muttering, "ohhh, well, klee must have forgotten to make a wish. if i did, i really can't remember it."
but all could easily be solved! she grinned, letting go of her rucksack with one hand to extend it to qiqi, whether in a manner to clasp, hold, or watch, remained unknown. "want to make one with me? klee can choose one color to paint it and qiqi can choose the other. how about it?" after all, she'd want a lantern with as many friends as possible! and, though those qiqi remembered was few and between, klee liked to think that they were great friends! two opposing forces, they were. one bright and one somber. andโ”โ”
"oh goodness! klee forgot to say it back!" came this little sun's sudden interruption, exclaimed as she gasped and, thus, slightly choked on her own words. "happy lantern rite, qiqi! phew, alright, all is well... now do you wanna make a lantern with me?"
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sunlightamed ยท 7 months
.ย  ย  ย  ย  ย lyney / / @feliscus asked,
[CUSTOM FIREWORKS] - Art is passion and desire, fleeting as it is eternal. With brilliant dyes, light up the night in a wondrous explosion for just a moment, and create those lasting memories. // idk how we got here but i thought the two of them putting on a fireworks show would be silly HAHA
like ducks lined up neatly in a row, the fireworks are all set up by the time the sun begins to dip below the horizon. gloved hands rub together in anticipation, expression schooled into calm neutrality, until at last with the magician's signature flourish does the arrow appears in a flash of gold and light too oohs and ahhs, tip already aglow with pyro energy. lynette may not be here, but he's an equally charming partner in crime to offer it to with a smile. โ€œwhy don't we show our wonderful crowd the show we've prepared? care to do the honors?โ€
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where a magician's hands were clasped together, this little sun's excitement had extended throughout the expanse of her body, forcing her into small hops to contain any giggles or noises of excitement before the show had begun. hopping from one foot to another, golden braids swaying from where they were tied back into ponytails, klee had taken lyney's side as eagerly as a student would follow after a teacher. in fact, she'd been so happy at the offer that she... forgot how he even realized her prowess in demolition... that and for some odd reason, klee couldn't remember where they had first convened.
oh well! the specifics hardly mattered when the show was itching to start! oooo, just thinking about lighting the fireworks up and watching them spiral aimlessly into the sky before the combustion within became too much made her head hurt. which was a good thing!
little sun raised her gaze to the delighted eyes of the moon's pupil, her smile managing to brighten despite the sheer excitement she already displayed. "really? really? klee would love to! klee would absolutely love to!" and, to her surprise, they would not be lit by the targeted jumps of a small jumpy dumpty with a match of pyro magic encasing it. no, instead, lyney had made an arrow appear before them, dancing along his fingers as it sparked to life.
so, of course, klee happily accepted the arrow from him and, after being distracted by its glow for a few seconds, let it fly! and fly it had, as did the fireworks the moment they had caught onto the pyro magic condensed into the tip. on instinct, klee shouted in joy, jumping up and down as the crowd erupted into wondered oohs and ahhs!
"look! look! look at them go!" she exclaimed, tugging the weight of the garter holding up lyney's leggings. and, beneath the sky, as it exploded into colors and shapes and dreams, little sun looked back up at the moon, grinning at him as she tilted her head, "are there more to light up? klee wants to see how easily they light up compared to her jumpy dumptys!"
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sunlightamed ยท 8 months
experience had taught this little sun when to dim and brighten, and those instances were usually like the present; klee wandering a tad too far, into an area a tad too strange, and surrounding herself with people that were a tad too different. but different was hardly the same word as interesting! yeah, that would be a better attribute to link the busy people of this team to!
wherever she walked, something greater than before managed to impress her. from flowy dresses and plumed hats to kameras with wider gears and suitcases that carried more than they should, nothing here seemed to be ordinary. especially not the lady of the hour ( if klee had to guess, since everyoneโ€™s eyes fell to her each time she walked through the area, which she couldnโ€™t blame, for her gaze committed the same instinct to memory ), in all of her glory. and she was soooo pretty that klee couldnโ€™t stop herself from watching her as she spoke to the other members of the team.ย 
not even when little sunโ€™s foot caught on something and nearly sent her tripping over herself, arms flailing at her sides and rucksack weighing her down in the stumble. she shouted, of course, and just like that, her cover had been blown! though, now that she thought about it, multiple people had been watching her as she oohโ€™ed and awโ€™ed for the last couple of minutes.
โ€œsorry! sorry! you all can continue your work, klee hadnโ€™t meant toโ”โ”โ€ kleeโ€™s defensive gesturing froze when she rose her head to meet the gaze of the very same, pretty lady from before. she blinked, multiple times, and only after a brief silence, smiled brightly up to her. โ€œhello there, maโ€™am! klee hadnโ€™t meant to make a mess. she just happened to wander into yourโ€ฆ uhm, what is this place?โ€
partner tag : @fanfaire !
๐“†ฉโŸก๐“†ช โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” the handbook for evading disasters : klee & furina .
lantern rite 2024 / custom prompt.
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sunlightamed ยท 8 months
.ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  klee has arrived at the lantern rite festival alongside her older brother, @spidergourmet !
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โ”โ”โ”โ” little sun practically buzzed with excitement, suddenly overwhelmed by the thought of having everything and nothing at her fingertips; hands that knew the burn of lights unlike those that would soon fill the lanterns scattered across the pathways. scarlet eyes widened just a tad when she managed to sneak a peek through the curtain of the window, as if unable to express just how curious she was.
it mattered not that the lantern rite was simply in the beginnings of its performanceโ”โ”for all of teyvat, she reminded herself. throughout the night, klee would be in the presence of natives and foreigners. faces she could recognize and those she couldnโ€™t match a name to face for. and that thought, in its simplest form, made klee feelโ€ฆ
small, in a way. it made her realize just how large the world really was; how tiny she and her heart was in comparison. but the fear that gripped her chest and pursed her lips into a trembling pout disappeared once an abrupt halt of the carriage forced her to rock back against albedoโ€™s arm. the tiny contraption she had been fidgeting withโ”โ”twisting knobs, resetting the locks of each button, syncing the gear rotationsโ”โ”fell into her lap, clicking shut and folding in on itself as a result.
but klee was so starry-eyed that the possibility of it slipping entirely hardly reached her. โ€œare we here? albedo, are we here? did we make it, finally?โ€ she exclaimed, pushing the contraption off of her lap and freeing her arms from the strap of her rucksack before stumbling out of the carriageโ€™s backdoor.
when her boots had hit the earth, little sun would have been gone in a sprint if not for albedoโ€™s hands quickly hoisting her into his hold. she shouted on instinct, laughing and kicking her feet as he carried her back to the... oh, right!ย 
โ€œteehee, sorry, big brother! klee forgot we brought our equipment with usโ€ฆ heheโ€ฆ can we at least, unpack after it turns dark? klee wants to see what stalls theyโ€™re gonna have open tonight! how else will we know what to take as a souvenir?" little sun pressed her hands together, smiling big and bright enough to hurt, "please? pretty pretty please with a pretty spider on topโ”โ”?โ€
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.ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  masterlist.
โŸก peace talismans: 5 / 5, as of feb 11th ( links: i, ii, iii, iv, v ) โŸก inbox: open & accepting lantern rite interactions whether based on prompt or not! โŸก threads: do tell me beforehand if a specific ask will be turned into a thread, so i can log it in and be prepared!
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sunlightamed ยท 8 months
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We may not know where our wishes will end up. But together, they will light up the night sky and turn it as bright as day.
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[NEW YEAR MARKETS] - With so many vendors setting up shop, now is the best time to purchase a trinket as a reminder of the new year, or to get some much needed errands done.
[WANMIN MEAT CART] - Despite how short a trip it is, Chef Mao has some classic recipes right on the water, along with some brand new cuisines just for the Lantern Rite. Try some classic Mora Meat pastry, Dragon Beard Noodles, or his latest: Rex Lapisโ€™ Delight!ย 
[XINYUE KIOSK DESSERT CART] - If sweet treats are more your thing, just a few spots down is a stand specially reserved for Xinyue Kioskโ€™s brilliant desserts! Buy one dessert, get one free โ€œNew Moon Cake,โ€ with not one, not two, but SEVEN original fillings.
[TEA TASTING] - Third-Round Knockout is offering a rare, once a year opportunity to personally taste test some of their newest flavors. Jasmine Pearl, Dragon Cinnamon Oolong, Aged Golden Dawn, Phoenix Fire Oolong, why not indulge in some of the finer things in life?
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[DRAGON DANCE] - Join the Lantern Rite parade! With so many dragon puppets needing twice as many hands, join the show and dance until you drop.
[MAHJONG] - How about one of Liyueโ€™s quickest games? Mahjong, known for its lightning rounds and fast-paced gameplay, is a classic this time a year. Surely you wonโ€™t be here all nightโ€ฆ
[SHADOW PUPPETS] - Puppet shows are quite popular this time of year, using lights and small paper designs to convey thrilling tales. Comedies, Romance, Tragedies, woe, these poor hearts will be forever changed.
[DRESS UP] - Red and gold, the colors of each festival this time of year, are absolutely stunning. Glimmer and shine for the kamera, dress up and serve on the runway.
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[LANTERN MAKING] - Each year, we send up glorious lanterns with our thoughts, prayers, and hopes for the future, and what makes them so special is that no one lantern is the same. Create your own work of art to carry on into the vast expanses of the night.
[CUSTOM FIREWORKS] - Art is passion and desire, fleeting as it is eternal. With brilliant dyes, light up the night in a wondrous explosion for just a moment, and create those lasting memories.
[DRAGON CHARMS] - Representing good luck and strength, creating a little charm of the dragon itself can often inspire hope while passing into the next year. Though, many Adepti now have become popular faces of such ornaments.
[JADE TALISMAN] - Pure and indestructible, jade is the embodiment of virtue and benevolence. Taking days to etch at a time, these talismans are truly a rare and valuable gift.
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[WORSHIPPING ADEPTI] - The protectors of Liyue are often secluded and forgotten about per their distance, though for the Lantern Rite, small shrines of each prominent Adeptus are made. With incense burning, make a prayer or offering to the illuminated beasts.
[PROSPERITY TOSS] - A common tradition to signify the end of the year and the birth of a new one is to create a bowl of fruits, vegetables, fish, and other fresh foods, and to feast. Many restaurants host these during the Lantern Rite to bring us together.
[RED ENVELOPES] - Though much more common, a sign of good faith and friendship often comes in the form of a red envelope. Containing a small sum of mora, each envelope is a gesture of amity.
[FEED THE KOI] - ย Koi represent harmony and wealth in Liyue, and a common tradition is to visit when the moon is at its highest. A small sacrifice, in the shape of some crackers or bread crumbs will often please these simple creatures.
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sunlightamed ยท 8 months
the sky above remained bright despite the little sun's tears. her bottom lip juts out as she sniffles, practically stumbling to follow the insistent tug of the older man's hand. blonde twin tails sway wildly as she whips her head around, a futile attempt to recognize any sight of the adventurer guild's uniform; each of her distracted gazes is met by the shining metal of the man's mechanical guard.
but klee's a strong girl! even though this man's grip on her is kind of tight and the pretty machine following them is still looming scarily over her. besides, it wasn't really her fault for what happened! uh, kind of? darn, she couldn't even remember what exactly happened since everything flew by so fast.
one moment, little sun was beaming brightly above a glistening, so so pretty lake, cradling a new, cute bomb in her hands; the bellies of fish floating to the surface as she cheered. then the next moment, her joy was crushed by the sudden shout of this strange man! he had told her not to run but really, she had already started running the second she saw him!
( turning the face of her bombs toward the lunging mechanical guard had almost been her instinct, but this little mage was taught how to roll away from danger before mama ever poured gunpowder into her hands. )
no no no, none of that mattered now! especially not when someone taller and pale and blue seems to have caught the man's attention. as a little girl would react, klee startles with a yelp, shaking her head all the while, "wโ”โ”wait... wait! i didn't mean to be bad! klee's a good girl, i promise! sheโ”โ”!"
surprise interrupts her pleading and, miraculously, halts the tears that hang from her eyelashes. klee blinks up at the man as he talks, though her gaze constantly shifts between the two taller figures. and listening only makes her feel worse! really, she hadn't known the lake was so liked. if she had, she would have chosen the one right next to it instead!
all the disoriented little sun's pointed ears can catch is the mention of something silly before the pretty blue man kneels before her. again, she huffs out an exhale, rubbing at her eyes with her coat sleeve until her face is less redder than before.
"uhm... hi, i'm klee," she begins, though her gaze does not rise from her feet as she pouts, "spark knight klee of the knights of favonius. i... hm... klee came here with a guide but she doesn't know where they are." but an explanation doesn't fall from her quivering lips next.
instead, after a pause, when she looks up to meet the man's gaze, klee rambles, "mister, klee's really sorry about the fish. like, really really sorry! i didn't know that they were so special. i just wanted to go fish blasting andโ”โ”oh, and that's not dangerous! klee wouldn't hurt anybody on purpose! master jean and mama taught me not to and... uh..."
all the rambling immediately takes her breath; thus, klee is left silent, a hand on her chest as she counts her breaths. thankfully, the grip on her wrist is gone, plus the mechanical guard's shadow isn't as close soโ”โ”as if fright is but a temporary dim to sunlightโ”โ”klee rubs at her eyes and offers a small smile, "i'm not... i'm not being taken into solitary confinement, am i?"
Fish Blasting: Steampunk Edition || Neuvillette & Klee
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sunlightamed ยท 8 months
sumeru wasn't a hop, jump, and skip away, so of course, the trip left little sun a tad dimmer than her usual shine. she yawned throughout the adventure guide's lecture; something about the importance of good behavior and a king with a d โ” word name and the coast of which they now walked. now don't misunderstand; klee was listening as best as she could! but boat rides always made her a bit sleepier than normal and just thinking back to her comfortable seat on said boat was enough to loll her head to the side and make her eyelids heavier.
but what else should revitalize this little sun if not the sight of someone as bright as herself?
the manner in which klee snapped into attention was, actually, quite natural. away her exhaustion goes! easily blinked out of her eyes and wiped off her face. she bounced on the heels of her shoes, unable to contain the joy trembling her fingers and twitching her pointed ears. thus, it was only a matter of time until she rushed across the sand, oblivious to the adventure guide's confused shout of her name.
"blond man! blond man!" she exclaimed, running up to where kaveh stood, her arms held out in front of her as she bumped right into him. her fingers curled into the fabric of his trousers, stubbornly clutching onto the man she'd only met on one occasion other than today; which made this their second bump โ” in! giggling, klee pulled her face away from his hip, smiling brightly up at him as she spoke, "remember me? it's klee! spark knight klee!"
aw shucks, how awesome was this?! not only would klee get to actually be a knight today, but she would be able to do those knightly things with someone cool, too! who knows, maybe he could tell her more about the adventure they were both assigned. which, by the wayโ”โ”
"well, thankfully you two seem acquainted already," came the voice of the guide, only slightly disgruntled after having to chase klee. they sighed, pushing up their glasses and later gesturing to the scattered members of the excavating group near the entrance of the ruins, seemingly more focused on checking their equipment and updating each other than wasting time socializing. "alright... speak with the team for any further information, or questions if you have them. you and klee have already been debriefed on everything the guild has been told so my job here is done. i'll return in three days to take you both back to the mondstadt for your compensation. is that clear?"
and, practically buzzing with untamed excitement, klee nodded, still smiling and clinging onto kaveh's leg, though she backed up a bit to meet the guide's gaze. "understood but don't worry, we got this! we're the best bodyguards to ever bodyguard; you can count on us." after all, she had reserved her best tools for this task! though she still had no idea what the team was looking for. it was probably just rocks and buried treasure since that was likely the only reason someone would dig into collapsed ruins, right?ย 
partner tag โ”โ” @aesthetecomplex !
๐“†ฉโŸก๐“†ช โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” the light kneels for two : klee & kaveh .
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sunlightamed ยท 8 months
alice had told her daughter, long ago, when they moved from house to house and town to town, that the littler things in life were to be appreciated above all. and, at first, klee had no idea what she was talking about! especially since she enjoyed and appreciated everything around her.
but once, beneath the canopy of a storefront, alice explained; it was good that klee's eyes brightened at the sight of every little thing she saw or was given. it was good that she responded with rapid nods and small hops when she met a new or old face.
klee was good at being happy and making other people happy. and that, in its simplest form, was all klee could think about as she scribbled a list of groceries on a piece of paper; coding each customer's name with a different, brighter color than the last. the task was easy enough, especially since the guild had been so kind to make her brother her partner! together, they would be great grocery getters! or... fun food finders? or some other cool version of the name.
anyway, they were just grocery shopping. but that was boring and klee needed to be focused so she decided to make a little game of it! with each client, they would play a quick round of rock โ” paper โ” scissors and, whoever won, got to pick something extra for the person based on their list! and that way, the people would get their ordered food plus a fun surprise to lighten their mood! who wouldn't enjoy an extra cabbage in their basket?
oh. wait.
klee looked up at albedo from where she was kneeling on the ground, writing on the paper with her rucksack beneath it for a somewhat flat surface. "albedo? are we getting groceries for ourselves too? klee can't remember the last time we went food shopping... together, i mean! but we definitely ran out of cabbages. and potatoes, i think. and whatever else klee is forgetting!"
partner tag โ”โ” @spidergourmet !
๐“†ฉโŸก๐“†ช โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” a crumb of delivery delight : klee & albedo .
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