#ᰔ ━━━ ❝ a blinding sunlit smile of fangs ・ 【 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 .
sunlightamed · 7 months
.         albedo / / @spidergourmet asked,
albedo has never needed a special day to treat klee accordingly. even so, the festivities and merriment make a golden foiled gift feel all the more magical. he squats to klee's height, a gloved arm beckoning her closer—the other arm waits patiently behind his back, seconds away from revealing the surprise of the hour.
"happy lantern rite, klee." albedo draws out a red pocket, presenting it to his younger sister. "i think red quite suits you. did you know? it's the color of a hero, of sparks, and particularly in liyue... of 'luck'. just like your clovers."
just like everything that has led him to here. there could be no greater fortune than what she has given him. ten, a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand mora has nothing on it.
"now, make sure not to spend it all in one place, yes?" a palm cups the side of her head—albedo's language of doting is silent like snowfall, but certain as the imprint of footprints left in its powdery white blanket. "you mustn't forget to indulge yourself, either. i'm very proud of how responsible you've been growing in your adventures."
received: albedo's red pocket! a weighted crimson envelope packed even heavier with mora. 100,000 mora, to be exact. happy lantern rite!
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little sun was almost too eager to be anchored by her other half, smiling from cheek to cheek, her chest rising in uneven breaths as she panted and tried to collect herself before her brother. after all, running to and fro in a game of chase with the other children of the harbor surely put her out of breath! but no matter how breathless, how dizzy with excitement, this mage's gaze immediately stuck to the arm albedo kept extended behind him. round, bright eyes narrowed, her mouth opening to maybe exclaim her surprise before all of her attention is pulled back to his face. to his smile, mainly.
thus, she giggled, tawny skin flushing merely from excessive joy as she nodded, "happy lantern rite, big brother! i━━" but a gasp interrupted her; her gasp, to be specific. a red pocket was raised to her gaze, bright and golden and full and hers! all hers!! klee squealed and hopped on the tips of her boots, anchored only by the hand albedo gently had on her arm, keeping her close enough within the invisible bubble of their conversation.
her first red envelope of the year! or, well, that's how the tradition went... but! it was a first! klee giggled until the mirth trembled her shoulders and her voice spilled into the sweetest fit of laughter, her arms outstretched, not to reach for the envelope, but instead for her brother. she practically tripped into his arms, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck and trapping the crimson pocket between their bodies.
"klee knows! klee knows! mama said she knew red would be my color ever since... well! ever!" little sun held him closer, laughing against his skin until she pulled back, still smiling, still bright. gloved hands carefully took the crimson envelope, holding that, too, close to her chest as she swayed on dizzy feet. a softer fit of laughter slipped from her at the touch of albedo's hand against her head, thus, she pressed back into the embrace.
klee's assurance came in the form of little uh-huhs and happy mhms. she nodded, "i promise! klee will be diligent with this." but her promise came too early, as albedo hadn't finished. and, when he did, his words left her in a silent, wide-eyed state. she blinked, rapidly, bright eyes unable to fathom what he had said.
but then, little sun laughed, a small sound, glancing away albeit nervously, kicking her foot against the wood of the harbor beneath them. "oh, big brother..." she whispered, clutching onto the red pocket as though it were him, hugging it to her chest until she remembered that, unlike her parents, he was tangible; kneeling before her with a gentle smile.
so, once again, klee embraced him, arms around his neck and head bowed slightly. laughter hadn't left her, still prominent as she said, "thank you, 'bedo! thank you so much! klee's grown so much and learned so many things and it's all because of you! well, most of it. hehe, i can't forget about the other knights." when she pulled away, it was to press a quick kiss to his cheek, before ultimately remaining in the embrace. "klee can't wait to buy so many souvenirs with this... and, oh! maybe we can take a trip to fontaine and buy some of their gear! have you seen this lady━━very pretty and blue━━who..."
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sunlightamed · 8 months
.          klee has arrived at the lantern rite festival alongside her older brother, @spidergourmet !
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━━━━ little sun practically buzzed with excitement, suddenly overwhelmed by the thought of having everything and nothing at her fingertips; hands that knew the burn of lights unlike those that would soon fill the lanterns scattered across the pathways. scarlet eyes widened just a tad when she managed to sneak a peek through the curtain of the window, as if unable to express just how curious she was.
it mattered not that the lantern rite was simply in the beginnings of its performance━━for all of teyvat, she reminded herself. throughout the night, klee would be in the presence of natives and foreigners. faces she could recognize and those she couldn’t match a name to face for. and that thought, in its simplest form, made klee feel…
small, in a way. it made her realize just how large the world really was; how tiny she and her heart was in comparison. but the fear that gripped her chest and pursed her lips into a trembling pout disappeared once an abrupt halt of the carriage forced her to rock back against albedo’s arm. the tiny contraption she had been fidgeting with━━twisting knobs, resetting the locks of each button, syncing the gear rotations━━fell into her lap, clicking shut and folding in on itself as a result.
but klee was so starry-eyed that the possibility of it slipping entirely hardly reached her. “are we here? albedo, are we here? did we make it, finally?” she exclaimed, pushing the contraption off of her lap and freeing her arms from the strap of her rucksack before stumbling out of the carriage’s backdoor.
when her boots had hit the earth, little sun would have been gone in a sprint if not for albedo’s hands quickly hoisting her into his hold. she shouted on instinct, laughing and kicking her feet as he carried her back to the... oh, right! 
“teehee, sorry, big brother! klee forgot we brought our equipment with us… hehe… can we at least, unpack after it turns dark? klee wants to see what stalls they’re gonna have open tonight! how else will we know what to take as a souvenir?" little sun pressed her hands together, smiling big and bright enough to hurt, "please? pretty pretty please with a pretty spider on top━━?”
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.          masterlist.
⟡ peace talismans: 5 / 5, as of feb 11th ( links: i, ii, iii, iv, v ) ⟡ inbox: open & accepting lantern rite interactions whether based on prompt or not! ⟡ threads: do tell me beforehand if a specific ask will be turned into a thread, so i can log it in and be prepared!
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sunlightamed · 9 months
"Psst! Klee!"
The blonde Traveller sat crouched down while motioning with one hand for the younger girl to move closer.
"Say, how about the two of us sneak out together for a bit? I found a great fish blasting spot." Perhaps it was somewhat irresponsible of her to condone the youngest Knight's potentially dangerous behavior, but Lumine would be there to keep a close eye on her and to ensure that nobody got hurt.
Unlike Mondstadt where most lakes are surrounded by grass and the fire caused by explosions could easily turn into a catastrophy, she knew a few bodies of water in Liyue which were secluded and with not a lot of shrubbery around - lessening the risks.
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"Oh. But don't tell your big brother Albedo or Grandmaster Jean, okay? It'll be our little secret!"
her pointed ears could not help but twitch, easily responsive to the sound of lumine's voice; recognizable even from far away!
klee turned in a complete circle, attempting to spot the golden ━ haired traveler as she swayed from side to side as a habit of excitement. and when rosy eyes caught sight of lumine waving her over, she was quick to rush over. her rucksack jostled dangerously on her back as she hurried in quick, hop ━ like steps. laughter fell easily from her lips, though it was muffled by the gloves she pressed over her mouth once she met with the traveler; after all, lumine was being secretive by crouching so surely she had to be secretive too!
but how was klee supposed to be quiet when lumine had just revealed the best news she heard all day?! ( well, that and that albedo would finally let her see the recent sketches he had been working on. oh oh!! or that and that AND that jean being busy in her office for a day or two because of some important adult things! )
"really?! i can't believe you've found a spot that great!" despite her not being told, exactly, where said fish ━ blasting spot was. but that hardly mattered since anything lumine found was usually perfect! "i finished all my research today, plus i haven't seen jean anywhere so yes, i can go! absolutely! klee would love to go!"
klee nodded her head, almost fast enough to make it ache, before pressing her finger against her lips to make a small, shushing noise. she was such a great spy that not even the bestest ( greatest? most secretest? ) spies would be able to find out where lumine and her were! especially if this new fishing location wasn't as eager to light up as every other lake had.
"of course! klee can keep a secret! i won't tell anyone, you can trust me on this. our little secret will stay a secret." little sun smiled, fanged and bright, as she rambled her curiosities into the air between them, "but can i know where it is before we go? is it in mondstadt? oh oh, is it outside of mondstadt? no waaaay, are we taking a trip to somewhere far away? just to go blasting? hee hee, you're the best, lumine!"
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sunlightamed · 9 months
[Cathedral] Your muse finds mine at the Favonius Cathedral. / have ya ever thought about architecture, klee?
neffikins teyvat prompts ( accepting! )
little sun was surprised at the shine of another, golden ━ haired person inside the cathedral; someone that wasn't herself or barbara! however, despite her enthusiastic curiosity, it wouldn't take more than a glance to notice how strange the man appeared. not that he, himself, was a frowner like diluc or a fun ━ yet ━ weird person like fischl, but he simply didn't look familiar. and klee made it her job to know everyone in mondstadt!
though she had meant to spend the day at albedo's feet, beneath his desk, as she experimented with the new gunpowder from an already ━ destroyed hillichurl camp, klee could save that for later. especially since this man might need a guide, if his foreign ( but very pretty and intricate ) fashion was anything to assume. which klee did often! uh, with good intentions, of course!
"hiya, mister!" klee smiled up at him, unaware of how the man seemed to be focused on the walls of the cathedral, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she continued, "you're really pretty! i like your hair, it's almost like mine. uhhh, not really, since klee's hair is lighter, but it's somewhat similar. either way, we're matching!"
before she could continue, there was a light shush from a nearby nun, a reasonable response, as klee had been happily yapping in her outdoor voice instead of her indoor one. ( lisa had taught her that one; the indoor and outdoor voice! ) klee nodded and waved, apologetically of course, before turning back to the pretty, blonde man.
"as pretty as the cathedral is, klee knows more pretty buildings she can show you. do you wanna play outside? i can show you around mondstadt as we play. and━━ohhhhh, wait, sorry, klee hadn't even introduced herself. here," little sun paused and, after turning around in a circle, smiled brightly up at him as she exclaimed, "i'm klee! spark knight klee of the knights of favonius! now, do you wanna play?"
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sunlightamed · 7 months
.         lyney / / @feliscus asked,
[CUSTOM FIREWORKS] - Art is passion and desire, fleeting as it is eternal. With brilliant dyes, light up the night in a wondrous explosion for just a moment, and create those lasting memories. // idk how we got here but i thought the two of them putting on a fireworks show would be silly HAHA
like ducks lined up neatly in a row, the fireworks are all set up by the time the sun begins to dip below the horizon. gloved hands rub together in anticipation, expression schooled into calm neutrality, until at last with the magician's signature flourish does the arrow appears in a flash of gold and light too oohs and ahhs, tip already aglow with pyro energy. lynette may not be here, but he's an equally charming partner in crime to offer it to with a smile. “why don't we show our wonderful crowd the show we've prepared? care to do the honors?”
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where a magician's hands were clasped together, this little sun's excitement had extended throughout the expanse of her body, forcing her into small hops to contain any giggles or noises of excitement before the show had begun. hopping from one foot to another, golden braids swaying from where they were tied back into ponytails, klee had taken lyney's side as eagerly as a student would follow after a teacher. in fact, she'd been so happy at the offer that she... forgot how he even realized her prowess in demolition... that and for some odd reason, klee couldn't remember where they had first convened.
oh well! the specifics hardly mattered when the show was itching to start! oooo, just thinking about lighting the fireworks up and watching them spiral aimlessly into the sky before the combustion within became too much made her head hurt. which was a good thing!
little sun raised her gaze to the delighted eyes of the moon's pupil, her smile managing to brighten despite the sheer excitement she already displayed. "really? really? klee would love to! klee would absolutely love to!" and, to her surprise, they would not be lit by the targeted jumps of a small jumpy dumpty with a match of pyro magic encasing it. no, instead, lyney had made an arrow appear before them, dancing along his fingers as it sparked to life.
so, of course, klee happily accepted the arrow from him and, after being distracted by its glow for a few seconds, let it fly! and fly it had, as did the fireworks the moment they had caught onto the pyro magic condensed into the tip. on instinct, klee shouted in joy, jumping up and down as the crowd erupted into wondered oohs and ahhs!
"look! look! look at them go!" she exclaimed, tugging the weight of the garter holding up lyney's leggings. and, beneath the sky, as it exploded into colors and shapes and dreams, little sun looked back up at the moon, grinning at him as she tilted her head, "are there more to light up? klee wants to see how easily they light up compared to her jumpy dumptys!"
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sunlightamed · 9 months
𓆩⟡𓆪 ━━━━━━ TAGS.
names + explanation. certain tags are liable to change or expand depending on the developed prose of the muse or fellow muses interacted with. listed beneath the readmore:
ᰔ ━━━ ❝ a blinding sunlit smile of fangs ・ 【 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 . ( all posts that are "in character", hence the tag )
ᰔ ━━━ ❝ solitary confinement bound ・ 【 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 . ( all posts that are "out of character", ex. shitposts, maintenance, meta, etc )
ᰔ ━━━ ❝ they will know her as the red witch! ・ 【 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐘 】 . ( reblogged art, including possible art by the mun, of the muse )
ᰔ ━━━ ❝ the incarnate of everything bright ・ 【 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 】 . ( posts centered around a muse's headcanons, meta, etc )
ᰔ ━━━ ❝ all it takes is an ignited charge of fun ・ 【 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 】 . ( all reblogged posts with prompts, ask memes, sentence starters and the likes )
ᰔ ━━━ ❝ the sparkling secrets of a little knight ・ 【 𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐗 】 . ( all posts that are replies to an ask, excluding threads made from certain asks )
ᰔ ━━━ ❝ thread name ・ 【 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 】 . ( the threads tag )
ᰔ ━━━ ❝ support tag ・ 【 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 】 . ( support tags for all muses this muse interacts with, always liable to change )
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sunlightamed · 7 months
.         qiqi / / @qihuaque asked,
[ lantern making ] Each year, we send up glorious lanterns with our thoughts, prayers, and hopes for the future, and what makes them so special is that no one lantern is the same. Create your own work of art to carry on into the vast expanses of the night.
Qiqi has just finished running errands for the Adventurer’s Guild when she spots a familiar girl with a bright red cap darting back and forth ahead of her. Upon closer inspection, she finds that it’s Klee—the bright, cheerful girl who invited her to a meal at Wangshu Inn not too long ago.
“Klee.” Qiqi wanders over and gives a small wave. “Happy Lantern Rite. Qiqi…wants to ask if Klee has made lanterns.” She gestures to the glowing paper lanterns strung up all around them, from railing to railing and lighting up the tops of pedestrians’ heads with a soft gold. “There is a booth nearby. You can paint it…and make wishes.”
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little sun halted its shine immediately after the moon droplet came before her, her delight swiftly being dropped into the hands of her dear friend. she met qiqi halfway, smiling so hard that her face hurt and her fangs were bared. however, not in ill intent, as she happily embraced qiqi's presence with a few hops and excited nodding, waving right after as she'd forgotten to do so despite the gesture being her first welcome.
"yah! klee's made a few lanterns with big brother!" she exclaimed, though her gaze still followed the path of lanterns above them qiqi gestured up at, unable to stop herself from laughing sweetly at the sight. but the reminder from her friend immediately caught her attention. she paused, unmoving if not for her rapid blinking, before muttering, "ohhh, well, klee must have forgotten to make a wish. if i did, i really can't remember it."
but all could easily be solved! she grinned, letting go of her rucksack with one hand to extend it to qiqi, whether in a manner to clasp, hold, or watch, remained unknown. "want to make one with me? klee can choose one color to paint it and qiqi can choose the other. how about it?" after all, she'd want a lantern with as many friends as possible! and, though those qiqi remembered was few and between, klee liked to think that they were great friends! two opposing forces, they were. one bright and one somber. and━━
"oh goodness! klee forgot to say it back!" came this little sun's sudden interruption, exclaimed as she gasped and, thus, slightly choked on her own words. "happy lantern rite, qiqi! phew, alright, all is well... now do you wanna make a lantern with me?"
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