sunluvclub · 7 months
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sunluvclub · 7 months
it has come to my attention that Aaron Bushnell had recently created a will before self-immolating in which he left his life savings to the PCRF. instead of speculating on his personal life i suggest we all take a page from his book and donate to the PCRF as well. we must not forget that his sacrifice was for Palestine. we can't forget about Palestine when we discuss him.
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source 1 ; source 2 ; source 3 (the sources are listed in order of apparition)
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sunluvclub · 7 months
In the absence of a clear and obvious angle to attack Bushnell’s protest, most likely due to his status as a serviceman that would make outright insulting him or suppressing the news itself scandalous, discussions on Western shores have now taken on the familiar framing of mental illness. In Time Magazine’s write-up of Bushnell’s death, the article finishes with a link to the suicide hotline, and asks readers to contact mental health providers if they are experiencing a “crisis.” Mark Joseph Stern, a writer at Slate, seemingly unasked, also wrote on Twitter/X:
“I strongly oppose valorizing any form of suicide as a noble, principled, or legitimate form of political protest. People suffering mental illness deserve empathy and respect, but it is wildly irresponsible to praise them for using a political justification to take their own life.”
Conviction does not exist to the American. To be willing to die in a selfless act for what they believe in only exists for those outside America's sphere of influence. Many will recall reporting on those who self-immolated in protest in Iran and in Russia for instance where this sort of approach, unwilling to engage with the root of its cause, would not even be entertained, let alone written and published with sincerity. The Arab Spring began with a self-immolation. The self-immolation of Buddhist monks in protest of South Vietnam’s persecution became defining images of the war and its corruption. Within America’s walls however, there is a belief, unspoken and ingrained from birth, that democracy allows for everyone’s voices to be heard and that its representatives are inherently inclined to respond to the people and their widespread wishes.
Desperation at inaction or complicity in terror and atrocity need not apply. Everyone incensed by their government to such an extent must simply have something wrong with them. To be able to go about one’s day knowing that children are screaming from the hunger that is eating their insides and that pregnant women are eating bread made from animal feed, and that the United States is supporting Israel’s creation of this famine, is apparently the real sign of well-adjustment.
Seamus Malekafzali, “The Words Burned Through His Throat: The Sacrifice of Aaron Bushnell,” February 26, 2024.
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sunluvclub · 7 months
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The US and UK are still bombing Yemen
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sunluvclub · 7 months
i do think there is a degree to which certain kinds of Instagram activists have convinced themselves that traumatising themselves in solidarity is a useful form of activism. "I'm having nightmares and crying so much I want to be sick because of all these videos of dying children but I can't look away while people are getting hurt" I mean don't you think you'd be able to help more if you weren't having nightmares and crying all the time?? don't you think this is a one-way trip to burnout? don't you think maybe increasing the amount of trauma going around is counterproductive? I dunno bro there's something to be said for bearing witness but there comes a point where you gotta look hard at yourself and go "am I helping, or am I just making myself suffer so I don't feel guilty for not suffering while somebody else is experiencing bad shit"
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sunluvclub · 7 months
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Just a Hebrew article confirming IOF killed 10 hostages while knowing their location. These stories are never shared in English or western media.
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sunluvclub · 7 months
the us air force confirmed that the protestor who self immolated outside the israeli embassy in dc today was an active duty airman (article contains a photograph of the protestor on fire, please proceed with caution.)
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sunluvclub · 8 months
stop. stop. it is not just the women and children of gaza. it is not just the mothers. it is also the men. the fathers, the uncles, the vendor, the neighbor, the barber. stop dehumanising them. they are also being killed. they are also being bombed. they are also losing loved ones. palestinians are also losing their fathers and brothers. stop it. stop erasing the pain and suffering of palestinian men. they deserve our love, care and voice just as much as the women and children do.
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sunluvclub · 8 months
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on her instagram story today (27/01/23) bisan posted a link to a 16 page booklet on common israeli propaganda and how to dismantle it to embolden advocacy for palestine. it includes the “october 7th”, “israel’s right to self defense” and “human shields” talking points to name a few as well as addressing the terminology used to describe palestine and israel and general advocacy advice
download it here
id: a screenshot of wizard_bisan1's instagram story posted 1 hour ago. first is text that says “Hi guys this booklet includes the history of Israhell* Propaganda.. it’s available in Arabic, English, German, Chinese Mandarin.. you can download it and advocate for Palestine”. second is a blue hyperlink reading “link to the booklet”. third is an image of the Advocating For Palestine website showing the front cover of the booklet in english
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sunluvclub · 9 months
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For all my Australian followers!!!
El-Rahman is an organisation of volunteers currently helping to re-settle Palestinian refugees who recently arrived in Naarm/Melbourne. If you’d like to tangibly help improve Palestinian lives right now, they take monetary donations and have multiple drop off sites for supplies.
If you follow their Instagram, they will regularly update with what supplies are urgently needed, which range from furniture, to clothes, to sanitary pads.
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Can't emphasise enough how important it is for people coming out of a warzone that their needs are taken care of. We should all strive to give a semblance of normalcy to these families who are traumatised and still going through immense suffering.
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sunluvclub · 10 months
this particular corner of the discourse is always a hot mess because all the following are true at once:
some Jewish people absolutely call any criticism of the State of Israel or support for Palestinians antisemitic
some people who are already deeply antisemitic use Palestinian liberation as a fig leaf so they can say and do horrible things they wanted to say and do anyway
(a non-zero number of these people also hate Palestinians and would love nothing more than to see both communities turn on each other and destroy each other forever)
antisemitism is deeply woven into Western culture and many people who are not particularly consciously antisemitic can stumble into antisemitic rhetoric if they're not careful
like so many -isms, part of how antisemitism functions is dismissing any Jewish claims of antisemitism as overblown/hysterical/not real/unimportant
some Jewish people very much do want to shift the conversation to focus on antisemitism specifically so people talk and think less about Palestinian liberation
so at the same time, you have an uptick in genuine antisemitism, some of which is heartfelt and some of which is accidental (which, imo, require different responses — treating someone accidentally reflects back our culture's ambient subtextual antisemitism like a committed neo-Nazi is usually counterproductive, and vice versa), and also an uptick in people drawing attention to antisemitism, by which some of them mean genuine anti-Jewish stuff and some of them mean anything that isn't full support for the political agenda of a specific state, and all of these people are using essentially the same words to mean very different things and round and round the discourse wheel spins and it is just generally a miserable time for all involved
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sunluvclub · 10 months
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Hala Alyan, “Revision” (published on Nov. 6, 2023)
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sunluvclub · 10 months
hope everyone in my phone is ok today. or surviving at least
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sunluvclub · 10 months
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"... a stark reminder that genocide is about more than just the premeditated mass extinguishing o human life; it's also about the calculated, and often vindictive, destruction of a people's culture, language, history, and shared sites of community." [source: Gabrielle Bates on X, formerly known as Twitter. 11/27/23.] Original post they are responding to on Literary Hub: "Gaza's main public library has been destroyed."
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sunluvclub · 10 months
Jenin is a warzone right now. November 29th 2023.
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sunluvclub · 10 months
You ever think about what differentiates us from the enemy?
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sunluvclub · 10 months
*prev is the blog you reblogged this post from as a surprising amount of people didnt know it on my previous posts
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