sunnydayout · 17 days
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Noir: hey kid, you said you needed a reference, here
Noir: (places an actual human arm on the table)
Noir: why are you screaming
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sunnydayout · 18 days
okay so, i'm just gonna share this cause i feel like it lol.
meaning of the word 'meme':
'A meme (/miːm/; MEEM) is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.' (wikipedia quote)
so technically anything that is spread around from people copying each other is a meme. so things like slang, gestures, trends, ... could all be counted as memes.
etymology of the word 'meme':
'The term meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme, which comes from Ancient Greek mīmēma (μίμημα; pronounced [míːmɛːma]), meaning 'imitated thing', itself from mimeisthai (μιμεῖσθαι, 'to imitate'), from mimos (μῖμος, 'mime').' (wikipedia quote)
and there's even a study on it, 'memetics' wich is essentially studying how culture spreads by people copying eachother.
(if anyone knows more about this or sees something wrong, feel free to tell me)
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sunnydayout · 18 days
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-> that link is me rambling a bit more about where memes come from
I’m gonna start using “meme” in the biblical sense of the word
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sunnydayout · 1 month
another funny panel i just saw
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what even is this comic, i love it so much
i'm reading web warriors and came across this panel. i just needed to share how meme-y (is that a word? it is from now on) it looks
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i'm pretty sure i saw this in a meme before
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sunnydayout · 1 month
i'm reading web warriors and came across this panel. i just needed to share how meme-y (is that a word? it is from now on) it looks
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i'm pretty sure i saw this in a meme before
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sunnydayout · 1 month
just a quick rant- news should be free, i should be able to read a news article and not be cut off when i'm already in the middle of my text and about to actually learn something and be asked to pay for this article.
online news should be free and easily accessible without needing to do mountains of research to understand what's going on in the world.
now you can say 'just watch the news on tv or listen to it on the radio' and sure, that's a free and easily accessible source but news there is so selective, usually problems get mentioned once or twice and then disappear despite still being relevant. like i haven't seen a single thing about gaza or ukraine for a while now, despite the fact that there are still things going on there. and they also only offer the bare bones of what happened they don't go as in depth as news articles online or on paper do.
that's to say, make news free, there shouldn't be a paywall when it comes to learning and understanding the world. (and keeping up with what's happening around you)
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sunnydayout · 2 months
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The 1947 "doll test" was a experiment conducted by psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark, which played a significant role in the legal battle against segregation in the United States. The study aimed to investigate the psychological effects of segregation on African American children.
In the experiment, African American children aged between three and seven were shown two dolls. These dolls were identical except for their skin colour - one doll had white skin while the other had brown skin. The children were then asked a series of questions, including which doll they preferred, which one was the "nice" doll, and which one looked most like them.
The results of the study were startling and disturbing. The majority of the children, regardless of their own race, consistently showed a preference for the white doll over the brown one. Many attributed positive qualities to the white doll and negative qualities to the brown one. The doll test demonstrated that segregation not only deprived African American children of equal educational opportunities but also harmed their self-esteem and sense of identity.
The findings of the doll test provided evidence of the damaging psychological impact of segregation and racism on African American children. These results were instrumental in the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education (1954), which ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.
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sunnydayout · 2 months
Do you have any fic recommendations? I've just read the open road and other anesthetics, which was good, but I'd love more Noir content.
oh boy do i
Here are a few fics i have on hand! If I have time or stumble across more, I can make another post/add to this one. Heads up, the open road and other anesthetics is pretty light hearted and these probably will not be. so say vigilant LMAO (its noir, ya know?). If you wanted more spiderverse centric fics rather than noirverse let me know i'll see what i can pull together.
Burning Matches by HopelesslyLost (complete) 344,746 words
Cant have a Spider Noir fic rec list without the gospel itself. Definitely on the whumpier side, lots of "this guy can never catch a break huh" but very good! Takes the noirverse and makes it so so cool. I pull a lot from this fic. Great stuff Its a post ITSV setting and features a great deal of everyone but Pete is def the focus. The spider gang is trying to get back together, but when they get to Noir's world things don't go as planned. Heavy on the found family. Heavy on the angst. Love Noir's relationship w/ Miles' parents
The Wind Follows by HopelesslyLost (incomplete) 99,501 words
Goes along with Burning Matches as a side story of Pete infiltrating the KKK to get them tf out of NYC. Very heavy handed on the angst. Even whumpier than Burning Matches. Where it stands right now, it ends on an incredibly low note, very much like Eyes Without a Face. Peter's kicked while he's down & physically incapable of getting a win. But Peter does kick Nazi ass which is always nice to see If you like the noirverse HopelesslyLost writes this is very interesting! Gotta be my fave part of this fic. I love seeing Noir Cage, Daredevil, and Tony Stark. Plus the who "cursed" situation.. mwah
i'll go back to december by snapplebee (incomplete, recently updated) 14,503 words
This fic reminds me of the open road and other anesthetics, but if it was a little angstier w/ Noir. The spider gang is hanging out for the holidays, Noir doesn't know how to fuckn relax.
Catch a Tiger by the Tail by Gruoch (completed) 40,049 words
Just finished this one today! Was very fun. It's an MJ spider-man (her POV) and a Black Cat Peter. Gwen Stacy, a dancer at Felica Hardy's place, is found dead. Her fiancé, Peter Parker, is found dead soon after. Its very much a mystery! TBH i think i was out of it reading this because a twist got me that I'm almost positive was obvious from the beginning LMAO. Slight Peter/Johnny Storm as well
Between Midnight and Dawn by Gruoch (incomplete) 14,158 words
Prequel to the previous rec. I love this one and I'd do anything to see it update again. Shows you how Peter got to be the Black Cat, he has cool run ins with the Dare Devil and Stark, all the fun noir folks. Heads up on the dysfunctional found family tag, thats for sure Peter and Felicia. But they're strange in canon anyway so its not really much of a surprise.
He Sleeps in a Town of Darkness by luckystarsandgarters (complete) 21,278 words
This is the fic i mentioned a post or 2 ago about Johnny Storm being a drag performer. I really love the atmosphere of this fic, I thought it was pulling from an offical comic thats how well it got me. This one's Pete/Johnny Storm! They're cute. Lots of focus on the gay subculture of the 30s I think.
Trust by Ackerhardt (complete) 6,989
Peter & Jean De Wolfe vs the world. Quick read in the classic noirverse. Jean is fun we should talk about him more tbh. Peter/Jean actually! Just colleged aged guys taking on crime in the city.
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sunnydayout · 2 months
this thing is going to visit me in my dreams tonight
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sunnydayout · 2 months
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I spy, with my little eye, a photo that was faked by an AI image generator! Can you spot the clues?
FB is turning into a parade of fake AI images churned out by click-farming pages. More misinformation is on the way. Learn some tricks for spotting AI photos!
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sunnydayout · 2 months
i found these fanfics about adrian toomes being noir's father and i find that so funny. like people looked at noir's story, saw his trauma and were like, nah that ain't enough let's make the man that cannibalized his uncle his father :)
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sunnydayout · 2 months
behold! a man
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The only reason why transphobes always ask “what is a woman” instead of “what is a man” is because we all know that a man is a featherless biped.
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sunnydayout · 2 months
urich about peter parker
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sunnydayout · 3 months
okay so i was thinking about spider man noir and started wondering why, if it takes place before the second world war, he uses the term 'nazi'? (plus i heard and saw other people question it)
(so obviously i spent way too much time on google about it and now i'm gonna share it here -3-)
where does the word nazi come from?
okay so let's first just cover this real quick, nazi is derived from the german pronunciation of Nationalsozialismus (national socialism). and funny enough the nazi's concidered the term 'nazi' to be derogatory. (mostly because they were first a Bavarian party and in some dialects of southern Bavarian the word was used to call someone clumsy, a buffoon.)
okay! now that is said, the first time the word was used was in 1926 in a publication by Joseph Goebbels called Der Nazi-Sozi, but only with the world 'sozi' attached to it. then later in the thirties it gained popularity outside of germany due to german exiles using it.
so that's how the term is already used in the comics that take place before the second world war (other than the comics being a work of fiction and the writers can do whatever they want with it)
source: wikipedia nazism
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sunnydayout · 3 months
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who can relate
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sunnydayout · 3 months
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They did robbie so dirty
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sunnydayout · 3 months
so the house of representatives just passed a bill that will now move to the senate to BAN tik tok completely in the united states and they are expected to argue that “national security risks” outweigh the freedom of speech and first amendment rights. biden has already said that if it gets to him, he will sign it. whether or not you use the app…….this is something to be worried about
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