sunnydear · 3 years
“I promise you won’t,” Wendy started to protest, but the boy seemed perfectly content where he was, and decided to give it up. “Well, that sounds lovely. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve never been very good at swimming,” she said, half-laughing. Growing up near the city, there weren’t very many opportunities to swim, and she was always afraid of drowning. “You’re right; it’s quiet today. Perfect for making new friends,” she smiled. “I’m Wendy, by the way,” she blurted, sticking out her hand to shake. “Wendy Darling. I’m a student at the University.”
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Bambi kicked his legs out in front of him, partially listening to the girl and partially looking for frogs. “I used to be worse at swimming. It just takes practice. The water’s pretty calm right there, you’d be safe.” Or, there was always the pool. Some people were particular about the water they got in. Half a bite of snack in his mouth, Bambi was caught a little off guard by the introduction, but smiled as non-grossly as he could, and shook her hand. “I’m Bambi. Sun. I go there too! Do you have a major?”
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sunnydear · 3 years
Wendy flinched as the boy before her shook his hair free of the water, but took a seat on the dry bench nonetheless. If she sat far enough away, her books wouldn’t be in jeopardy of ruin. “Oh!” she exclaimed, moving her legs out of the way of the boy’s bag. She looked at him curiously as he sat on the ground, shaking her head. “No, no,” she sighed, “you don’t have to sit down there. Please, there’s plenty of room.” Wendy gestured to the space beside her, placing her books on the other side. “In all the times I’ve been down here, I don’t think I’ve ever gone for a swim before. How’s the water?”
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“I don’t wanna get you or your books wet, though,” Bambi half-argued, pulling out a breakfast bar from his bag. And, in all honesty, sitting next to people could get awkward, and if he was in the grass he could pass off not making eye contact as him looking for bugs or something. Taking a bite of his little snack, Bambi gazed back at the water. “It’s nice! Not freezing or anything, and it’s clean, which is real nice for everything and everyone.” He would skip talking about the things that could be caught down there. Little critters where you swam weren’t for everyone. “And not too crowded, either.”
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sunnydear · 3 years
Bambi had decided to go swimming last night, and had managed to follow through with it today. When his stomach told him that it was time for a snack, he clambered out of the water and towards the bench he’d hidden his stuff under, hair still dripping. He’d been shaking his head to fling some of the water from his head when he realized that someone was going the same place he was. And so he slid all his hair back away from his face and shook his head like a normal person. “No...I just left my bag under there,” he explained with a bashful grin, glad he’d decided to wear a swim shirt. “Here, lemme...” With a little shuffle, Bambi grabbed his bag out from under the bench and produced a towel, spreading it on the ground. “All yours! I can sit down here.”
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“…and it would be so lovely,” Wendy hummed, her lips forming the words silently as she strolled down the sidewalk, her books and tea in hand. Despite spending most of her time somewhere between the library and her apartment, there was something about the cusp of spring to summer that made Wendy finally leave the comfort of inside. After spending what felt like eons working on her novel proposal for class, she decided to take her books down near the water. Though she wasn’t a huge swimmer, the easy breeze and potential to sail away forever brought her back to the water each time. As she approached her favorite bench, Wendy saw the silhouette of a slow walker coming to a stop. “Oh–are you..” she started, motioning to the seat. “Are you sitting here? I’m so sorry, you can have it. Unless of course you don’t mind sharing.”
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sunnydear · 3 years
     It was strange to be greeted so casually. Kristoff didn’t exactly have a lot of friends—well, more like he had exactly two friends—so the guy coming over to chat with him, presumably just because he was a familiar face, was new.
    “No, uh, I’m off duty,” he answered with half a chuckle, not sure whether the question was intended seriously or as a joke. “I don’t know how much use they have for a park ranger at a carnival. Unless something goes wrong at the petting zoo…”
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 Bambi took a long sip of his drink as he listened, half chewing on the straw. He’d always thought rangers would be different than this guy, and it was throwing him off a little. “I don’t think anything’s goin’ on, but I haven’t been yet. I dunno, I guess I thought maybe someone smuggled in an illegal pig or something. Or...illegal bets on the pig racing? If they do that?”
 He didn’t know...quite why he’d said that, but it didn’t matter. It had been an interesting thought, so the ranger could hear it. “That was dumb of me to think, huh?” he asked, beaming.
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sunnydear · 3 years
Bambi had been looking at the face-painting booth every time he’d gone past it, always at least half-considering stopping by and getting something done. The main problem was that he didn’t know what to get. More than a small part of him wanted to just get a bi flag somewhere, but it wasn’t a hundred percent, and he didn’t want to feel like running off to wash his face in the middle of having fun. After a few more passes, though, Bambi had formulated a plan. He’d seen a girl who was very hyped up doing some pretty good work, and he figured that would save him some thinking.
“Hi,” he said chirpily, sitting on the chair in front of her. “Artist’s pick please.” @glittrpines​
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sunnydear · 3 years
Bambi was wandering through the carnival, looking for fun things to catch his attention. He’d already been slamming around on the bumper cars, he’d stopped for a drink, which he was currently sipping on, and now he was trying to decide between either more rides, or the petting zoo. Scrunching his nose, and thinking, he suddenly spotted someone he recognized. That forest ranger guy. Near the petting zoo.
“Hey! Didn’t think you’d be here,” Bambi greeted, coming to a half-bouncing stop next to the man. “Are you like...supervising or what?” @rangerkristoff​
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sunnydear · 3 years
Eric laughed at his comment, nodding in agreement before speaking, “I guess so, huh?” Yeah, admittedly, Eric didn’t know much about dogs. He just really enjoyed the company, but it was nice to be around someone who could educate him more on his furry pal. “Bambi. That’s a great name,” he replied, returning the little wave, “It’s nice to meet you, too. And you know what? Maxxie will have to learn to share today,” he half-joked, starting to lead them towards his boat. “So, Bambi, tell me more about the shelter life. I can tell you that around these parts it’s one sea-worthy adventure after the next…and lots of fish. What’s it like working at the shelter?”
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Bambi shrugged one shoulder at the compliment to his name. He could definitely have a worse name, that was for sure. With a small bounce in his step, Bambi followed a little behind the man. Okay, maybe he shouldn’t just accept food from strangers, but...well, dogs were a good judge of character, and Maxxie seemed on the level with everything. “Well, it’s a bit of a wild ride. We get animals of all kinds, and they’re all so different. Like we’ve had a mutt that looked a lot like your dog, but he wasn’t quite so nice until he got used to us.” Bambi thought for a second before continuing. “It’s nice, though. It feels like I’m helping, and I get to pet a lot of cute dogs and cats.”
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sunnydear · 3 years
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task 003: happy working song
listen here (translations under readmore)
1. A song that represents your character’s childhood. Pleasant Valley Sunday – The Monkees
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday (Sunday) Charcoal burning everywhere Rows of houses that are all the same And no one seems to care
2. A song that represents your character’s family/relationship with parents. Walk Like a Man – Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
Walk like a man, talk like a man Walk like a man my son No woman's worth crawlin' on the earth So walk like a man, my son
3. A song that represents your character’s best friend. BFF – Spongebob Musical
Every little thing that I can think of doing just sounds better Doing it together Every little thing that I can think of doing just sounds better Doing it together, doing it with you
4. A song that represents your character’s first crush. You Little Angel, You – The Archies
Tell me, were you sent from up above? Did heaven send you down for me to love? Are you really mine and will you stay? Or will I open up my eyes and find you've flown away?
5. A song that represents your character’s teen years. Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard – Paul Simon
The Papa said "Oy! if I get that boy I'm gonna stick him in the house of detention"
6. A song that represents your character’s first heartbreak. Coffee - Kyuhyun
Our world has withered little by little Your day became more complicated than before I’ve changed without anyone noticing, hmm...
7. A song that represents your character’s motivation. My Mother’s Eyes – Frankie Valli
One bright and guiding light That taught me wrong from right I've found in my mother's eyes
8. A song that represents your character’s current crush. If – R5
All up in your timeline Double tapping I like, like Hoping that you don't mind, mind That was four weeks old
9. A song that represents your character’s favorite song to sing in the shower. Hot Patootie/Bless My Soul – Meatloaf
You climbed in the back seat You really had a good time
10. A song that represents your character’s sexuality. I Want To Break Free – Queen
I've got to break free God knows, God knows I want to break free
11. A song that represents your character’s enemy. Let’s Get Rocked – Def Leppard
I got a million ways to make my day but daddy don't agree Because when I try to get away, he says, he got plans for me
12. A song that represents your character’s job. Hound Dog – Elvis Presley
You know, they said you was high classed Well, that was just a lie
13. A song that represents your character’s fatal flaw. Tightrope – Michelle Ingrid Williams
You pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream Always in motion So I risk it all just to be with you
14. A song that represents your character’s biggest regret. Ain’t About You - WONHO
You're so hard to resist, a love that hurts like this I wish it wasn't hell to love you more than you love yourself I know you're probably pissed
15. A song that represents your character’s current state of being. Daydream Believer – The Monkees
The six o'clock alarm would never ring But it rings and I rise Wipe the sleep out of my eyes My shavin' razor's cold and it stings.
16. Your character’s theme song. Crown – TOMORROW X TOGETHER
Stop the loneliness, abracadabra Stop the suffering, abracadabra
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sunnydear · 3 years
“Yeah, it is. Not too sunny but not too cloudy. Decent weather for a day at the park.” He hated this awkward small talk. Why couldn’t they just be friends? Nico supposed he ruined that though. “Oh, I didn’t come here with anything specific to draw in mind. I just had free time and thought I could find something to draw here. I saw the flowers and then the little rabbit came along and started chewing on them so I thought it would be cute.”
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Bambi thought for a moment, biting on his lip. Did he want to...try and just be friendly? He wanted to be friends, that was all. Probably. So, yeah. He could show Nico the spot he was thinking about. “There’s a really pretty place not too far from here, if you wanna see if there’s something there you might wanna draw,” he said, not as confidently as he would if it wasn’t Nico, but better than he had been. “If you have time...I don’t wanna keep you, or anything.” And the confidence was gone.
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sunnydear · 3 years
“He’s an Old English Sheepdog, but he isn’t much of a sheepherder,” Eric replied, laughing a little. “You volunteer at the local shelter? That’s actually where Maxxie came from,” he proudly commented, giving the guy a little nod. “I gotta say, you guys are the best around when it comes to caring for animals in need. Keep up the great work,” he said with a grin, turning to keep his eye on Maxxie. “You’re welcomed to join Maxxie and me for some lunch by the docs if you’d. There are enough sandwiches to go around, though I don’t think Maxxie will share his,” he teased, turning to give the guy a friendly smile. “Pleasure to meet you, by the way; I’m Eric.”
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“It looks like he likes to herd people,” Bambi commented. That was pretty common in herding dogs that didn’t have any cattle around. He’d personally been herded by dogs as little as a corgi called Springer. But at the comment about the shelter, Bambi found himself standing up a little straighter, proud. It was nice that someone noticed. “Yeah, I started sort of recently. And that’s okay if Maxxie won’t share, I have....my own food.” If the cereal bar in his pocket counted as lunch. Still, Bambi grinned and gave a small wave at the actual greeting. “I’m Bambi. Nice to meet you.”
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sunnydear · 3 years
     Why not? He scoffed, looking down at himself as if to make sure he had remembered to put on his uniform that morning. The guy was like a deer in headlights, freezing up as soon as he’d been caught straying from the path—which was actually unbearably endearing in itself—but that didn’t mean Kristoff wouldn’t be stern if he was questioned. “Because I said so. You’re not allowed off the trail; didn’t you read the signs?”
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Bambi couldn’t help but make a face, slowly putting his leg back down so he could look a little more like a respectable human being. “But I’m not hurting nothin’,” he countered. “Plus, there’s a spot like...ten steps that way that’s real good for watching birds.” Bambi pointed directly in front of himself, making his eyes a little bit wider. Maybe he shouldn’t argue with a ranger, but he was also pretty sure he knew the woods as well as this guy. “I won’t get lost for ten steps.”
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sunnydear · 3 years
Bambi froze in place, foot hovering in the air. He blinked twice, looking at where exactly he’d been planning on putting his foot. He didn’t see any plants or bugs or anything that he’d end up squishing. In fact, he’d been off this path a few times because there wasn’t much to accidentally trample. So he looked at the ranger and asked one question. “Why not?”
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waltgrovehq open starter
     “I wouldn’t step there if I was you,” Kristoff spoke up from where he stood just up the trail. He didn’t know whether whether the park-goer was walking off the path to take a selfie—which seemed to be an uncontrollable urge for so many people—or because they really wanted a closer look at something, but there was a path for a reason.
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sunnydear · 3 years
Bambi usually went for walks in the forest, but he figured wandering around near the ocean would be fun now that it was warmer. He wasn’t paying attention, because he never really did when he went on his little adventures, and suddenly there was a dog in front of him. A dog that had its paws dug into his leg. Bambi felt his eyes go wide and a stupid smile make its way onto his face, and he was laughing by the time the dog’s owner got to them. “Oh, it’s fine!” Bambi reassured, the most confident he’d sounded all day. His eyes ended up following the dog a bit. “I volunteer at a shelter, so I’m used to it. What breed is he?”
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Eric let out a hearty laugh, shaking his head at Maxxie’s antics, running up behind him, “I’m sorry about him. He can be a bit of a goober sometimes,” he quickly apologized, kneeling so Maxxie could focus his excited energy on him rather than the other person. Maxxie, however, didn’t take long to give Eric the usual doggy kisses before running off towards the docs. “Bring your dog to work, they said. It’ll be fun, they said,” he shook his head, watching Maxxie run off, smiling to himself. “I suppose he does keep this place a bit more lively. Good thing for us, it’s almost time to clock off for lunch,” he said, returning his attention to the new individual. “Anyway, again, I’m sorry about him. I hope the goofball didn’t manage to give you too much of a freight? He’s really a good dog, just a bit hyper.”
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sunnydear · 3 years
Nico felt like their air was heavy around them. He felt guilty for the way he sort of ghosted Bambi but he was just not ready to take the next step in their relationship with him. “Um, I’m fine. Been busy with school and stuff. I was just taking a break from things to sketch here. It’s peaceful this time of day.”
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“Yeah, it’s...really nice out here,” Bambi conceded with a small nod, trying to think of what to say next. There were about a million things he wanted to say, but none of them were exactly right. He guessed he should just keep walking, but that wasn’t happening either. “Do you want to draw anything specific? Or are you just finding whatever?” That was a normal question, right?
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sunnydear · 3 years
♡  drivers license starter meme.
“  i got my driver’s license last week.  ”
“  just like we always talked about.  ”
“  you weren’t around.  ”
“  you always made me doubt.  ”
“  she’s so much older than me.  ”
“  she’s everything i’m insecure about.  ”
“  yeah, today i drove through the suburbs.  ”
“  how could i ever love someone else?  ”
“  i know we weren’t perfect but i’ve never felt this way for no one.  ”
“  i just can’t imagine how you could be so okay now that i’m gone.  ”
“  you said forever.  ”
“  all my friends are tired of hearing how much i miss you.  ”
“  i kinda feel sorry for them.  ”
“  they’ll never know you the way that i do.  ”
“  i was driving home to you.  ”
“  i still see your face in the white cars.  ”
“  i can’t drive past the places we used to go to.  ”
“  i still fuckin’ love you.  ”
“  i still hear your voice in the traffic.  ”
“  know we’re through.  ”
“  god, i’m so blue.  ”
@maryxxsandersonss , @aanna-xx , @junebug-lottie , @jjoy-xx , @xx-zellaa, @ffawnxx​
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sunnydear · 3 years
@sunnydear @johnndarlings
Hello, dahlings. Happy Monday! Today we are doing something a little different. That being, how do the kids say it? Memes! Yes, memes! Below are the links to a few fabulous handpicked memes for you lovelies to all reblog and send each other. I look forward to seeing all the answers you all share. Do tag your posts with wghqmm to help us all keep track. That’s all for now, dahlings!
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sunnydear · 3 years
Nico hadn’t realized it was Bambi who had stepped in front of him. He quickly sat up straight and tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear. “B-Bambi. Hi. I didn’t notice you there. I mean, I did. I just didn’t notice it was you.” Guilt began seeping into him as he remembered their relationship. “It’s okay. I’ll try again later. Um, how have you been?”
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Bambi felt himself look away, shy on pure instinct. This would be just his luck. Trying to think through things and running into yet another...problem? He didn’t know what it was. Whatever it was, it felt sort of awful. “Yeah, I uh...figured.” Absently, Bambi pulled on the hem of his sleeve, fighting the urge to just sort of run off. “I’ve been pretty okay. You?”
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