sunsblaze · 6 hours
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This was never a sentiment she had to face, her whole life had been soft, domestic, built upon a modern society that helped shield the weak, that put up protection to keep the strong from trampling upon others.
She had learned the hard way that this place was not her home.
The world she had been thrown into was cruel, it did not cater to the fairer sex nor did it protect the weak, if it were anyone else thrown back into this period of turmoil they would have been dead already but her- she was resilient, strong, she would not fall easily, she had already proved that time and time again singe her arrival. Though she had tried extensively in martial arts her whole life, violence left a bitter taste in her mouth, yet she still took down a man twice her size with ease and seized his bow as she felt such a violent and dangerous man had no need for the weapon.
Whatever had stood behind her, she had felt its presence without having seen it, it made her guts twist and turn, the hairs on the back of her neck prickling- whatever this was, it was dangerous, more dangerous than any man or beast born from nature. Her first attack was a distraction- or it was meant to be one as she fled behind a tree, she only needed a second to prepare an arrow before she stepped out from her hiding spot, muscles flexing under her skin as she drew the arrow back with ease despite the incredible draw weight of the bow. What was this thing? A ghost? A monster?
There was no telling, all she knew was this thing smelled of death, its body did not function like a human beings and with a single glance she could tell it was a force to be reckoned with, but still she felt a strange air of familiarity. She had little time to linger on such thoughts as she released the arrow with an awesome speed, it was on a path that ended directly between the upper moon’s middle set of eyes, it was only a matter of him stepping out of the way or not.
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It boiled down to nature; it was as straightforward as that. The strong dominate the weak. That was the essence of existence. If you weren’t the mightiest, then what were you?
Yet, a sense of frustration lingered. With all this might, this divine strength, it had been ages since he had experienced the thrill, the rush of adrenaline, or any spark of excitement. No one survived, no one endured; there was no one who could withstand his might. Even when he faced off against bands of hunters, he dispatched them in mere moments… and even this one…
They barely warranted his attention, hardly meriting the effort it would take to engage with them. Not even a fleeting moment of his time seemed justified, yet… if left unchecked, how many demons would they unleash? Did it truly matter? All they did was prey on the vulnerable, and even then, they faltered against their own kind. The weak, grappling with nameless demons… if he had any semblance of feeling, it would be pity for their futile struggle against such inferior foes. They couldn’t even contend with a freshly spawned demon. If they struggled so against such trivial threats, how could anyone hope to stand against Upper Moon One?
“You are peculiar…”
His voice was laced with frost. He had witnessed enough to know there was nothing of substance there. Some potential existed, but it was far from sufficient; even with time, they would never rise to challenge him. Slaughtering the weak was a task better suited for the other upper moons. Even the lower moons, as inept as they were, could manage this. His time was precious, meant for significant endeavors, and this was not one of them. He remained motionless, refusing to strike down someone so pitifully weak that it seemed almost cruel they had survived this long. Unless they made a grave mistake, he would let them be. Even as the spray stung his eyes, he did nothing but watch, unyielding.
“I do not see you… as a threat.”
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sunsblaze · 11 hours
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For as long as she breathed he would always have someone by his side, someone who would not leave, not waver, no matter what was said or what was done, she did not care that he had snuffed the life from countless others, he was simply doing his duty, doing what was expected of him nor did she care that he was not a rich man, he was perfect as is and she would ask for nothing more than his time.
She adored him more than she had any other in her life up until now- now she had another she adored just as well.
The safest she felt was by his side, she knew he would protect her, that he would do everything within his power to keep both her and this child she held from harm. Michikatsu had just done such a thing, he had cut down the demon that that threaten their lives, slicing it to pieces without a second thought- the look she saw in his eyes, it was something she had never seen before. He too was everything to her, never again did she want to be parted from her beloved elder brother, she would fight the gods with her bare hands if they dared to even try to pull him from her grasp. She knew nothing of his illness, nothing of the hand of death that seemed to be lingering behind him, trying to beckon him to follow it to the other side. If she knew it would bring her worry as she would fear his death more than anything, fear the day they would turn the age of twenty five which wasn’t far away now. “I know…you truly are amazing,” she spoke, turning her gaze to the little one as well as he shifted, his little hands in fists, pressed against his cheeks, his head adorned with black fuzz- like a peach. She would lean into him, her bones weary from the days events, she felt as if she had been awake for days without rest, the stress of everything along with the physical strain had taken everything she had. Still, she kept her eyes open, taking the time to enjoy these first moments with their little one, soaking in the genuine smile he held on his face, she couldn’t ask for anything more perfect for there was nothing that was. “Mmh, your words are sweet.” With those words she would lean her head onto his shoulder, closing her eyes with the intention of resting them for just a moment, though she would soon find herself drifting to sleep.
In those serene moments when time seems to pause, I stand firm like a fortress, prepared to embrace the tempests that threaten your heart. Together, we craft joy like a gentle quilt, enveloping us in warmth, a protective barrier against the harshness of life’s jagged edges.
As shadows begin to encroach, I will be your guiding light, a steadfast flame that draws you back from the brink of uncertainty, where your dreams shimmer just beyond reach. I will safeguard them, cradling them like precious gems, my hands both closed and open, always welcoming you.
Though thunder may rumble and winds may roar, in our sanctuary, I will stifle the fears, swallowing the anxieties that dare to surface. When the earth trembles and moments feel burdensome, I will be the roots anchoring us, allowing you to flourish and stretch toward your dreams.
I won’t let you stumble or feel adrift in the labyrinth of your mind. You are my guiding star, and I am your protector, a vow etched in the cosmos, sealed with a soft whisper: I will keep you safe. So take my hand, and let’s navigate through the storms, grinning at the thunder and twirling in the rain. In this wild world, with its unpredictable paths, it’s you and I—always and forever, finding refuge in our love.
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She was everything to him—his universe, his light, his very essence. The sole reason for his existence, the anchor that kept him tethered to life, even as he faced the shadows of his own mortality. He was a man on the brink, battling a relentless illness that marked his face like a cruel reminder of his suffering. Yet, he pressed on, confronting the dark forces that threatened her, standing as her shield, ready to lay down his life if it meant ensuring her safety. She had just brought a new life into the world, a child who arrived wailing and thrashing, and in that moment, she had come perilously close to losing everything. She needed him now more than ever, and he was resolute in his commitment to her. “I would move mountains to keep you safe, you know that,” he murmured softly. “Especially for this little one you’ve brought into our lives.” His gaze fell upon the newborn, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, a genuine smile broke across his face.
He gently brushed her hair away from her forehead, tenderly wiping the sweat from her brow. She had triumphed, and pride swelled within him. She had embraced motherhood, a role more magnificent than any other, and as he looked down at their child, that smile of his felt like it would last forever. “I’d be honored if he inherits my traits, but I truly hope he takes after you,” he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead before settling beside her. She was weary, having fought valiantly, and now she deserved the peace that followed such a monumental effort. As she pressed a kiss to his jaw, he leaned into her, one arm draped around her shoulders while the other cradled her hand, which held their new life. He rested his cheek against hers, savoring the moment. For once, everything felt right in his world, and gratitude filled his heart.
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sunsblaze · 12 hours
//Took a large dose of ibuprofen and had a cup of coffee and I’m back in business babeyyy!
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sunsblaze · 12 hours
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The next few hours were peaceful, filled with gentle words as the two sat upon the pier fishing poles within their hands as they simply took their time in enjoying the time they spent together. It was nice, catching fish, putting them back, watching the boats in the water, hearing the sounds of the waves crashing upon the shore. Yoriichi couldn’t help but think that he could spend the rest of his life enjoying such serenity. Only when the sun set or they got tired would they return back the house just as they came, hand in hand.
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A few days had gone by since then when he had received word that Astra was to be leaving for a small trip to make a report of some sort- honestly he stopped listening after hearing she was leaving to think of how he would ask her if he could come as well- he knew he should be resting, that she wanted him to rest, but he wanted to stay around her, like a child clinging to their best friend when staying over for the night.
He ended up just asking, there was no need for him to beat around the bush, she would say yes or no and there would be nothing else for it, he would not argue against her decision. When he had her approval he would be happy, even sharing the smallest of smiles with her. When it came time to leave he would be packed and ready- honestly he did not pack much for himself, he would only bring the bare necessities- he really needed to learn how to pack appropriately for such a trip, though to be honest he usually carried around less than he had packed so this was a step up. “Are you ready?” He would ask her as he tucked his blade at his hip- he would carry it with him almost every time they left the house, he could not risk being unprepared for an attack, not again.
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「 ― "Thank you." After it was done the only one to ever assure her that she wasn't was Atreus. Though, that was her brother. He was going to stand by her, no matter what. Even when he was lied to and was told she did, he still believed her and treated her like she was another human being. She couldn't say that for the rest of them. Because of him, she held the title and honors and because of him she still persisted.
She vaguely wondered what Yoriichi would think if she told him that there were many times that she tried to end her own life. That was the only other alternative to her ― back then, it was the only way to wipe everything clean and regain what little honor she had left. She was glad, though, that she stayed, because she wouldn't have met him. Even if she knew him for a day, she knew that she would have fought anyone for him.
Like him, she was loyal to the people that she liked.
"Lady Reina was quite a beauty in her day. I really think you'll adore her." She was a good teacher, too, though now she was too old to do anything other than be pushed around in her wheelchair. It was sad to understand that. She lived nearly twenty years without her husband and she was surely nearly done with life as it was. She had precious few moments left.
"Thank you, Yoriichi-san."
Her eyes flickered away.
If he were paying very much attention he would have noticed tears in the corners of her eyes. He was assuring her that she wasn't a monster and that she was quite beautiful. When she stared into the mirror a lot of the time it was hard to see anything but that. Maybe she could be more kind to herself. Maybe.
"My kindness is mine to give out." She said, "And if I choose to give it to you it's because I want you to have it." There were few that didn't get it but if she were honest he was getting more of it than them. The other people got her patience, but not the whole of it. Unlike him.
"Oh, there'll be tons of fish. It's fish season, and you might even see a few boats out there looking for some more catches. Our province usually exports fish, oranges and flowers, though ―" She was going through the list of things.
Our province, she said without hesitating.
Our province.
He was welcome there, and he lived there, and he was accepted.
Soon enough they were at the pier.
She climbed up, snagged a wooden pole, cut at the edges and plunged it down into the water.
She brought up a few fish and leaned the end of it towards him.
They weren't very large. She hadn't done something like that in forever. "Do you want a fishing pole or do you want a spear?" She was more deft with the spear, but that was her experience.
Maybe his rest wasn't just in the traditional sense, but feeling kindness, inclusion and empathy. He needed compassion, he needed something soft and gentle, and that day he lucked into someone that would certainly give that to him. He was in the right place at the right time.― 」
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sunsblaze · 13 hours
That smile- it sent shivers down the boy’s spine, unsettling him down to his very core, the man’s presence filled him with an unshakable sense of dread.
He hadn’t expected he attack to be so easily stopped by a mere piece of wood- in fact, his blade had barely even put a chip in the marker, still, determination and a deep anger burned in Tanjiro’s eyes. “Don’t disrespect this man’s memory, it’s unforgivable!” He stilled at the mention of Muzan Kibutsuji, eyes widening, a moment of shock as he was grabbed, lifted off his feet and thrown with an inhuman force into the sturdy trunk of a tree.
A wave of pain surged through the green clad slayer’s body, his blade slipping from calloused hands as the breath was caught in his lungs, he was sure at least one of his ribs had been fractured from the force- if not broken. It would take him a mere second to recover, his hand instinctively going for the discarded blade.
Hearing how the other spoke of Muzan, referring to that monster as if he were something dear- it filled him with a new sense of disgust. So as the slayer was trampled upon Tanjiro would spring forward, ready to strike again, this time aiming for the man’s legs.
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“Any who sides with Kibutsuji Muzan and tramples upon the lives of the innocent will answer to my blade!” Usually he would make some sort of attempt at understanding those he opposed, but seeing how this person blatantly disrespected the undead slayer- he would make no effort except to cut the other down.
His eyes widen at the sight of the earrings. It was him..the boy he was wanting dead. His green eyes calmed as the aura of death ruled the air around him despite it being contained within his flesh.
"A moment of you're time!" His hair obscuring his face as well as an odd hat that seemed to make his hair far more shaggy." I need help my friend. Something oh so terrible." He frowned as he shook his head." I appeared to have lost a body last night at my mortician office. An odd request but may you help me find it?"
[ for Tanjiro ]
He could smell it in the air, the familiar scent made his guts coil and tighten, seldom did anything good follow the scent of death, more often than not it led him to tragedy, people mutilated, flesh ripped from bone by man eating demons- creatures of the night.
A voice calling out, asking for one thing he could spare.
The boy clad in hanafuda earrings would be stopped dead in his tracks, tense for a moment, in his calloused hands rested a boxed lunch, still tied neatly in a rich violet cloth. Before him stood a man with quite an…odd appearance- he had learned not to ponder these things too much, his travels had allowed him to meet many strange characters. “Oh- Of course, what is it?” He asked, voice keeping a polite- yet slightly wary tone, he was quick to accept any plea for help, though it did take a second for this strange man’s words to sink in. A body?!
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How does someone simply lose a body?!
He was taken aback momentarily, though that had explained the scent of death- this man worked with the dead, it was only natural that the scent of decay would cling to his body…right?
“That does sound troublesome…If you have an item that belonged to the deceased I should be able to track them down.”
The boy had a knack for these sorts of things, in his village he often found himself tracking down lost items and pets, but a body…this was a first.
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sunsblaze · 2 days
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“A person’s nature is a difficult thing to sway in favor of change.” She commented- people did come with their quirks, things some might find displeasing, the best one could do is try to guide them or learn to live with it. Yoriichi’s own father had been stern, lost in his own ways of superstition to the point of cruelty, it was a part of his nature, one that had not been kept in check. “Some will never be pleased with the simple gifts of nature as some will not be pleased with treasures crafted by man.”
While Yoriichi enjoyed all beauty of this world, he had a tendency to lean towards the more modest gifts of life.
He would always lend an ear and a shoulder to her, anything she told him would be safeguarded within his heart, shielded from prying eyes and ears, he was a man of unwavering loyalty. His burning rays of sun will be used to blanket her, to envelop her heart with all the warmth of the sun.
She was his friend after all.
It was a little difficult to read his face, if he was flustered, his cheeks did not change color.
”Rumors are nothing but just talk, only those who were present have enough weight to their words for them to be considered. Your words are the only that I will consider on the topic, you are kind, you fight for an honorable cause.” Astra had been much to kind to him for him to even begin to believe she was a monster, he knew monsters, he had seen many in his lifetime- she was nothing like them. “Oh? She holds the wisdom of many seasons, I am sure it would be a pleasure to meet such a mature lady.”
Yoriichi held a deep respect for his elders, he was sure meeting such a well seasoned woman would be quite interesting.
“You speak as if you hold no beauty within yourself,” he would tilt his head ever so slightly as he watched her, “There has not been a moment I have seen you act unkind or cruel- you have welcomed me with open arms, even in my moment of weakness, when I was more burden than anything. If that is not true beauty then you can consider me to be blind.”
Yoriichi would offer her some semblance of a smile- though the emotions behind it were genuine it almost looked unsettling upon his face.
“Of course, I cannot refuse your kindness, though I feel at moments as if I do not deserve it.”
He quite enjoyed how tightly she held onto his hand as she pulled him along with her- he was more than happy to follow alongside her.
“Do you think that we will see any fish swimming about?” He asked, a hint of curiosity lacing through his voice.
Being out with her seemed to make his troubles melt away, listening to her was somewhat therapeutic for him, he loved a chatty woman.
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“I think so too.” He knew nothing of court life, he would learn if she was willing to teach him and in return he would offer to further her training with the blade if she so wished. Yoriichi would rest, even if he followed her on her trips away, he would follow, he would keep her company and stay behind in a room while she attended to her business, he preferred that over staying here without her.
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「 ― "My father is... well, my father." Though she earned his forgiveness his disapproval came easily and she really did hate it when it showed it's face. She was good at most anything she did. She was a genius, to put it simply, though even they messed up every once in a while but in a quite spectacular fashion. When it came to that, it was easy to see and everyone knew when and how it happened. "He sees it as ― well, he would much prefer if I bought something to put there instead of finding things."
He liked refined beauty ― bordering on ostentatious.
Yoriichi was intense.
Right then she felt as if she were almost being burned, but instead she knew it was just her standing in a patch of very bright sunlight. Considering she hid this it was as if he threw open a blackout room to the midday sun, blinding her and everything that was laid completely bare.
She hadn't gone that far, but she felt as if she had.
There was a blush on her face. It was hard not to.
"If you talk to the elders very much, they'll mention it. They don't view me as... they don't view me as evil. But they'll talk about it. A lot of it is speculation, but if you have any questions, ask me." She was afraid of trusting people and letting them in ― her father abandoned her, her mother abused her and the only one that could help her was her brother. Though, a near four-year-old couldn't exactly help the elder sibling with a lot. But he still did what he could for her. "I think you'll like Lady Reina, in particular, my grandfather's wife. She's... close to a century, now."
Wise and old in many ways, though no less fierce. She was a gardener. Whatever she touched grew, though Astra wasn't able to pick that up from her.
"I... I wish I was that way, Yoriichi-san," she murmured, "But though I may be beautiful, I still worry. Beauty isn't just what people present outwardly, it's their actions towards other people. You can tell who they are by how they treat people they believe to be lesser than themselves or not of the same station. Still, I worry..." That underneath it all that she was a monster, a demon wearing human's skin.
Her head tilted up when he took her hands.
"Thank you."
She grasped his hands a little harder than she meant to.
"It means a lot to me. Though, I hope you'll let me have the same to help you." She would make sure that he received the same kindness and patience that she did.
Though, his words held a double meaning. She couldn't help but laugh at it, really. And then, all of that was gone, replaced with a few small laughs.
"Let's continue walking this way. There's a pier that people fish off all the time ―" Though she didn't let go of his hand.
She rather liked how it felt right there.
"I think you'll like it, here." She wasn't going to expect him to come to court with her the first few times. He would have to be prepared for it ― that, and he was supposed to be taking a rest! Though, he did look very content with himself now that he was... well, somewhere else. He didn't look as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders ― she could see what was left over, but that would fade with time. ― 」
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sunsblaze · 2 days
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We find ourselves entrenched ever further into one another, hand outreached, taking the other as new life is cherished between us, a small bloom that together we will nurture into a flourishing garden. You are the soil, solid and steadfast and I, the water, spilling over with adoration and together we create the ideal conditions for growth, for love.
With the bat of an eye and curling of lips, a pledge my heart to your protection, that you shall take it within your arms and guard it as your most sacred treasure. In return your heart will beat within my chest and my hands will commit themselves to your service, I will be your home, your escape from the brutalities of these lands.
In your moments of vulnerability, when you have no one to turn to and your heart yearns to be cradled in warmth, let me be your safe haven and I alone will heal the wounds of your heart and soul as I take your face into my hands and whisper honey coated words into your ears, sweet words spilling past your lips, filling you with rays of unfiltered sunlight.
Hand in hand we dance under the glowing beams of moonlight in perfect harmony, two moving as one as if made for one another, crafted just to twirl endlessly under the star speckled sky. An eternal dance between the sun and moon.
The soft silken fabric still warm from the body that had wore it had eased the child into sleep, no longer was there need for fear, the demon had been cut down, they were safe. Yoriichi raised a hand, caressing the other’s face, thumb stroking over his cheek in an attempt to wipe his worries away. She had never seen him look like this, so worried, fear burning in his eyes, the vulnerability he displayed before her touched something deep within her heart. In those fleeting moments she thought she was to die, both her and her child but her savior had came and fought her fears away. “You two are the best things in my life, to not see you again,” her voice lowered, a mere whisper between them, “I would burn the heavens to be by your side again.”
Her hair clung to her damp skin, only pushed back into place by the gentle touch of his hand, he had been seconds from losing everything- seconds from returning home to see his beloved family mutilated, torn to pieces like many others who had the misfortune of encountering demons. “I just hope he hold no qualities of his father and instead takes after you.” She accepted his affections, passing them to the child she held, lips pressed against atop a fuzzy little head before she would turn to do the same to Michikatsu’s jaw.
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In those serene moments, as the world outside begins to awaken, I find myself standing resolute, arms outstretched, prepared to withstand the tempests that may come. As my fingers weave through my tousled hair, I am captivated by the way your smile brightens the stillness, how our laughter flutters between us like the gentle flicker of candlelight.
I pledge to safeguard this heart, to keep the shadows at bay, enveloping our love in layers of security, where fear cannot intrude and doubts cannot slink beneath the threshold.
Though the night may be frigid and solitary, I promise to be your source of warmth, to fill the void with murmurs of bravery, with kindling for the soul.
When soft whispers escalate into cries, when anxieties fill the space, I shall be your fortress, your embrace, the quiet reassurance amidst the turmoil, reminding you that you are never alone. Let the storms gather, let the gales howl—I will remain steadfast, my presence a solid foundation, a vow amidst the roaring winds, as unwavering as a mountain, yet tender as the first light of dawn.
For you, my dearest, I shall craft a tapestry of aspirations, intricately woven with strands of our dreams, a sanctuary where we can retreat when the weight of the world feels overwhelming.
So, grasp my hand, and let us venture into the twilight; together, we shall illuminate the darkness, and I will be your strength, your refuge, your tranquil haven amidst the night.
In every struggle, in each moment of quietude we share, I vow to safeguard the one I cherish, with every pulse, with every inhalation, with the entirety of my being.
He had vanquished the demon; there was no alternative, it was a necessity. In a fervent rush, he returned to her side, kneeling down with concern etched across his features, fearing for her safety and that of the newborn. Gently, he enveloped the child in his luxurious robes and presented him to her. “I was frightened too.” It took immense courage for someone of his stature to confess such vulnerability, to admit that for the first time in his life, he was terrified of losing something so cherished. “So very frightened.” He found discomfort in expressing such sentiments. “Never.” He vowed, resolutely, that he would never permit her to come to harm, holding her close. Tears threatened to spill, for if a man like him were ever to weep, it would be in this moment.
“He is perfect.” He tenderly brushed her hair away from her face, reflecting on the chaos that had ensued when a demon had attacked. Had he not defied the very laws of nature, had he not pushed his limits, he would not have reached her in time. His relentless drive to protect her had borne fruit—new life, cradled in his arms, and his heart swelled with joy. “Just like his mother.” He leaned in, planting a soft kiss on her cheek, marveling at her transformation into a mother, a role that filled him with unparalleled delight.
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sunsblaze · 3 days
//I’ve caught a bit of a cold or something akin to it so I haven't gotten any replies done. I will try to get to them tomorrow if my head doesn't hurt!
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sunsblaze · 3 days
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Manga panel redraw!
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sunsblaze · 3 days
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Won't you come with me?
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sunsblaze · 3 days
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He really did, it was magnificent, such a vast body of water, shielding so many secrets beneath it, hiding unseen life from those who walked upon solid ground. It was easy to see why this place could be seen as one of comfort, the sounds of the waves were pleasant, the perfect sound to fall asleep to, rhythmic and peaceful. Still, this place came with its own set of dangers, ones that were alien to him, ones she knew all too well- ones she shouldn’t have had to learn at such a young age.
“I suppose I will need to get a better look later,” he mused, he had not noticed the shells at his arrival, though to be fair it had been a very long night and he had been tired and worn. Still, he found shells to be impressive, the were natural treasures, ones he had not seen much of until today. “Really? I believe they would make for lovely decorations.”
He meant what he had said too- if given enough time he too would have little treasures of nature popping up in his own quarters, be it leaves, rocks he found a liking to, feathers, dried flowers. How he adored nature and the things it had to offer, he felt truly blessed to have been born into such a beautiful world.
Yoriichi would hold no expectations over her head, he would not push her to do anything she did not truly want for herself.
He only wished for her to follow her heart.
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Silently he would listen to her story, taking in every detail that she would offer up to him- it was a story he could easily empathize with, he knew cruelty as if it were an old friend, it had lingered in his life for so long. He was just a little surprised of how open she was with him, how honored he was for her to share such a vulnerable moment with him. “I am sorry such a fate has befallen you, though you have shown resilience, you have grown into a fine woman, strong and kind.” He would stop, looking out over the ocean for a moment before turning his gaze to her once more. “You are like a jewel, a thing of beauty crafted from the pressure of this world.”
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For the moment he would not spill his own woes, it was not the time for that, for the moment his sole focus was on her, the parts of her story that she wished to share.
In a bold move he would reach, taking her hands in his own as to help comfort her, “I hope that you will allow me help you find peace.”
Unlike others he would not press the subject, he would not try to pull more any information from her, instead, he would wait for her to tell on her own unless he felt she wanted him to press for more.
He would never push the blame upon her, demons always left chaos in their wake, even after death.
A gentle rumble of laughter slipped past his lips, his gaze meeting hers as the lightest hint of a smile tugged at his lips. “I see you are stubborn if you have attempted such a thing more than once, though I cannot blame you, it can be tempting to devour things of beauty.”
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「 ― He rather liked the beach, didn't he? She smiled as he walked around, watching everything. She rather liked it, too. It was her favorite place. It was a solace to her because that was all she had for the better part of her childhood. The things that she told him about it were things that she had to learn first-hand through her own experiences. She was never prepared for them. No child ever was. Though, she had to wonder if he found a place like this what would have become of him? Would he be in the same situation again?
"It's in the entryway. Kind of hidden around ― there were a few on top of the shoe rack, and there were a few on the beam above the gate. Sometimes they fall, sometimes they don't. It's always a fun time replacing them, though." She didn't really think much of her collection... though, she did live right at the beach. It wasn't as if they could be replaced easily. "I don't display them too openly. My father ― wasn't ― well, he didn't like the thought of it being too cluttered."
The pressure from her family was enormous.
She couldn't get away from it. A lot of the times she didn't struggle under it's weight but there were moments where it nearly smothered her to death.
In that moment, she had to decide what she was to do next.
Would she lie and say that it was simply a passion?
Or would she be honest?
"..." She tilted her head.
"I was disinherited when I was a child. My mother was very cruel to me and cast me from her house, and my father wouldn't allow me back in his. I had nowhere else to go. The beach was my solace. It was a terrifying thing, but it was home for me." At the time they believed her as a person that murdered her uncles in cold blood. Though, that changed once she tried to sacrifice herself so her brother could live.
Facing a demon as a child and sending her brother running, and then pinning it to a tree for it to burn in the morning's light. They didn't know what demon slayers were until that point and a few days after one arrived to tell them what happened. If her father hadn't arrived when he did, no one would have believed her or Atreus and they would have had reason to drag her to trial and maybe kill her for putting their once-heir up to treason.
"This is where I come when I need peace."
This piece of the beach hadn't been where she nearly died that day, and for that she was grateful. Admitting their mistreatment always left a taste in her mouth ― fear ― that the person would ask why they did and she would tell them, and then they would leave her just the same as everyone else had.
Ultimately it wasn't her fault but it still felt like it was.
"I tried eating jellyfish a few times. I got sick from it. It doesn't taste as pretty as they are, I assure you." She tried to make a joke out of it.
She learned a lot about the ocean ― not because she liked it, but because she had no other choice.― 」
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sunsblaze · 3 days
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It had been days since the young lady had found herself in these bizarre, medieval times, to say things had been rough was an understatement, she was used to the pampered life of modern times, of having everything she needed at the tips of her fingers. Now all she had was a phone, her lanyard decorated with charms, and a bag filled with college books- not the ideal set of things for her current position but there was nothing for it.
During those days she had received strange looks from those she saw, she had even beat up a man who had tried robbing her, though to them she was the one who was out of place, the one who was strange in her immodest wears, a skirt to her knees and crimson blouse. They thought her nothing more than a lady of the night.
Now she sat by a small fire, hands rubbing together as a means to keep warm, she was not dressed for such a cool night, though where she had came from it was still in the middle of warmer months- she wasn’t quite sure how she had came to be here, but she needed to find a way back home to her sister. Maybe it would be best to retrace her steps-
Her thoughts stopped dead in their tracks as felt this overwhelming presence only a few feet behind her, it was horrid, it made her breath freeze within her lungs, her blood running cold as she slowly shifted her body, eyes wide and lips parted as she was met the the twisted sight of the six eyed demon. This woman, she look familiar from her fiery mane to those maroon eyes that were wide with shock, she even had that mark displayed upon her forehead- she looked just like him, though Yoriichi had been dead for a handful of years now, his old withered body now one with the earth.
In a flash the young woman clutched something around her neck, a mix of burning chemicals was sprayed directly into his many eyes before the woman would make a run for it, attempting to put distance between herself and the demon.
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sunsblaze · 4 days
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The sun had been claimed before Michikatsu had the chance to reach for it- it had been claimed the day they were both born, the mark that married her to the sun goddess and her light was painted painted upon her forehead- with it came a the favor of divine strength, a blessing bestowed solely upon the younger sibling. Michikatsu would have to train and toil for his strength, he would have to earn it on his own.
For years Yoriichi had been unable to use her abilities to their full potential, her talents had gone to waste and still she would be in no state to use them. Now she was a mother, she had no time to worry about demons, no time to train and fight, for the foreseeable future her main worry was to raise this child up.
Still, his use of the blade, his technique, they were beautiful, it was almost as if he had pulled the moon from the sky and used its illuminating light to vanquish lingering darkness.
Yoriichi was more than exhausted from birthing the child that now lay crying on the floor at her legs, she could only grasp at air, trying to force her body to move and take the boy in her arms, but demon was faster than her, though a split second before claws could even graze fresh skin, the arm of the best was severed, falling away from both child and mother. Finally, she knew they were safe, Michikatsu had come, she could take a second to rest and try to pull her mind back to her.
She would listen to the mixture of tiny cries and the sounds of an ongoing struggle that the demon had found itself losing quite quickly, but Yoriichi would not move, she couldn’t. Her body had been strained from the events that had taken place, from the pain, the stress, the chase, and ultimately the birth of her first child. Blood dripped in small puddles where she laid, her neck bled from where fangs had dug through layers of delicate flesh and the wounds of birth.
The moment the infant found itself within the warmth of his arms the crying would die down, sleep quickly enveloping the little one as the overwhelming presence of doom dissipated with the corpse of the demon. They were safe. Taking her child in her arms she would offer a gentle smile and despite her exhaustion she would allow a rush of tears to spill past her lashes as sobs trembled from her lips. She was finally able to have a moment of peace to process the fact that she had just given birth and that in her arms she held a child, her own child, fresh and new to the world.
“I was scared, Michikatsu,” she would cry to him, keeping her voice soft as to not wake the little one, “I thought we would die.” As she held her child against her chest with one arm, her other would cling tightly to her twin. “Look at him,” she breathed, her eyes shifting from Michikatsu down to the small bundle in her arms. “He is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes upon, don’t you agree?”
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A crescent blade gleamed in the dim light, a curved moon that represented the goddess to whom he had devoted his life. Despite his relentless efforts and unwavering dedication, he could never grasp the radiant sun; he felt inadequate, lacking the strength to hold it in his hands, to shield it, to bask in its divine warmth. Michikatsu yearned for it, just as he had yearned for it throughout his existence, pushing himself beyond limits to claim it, only to face failure time and again.
But for a man like Michikatsu, surrender was not an option. The bitterness of defeat lingered on his tongue; if the sun was beyond his reach, then he would embrace the lady moon instead. He would soar to heights no mortal had ever touched, traversing the heavens and surpassing the stars, to capture the moon, cradling it close and cherishing it above all else. If he could not conquer the sun, he would become the sovereign of the moon, unleashing a power the world had never witnessed.
This was his creation, moon breathing—his life's work, a source of pride that made him swift, formidable, and a force to be reckoned with.
As the demon lunged for the child, intent on snuffing out the new life along with its mother, Michikatsu sprang into action. The crescent blade flew forth, severing the demon's arm with a resounding thud as it hit the ground, blood pooling around it. The demon, caught off guard, barely registered the attack. As it turned its head, another crescent blade sliced through the air, claiming yet another arm. The creature healed instantly, sprouting two new limbs, but Michikatsu was undeterred as he charged forward, tackling the beast with fierce determination.
He hoisted it up and charged through the fragile walls, bursting into the room with a force that sent both of them tumbling outside. As he ascended, he slashed the demon from its base to its peak, then pivoted sharply to strike at its neck, carving through flesh with precision. The creature's head fell away, and in a spectacular eruption of crescent blades, it was torn into countless fragments. Flames engulfed the demon, reducing it to mere ash that scattered in the chilly night breeze. With a decisive throw, he cast his sword aside, pivoted on his heels, and dashed back inside.
He slid to the floor, shedding his robe as he scooped up the infant from the ground, enveloping the child in warmth, ensuring it remained unscathed amidst the chaos of the human-demon clash. Moving closer to his sister, he knelt beside her, gathering blankets and sheets to cushion her head, providing her with some semblance of comfort. Gently, he placed the child in her arms and exhaled deeply, fatigue weighing heavily on him; he had fought with the desperation of someone on the brink of losing everything.
“You're safe now,” he murmured, gazing down at her, at the bond of mother and child. He panted, feeling the sting of the demon's wounds, blood seeping from his cuts, yet in that moment, he felt no pain. Their safety eclipsed all else, and he held her hand, squeezing it gently.
“You're safe now, little sister. You’re a mother now, and you’ve done so well.”
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sunsblaze · 4 days
The scent of blood.
It was fresh, too fresh- something wasn’t right, not with this man nor the story he had told, there was no way this could be a corpse of some who had passed hours or even days ago, they had to have been killed within the last hour or so. Still, he pushed on, trying to cling to a small shred of hope that his nose was simply deceiving him- it had not been wrong before but everything had a first.
He was silent, no longer taking in the other’s words nor responding, he was focused, his mind racing, trying to come up with an explanation, he would not even flinch as thorns snagged at his skin, causing beads of crimson to rise to the surface of his battle scarred flesh.
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The sight that welcomed him had stopped him in his tracks, pools of deep scarlet unable to tear themselves away from the horrors before him- the blood, the way the corpse writhed and spewed blood as it was pinned to the ground by the sotoba, it made his guts twist, bile rising in the back of his throat only to be swallowed back down.
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He had seen this slayer before, they had spoken once and now they were dead.
A chill ran through his body.
How did he not pick this up sooner? How had he not sensed any malicious intent from the man that stood before him? How?!
What finally pulled the boy back to reality was the twist of the marker and the squalling from the body that laid in the grass, still moving on a base level despite its soul being beyond this mortal realm.
In a split second his blade had been drawn from its sheathe, a look of anger spreading across the youth’s face.
“Stop that!” He would yell, charging forward, it sickened him to see the body of another human being defiled in such a way- it sickened him even more as he realized that this had been a trap, this slayer had only been killed as a means to draw him in. So without his usual banter, his questioning of motives, he would attempt to slice the sotoba to first give rest to his former comrade.
His eyes widen at the sight of the earrings. It was him..the boy he was wanting dead. His green eyes calmed as the aura of death ruled the air around him despite it being contained within his flesh.
"A moment of you're time!" His hair obscuring his face as well as an odd hat that seemed to make his hair far more shaggy." I need help my friend. Something oh so terrible." He frowned as he shook his head." I appeared to have lost a body last night at my mortician office. An odd request but may you help me find it?"
[ for Tanjiro ]
He could smell it in the air, the familiar scent made his guts coil and tighten, seldom did anything good follow the scent of death, more often than not it led him to tragedy, people mutilated, flesh ripped from bone by man eating demons- creatures of the night.
A voice calling out, asking for one thing he could spare.
The boy clad in hanafuda earrings would be stopped dead in his tracks, tense for a moment, in his calloused hands rested a boxed lunch, still tied neatly in a rich violet cloth. Before him stood a man with quite an…odd appearance- he had learned not to ponder these things too much, his travels had allowed him to meet many strange characters. “Oh- Of course, what is it?” He asked, voice keeping a polite- yet slightly wary tone, he was quick to accept any plea for help, though it did take a second for this strange man’s words to sink in. A body?!
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How does someone simply lose a body?!
He was taken aback momentarily, though that had explained the scent of death- this man worked with the dead, it was only natural that the scent of decay would cling to his body…right?
“That does sound troublesome…If you have an item that belonged to the deceased I should be able to track them down.”
The boy had a knack for these sorts of things, in his village he often found himself tracking down lost items and pets, but a body…this was a first.
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sunsblaze · 4 days
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Yoriichi would gladly take those breaks to rest her legs while taking a few small breaths, it seems the constant movement was making the child she carried restless, tiny hands and feet thrashing about. In the silence she could only wonder what the future would hold, it had been a long time since she had laid eyes upon her sibling and in that time much has changed, not only had she blossomed into a beauty that rivaled the gods themselves, but Michikatsu had also become a demon, had created an eternal bond with another and in turn created new life. The contrast to the last image she had of her sister was astounding, still, she followed the demon without worry.
Never did she expect to be greeted with open arms, Yoriichi had never outwardly acknowledged it, but she knew of the consuming jealousy that burned within the other, at times she could practically feel it- the way those eyes burned into the back of her head.
With each step through the gardens she would take mere seconds to gaze around at the moonlit landscape, admiring the world around them as they silently slipped into the temple, away from all prying eyes.
It seems both Yoriichi and Doma would simply accept each other for the moment, the younger sister tolerating her sibling’s husband, it would take time for things to balance out, for a rhythm to be set, not only did she have to learn of the person Kokushibo had become but she also had an extension of family to become accustomed to.
The room, it was more than enough for Yoriichi, even after fleeing from a cruel, but pampered life- she had little need for material things, there were few items she aimed to hold onto, even the things she had fled with were few and most were brought in preparation for the little one she carried.
Her things would be placed down for now, she would put them up as things settled down. “Thank you,” a slight nod of her head, “a meal would be preferred if you do not mind.” Usually she could go longer stretches without the need to eat, though with this child she found herself eating much more as her body pieced together life using her own nutrients as building blocks.
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If there was one thing Yoriichi wasn’t, it was a liar, she had always been a woman of her word, even as a child. One thing that did cause a slight anxiety was meeting her sibling’s husband- she was unsure of what he would be like. Would he be warm and welcoming or cold and cruel? She would see, though she trusted her sister��s choice, she would not be with someone who wasn’t the right fit for her. The younger would crack something of a smile, though it looked quite odd on her face before she would follow behind Kokushibo, leaving some distance between them for the demon’s comfort. Yoriichi looked like a duckling following its mother as she half waddled on behind the demon. “Of course.” She too had memories she wished to leave behind, abandoning them further with each step.
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sunsblaze · 4 days
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Seldom did he ever have nice things, he was only eighteen when he finally got his first hakama and a new set of robes, before that he had tattered crimson robes and hand me downs from Uta’s family. He didn’t really mind too much as long as he had clothing upon his back and a full belly he could give no complaints, though at times he would remind her that she did not have to spoil him with gifts, but he appreciated every single one.
Yoriichi respected the work she was trying to do, giving back to the people was a noble task, not many would do as she does, he had seen the greed that gripped people tightly, he had seen how people would exploit one another for just a few coins.
“You think so?” With a tilt of his head he would glance at her, he had never been involved in any sort of court affairs, he had not mingled with many lord or ladies so he did not know what sort of things being in their presence entailed.
It was a decent trade off, he received new clothes to wear and she would have a muse to dress up without complaint, it seemed fair to him, though he would find a way to return her kindness, he wanted to give something to her too, he just needed to find something she would like, something she didn’t have.
“You have my thanks for your unwavering kindness, I shall treasure your gifts and in turn I will stand by your side and serve you for the time being.” She was doing so much for him, it meant a lot, especially in such a difficult period of his life, a time he had believed that there was noting left for him.
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Taking a moment, he would stand still and enjoy the feeling of the salty breeze coming through his fiery mane, breathing it into his lungs before exhaling and repeating. I was nice. The warmth on his skin, the sound of the waves- the feel of the oceanic air. Who could ask for more?
A man could get used to such serenity.
Following her, he would stand by her side as she let the gentle waves wash away the remaining sand from the shell before it was offered out to him. He would take it, a most precious treasure, looking at it intently before he thanked her, tucking the shell into his sleeve.
“You will have to show me your collection sometime, I can only assume that it is a magnificent display of earthy beauty.” Much like she was, it was only fitting that such a beautiful and kind woman possessed such fine things. “I have only heard of such creatures, they sound interesting- you know a lot about the ocean, it must be a passion of yours?”
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Yoriichi found himself intrigued by her, he was drawn to the kindness she has shown him- many has tried to offer him words of sympathy, but few seemed to ever understand. She did, not only that, she actually extended her hand and offered him help, help he couldn’t refuse, he had come to realize just how far he had fallen, how close he was to the edge, just a few more steps from toppling over. He was indebted to her, anything she asked of him, he would make it happen without question. A soft chuckle would find its way from his lips as she spoke, the way her face changed as she spoke of food was amusing to him, though he couldn’t blame her, food was one of the simple pleasures of the world. “If I had a say I would suggest something spicy as well.” As he was guided off to the room he would be staying in he would occasionally turn his gaze to her, he was grateful to her, she had gone beyond what was necessary for him. “Thank you…for everything, your kindness has touched my heart, one day I hope to return it to you.” He meant every word, he would work to show his appreciation. Since he was just a boy he had always lived modestly, he was a simple man, he would not be picky with anything that was given, not a single complaint would leave his lips nor would he ask for anything more. All that mattered in the end was that his basic needs were met. “Thank you,” he would say again.
Today he would allow himself to be dressed and prodded at like a doll, he would allow her to pick out what she liked and would present himself to her in it- luckily for them both, he had liked the combination too, he was particularly fond of the colors and he had never worn such fine clothing before- not even when him and Uta were married. He did have one little concern. “Are you sure that I will not stick out too much in this?” Sure, he came from a noble family, but he never lived like he was, plus the records believed him dead at the age of eight, the day he had ran away, his brother had believed it, his father had as well. As far as anyone was concerned the last Tsugikuni men were the boys his brother had left behind and the elder son would grow to take the empty slot as head of the family. Yoriichi would have been just as happy with simple clothing, he would even wander around in a simple yukata if need be- she would have to be his personal stylist for he just didn’t have an eye for fashion. ”Yes, I agree,” he would pause for a second before looking to her, “you know you do not have to go through so much trouble for me, I do not want you to think that I am here for material items.” Though his face didn’t change much, he was at ease, happy in the moment.
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“That sounds lovely, I admit since yesterday I have been curious to get a closer look.”
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sunsblaze · 5 days
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The isolation was always the worst part of it all, being shut away by himself, tucked in the furthest corners of the estate whenever they had visitors, forbidden to show his face, made to sit and listen to the merriment of celebration he was not to join in- watching the lives of his family through cracked doors. He had only ever had a single worn yukata, it made for harsh winters, he remembered their mother sneaking him furs, tucking them under dull red cotton before he would have to return to the cold room, separated from main part of the house. Vividly he remembered the hungry nights and freezing days, the stale scent of his clothing as he had few opportunities to clean them. He swore that the only reason he evaded death was his brother.
That flute.
That simple little gift, it meant everything to him, he took great care in hiding it from their father. It was his treasure. It was a part of his brother, an extension of his protection, the physical embodiment of a promise made.
Yoriichi had no qualms having his brother as his protector- without Michikatsu was the reason he was alive, their whole lives the elder had been protecting the younger. Despite his strength Yoriichi had always been unable to speak out for himself, he allowed others to push him around, he had allowed their father to bully him into silence, Michikatsu had been his voice- his saving grace.
He had come to realize that the day he spoke for himself, the day he shared his dreams and indulged his desire to become a samurai alongside his brother- the day his showed his strength, was a mistake.
This would be the first of many.
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Yoriichi knew this had been coming, he could see their mother growing weaker, she had already had a stroke once, that had weakened half of her body, it brought her difficult, but still she pushed on as if it was nothing, the only once who truly knew of her condition was her and Yoriichi. All that time he had simply been doing his best to make her comfortable, to help aid her with her disability the best he could. He had already started mourning her inevitable death, he had been able to prepare himself, he had thought the others had realized how she had been struggling.
Another mistake.
Now she was gone, the first in a line of people he was doomed to lose in his long life, the first domino to fall to his accursed presence, meanwhile these events would push others into action, each action he made creating ripples that would soon become raging waves and tsunamis that would come back to wear him down. The biggest of them all would be this seed of resentment he unknowingly planted deep within Michikatsu, the suffering he would push upon his beloved elder brother.
One thing he did know was that if he stayed everything his brother had worked so hard for would be ripped from his grasp by their foolish father. He had believed Yoriichi could take Michikatsu’s place, that he could become a samurai and kill in the name of some lord, no, that path was not meant for him, he was no killer, the idea of injuring another human being pained him. Not only that, but he cared deeply for the other boy, he could not take his destiny from him, even. If it meant he would have to vanish from the face of the earth.
He would run away.
Was this too, a mistake? He wasn’t sure.
Yoriichi would leave his family to mourn in peace, they did not need two ghosts lingering about, things would be easier without him around, his brother would not have to stress about his place within the family and their father would not be able to pick one over the other. Yoriichi wanted nothing more than to see his brother flourish.
To become the man he was meant to be.
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For days he would run towards the direction in which the sun rose, not stopping for food or rest, not stopping until he saw her- a young girl around the same age as him standing on her own, a bucket within her hands as she stood amongst the rice paddies, tiny tadpoles swimming around within that bucket she held so tightly.
That encounter would change the course of his life once more.
The next ten years were some of he happiest years of Yoriichi’s life, he would spend each say by Uta’s side, walking hand in hand as they went about days, their lives were simply, blissful, and he could not ask for more. She taught him how to live, how to not only navigate the outside world, but also people, he had learned just how different people could be, how no one else saw the world as he did.
Oh how deeply in love he had fallen, as they grew there would be soft whispers of growing and being married, though when the day finally came it had felt so surreal. The years had come and gone and now here he was, grown, Uta by his side and brimming with life as she carried their first child.
Time for her delivery would be closing in quick until-
Another domino would topple over.
Those days of happiness were gone.
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Ten days he had spent clutching the lifeless bodies of his beloved Uta and their unborn daughter who had never even been given the chance to breathe her first, her eyes never opening to gaze upon this world, her skin never feeling the warmth of sunlight.
He should have been faster, he should have been here for her- for them, to protect them or die alongside them.
Those days went by in a haze, he hadn’t moved an inch, not even as decay began settling in, not as their bodies bloated and spilling in his arms, their very essence staining the crimson of his kimono, soaking into each and every fiber until the day the demon slayer who had been pursuing the creature had showed up, urging him to give his loved ones a proper burial to respect their memories.
After he would devote himself to the cause, he would fight for love- for revenge, for them.
The master had been so very kind, they had him cleaned, fed, bathed, and then he would be taught the rules of slaying, he would be fitted with a blade of his own and would train day and night to perfect his form, to learn the etiquette of the blade.
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He would spend every single night fighting tirelessly, pushing on to slay as many demons as he could. This was not the life he wished for, not how he had planned to spend his days, but it was his reality now, there was nothing left for him, no one left for him.
Or so he thought.
That very night he had been on the hunt after a demon, it had been rumored to be stalking and killing in the area, people had been going missing only to be found cut to pieces like an animal to the slaughter, they stood little chance against the demonic beasts of the night.
Once again, he had not been fast enough as his eyes were met with the sight of an entire battalion of men strew about, cut down just as the ones from the whispers being passed around in the nearby village. He thought them all dead until his eyes were greeted with the silhouette of one last man- a familiar face, he had been cornered by the demon seemingly waiting for his demise.
It would not come.
In a flash he had weaved through the bodies of the fallen, leaping into the air, his body twisting with almost inhuman grace and speed and just like that the creature was beheaded.
Yoriichi was on his knees, forehead pressed flush against the ground beneath them as he asked for his twins forgiveness, he had been late and because of that all of his brother’s men had been slaughtered.
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After that day the elder would join the cause of the slayers and together they would train, they would fight, they would spend a handful of years side by side, Michikatsu would gain his mark, everything was going well- or so he thought.
Until it wasn’t.
The marked ones- as they reached the age of twenty five they would die, shorty before they would fall ill and nothing could stop death, it was inevitable, it reached for them all, not sparing a single soul. They would both die, this was something they were sure of.
They would not.
Instead as they approached their final weeks upon this mortal realm they would both respectively encounter the lord of demons- one would engage in battle, attempting to take down the king of beasts only to fall short while the other would make a deal with the devil, taking his hand and in turn, taking the head of their beloved master.
Yoriichi would take on all the blame as his own, he would be exiled, barely escaping the clutches of death as many of the other pillars believed that he should atone for his shortcomings and his brother sins with his own life. He was only spared due to the flame pillars affections for him and the mercy of the new young master.
This time he had been the one left behind.
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He was dying, it was an irrefutable fact.
He was an old man, much older than any other humans lives, in these times many died young, taken away by illness or killed in the midst of constant war, what made it even more peculiar was the fact that he was both a slayer and one of the marked ones. By the laws of nature he should have been dead long ago, yet here he was, contradicting the rules of the world yet again.
Still, he couldn’t avoid death forever, that was made clear by how labored his breathing had become, how his thin, frail hands clung to his brother’s kimono, the weight of his body was nothing as he leaned against the demon for support, no longer able to keep himself standing tall. Ever since he had finally and truly lost everything he had not cared if death decided to take him, he welcomed its embrace, he always believed it to just be a simple fact of life, something everyone would face. However, now that he had something to love for once more, he did not wish to die and he fought against it with everything he had left- though there was little to be done.
Organs had begun to fail him as they could no longer receive proper oxygen, nor were they allowed an adequate supply of blood, it all came back to his heart. Such a fickle and soft thing it was, it was only fitting that it would be his demise- the first thing to fail his aged body.
He had come for Kokushibo- for Michikatsu, he had planned to take his twin with him to the grave as it had always meant to be, but when it came down to it he could not find it within himself to kill one he cared so much for, it made his heart ache, it triggered this unfortunate string of events inside his own withered and aged body, anguish soaking him down to the bone.
For so long he pushed himself to be what the world needed him to be, at heart he had always been a gentle man, a lover, someone who would listen to your woes, but at fates cruel hand shoved him onto the raging rivers of battle, he would be relentless, he would not falter when it came to cutting a demon down to nothing.
He did it all for love.
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There were many things he wished that he could say, many things his lungs would not allow him to say for he could not find the breath to speak them. He wished to explain himself to his brother, to slice his belly open and spill his guts- his feelings strewn upon the ground, but fate had different plans for him.
A simple pat upon his back, cold, clinical, a form of comfort one would offer a stranger. This is what he was given, his comfort in his dying moments.
He supposed it was all he deserved.
The words spoken to him sounded foreign, he knew sound was spilling within his ears, his mind simply refused to piece them together as the lack of proper communication ravaged his body, he could not see, he could not speak or stand, and now he could hear nothing but nonsensical murmurs.
Somehow his body was able to process the actions of the other as a hand grazed the hilt of his blade before demonic fingers curled around cool metal, tugging as a means to accentuate his words- not he understood.
A hand would fall upon Michikatsu’s forearm, though it would only rest there as he had no strength to grab the limb and pull it away. He did not want the other to take it, but only because he did not want to die and that…that would only solidify in the younger brother’s mind that he was losing this battle within himself. It was all in vain, the blade would be pulled from his hip-
-he would be left abandoned.
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With arms no longer around him for support…
The old man would crumble to the ground, his knees giving out under his weight as he fell forward where he had been leaning against the other. He was to die along then. It caused a deep ache in his soul and he couldn’t help but feel as if he had deserved such a fate. He would be left behind just as he left Michikatsu behind all those years ago.
Laying face down, words would fall upon deaf ears and would be returned by unresponsive lips, he had no energy to speak, to respond to the words thrown his way. He would simply lay there, hair whitened with age now cascading around him like a halo of snow, the glow from the moon making him almost look ethereal- like a ghost, the crimson of his haori contrasting his hair perfectly like blood on icy winter grounds.
He would only be met with the soft wheezing of approaching death and desperate gasps as his failing body tried pulling in more and more air. The only sign that he even knew what was going on in the moment was a trembling hand that clawed at the dirt, reaching in the direction of his moon- his moon.
That flute….it had been tucked away in his sleeve, spilling out just as he fell.
A reminder of long forgotten promises.
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How he wished that he could tell his brother why and comfort him in his time of such deep hurt, but that would not happen, not as he was, he could only let himself be in the moment, his brother’s anguish seeping into him and mixing with his own. How he wished for things to be different, how he yearned to live on past this moment.
Arms were around him once more, he could feel the warmth of another body once again, it was a great comfort in the moment, he was glad that he was not to be alone, relieved to have another with him in his dying moments. He would allow himself to melt into the embrace, his head against the broad chest of the more youthful appearing brother, his arms cradled to his own chest, cuts littering his arms from where thin, aged skin had been split from the force of hitting the ground. He was bleeding.
Again, he thought of life, of how he wanted to live on with his brother, how he wanted to really experience life by his side without the lingering shadows of resentment. There was little he wouldn’t give to just have more time.
At the moment he was in a position where he couldn’t refuse the offer- literally, he could not speak, could not deny his deep desire to live.
This choice…it would be left for the elder brother.
He knew what was best for his baby brother, right?
cont. || @the-moonbreather-rp
His childhood was something he did not speak freely about, very few knew much at all about Yoriichi’s past, his adolesent life, nor the life he had shared with his beloved. It was much to painful to stir up memories of the past and let them leave his lips, especially when it came to her. His Uta. Throughout his life Yoriichi attempted to make his presence as small and insignificant as possible, he dared not breathe too loud nor did he barely even made a sound as she shuffled about in the background of his family’s life, a delicate dance to ensure he would make no ripples in the water, for they turned into waves. One wrong step would lead the Tsugikuni family to ruin- or at least that is what their father had Yoriichi believe. For years he had belived that his mere existance was a fluke, according to father he should have never been born, he was a cursed child and the mark he bore was irrefutable proof. Everything he did was for the sake of his family. The sole reason he began speaking after being silent for so long was to extinguish mother’s worries of him being deaf, she was already in a fragile state at the time, so if he could take this one weight from her shoulders, he would. All he wanted was to be like his brother, he looked up to Michikatsu, the one who would come to him behind their father’s back to ensure he had a full belly, the one who had crafted little toys by hand for his entertainment- the one who kept him from simply withering away in that three tatami mat room. His brother was his hero and in return he wished to serve by his side, saving others as his brother had him. That’s all it was though. A wish. One that would not come true for fate had other plans as Yoriichi’s true talent came to light. Their father would plot, plan to push the elder brother to the side in favor of the younger twin’s natural strength and skill. Michikatsu would be sent off, Yoriichi would inherit everything his brother had been working so hard for. He would not have it. He would leave the very night their mother died, he knew it was coming, her body showed the signs well before, he had already starting mourning before and even as he shared the news with his brother, his heart ached. A simple smile was the only parting gift he had to offer, he had nothing else to give to Michikatsu before he would depart. If only Michi knew the admiration Yoriichi held for him and the sacrifice he had made to unsure his brother had the chance at the life he wanted. Many years had passed since they last laid eyes upon one another, the years apart greater than the years they had spent together as children and as slayers. Still, he vividly remembered the day he found of his brother’s betrayal to not only the corps, but to him. He had taken the head of the master and had become the very thing they sought to rid the world of. The news had stilled him and deep inside this sorrow he held only spilled over, dripping from his eyes. It hurt. It was agony to lose yet another he cared to deeply for and the act of betrayal wasn’t the end of it. Yoriichi would sit before the other pillars and their master’s heir as they discussed his fate, he would be the one to pay the toll of his brother’s sins. Originally, the other pillars pushed for him to commit suicide, to slit his own belly, that would not come to pass, their new master and the flame pillar had argued against such a fate and in the end he was exiled from the corps. Alone once again. He always seemed to find himself alone in the end.
Now the sun user would let his tears flow freely down his sunken cheeks as he stood before the twisted image of his beloved elder brother, his heart aching painfully in his chest. Holding his blade in opposition to his own blood put a strain on his old bones, it was as if his body was trying to reject the truth of what needed to be done. That he needed to cut down his astray twin and let his soul pass to the other side so he could finally be at rest. He knew once this was done his own time would come to an end, even now he could feel his body failing him, yearing for rest. “Every creature that grazes this land will eventually come to the end of its life, so is the way of life and death…though some meet death in an untimely manner, some live well beyond their years.” In the end the Gods sought to reclain the souls of every living being, it was what made life worth living, the separation of life and death, an unpredictable cycle. “I admit I share the blame for it was my teachings that marked you and our comrads for death, that I will carry to my grave.” Yoriichi could not hold the fear of a life cut short against his brother, no one wanted to die, not at such an early age, still full of life and ambition, but becoming a demon, a beast that consumed the innocent, that is what lead to this moment. The moment he would hold his blade against his own kin. “This path you speak of, is it truly what you desire? The strength you speak of has been given to you at a price, a price you will come to pay, you will be shackled to that man until death.” Yoriichi appeared to simply be a frail old man, thin, frail, easily broken, his hair once a fiery-raven color now white, the ends tinged in silver. “My heart breaks for you, brother.”
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