sunshades · 8 hours
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yeah so um. i may be mentally ill
p.s. all of my ishqueg kissing sketches look literally the same I'M SO SORRY I DID ALL OF THEM AT 3 AM
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sunshades · 8 hours
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so badly i could die
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sunshades · 12 hours
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sunshades · 13 hours
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Elden Lord Melina would have been a cool ending
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sunshades · 20 hours
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a choir of adoring angels has surrounded my blog. and they come bearing a request i simply cannot refuse
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sunshades · 1 day
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sunshades · 2 days
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oh loverboy... 💘💜
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sunshades · 2 days
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Winter transitions into Spring 🌷 The text reads:
He wakes, melting snow reveals a robin blushed chest, in his arms he bears a bouquet of sleepy tulips, healing from Winter’s last icy kiss. He forgives his thawed chamber, now nothing more than a pool at the edge of his memory, for its guiding hibernation taught him the true warmth of the sun. (MMXXIII) Hail Spring; his radiance in full bloom.
I've been working on summer, but she isn't ready yet. Hopefully she will be by the end of August! In the meantime though, spring is available as a print in my shop.
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sunshades · 2 days
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Natalie Dunn
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sunshades · 3 days
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sunshades · 3 days
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something something a chat i am in discussing the loneliness of Armand who needs someone to define him and see him, so
"...it was ghastly and awful and loathsome, and beautiful all at the same time."
and yeah i kinda just want to give ppl hugs with anything i do and talk to them in hushed tones, so there you go
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sunshades · 3 days
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mulder & scully
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sunshades · 3 days
thinkin about how der schutze is free from his deal bc he forgot his beloved, when (IIRC, cuz I haven’t looked at the canto vi transcript directly) Cathy tried to erase herself and make everyone forget her so Heathcliff can be free from WH/heartbreak (once again, don’t know what she said specifically). Can anyone hear me
HI ANON can i open by saying im sorry i probably spoiled u for the entire canto!! but well since you're already here IM LOSING IT OVER THIS EGO!! IT IS SO GOOD.
when i went back to look at der frei's lc abno log i just went Oh. so this was a long time coming. they've even got extraplanar travel!
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in the canto both heathcliff and catherine meet their other selves who offer them the proposition... both are their own "devils", hurting the loved one by hurting themselves. similarly, one of the cgs links heathcliff to the big bird abno, which, ahh....
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i really like how outis' magic bullet id story and then der schutze's abno event work around what it means to "sell your soul", both involve the contractee giving up what they love the most in one way or another... i find it very fun that outis undertakes it very confidently- as long as she can return home paying with her life is not too high a price. but for heathcliff having to remember at all is a responsibility, like for der schutze it's easier to forget, it's far less painful to just give in to the "devil".
i think this is also what the erlking id will be like, the one nelly actually calls the devil and the one whose shadow we're already seeing in the WH ids... the worst version of him is the one that gives in to the hate and senseless violence- but the one that remembers wants to do better.
sorry for long post. i like abnos very much and have been listening to the black rider on loop for a couple days since the ego dropped... gives u a cehc song to make u forgive me
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sunshades · 3 days
welcome back!! love your fics a lot
HI NONNIE!! i'm a bit better now, thank u for thinking of me that's so sweet 🥺💖...
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sunshades · 3 days
Plea for Safety: A Cry from the Heart of Gaza
In its eighth month, Gaza appears defeated, trapped between walls of destruction and the cries of children. It is enveloped in deep sorrow, gripped by constant fear, and its walls speak a language of muffled screams. War is harsh. 😢
How can I protect my mother and siblings from this hell? How can I get them out of the horrors of war and bring them back to safety? My heart bleeds with indescribable pain, and my eyes see the scenes of suffering my people endure in this shattered land. 💔
My mother is the light that guides me through the darkest nights. How can war extinguish this light? How can my heart be at peace when it fears for the safety of those I love? I want them to be well, I want them to be safe, but war takes without mercy and destroys without pity. 😔
I want to get them out of this hell. I want to see them well. Please help me save my mother, my father, and my siblings. 🙏
Imagine this is your mother. How would you feel? 😭
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sunshades · 3 days
This is my mother preparing bread despite the war and bombing everywhere 😔💔 I hope you can help me, I want her to be fine 😔 Thank you very much my friends🙏🙏 https://www.tumblr.com/ahmed-ziad/752355342201028608/plea-for-safety-a-cry-from-the-heart-of-gaza?source=share
sending love and prayers for your family, i hope you can reach the goal soon and they can all travel safely 🫂
linking the gofund me here! goal is 30k and donations are still at 6k, share and donate if possible!
(vetted by @/nabulsi)
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sunshades · 3 days
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Oh Mother, I want to feel your embrace just one more time.
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