sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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          IT WAS TOO late,  his mind was already formulating a decent gift.  It was the lease he could do considering what Jameson was going to do for him.  If he accepted.  Clary had to remind himself that things weren’t set in stone.  This was still a meeting,  or a first date he supposed.  “ Have you had dinner?  We can order something to eat, ”  he offered.
They weren’t unreasonable fears, there was a lot of unknown critters in the ocean but that wasn’t the only thing to fear in deep water.  “ Then I’ll make sure you won’t have to deal with water like that.  The boat stuff is mostly for rich people to feel rich and wear a lot of unnecessary white. ”  He never understood the appeal himself.  He sat back,  thinking over their options as he took a sip of his drink.  “ Anything else I should know about?  Or anything you’re curious about.  I know what I’m getting into but you don’t really. ” 
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     ❝ I hadn’t yet. We can eat together, it’ll be our first date. ❞  Excessive amounts of white clothes and snobby rich people on a yacht was something he could handle. He might have to get a crash course in how to act around rich people so he doesn’t end up insulting anyone but, otherwise, he could manage.   ❝ I’ve got two sisters, a golden retriever named Cooper, and I’m an amazing kisser. ❞  He shot Clary a smile.  ❝ Is that how we’re going to seal the deal? With a kiss? ❞
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
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Character Aesthetic  ➙ requested by anon ;; {  the kind soul }
being kind does not make me VULNERABLE 
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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   “ AND YET you still find it endearing. ”  It was impossible for any further quips to form in his mind because he was distracted as each item of clothing was discarded onto the floor.  He blinked slowly,  knowing that he had missed something before the words finally caught up with his brain.  “ So how’d you go?  In the test I mean. ”  He asked,  getting to his feet and pulling the shirt over his head, adding to the pile of clothes.  
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     ❝ That might be up for debate, ❞ he teased, knowing he only had so much teasing left in him. The hot water of a bubble bath always relaxed him, making him more of a snuggly, cuddly kind of guy. Besides, the way Clary’s mind went blank when James was naked was the actually endearing thing.  ❝ I did good, I wasn’t worried. ❞ Moving farther into the bathroom, he tested the water. He didn’t even bother to wait for Clary, stepping into the bath.
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( tragedyveined. )
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“ i prefer the phrase ‘ dicked up  ’. dicked on sounds like you’re gonna get    assaulted    by penis. ”       &&. @sunshiine ( one liners. )
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     ❝ I had never thought of it that way, but I don’t think I can never unthink that, now. ❞
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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“ THEN I ALREADY owe you a gift and a good night out. ”  He noted that he would have to come up with something good because his mother would likely inquire as to what they did for his birthday. He would have to remember all these little things if he wanted to get away with it. “ I never said I played well, ”  he teased. If he had wanted to he could’ve gone on to study it further but business school took priority. 
He took note of the details, knowing they would have to learn more about each other for this to work and he nodded as Jameson spoke.  There was a story there but it was something he could ask about later if need be.  No one liked to speak about their phobias but he appreciated the heads up considering they would be at the seaside.  “ You’ll likely have to go on a boat,  and there is a lot of beach there.  Will that be okay with that? ”  he asked, not wanting to pressure James into something he couldn’t deal with.
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      ❝ It’s really alright, ❞  he replied, turning his drink glass around slightly. It was all for show, after all, and he didn’t feel like he was owed anything. A small laughed helped the thought pass, imagining a man as sophisticated as Clary playing the violin terribly. He didn’t believe it, of course, but it was still a silly visual. 
The care Clary was already putting in was sweet, but even if he wasn’t okay with it, he would have done his best to try, for his sake.   ❝ I like the beach and I’m happy to go swimming. I just don’t deal well being actually in the water in the deeper parts of the ocean, or even a lake. Being on a boat is completely fine. ❞  It had taken him a long time to work on his fears, but he was proud of how far he’d come with it and, truthfully, being at the beach and on a boat sounded nice for the summer. Better than any job, anyways.
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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      “ YOU COULD but it wouldn’t be any fun. ”  Without looking, he knew Jameson was undressing behind him but he had a task to finish before he could get distracted.  Forgoing the bath bomb, he filled it up with bubble bath instead and let the bubbles begin to foam.   “ I call it being affectionate.  But it was fine.  Just a few meetings and working on a few things for clients,  nothing exciting.  How was your day? ”  He asked, allowing himself to get distracted now. 
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   ❝ I call it annoying, ❞ he teased, setting the shirt aside and setting to work on his belt instead.    ❝ It was a couple of classes and a test. Nothing too bad in my opinion. ❞  He watched as the bubbles foamed on the water’s surface. His pants were removed with ease, as well as the shorts below it, the garments added to the pile. 
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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      HE REALLY FELT like an old man now, dishing out advice about the future and careers. It may have been cliche but it was the best advice he could give anyone when they were trying to figure out their future. It still made him sound old but he felt like that would be something he would have to get used too around Jameson.
“ At least a month, if that’s okay with you.  I don’t normally bring anyone home until the six month mark but you’re special, ”  he answered, smiling over the lip of his glass.  “ Ugh, I hate this part.  I guess the basics are my name is Clary Finn,  or Clarence as my mother will call me.  I’m forty-six,  my birthday is August 9th… I’m the CEO of Augustus Bank so I’m normally glued to my work, except for the summer. I like playing cards? I can play the violin… I’m also really bad at this. “
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      ❝ Then we would have spent my birthday, together. It’s May 13th. ❞  In actuality, he had spent his birthday out dancing with his friends. He wouldn’t have minded spending it on a date, especially with someone like Clary. He took mental note of everything he said, doing his best to remember it. His words brought a smile to his lips. 
     ❝ It’s okay, you’re doing really well. Hopefully you can play the violin for me sometime. ❞  He took a sip of his ale, imagining it.   ❝ I guess it’s my turn. My full name is Jameson Barton, but James works. I’m a full time student, sometimes I work with my father doing carpentry during the summer. I’m terrified of deep water, I can swim fine but I panic in deep water. ❞  He was sure he would have to tell the full story eventually, but, right now, the basics were fine.
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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          IT FELT LIKE routine now to come home and do this,  to spend time together and relax after a long day.  Almost like they were an old married couple but Clary loved it. By the time James appeared at the door, he already had the bath running and steam from the water was filling into the room. Glancing over his shoulder with an ever present smile, he scanned Jameson’s body. “ You can get naked, unless you plan on bathing fully clothed. ”
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      ❝ I think I could manage a fully clothed bath, ❞  he joked halfheartedly before grabbing the back of the collar of his shirt, pulling it off over his head.   ❝ How was your day? Are you gonna tell me about it, now that you’re done annoying me? ❞
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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     IT COULD HAVE been worse,  he reminded himself.  At least he was able to drink though it wouldn’t stop the social whispers that would likely follow them around.  That was another thing he would need to prepare Jameson for if he decided to go along with it.  He relaxed back into his chair,  attentively listening to what he had to say.  If they were going to do this,  Clary would have to memorise these things. 
“ Those are two very different paths to follow.  Both interesting and probably long hours. ”  Which showed that he was a hard worker, something Clary considered himself to be.  When their drinks arrived, he pulled his closer and took a sip.  “ I know people tell you to chase the money jobs but you should do the one you’ll feel more satisfied doing.  If you’re going to put in all the hard work and long hours,  you may as well like it. ” 
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   HE HAD HEARD the same advice and support before but, somehow, it seemed to mean a little bit more coming from him. He tapped his fingers on his glass, mulling the thought over for a moment. Would his mother be disappointed when she first hears of his choice? Of course, but he always chalked that up to her wanting the best for him. Taking a sip, he put those thoughts away for another day. He still had time to make his decision, and now was not the time. 
      ❝ Okay, well, why don’t you tell me the basics about you, stuff that I would know if we’ve been dating for a while. Actually, how long are we saying it’s been? ❞
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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     HE KNEW WHEN to take the win and this was a win so he quit his complaining.  He had already won the jackpot when Jameson decided that he was worthy of dating so he shouldn’t push his luck. “ That sounds fair and i can always help you study later, ” he said, though it wasn’t a likely promise he would keep. But he would try. Getting back to his feet, he made his way to the kitchen to get glasses and the bottle from the fridge and made his way towards the bathroom to get things started.
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    HIS SMILE WAS EVER-PRESENT on his face. That was just the effect Clary had on him. He followed suit, getting to his feet as Clary did, although his task was to gather up his textbooks and notebooks. Once he had them all collected in his arms, Jameson carried them to the bedroom. He stored them on top of his dresser for the most easy access. Turning around, he made his way to the bathroom.
     ❝ Anything you want me to do? ❞
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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    HE KNEW HOW contradictory it must have seemed, considering he was going to pay someone to be his partner for a few weeks.  With the others though, they had their own money they just wanted more.  Clary hadn’t been born into money but adopted into it yet he still had an appreciation for what it was like to live it tough and to go without.
  “ God you’re young, ”  he groaned, trying not to feel like an old creep with the whole idea now.  At least they could have a drink and he could hopefully forget that he was nearing fifty. As James spoke, he pushed the drink menu towards him as a waiter made their way over.  “ That’s likely the most honorable reason for doing this.  And —  I’ll have an old fashioned, thanks. ”  He waited for James to order something as well before speaking again.  He was already more keen on the idea of giving James the money since it was going towards something good.  “ What are you studying? ”
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    HE GRINNED, enjoying getting to tease this man with just his existence. Jame ordered himself a pale ale, though he’d considered something stronger to help him relax a little more. Most of the tension from his anxiety had left him from the little bit of time they’d taken to get to know each other. 
     ❝ I’m getting a science degree. I’m still trying to figure out if I’m headed towards aerospace or medicine, but I have some time to figure it out. ❞  It wasn’t long before there were two drinks set on the table, one in front of each of them. His parents were more keen on him getting into medicine, but he had never found it in him to give up on his dream of working for NASA, or even being an astronaut himself. 
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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          IT ALL SOUNDED like a nightmare to him but it had been part of his life for the past forty years even if he wasn’t used to it yet.  It was a valid question and he couldn’t fault Jameson for his curiosity.  The meeting had been meant to answer questions so he wouldn’t hold anything back. 
“ Because they’re all money hungry assholes.  And I don’t have time for it. ”  There was nothing worse that he could imagine than being forced into more of the stupid parties and social scene that he couldn’t stand.  “ I don’t believe in forcing myself into a relationship because that’s what’s expected of me.  I guess I should ask you the same question, why do you want to do this?  Also how old are you? ”  He asked, realising he was about to order them both a drink though it could be illegal. 
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    IT MADE SENSE. A lot of people only cared about money, even he was included in that in a minor way. Relationships did get in the way, as well, which was why he hadn’t been trying to get in any committed relationship while in school. It was distracting and took a lot of time and effort, not that he wouldn’t want to do that some day. Now just wasn’t the time. Jameson let out a small laugh, looking away for the moment.  
    ❝ I’m twenty-two, first of all. And, uh, I guess I’m in it for the money, too. But it’s for school. I can’t afford my tuition next year, or any other year in the foreseeable future. I was getting ready to work two jobs when I saw your ad. ❞  And he was still ready to work two jobs if this didn’t pan out, or if there really was something devious going on. So far, Clary didn’t seem like the devious type, but James gave everyone the benefit of the doubt, even when it would eventually become his downfall. 
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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      “ ALWAYS. ”  Jameson would never do anything of the sort but he could hold on for his little grudge for a moment or two longer.  It was quickly melted away from one small kiss.  “ Only the best for you, sunshine. ” He promised,  shifting until he was sitting upright again.  “ That depends on you.  I was going to go something simple like wine because we can’t have you getting too drunk. ”
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    Another roll of his eyes. Well warranted, too. It quickly melted away, though. The sound of his nickname coming from Clary’s lips always made his heart beat just the tiniest bit faster. These were the moments that reminded him just how much he loved Clary.  ❝ Wine, then. You should probably get us some glasses so we can get started. I’ll put away my books. ❞
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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       SHRUGGING OFF HIS suit jacket, he rested it over the back of his chair before sitting opposite James,  his hands in front of him on the table.  “ So no dancing around the point?  That’s fair. ”  Still he signaled for a waiter,  feeling like he could use a stiff drink to get him through the embarrassment that was this entire idea.  
“ The Hamptons,  actually.  My mother hosts a big party that goes on for days and then there’s every other party in the season.  She’s a socialite,  you see. ”  He rolled his eyes,  despising the term and that he had to be associated with it.  “ She likes to think because I’m single and generally successful I should be dating someone in that social circle. ”  But he wasn’t interested in any of those people. 
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   The Hamptons, summer parties, it felt like something about of a movie, or some television show. Someone super successful like this guy definitely belonged with someone equally as successful, or something like that. Isn’t that how it worked?
   ❝ For curiosity’s sake, why aren’t you dating someone in that social circle? Not that I don’t appreciate this opportunity.  ❞
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sunshiine-blog · 7 years
( clarence. )
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        “ YOU’RE TRYING TO hurt my feelings. ”  He huffed though there was no seriousness behind it,  already happy that he had Jameson close to him.  He was dreadful when he was in love,  clingy and needy like he never had been before but it was only ever for one man.  “ You might have changed your mind since I’m so terrible.  I just buy the best smelling bubble bath and bath bombs for your enjoyment,  nothing special. ”
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     ❝ Never. ❞  He patted Clary’s need, knowing fully well that he was just being dramatic.    ❝ Well, if you’re going to buy the really good bath bombs and bubble bath, I guess I can’t say no. ❞   James took Clary’s hand in his, bringing it to his lips to kiss his knuckles.   ❝ So what’re we drinking? ❞
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