me every five minutes: if I built another weird electronic contraption I think it would fix me
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u know those mutuals who you are like silent buddies with and you never talk to each other but you reblog each others stuff and when you see them on you’re dash you’re like yooooo thats my bud!! 
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 “hi welcome to mcdonalds what can i get for you?”
“yeah can i get a deluxe quarter pounder with cheese?”
“absolutely, do you want the meal or just the sandwich?’
“uuuuuh hold on”
*fishes something out of my pocket*
“mikey what do i do?”
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“get the fries. youll need the energy in the coming days”
*stuffs it back in my pocket*
“uhh yes please  the meal would be great”
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Timkon my heart
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I love getting unaccompanied minors (kids flying alone) who so clearly just. Don't want to be here lol. Sometimes I get to know a little of their story, like their parents are divorced, or a family member died and they're heading to the funeral, but usually they just don't want to talk about it and that's fine. But I always treat the flight like it's a challenge to make them smile. I offer them snacks and soda but that's never enough, that's whatever, they could get those from an airport vending machine. Chump change. So then I tell the worst jokes. Just the most embarrassing, kindergarten teacher, annoying dad jokes you can think of. And those always get a groan, or a "Seriously??" And that's my in! Now I can say "Why, what's your idea of a good joke? No, come on hotshot, make your best joke, let's see it." And they hem and they haw but of course they eventually tell me their very best joke because kids are little competitive comedy goldmines. And it's always super funny, so I laugh, and that's where they slip up. Because you know what you almost always do when your joke successfully makes someone laugh? You smile. And I'm like. Gotcha. Rookie move. Now you're going to end up having a good time in spite of yourself. I win.
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everyone in young justice separately sending this tweet to tim
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Wait a damn minute.
Tim's 16th birthday occurs before Jason Todd returns. When Tim turns 16, the Bats don't know that Jason is alive (if I'm getting the timeline right here).
Bruce gives Tim that fucked up birthday test on Tim's 16th birthday.
Jason died at 15. Bruce gave Tim a fucked up birthday test when the kid officialy became an age they thought Jason would never be able to reach.
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I saw a thing about Tim making a game out of the number of people who want to kill him and I just-
The core 4 have a tally board. It's stuck to the wall in the kitchen. The board is separated into 8 sections with their names each on it twice. They're playing 2 games at the moment.
In the first game they mark a tally under their name for every person who either wants to kill them, or wishes extreme ill will upon them. Tim's section has significantly more tally marks than the others, having inherited most of Batman and Nightwing's previous enemies when he took up the mantel. Though over the years the other three have gained their fair share of enemies too. Their tally counts were nothing to scoff at.
The second game they were playing was counting the murder/assassination attempts against them individually. Again, Tim's count was significantly higher because Gotham.
(There is a smaller tally board in the common room keeping track of their collective near death experiences.)
This is a perfectly normal game to them, they'd been playing it for years! However, after surviving an assassination attempt on an independent mission they realize it is perhaps not normal behavior to celebrate the attempt, by screeching "this murder tally's gonna put me in the lead!" and immediately calling whoever's at base so they could add it to the board.
They originally turned it into a game because laughing about it made it less scary, they were so young.
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Tons more at the source!
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When Jane Austen wrote, "the more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense," I felt that.
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acetaminophen boy in an ibuprofen world
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is it really true that the average person's pain level is a 0?
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at the club googling symptoms of organ failure
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Someone said the original image was Tim and Damian and it had to be done
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Tim: Ah yes, that time Ra's send his sister to rape me
Damian: My grandfather did what?
Cass: Oh yes, I remember that.
Damian: WHAT?
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tim only gets to break kon's heart once
he does it by blocking the view of the baby's face with his arm, going all pale and shaking; his choked up whisper might as well be a yell to kon's sensitive kryptonian ears:
"please, do not hate him. hate me, but not him. he's just a child, please, kon. he did nothing wrong by existing"
kon was once, too, just a child. the only exception is that he didn't have a father, a mother, just anyone really who would've held him like that against their chest. caring; protecting.
he did nothing wrong by existing — no one was there to say that about kon; no one was there to actually make him believe that.
but there was someone once, someone who told him: "you grow up to be a person who would've protected you as a child." kon's been carrying those words in his chest since then.
he looks up at tim, who has his back pressed to the crib — the one that's full of soft blankets and toys. the lines of his body's gone softer, his suit hanging uselessly down in the batcave. he knows that red robin wasn't seen on the streets of gotham for months.
you grow up to be a person who would've protected you as a child.
"can i... hey. can i hold him?"
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the fact that alfred was the one to put up jason's memorial is so important to me
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