Emergency, read my story and help me ‼️
Please Share Or Replog Or Donate For My Family 💔🙏
I am reham, his condition, and all the families of Gaza are very difficult, they do not have the necessities of life, no medicine, no food, no health, no education, nothing but death and destruction I appeal to everyone who sees my campaign to stand by my family, Whether by donating or sharing the story with your friends to raise an amount that will help my family get out of Gaza safely 💔🍉
I am a nurse at Nasser and Al-Khair Hospital in Khan Yunis I also used to work for Dentist K But at the present time, I have lost my job, which was a source of income for me and my family in the past, and now all I will have left is the donation link that I made in order to help my family, about thousands.But it takes timeI hope to achieve the goal of my campaign.
I also want to do charitable work and spread the first aid course to children and women because we really need that urgently at the present time because of this war and genocide that we are exposed to.I lost my brother because of this war, and I really miss him. The loss is painful.
I have been afflicted with a great emptiness and depression because of his distance from me. I hope you pray for him too, may God have mercy on him. 💔🥺🙏
Donate 5$ enough the change my life
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instagram account @/nutella_i_i .
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Verified by @palestinegenocide @queerstudiesnatural @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @northgazaupdates @apollos-olives @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
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My name is Yasmin, a 28-year-old mother of three—Elin, Nasr, and Jameel.
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I’m from Gaza, where every day is a struggle between hope and survival. Life was never easy, but we held on to the dream of building a safe and secure future for our children. After years of living in rented homes, we finally completed building our own house, a place we could call home.
But then, tragedy struck.
In the early days of the war, our home was bombed, leaving us with nothing—not even a single wall to return to. At the same time, I am battling cancer, and I had to leave with my children and family to the south of Gaza to continue my treatment. My husband, Mohammad, stayed behind in the north to care for his brother, whose leg was amputated and who needed his help.
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For a month, Mohammad cared for his brother, but one day he went out to find food. That was the last time I heard from him. I’ve lost all communication since, and I don’t know if he has been captured or, God forbid, killed. The uncertainty is unbearable, and my children keep asking for their father.
Now, I find myself alone, trying to provide for my three young children while also continuing my cancer treatment. I am in desperate need of help to travel for further treatment and to support my children, who have already lost so much.
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I am humbly asking for $5000 for myself and $2500 for each of my children, Elin, Nasr, and Jameel, so we can continue our fight for survival and rebuild our shattered lives.
Your support will give us a chance at life, hope, and a future. Please help us during this time of unimaginable hardship.
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Please support my campaign We are on the way to saving families and children🍉🙏
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Please donate and😭 participate to save the rest. Support, support.🙏
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#tumblr followers
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Children are living the most difficult times in this difficult environment. Please support, participate and donate.🍉😭
a photo taken for my sister wh has been suffering lots of chronic disease, specifically Spinal Muscular Atrophy ( SMA).
please help my family move to safety and peace till these black days end.
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Love ranting about Eve to my friends because it's either an analysis on their codependent relationship and how Jun metaphorically feeds on Hiyori's organs because she wants him to grow as an idol or
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gay men who don’t acknowledge trans men as actual men
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nintendo is a lot like disney to me in that i really hope i seen them die in my lifetime
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that scam allegation bullshit has poisoned the well for tumblr fundraising in ways i dont think we can fully even grasp yet. every other day i come across a new person ive never seen before passionately arguing that all palestinians are scams with rhetoric lifted directly from javert/triviallytrue and co. and even some mutated arguments growing out of them. i keep finding well meaning people to whom i have to explain that palestinians are not scams. there are so many normies whose only interaction with palestinians on this website is calling hussein and nairuz scammers. even when donation posts don't get routine scam allegations they don't get attention, as if everyone is now allowing their eyes to glaze over when they see pleas for help.
it was like this shockwave that knocked the wind out of our entire movement. wow!
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I wish people realized what a waste it is that they're not putting butches in their things. So often I see a male character and think if he was a butch woman he'd be the best female character of all time
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It’s crazy and fucked up that being yourself is actually the solution.
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since maiming and amputations have come up a lot in recent discourse over the last year, I think I’m finally gonna read jasbir puar’s “right to maim”
(free on her website btw)
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trying to "curtains were just blue" chainsaw man is so fucking funny. i dont even read it. fucking look at this shit
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the finger pointed like an uncle sam recruitment poster. the torch falling into the sea. the incident implied by shooting japan from the us. the grotesqueness of this beast. the beast's arms fused to the gun. are you seeing this shit
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I fully support Pluto as an aro symbol (x) but as a space scientist I cannot support any arguments that claim it's because Pluto should be a planet. The true reason Pluto is an aro symbol is precisely because people tie the amount of love and care this wonderful celestial body receives to which label it has. Just because a relationship with someone is not labeled as romantic should not mean that this relationship has to be treated as less worthy of time and care and effort. Just because Pluto is not labeled as a planet does not mean it is less worthy of our time and care and effort.
Here is another reason Pluto is aro: Pluto has a heart shaped region called the Tombaugh region:
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[ID: an image of Pluto and it's heart shaped Tombaugh region, with the moon Charon in the background. End ID]
Now, Pluto and it's moon Charon are tidally locked, meaning they always face each other with the same hemisphere. Pluto's heart is always facing away from Charon. Some articles have phrased this as being tragically romantic, but I disagree! Here are two celestial objects orbiting each other for billions of years, and they are doing this while Pluto keeps it's heart hidden. Because in this case, love is not part of the equation that makes up their bond, romance does not play a part in their gravitational pull towards each other. That's aro as fuck, in my humble opinion.
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Feck Perfuction ✍️
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Regarding Mina's description of Dracula and why it's problematic, a good starting point would be to read the Wikipedia article for physiognomy, which is the outdated pseudoscience of face reading that is unfortunately rooted in racism, antisemitism, ableism, etc., and was very popular during the Victorian era as a way to judge moral character based on facial features.
So when Mina says 'His face was not a good face', she is not just saying that Dracula is ugly (though concepts of ugliness and beauty are not value-neutral either), but that she can tell that he is evil based on his facial features; note that one of the facial features she singles out is a 'beaky nose', which comes from Cesare Lombroso's idea that among other traits, hawk-like noses are a marker of criminality on the basis of criminals being evolutionary throwbacks who are less evolved than non-criminals; many of these allegedly 'criminal' and 'degenerate' facial features are obviously racialized and not associated with Gentile whiteness, but in opposition to it.
Stoker was definitely interested in physiognomy and uses it as a narrative device to show how certain heroic characters are intelligent, perceptive, and educated on the latest (pseudo)sciences (the modernity theme again) - namely Mina and Van Helsing, but also Jonathan to a lesser degree; we will definitely see this idea come up several more times, including explicit references to Lombroso himself.
It is also important to remember that linking physical appearance and morality still happens today - think about how many people say they can tell someone is a bad person bc they're ugly or that 'People get the face they deserve' where good people age gracefully and bad people age poorly, even though aging has nothing to do with personal character.
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