sunshinewoods · 2 years
This is gorgeous!
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These started as Mucha studies, and then I got wildly sidetracked with emotions for Murderbot, as one does. (Will also post them separately, so tumblr doesn’t eat the quality. Tumblr, please. >.>)
[ID: Two images. On the left, a digital drawing of Murderbot in a dark blue, long sleeved shirt, and navy pants with many pockets. It sits sideways, mirroring the drawing on the right side. It is looking to the right and away from the viewer. It holds a broken SecUnit helmet in its bare hands. It is wrapped loosely in a light blue blanket. Behind it is a crescent moon shape with a green laurel and circular, leaf-like designs. In the open space of the moon is a red nebula, stars, and the vague shape of a planet and a spaceship. The background has soft, sunrise-like colours. The second drawing is of Murderbot in white SecUnit armour. It sits sideways, facing left, with both arm guns engaged. It has its hands crossed, there is blood coming from under its gloved fingers. It sits in a circular red shape resembling the Company C logo, with white detailing. Its back is plugged into the C via tubes, and its legs are tied together with more tubes. Goopy blood drips from the C-shape, and a purple path connects MB’s feet to the lower end of the drawing. It is filled with hands, grasping at MB for help, but not touching it. The background is dark grey with red details. /end ID]
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sunshinewoods · 2 years
Murderbot showing up in Exit Strategy like “whats up ive been on a journey of self discovery and i’m back. you’re doing everything wrong btw” is SO funny from PresAux’s perspective
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sunshinewoods · 3 years
The Gentle Wolf by Pia Foxhall – OUT NOW
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About The Gentle Wolf
Omega Aodhan Donne has buried his past, his life revolves around his chocolaterie, Little Star, a place where he creates sweet and happy memories. Demisexual, and used to being shoved in the friends category by the time he falls for someone, he throws all his energy into creating romantic moments for others in his store, neglecting his needs. His highlight for two years has been the man who visits his shop every Tuesday. Beta Thomas Wilson is an historian who believes the past should be unearthed, working as the curator at Western Australia’s only shifter museum, educating children and adults about shifter history. Quiet and hard-working, he allows himself to visit Aodhan at Little Star once a week, as a treat. When Aodhan decides he wants to get know Thomas better, he offers him a window into a complicated history that influenced the lives of shifters in the whole of Australia, and faces the possibility of Thomas learning too much about his dark past. After deciding to take it slow, their unconventional relationship becomes a whirlwind, sweeping them up together and blowing open the doors hiding their painful pasts. They couldn’t face their truths alone, but if they’re willing to face them together, Aodhan and Thomas may get the love they’ve always yearned for.
GIVEAWAY RAFFLE for Blackwood and The Gentle Wolf bundled together!
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The Gentle Wolf by Pia Foxhall (Perth Shifters #2) - Can be read as standalone! - Each book in the series focuses on different characters Queer (gay/demisexual ace spectrum character) m/m contemporary paranormal romance Set in Western Australia 99,800 words // 252 pages Cover by TiferetDesign Character art by Em Subscribe to the Foxhall Newsletter!
Curious about the world? 
An informal introduction to Aodhan and Thomas (with excerpt)
Five random things about Aodhan and Thomas
Blackwood (Perth Shifters #1)
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sunshinewoods · 4 years
This slow-mo video of my campfire tonight made me think of @not-poignant 's Eran dancing.
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sunshinewoods · 4 years
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Whenever @not-poignant talks about upcoming “villains” in Falling Falling Stars.
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sunshinewoods · 5 years
I would have fallen for the crown molding and tub as well.
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hands down the best twitter story ever
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sunshinewoods · 6 years
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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sunshinewoods · 6 years
Fic tag: slow burn
Me, cracking my knuckles: not if you read it fast enough
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sunshinewoods · 7 years
how to make money by writing hokey selfpub romance: a (nearly) complete guide
so a pal of mine who wishes to remain anonymous asked me for advice re: what to write for maximum selfpub sales, how to go about it, tips and tricks, that sort of thing. their first book took a few weeks to write, has only been out for a few days, and is already in the top 2,000 500 selling books on all of amazon right now, so i count that as a success!
i’m going to share my tactics with all of you because it’s entirely replicable and all of you are better writers than i am, so there’s no reason why you can’t smash it out of the fucking park too
this assumes you already know the basics of writing and all that jazz, and don’t find it too hard to write 30-50k stories. okay? okay. here goes!
Keep reading
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sunshinewoods · 7 years
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Mindhunter: a summary.
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sunshinewoods · 7 years
i’ve never related to lito more than when he was lying down in the middle of the street for the sake of being dramatic
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sunshinewoods · 7 years
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sunshinewoods · 7 years
Reactions to Supernatural being renewed for a 13th season
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The rest of tumblr:
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sunshinewoods · 7 years
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Steve’s Sketches: Bucky Barnes
Digital Pencil Drawing
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sunshinewoods · 7 years
Ten questions to ask a friend who just read your novel
Here are ten questions to ask that will not put your friend in a tough spot, but will still give you some useful input on your novel:
1. At what point did you feel like “Ah, now the story has really begun!”  2. What were the points where you found yourself skimming?  3. Which setting in the book was clearest to you as you were reading it? Which do you remember the best?  4. Which character would you most like to meet and get to know?  5. What was the most suspenseful moment in the book?  6. If you had to pick one character to get rid of, who would you axe?  7. Was there a situation in the novel that reminded you of something in your own life?  8. Where did you stop reading, the first time you cracked open the manuscript? (Can show you where your first dull part is, and help you fix your pacing.)  9. What was the last book you read, before this? And what did you think of it? (This can put their comments in context in surprising ways, when you find out what their general interests are. It might surprise you.)  10. Finish this sentence: “I kept reading because…”
Your friend is probably still going to tell you, “It was good!” However, if you can ask any specific questions, and read between the lines, you can still get some helpful information out of even the most well-meaning reader.
Source: Examiner
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sunshinewoods · 7 years
I WOULD READ THIS...just sayin. :D
Does the Gwyn of The Lone Wolf ever meets Augus? Is it easier for powerful Mage!Gwyn, who has not been so abused, to admit that he likes the brand of pain-pleasure-submission Augus offers? Or is it harder? And does the Raven Prince gets jealous of Augus, after Gwyn becomes interested in him?
All this stuff I don’t know for sure, because I haven’t written it, and because I never really planned to write it, so…I don’t exactly know?
That being said, the other Lone Wolf ask this week got me thinking about it, because I started wondering like, how Gwyn would come across Augus and if there would ever be a reason that Gwyn would seek his services.
I don’t think Gwyn would be a very sexually aware person under the tutelage of the Raven Prince. He’s probably tried it a few times and thought ‘what’s the big deal’ (because I don’t really headcanon Gwyn as having a particularly high sex drive in general) and the Raven Prince being asexual likely swung Gwyn away from that and told him not to focus on ‘physical pursuits.‘
So if any attraction between Augus and Gwyn were to spring up, it would likely come not from Gwyn seeking out his services, but from the two of them encountering each other in some other way. Maybe the Raven Prince wants Augus for his Court and - thwarted by Augus being like ‘fuck the Court’ - he sends Gwyn after him or something, or sends Gwyn to get to know him (and silently intimidate him lol).
Or maybe Augus wants to spite the Raven Prince, and decides to seduce Gwyn just to prove that he can. Gwyn finding out that he’s sexually submissive, as well as a masochist, outside of just…thinking he’s serving the Raven Prince, would be a hell of a shock to him. I think in needing construct an extremely arrogant facade around the Raven Prince, and in being very arrogant in his day to day with others (this is a Gwyn that definitely has servants), he’d find it hard to experience his submission around someone who didn’t rescue him as a child. I mean, to him, the Raven Prince is essentially his saviour. Outside of that, there’d be an emotional struggle that might even eclipse what’s in the canon? I’m not sure there. It’d definitely be difficult for him.
The Raven Prince is prone to jealousy, usually if someone attempts to take something or someone away from him that he perceives as ‘his.’ That very much extends to people. And he can be petty and spiteful (as we see in the canon, and also in The Lone Wolf). If Augus succeeded in seducing Gwyn or mixing up his loyalties, well, that’d be…well…
I’m just trying to imagine a really confused kind of triangle between Augus and Gwyn and the Raven Prince because firstly the Raven Prince is asexual and secondly Augus is not a believer in monogamy (he offers monogamy because Gwyn wants it, but up until that point in the text, he’s always wished for Gwyn to have more friends and even lovers if that was what Gwyn wanted), and Gwyn wouldn’t really see any conflict because Augus fucks him but the Raven Prince doesn’t and he loves both of them so where is the issue he’s happy with two masters.
Okay so I kind of answered your questions. But tl;dr I still don’t know for sure because I haven’t actually written it out. So this is just…idk, thinking out loud? Until it’s written, anything could happen. And I didn’t have a plan to continue that AU.
But you can bet I’m thinking about it now, lol.
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sunshinewoods · 8 years
PIA, YOU HAVE SLAYED ME! I'm half-way through For Real and I can't take all the feels. The writing is so hot and poetic and poignant that I'm beside myself. I sent an excerpt of the first chapter to my friend and now she's reading it too. I keep texting her things in all caps and in gif form. The writing is amazing and I love it like I love your writing and C.S. Pacat's. Just had to share!!
What are stories (fanfictions or original) that you like to read? Or maybe some of your favorite pairings? Do you have time to read much? What are some warnings or topics that turn you off stories?
Oooo, okay hmm, as for favourite fanfics, I have a bunch bookmarked over at AO3: 
Fanfics I like to read.
Unfortunately most of them are private bookmarks, but I think I still have over 100 or so that are public. (And something like 500 booked in total).
Keep reading
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