Types of Boys #11: Sweets
Candy Bar Boy: Warm hugs, loves winter but never goes outside in it, needs cuddles, soft as fuck, freckles, warm hoodies they let everyone borrow, hot chocolate, has a gap in their front teeth but it makes them look cute, phone is full of cute selfies they never post. 
Skittles Boy: Never stops talking about how gay they are, puts their hand on their chest when someone cute walks by, different colored nails and lipstick every day, bath bombs, always in charge of the aux and sings along to the songs, fuzzy socks, smells like strawberries. 
Sour Patch Boy: Makes fun of you but gets scared and apologizes after, their favorite color changes a LOT, tall, leaves kisses all over your face, the little spoon, has a collection of comics, rants even when no one asked, gets into new things quickly and easily. 
Popsicle Boy: Just wants it to be summer, colorfully filtered selfies, has a shit ton of friends but makes sure you know when you’re one of the close ones, sitting on pool floats, fruity drinks, a cute but deep laugh, blonde with dark eyebrows, muscles, always wearing tank tops. 
Caramel Boy: Pranks, wears the same worn out tennis shoes everywhere, curly hair, always looks kind of messy, slaps their knee when they laugh, video games, gives good hugs, will pick you up, failing all of their classes but still works hard, late night study sessions, falls asleep with their head on your shoulder. 
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❀   水   ❀
(Repost from Giphy - Not original art - I take no credit)
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Hey look, actual "unique" questions
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
8: Do you have freckles?
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your Song of the week?
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
25: What is your favorite food?
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
36: What is your usual bedtime?
37: Are you lazy?
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
40: Are you horny?
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
43: Are you stubborn?
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
45: Ever watch soap operas?
46: Are you afraid of heights?
47: Do you sing in the car?
48: Do you sing in the shower?
49: Do you dance in the car?
50: Ever used a gun?
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
53: Is Christmas stressful?
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
59: Take a vitamin daily?
60: Wear slippers?
61: Wear a bath robe?
62: What do you wear to bed?
63: First concert?
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69: Ever take dance lessons?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
71: Can you curl your tongue?
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
74: Own any record albums?
75: Own a record player?
76: Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
79: What was the last concert you saw?
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
81: Tea or coffee?
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
83: Can you swim well?
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
87: Ever won a contest?
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
89: Which are better black or green olives?
90: Can you knit or crochet?
91: Best room for a fireplace?
92: Do you want to get married?
93: If married, how long have you been married?
94: Who was your HS crush?
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
98: Whats your favorite color?
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
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N.tic aesthetics for Once Again ✨🌸
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How to feel like a faerie queen/king
*Fill your life with flowers
*Wear natural colors and dress according to the season
*Use rose water on your skin and in your hair
*Laugh often; laugh loudly and without inhibition
*Use a silk or satin pillow case
*Wear perfumes with lavender or rose or musk or citrus
*Put flowers (real or fake) in your hair
*Decorate your bed with ivy vines and roses
*Take a bath with coconut milk, honey, and olive/coconut oil
*If your hair is long, put it up
*If your hair is short, brush it differently–puckishly
*Eat a nutritious vegetarian meal
*Go for a long walk in nature
*Let the sun shine on your face
*Go barefoot if you can
*Dance without caring what you look like
*Kiss someone you love
*Spend time on skin care every day
*Use natural skin care products
*Make a clay mask with bentonite clay and rose water
*Use a body oil and a face oil
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I love this! 😍🍑
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it’s okay to breakdown sometimes 
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Happy belated Valentine’s Day babies 😭😭❤️🍑
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It’s one of these days here in Baltimore 😌 nice and cool. 🍑
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A happy apricot is a hapricot
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