sunspireport · 7 years
‘Reason’ Has Nothing To Do With It
Leather-shod feet stroll silently through the street. To the casual observer, she is but a small elf having herself a nice evening stroll through town. To the not-so-casual observer, she is a predator wound far too tightly due to too many hours sent behaving herself. She winds her way through the people bustling along the street with the agility and grace of a snake weaving between reeds, never touching a soul.
As she passes a group of dirty teenagers who are probably up to no good, she drops a small sack at their feet. Though the sack is filled with five hundred gold, it makes not a single clink as it hits the street. When not a single one of the little brats speaks up to inform her that she dropped something, she is convinced they are most definitely not up to anything good. “That was too easy. There wasn’t any fun in it.” “Why did you do that?” “That coin pouch reeks of magic.” “I am aware.” “Do you think I want that pretty purveyor -whatever a purveyor is- finding me if he figures out what he has?” “I thought that was the reason for giving it to him.” “Of course not. I only want to observe the fallout.”
She doesn’t stop at her little tent shop. It has served its purpose. She may return, some day, to set it up again. It’s been an interesting few days, playing shopkeep. Having people pay her for her little trinkets, as though they have value, has left her feeling an intense curiosity. She’ll have to experiment with these behaviors. Will others react as these people did to her creations? Shaking her head in bewilderment, she walks right past the grouping of tent shops and into the woods.
“If you wish to observe, why are we leaving?” “Because you’re hungry and I’m bored. I can solve both problems by hunting.” “You could hunt here.” “No. I may want to come back at some point, and I don’t want them on their guard.” The moment she crosses the tree line into the forest, the little rogue is swallowed by shadows, leaving behind a tent filled with various jewelry, sculptures, and trinkets -many worth hundreds of gold, some merely made of glass.
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sunspireport · 7 years
(Leona Letter and Riz Letter)
He had received the first letter from two massive Tauren. For a split second the crimson haired elf had feared for his life as the two bulky males stared at him with squinting suspicious eyes. It turns out they were the only ones from the postal ship that had been able to carry the massive package Leona had sent, and their squinting was from them not being used to the heavy sunlight in the area. He moved to the side and they came in, placing the map down on his desk with an ominous thud. He had paid them both generously for bringing it to him and then had read the letter. He had reacted in a multitude of ways, mostly anger and rage, that Leona had been tricked, that she had been put through whatever these trials were…and then sadness. She wasn’t going to return. Saeris had frowned at the last part, something was going to happen? He didn’t understand. He would wait until Riz came home, he would show him the letter and ask for his advice before replying, he had decided. 
Which made the second letter so much harder. 
He had spent three days pouring over the quartz monstrosity the young jewel-whisperer had made him. It was insanely detailed, his numb fingers had been tracing every ridge, every facet of the massive map of Azeroth so lovingly created. It had not moved from his desk, mostly because he could not lift it. He had been considering ordering a new desk…or maybe someone to put enchantments on the rocks so it could be levitated, when he received the next letter. 
‘I don’t think I’ll be returning to Sunspire’
The rest of the words had faded out, the small smile on his lips from the reminder of the Tiger and the Lotus falling as his heart clenched painfully in his chest. Leona wasn’t coming back…and now Riz. He tried to read the rest of the note, but the words wouldn’t process. It was like when he’d first come back and Shade had given him books, it had taken him three months to process written words again, to make them make sense, and now he felt like he was back at the beginning. When all he’d had was a name, and a place to go, and nothing else. He didn’t understand it. Had he been a bad boyfriend? A bad uncle? He knew his temper sometimes flared but…had he done something wrong for them to leave? 
What had he done? 
Saeris gripped the paper as he felt hot tears sting his eyes, Nara was not there right now, as she had gotten bigger she had begun to hunt on her own, returning three or four days to stay with him three or four days before going back out to hunt unless she was needed. She had left that morning. He began to pace, the letter placed next to Leona’s and he would walk up and down the entire cottage, reading them over and over until nothing made sense, trying to piece together. They spoke of love, of travel and of not belonging. They didn’t tell him how to fix it, how to repair whatever he had done to make his family leave him. 
Water my plants! 
Saeris absently flipped on the circulation system that kept the plants watered as long as they were gone, grabbing his bag and storming out of the house before he could wear a hole into the floor. He didn’t stop until he was at the door of the Wyrm, stalking inside and looking for the goblin that ran the establishment. 
“I nee’ th’ ring.” He said sharply, forcing his voice not to break. 
Greasenut raised a brow at him. “You ain’t drugged again are you?” he asked. “Not that I care about your well being but I wanna know what I’m gettin’ into y’know?”
The crimson haired quartermaster snorted. “No. I’m no’ drugged.” he pulled out a heavy satchel of gold. “Put tha’ as the pot, winner gets fifty thousan’ gold.” it was what he had been saving to take himself on a trip. This…this was the trip he needed right now. Mindless pain and fists and not thinking. 
It didn’t take Greasenut long to accept that, the bag was practically out of Saeris’s hand before he finished the word gold. In ten minutes the crimson lotus was back in the fighter pit, and while it was early, there was always someone who was willing to try and punch someone else for an exorbitant amount of money. This time was different, he would remember this, and he could leave at any time. He wasn’t chained, he wasn’t captured…he walked into the pit willingly, and he would either walk out willingly, or be carried out. Either way meant a break from the agony in his chest, a reprieve from trying to figure out how to make them come back. 
Love always, Rizzy
Love and kisses,  Leona
Saeris looked up at his first opponent. 
“You better make this good.” 
( @rizzythemonk @batandmole )
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sunspireport · 7 years
Bes’ Friends
There was one day before she would have to restart the Trials, and Leona found entering Silvermoon, frowning as she listened to the other travellers. There might be some records on the Oathblood in the Spire… and that should give clues to… “OY! ‘ONA!” She paused at the familiar voice, then stared at the girl that ran up to her in the uniform of a fledgling ranger, “N…neri?!?” “Like it?” the taller girl grinned as she twirled around, “Pa said tha’ since I’m ge'ing good, I shou’ try for the 'Striders!” she lowered her voice, “Gives Sunspire a right proper reputa'ion if t'kids like me and Davon join proper soc'ty. He brough’ me here the oth'day, packed a lunch an’ ev'ry'ing too! And Ma was one of the rangers, so Gwyds and I’s been fin'ing out all sor’s of t'ings abou’ her!” Leona grinned, “You’ll be around all the fancy ladies and lords too. May even be hired to do security at their estates.” “Gor? Y'think so?” Neri took Leona’s hands, “Maybe a proper lor’ will see me and fall 'ead o'er 'eel! Wot you’ve been doin’?” The two girls talked for a good long time, and while Leona didn’t tell Neri much of what was going on with her, the elder girl smiled, then gasped as she was handed the chain with the small coral dolphin she had made for her birthday. “Sorry I missed it…” “Gor, I 'give ya,” Neri grinned, putting the necklace on, and then looking at the stone, “You foun’ th'rock on our beach, didn’t ya?” “Yeah… and I know you said those were your favorite animals,” she gasped as the taller girl grabbed her for a hug. “I may not be yours yet, b'your my best friend 'Ona,” Neri said, “I’ll get jus’ as brave as you, promise,” she held out her pinky, “I’m gonna be the bes’ and cutes’ strider! An’ I’m gonna make t'uniform better too!” the owl on her shoulder (Gwydion had a crocheted white scarf with purple and blue flowers today), hooted his agreement, “The’ you and I can go on more trips.” “…just let me plan the routes next time,” Leona hooked her pinky with Neri’s, “I don’t trust your planning abilities.” “Deal!”
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@crimson-wings @sunspireport
@baroan-thunderhorn @generalcero
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sunspireport · 7 years
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sunspireport · 7 years
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REGISTER YOUR TOON: HERE or Message Us Directly!
Don’t miss this Horde Server Event! Rules & Guidelines for the RP D20 Duel can be found: HERE
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sunspireport · 7 years
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Moderators & Contacts
Kurelnth (in-game) | Kurel-andiel.tumblr.com (tumblr) Mavas (in-game) |Shaded-hawke.tumblr.com (tumblr) Oathblood (in-game) | batandmole.tumblr.com (tumblr)
Sponsorship by: Sunspire Port
Grand Prize: Game Token Reserve Grand Prize: 50,000g
Preliminary Rounds: July 21st, 7:30pm Server
Grand Championship: July 22nd, 7:30pm Server
Bracket System:
Roll System
1-2 - Critical Fail. The Rollee will suffer 2points of damage.
19-20 - Critical Hit. The Rollee will feel bolstered or empowered by something or someone and will deliver 2 points of damage.
Successful attacks and/or dodges may only apply towards Hit Points when the corresponding dice rolls are more than (1) apart. For Example:
Fighter A rolls 15. Fighter B rolls 14. The hit may land, but no damage is subtracted from their HP pool.
Each Preliminary Fighter begins with 5hp. This may be increased before the events begin, based upon number of participants and fights scheduled.
The system is a classic high roll / low roll. Before each emote round, participants will roll off to determine who makes an attack. The highest roller will be the aggressor and the lowest roller will be the defender.
Narrators may choose, on a low roll, to block an attack. However, they will still suffer a point of damage. Narrators may choose, on a high roll, to not use their attack for any number of reasons or add that roll towards something else (Getting back to their feet. Kicking someone off them. Collecting their wits and their strength). In this case, the low roller will suffer no damage points.
OOC communication is key throughout these matches. Both with each other and with the fight moderator. Work together to paint a wonderful encounter. Interact with the audience when it feels appropriate: Fall into them. Be thrown into them. Be creative. Try to make it a little something more than the average spectator sport.
The OOC Rules
1) Sign ups for D20 RP Duel event will open July 7th. Please register below by setting your in-game character name as your account name or edit your registration after sign-up to reflect your in-game character name.
2) Signs ups for D20 RP Duel event will close 2hours before MNR Event Opening Ceremonies.
3) Participants are requested to be online [ONE] hour before Opening Ceremonies begin for an OOC debriefing, unless other RL obligations [Family/Work] prevent this. In which case, you must contact an above representative through in-game whisper, mail, Discord or tumblr at any point before Opening Ceremonies.
4) Failure to be present for your fight when called, whether due to no show, d/c lasting longer than 5minutes, or voluntary drop out, will be considered an IC forfeit of a fight and the assigned competitor will advance to the next round.
5) Fighter posts must be kept between 1 to 2 paragraphs in length for time purposes. Large wall posts are not allowed, as they take significant amounts of time to both compose and read. Remember that clarity and directness is more easily understood, by both opponent and spectators. You are there to fight, not make word porn.
6) Opponents have 5 minutes to respond to the last action made. If an opponent exceeds this time frame, they will suffer a 1 HP loss penalty.
7) Fights are D20 rolls only. PvP is not an option.
8) Fighters and Moderators will be in Raid party together to keep attack/defend rolls hidden from spectators of the event. 
Additional Notes:
Due to the nature of fights, we can not be for certain what Time your fight will occur or when you will be called upon. If you are under stringent time restrictions, please inform the above listed Moderators beforehand so that they may better schedule the order of fights.
Two fights will run at consecutive times. One under the moderation of Kurelnth. One under the moderation of Mavas. Oathblood will assist on locating fighters and aid in moderation when necessary.
@msn-revelry | @shaded-hawke @kurel-andiel | @batandmole
@thedragonlorenews | @wowrpevents
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sunspireport · 7 years
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A grand thank you to the many people and the many guilds that came out to celebrate The Broken Chain. This was all made happening thanks to @batandmole and @velerodra We look forward to seeing the massive crowd again next time!
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sunspireport · 7 years
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(via https://open.spotify.com/user/1284594179/playlist/2flKltdvmp3PIKJj7VgiCs)
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sunspireport · 7 years
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Pirate Aesthetic  Golden Age of Piracy (1650-1726)
(Since I wasn’t able to find any sources of the pictures, if the owner recognizes some of theirs, please contact me and I’ll credit you.)
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sunspireport · 7 years
"Im looking to employ a small group with access to a boat that don't ask questions. Any suggestions on who might fit that bill?"
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The erly morning sun crept over the Port harbor as The First began to retreat back to the Sanctum beneath Aranya’s home. A curious smell blew across his nose as he heard a voice call for him, speaking words of sailing.” F’give me, mate, but I ain’ a Purveya’ anymore an’ the only ship I ‘ave at my disposal is sitting dormant. ‘ave ya’ checked wit’ the new Purveyor; I’m sure ‘e can get ya’ in contact wit the Blind Captain.”
@nixalegos mentions @sunspireport @kurel-andiel @captainduvide
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sunspireport · 7 years
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sunspireport · 7 years
The strike of a hammer to the head of a nail made the same sound as a nail being hammered into the lid of a coffin, except this nail was hammered into his wall. Yet, it carried the same weight of loss. The enchanted canvas with its painting of a vacant desert hill was hung on his wall in the sitting room and the amulet used to engage with it joined the many hundreds of personal artifacts peppered throughout his home. Another piece of his history come to an end with reasons as vague as his excuses for having put such distance between himself and Sunspire Port. Even the no longer thrumming shadow compass had found a final resting place, right beside the purple crystal skull that decorated his kitchen counter.
Washed from obligation, Kurel made his way down the private walk towards the shanty seaside town where The Lustrous Pearl was under clean up and repair, and The Broken Chain tavern received new furniture and stock through its open doors.
“Mister Hawke.” Rumbled Kurel’s voice as he came to stand abreast to a slender black haired elf in well kept clothing who was overseeing the reconstruction.
“Trade Lord.” Was replied ever so smoothly and for the first time in days, the faintest of grins crept along the edges of Kurel’s dried lips.
“Are you ready to make Sunspire Great Again?”
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sunspireport · 7 years
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Incorrect Quotes Bonus:
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sunspireport · 7 years
Creating new hubs (OOC)
So in case you aren’t aware, which is more than likely since I left the tumblr to die after I made it, I have one of those things called “alts”. He’s a pirate and I fucking love pirates so it works great for when I need a break. But we spend a lot of time in Booty Bay, which I really feel could be an amazing RP Hotspot if people took the initiative, own stores, pirate crews waking around, starting fights, getting to interact with other pirate guilds or other such sea-faring folk. Yknow, anyone who’s RP isn’t based in Stormwind or Elwynn. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of positive change in the WRA community, coming together for events, building in character relations between businesses and opening new shops in the city. So I want to make the attempt and reach out to people who might have those under played sea-faring characters that are looking for a hub outside Stormwind, alliance or horde, and if there’s enough people looking for interaction, we can get together and help one another out. Booty Bay revival project! (Maybe).
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sunspireport · 7 years
She set up the bottles on the beach, her thoughts running ever which way as she took out the sling and picked up a few more stones, then stepped away a good bit. I should just go now. I already told Uncle Rizzy I was leaving. At least the rocks were finding her mark each time she twirled the sling to have one fly at their targets… not as well as they could, but she was pretty sure that what happened last night shouldn’t happen again.
Hopefully Uncle’s head feels better by morning… She went to replace the targets, her nose scrunching in thought.
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And exactly what good am I doing by staying? I know some of the dragbrul and tauren the live here! And if the Bloodtotem get their hands on that… Papa and I camped here… I can’t leave and let something bad happen here. Captain and Uncle Saeris are counting on me. …I don’t want to just leave… She puffed out her cheeks, wondering why Papa wasn’t saying anything, she could feel the mist pouring from her eye. He doesn’t want me running away either… He never did get lost on purpose after all. Her fingers went to touch the fire opal, “Talah…” she whispered, “Not tonight. Too much activity here, I’ll try slipping away…” Leona paused, “I did slip away Talah. I…can’t leave yet. They still need me, the job’s not done, if you want, there looks like a safe place to hide the Opossum here, I’ll save you some of my rations if you want to follow us for right now.”
“We’ll go soon enough. Promise.” She put the necklace back under her armor, then bent down and picked up a few more stones. Most of the night she spent on that beach working on her skills with the sling. Sometime before her shift began she slipped back in the tent, giving Rizzy a kiss on the cheek to let him know that she was back, then stepped outside the front of the tent to relieve the person there. The small red head had taken out her vrykul blades, putting away the polearm in her bag, and she paced as she kept watch, her ears twitching as she listened for any sounds.
The enemies were out there, she could smell the demon corruption get closer. But no one came close enough to the camp to worry about, and she frowned, pausing a moment to listen. But nothing was there. 
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It was an uneasy feeling that gnawed at her gut, and she continued pacing, grateful when the sun came up and the others started to wake up.
@sunspireport @scions-of-antiquity @crimson-wings @rizzythemonk @kurel-andiel @crimsynlotus @generalcero
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sunspireport · 7 years
Still A Child
Deep breaths. Leona was busy even before Kurel changed the departure times, as soon as she gotten Mira out of that really weird mess, she busied herself in her job.
Sunrise still found her running up and down the masts, inspecting the ropes and knots, and ordering the rigging crew about in her quiet commands to ensure that, insofar as the rigs and sails were concerned, nothing would go wrong on the way to Highmountain. Luckily Uncle Rizzy had returned, she kept from giving him the biggest hug ever until after everything was set. This was going to be her last time on the Gambit more than likely. She doubted that Captain would forgive her for disappearing like she was about to do. Leona chewed the inside of her cheek, she loved it here. She took another deep breath, then sat down on the top yardarm for the mizen mast, letting her legs swing under her as she went through her plan one last time. The Opossum was already on the ship, she had stowed the outrigger canoe in the hull, already filled almost half the holding bag with dry rations and a desalinizer… and then she had packed the vyrkul swords and her polearm in the other half, packed rope, flint and steel… and equipped her wooden swords and a few knives on her.
Was she missing anything? She had the map, that was stuck in her belt, and she even packed a small sling, since… she apparently couldn’t shoot a crossbow. Stones she wouldn’t need to worry about, they’d come if she called. Talah was somewhere on the ship. Or at least she hoped he was already… she had told them they’d leave after they got to Highmountain and helped the Scions there. After all, Captain and Uncle Saeris were acting like they’d be there a while… there was a chance that neither would notice her gone. She puffed out her cheeks. Papa knew she was planning on getting lost… and didn’t say anything. It was sort of permission? And Uncle Rizzy seemed alright with it. There’s no real reason for me to stay. I’m just a kid after all… first rigger or not. And everyone keeps telling me not to worry so much. I should act more my age. The sea wind hit her face, and she glanced at the sun, almost time to go. She’d be back to Sunspire. Just… not for a bit. And this way, everything was on her terms. Vonic wasn’t going to take her away. She’d beat him in a fight and make him eat every bad word he said about Papa’s teachings. Besides… this adventure was going to be fun! Right? @sunspireport @scions-of-antiquity @crimson-wings
@rizzythemonk @kurel-andiel @crimsynlotus @generalcero
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sunspireport · 7 years
No one saw the monk come through the port. He had not been seen near the noodle vendor, nor his own home. He had not been at the purveyor’s office nor the docks; he was just suddenly and inexplicably on the upper deck of the Queen’s Gambit and calling out orders to the rig crew in a respectful calm that relayed seriousness without sounding harsh. Riz was topless, the black ink of his tattoos shifting like the reeds could really blow in the wind and the tiger licked its own paws clean of red coloring that had never been part of his artwork. He looked weathered, with bruises and light scratches that could have come from anywhere. The bounce and perk to his step was gone, instead replaced with silent footfalls like a graceful cat on the hunt. The only time it managed to return were brief moments he skirted around his captain to announce his presence. Just like the night he left Sunspire nearly a month ago he maintained a constant frown of disappointment. After Ilyea’s dice game he had stormed back to Saeris and in a tirade of frustration he had packed up the basics, kissed his boyfriend goodbye, and vanished.
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It was hard being back with all the whispers. Even if he didn’t intend to step foot into the port itself, he could see people starting to mill about, others delivering the last of supplies glanced his way; word would spread that the Trade Prince was back. It would be back to suffering all lengths of indignity and moronic presence. Demands on his time and skills by people who frequently acted like they were magically better than him, but still required him. They could at least respect him in some fashion.
“I responded to an insult. Would you take insults from a stranger?”
Rizzy tilted his head, “I am right now.”
Riz took a deep breath, his fingers feeling over the pocket watch hidden on his person. It would have to be stored in the cabin before they left… but for now it was a guiding force. He was so close to getting what he wanted. Kurel knew the payment needed to come and once the man healed from whatever fray he had found in the rig master’s absence, he would make it known that his patience was politely coming to a conclusion. Just a little more patience.
The real question he started to consider, as the Gambit disembarked from Sunspire and he could handle ropes and sea like he was born to them, was what sort of leader he would be once his excuse to ingratiate himself wore off? He smiled and mislead, quietly bent over backwards to get where he needed to go, but who would Rizzy become when he didn’t need to anymore? Who was he really outside of begging and borrowing to make Sunspire great? Considering his mentors: Kurel, Saeris, Mavas, Vel… Sunspire might be better off the longer he strayed from its shore.
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@kurel-andiel @crimsynlotus @velerodra
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