For any of ya’ll who are still well in the IT fandom as of 2020, please reblog this. I need reassurance that not everyone is gone.
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Notting Hill Reddie AU
So Richie and Stan co-own a small bookstore in NYC (Containing mainly bird related books even though they are in NYC and the only birds are pidgins)
- Eddie is a very famous movie actor who is just trying to peacefully shop in NYC
- He ends up in the store and he and Richie make a few dumb digs at each other before Richie realises who Eddie is (because some guy who was trying to rob Richie not 5 minutes before asks Eddie for his Autograph)
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Reddie hitman boyfriends!AU, anyone? I’ve been thinking about this a lot…
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Notting Hill Reddie AU
So Richie and Stan co-own a small bookstore in NYC (Containing mainly bird related books even though they are in NYC and the only birds are pidgins)
- Eddie is a very famous movie actor who is just trying to peacefully shop in NYC
- He ends up in the store and he and Richie make a few dumb digs at each other before Richie realises who Eddie is (because some guy who was trying to rob Richie not 5 minutes before asks Eddie for his Autograph)
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Notting Hill Reddie AU
So Richie and Stan co-own a small bookstore in NYC (Containing mainly bird related books even though they are in NYC and the only birds are pidgins)
- Eddie is a very famous movie actor who is just trying to peacefully shop in NYC
- He ends up in the store and he and Richie make a few dumb digs at each other before Richie realises who Eddie is (because some guy who was trying to rob Richie not 5 minutes before asks Eddie for his Autograph)
- After Eddie leaves, Stan walks in annoyed because everywhere was so crowded because apparently some famous celebrity was walking around and he didn’t have time to grab a coffee (And who really cares about celebrities anyway like oh my god get a life)
- Richie offers to go get Stan a coffee but on his way back he literally runs into Eddie and spills it all over him. In an attempt to make amends Richie offers for him to get changed at Richie (and Mike’s) place which is just nearby.
- Eddie agrees and the two make a lot of digs at each other (and Eddie’s mum) during the time. However, once Eddie leaves, Richie kicks himself because he just repeatedly insulted the cutest guy that he has ever met (and a celebrity!!)  
- Then Eddie returns because he forgot the bag with his book that he had brought from Richie earlier. He then kisses Richie right before leaving again because Richie is the first person to make him feel like a human in so long okay?!?
- This of course means that Richie spending a few days in shock because oh my god Eddie Kaspbrak kissed me my life is complete! And of course Richie watches all of Eddie’s movies
- A week or so later Stan tells Richie that he got a call from a Mr Kent staying at the Grand (Idk thats a NYC famous people hotel right?) Richie immediately calls up and Eddie tells him to come in the next day at 2
- However, when Richie arrives he is mistaken for a journalist and is taken to another room. Confused Richie goes along with the act, saying that he is from comedy central. When he finally gets to see Eddie its as an interview, and the two laugh quietly while trying to keep up pretences that it is an interview (they fail)
- Richie is then has to interview all the other main actors for the movie, and it takes him way too long to realise was a horror film about a killer clown (shoutout to Pennywise) and not a comedy at all.
- After all that Richie manages to get back inside to speak to Eddie some more and Eddie agrees to go on a date with him that night. However Richie soon realises that he had a close friends birthday, Eddie however agrees to go with him.
- The birthday is, of course, that of one Beverly Hanscom and the whole Losers club is there!
- They are all shocked that Richie not only found a date that not only could actually put up with him, but also famous af
- Richie and Eddie spend the whole night  doing their usual flirting teasing routine and Eddie fits in surprisingly well with the entire group.
- On their walk home, Richie and Eddie stop at a small comedy club where they spend the night talking happily and Richie reveals that he used to want to be a comedian before life and bills got in the way. The two kiss again that night before parting ways.
- The next day Eddie invites Richie to see a movie together and then out for dinner afterwards. While at dinner, the two hear the next table over (the bowers gang) making homophobic slurs about Eddie, to which Richie grows increasingly mad about before he stands up to give them a piece of his mind. Eddie drags him away but cant help wrecks them himself before leaving (never one to leave without getting in the final word).
- After that the two agree to head up to Eddie’s room but when Richie gets there he finds that Eddie’s wife had just flown in. Myra, being herself quite a famous actress, was immediately rude to Richie and dismissed him as hotel staff.
- Broken hearted Richie went back to his apartment alone.
- Over the next 6 months the Losers try to set Richie up so that he can get over Eddie but nothing ever comes out of it.
- Then, out of the blue, Eddie arrives on Richie’s doorstep after a tabloid scandal revealed that not only had Eddie had a relationship with a man (in college before he was famous), he had also let this man take revealing photos of him that had never been deleted.
- also that he and Myra are getting a divorce
- Richie lets Eddie stay with him and Mike and the two (excluding Mike - sorry) spend an evening entirely too wrapped up in each other. However, it ends with Richie valiantly taking the couch and Eddie in his bed.
- Mike is sure to tell Richie how much of an idiot he is before he also retires to bed. (He is sick of Richie annoying him because he is a lovesick fool okay!)
- Just as Richie makes up his mind to go and knock on Eddie’s door, Eddie appears and invites Richie upstairs, where they spend the night together. ;)
- The next morning the two wake up happily in each others arms and THE END
- nah jk we wish
- Somehow a bunch of reporters and paparazzi had discovered that Eddie was staying with Richie, lining the streets out the front of their small building and managing to snap many not so flattering pictures of Richie in his underwear.
- Eddie is mad and heartbroken because he thinks that Richie sold him out so that he could brag with proof that he slept with Eddie, and leaves.
- The two don’t speak for almost a year before Richie finds out that Eddie shooting a gay romcom in NYC for the next couple of weeks. Richie turns up to the set and is greeted by Eddie who seems happy to see him and asks him to stay around until he has a break. However Richie overhears Eddie telling one of his co-stars that Richie is just “someone from the past” and that he doesn’t “even know why he’s here”. Richie leaves broken hearted again
- Eddie drops by Richie and Stan’s bookstore the next day to apologise to Richie and to ask for them to try again (But with more sappy declarations of love and your mum jokes) but Richie refuses and the two part ways.
- Richie and the rest of the losers all meet up at Mike’s bakery where Richie tells everyone everything. They all try to convince themselves of Richie’s decision before finally Stan tells Richie that he is a dumbass and to go get his man.
- The whole losers gang end up in Ben’s car and the drive full speed to where Eddie usually stays only to find that he had already checkout to head back to LA. However they are also told that Eddie has a press conference currently being held across town.
- The gang manage to only just get there in time (with Bill almost being hit by a car in order to redirect traffic so that they could get through) and they hear one of the reporters ask Eddie how long he is planning on staying in NYC. Eddie says that he will be leaving in only a few hours.
- A second reporter asks about Richie and their relationship, which Eddie answer that he believes that they are still friends but nothing more.
- Finally, the manager calls upon Richie to ask a question. Having not really planned what he was going to say all that well, Richie apologises for being a dumbass and not recognising when he should have that he shouldn’t have given Eddie up. He promises to fight for and love Eddie more than he loved Eddie’s mum (which lead to some very confused laughs from the crowd.) and asks if Eddie believes if he could ever love Richie.
- (all hypothetically of course cause richie is meant to be a journalist)
- Eddie asks his manager to ask the first reporter who Richie heard speak to repeat his question, to which Eddie replies that he would be staying in NYC indefinitely.
- cue cheering, crying and kissing
- Eddie leaves with Richie and the two spend the rest of their lives together (also Richie finally starts up comedy again and becomes reasonably well known) :D
The End (this time for real I promise)
someone pls write this properly cause I have no skill or commitment
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Okay so I saw this story about a rate dogs twitter account so I had to write a Reddie version.
- Richie has a weirdly popular twitter account where he rates different pictures of dogs
- One day he sees a tweet from Eddie who is annoyed that Richie is rating the dogs out of ten while also going considerably over the number 10
- Richie teases that he himself is living proof that 1-10 isnt a definitive scale
- After that Eddie continues to publicly insult and debate Richie's twitter posts while Richie is freaking out because not only is Eddie smart and sassy as fuck, he is extremely hot too, if his pictures are anything to go by.
- Soon they start texting, and then they realise that they have a mutual friend, Bev, so while Richie is in NYC for a SNL audition, he meets up with Eddie.
- Slowly the two fall in love, and as Richie has to relocate much of his life to NYC for SNL anyway it feels natural for them to start a relationship
- Eventually its been a year since Eddie first commented on Richie's twitter feed, so Richie acknowledges the momentous occasion with a video on twitter of Eddie fawning over their new puppy who he proudly rates as 10000/10
- Richie happily agrees
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feeling like maybe. i can only access love through fiction.
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richie, about to go down on some rockin’ twink: wait a minute. what would leonard bernstein do?
eddie: i want a divorce
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alt death scene
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