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THE JOYS OF WRITING:A Squirrelly Good Chap
I was on my way back from a bike ride just now in the most amazing thing happened.
I’d gone a little bit out of my way to hit a hidden path that curls around back the cul-de-sac we live in.
I love it! It’s company is always a special treat, if anywhere lead someplace magical my bet would be down it’s beat.
Anywaaay, as I was enjoying the crumbling leaves and fleshy piles of melted…
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THE JOYS OF WRITING: Silverlining Obligations
As soon as I sit down with my hands to the Keys all inspiration seems to evade me.
Some find their monsters are terrifying, but I find mine simply confounding.
Maybe I’ve faced death one time enough he no longer scares me, simply another hard to swallow reality.
I’ve found, these pills, once swallowed become a part of me. Immediately affecting the world as I see it.
I choose to trust in something…
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The Joys of Writing: Perception, and Other Little Acts of Freedom
The Joys of Writing: Perception, and Other Little Acts of Freedom
If you’re going to speak do it freely. Use words wisely but don’t spare them at my expense. I think it comes down to consistency. I’m almost convinced it’s in the actions we repeat, not the words that we speak that bears witness to our existence.
But only half of what I say makes sense, so these little pearls I normally keep inside for fear someone might criticize or defile them. But why would I…
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Wow… Sometimes the parallels that I’m met with while researching are astounding.
I hope you enjoy!
  Inside you and me I see a parallel to our substance,
We are all made of the same magical elements.
  A stars death is celebrated when its fate is excepted,
with a graceful bow, and a final show of brilliance it explodes,
and so a billion stories are spread at it’s…
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The Joys of Writing: A Poem for You <3 Part 2
The Joys of Writing: A Poem for You
A Midnight Meeting With My Muse
  A beautiful lady paid a visit to my dreams,
sprinkling musings of beautiful things throughout,
she left symbols glittering for me to wonder about,
  Through the hazy feelings, I called questions back,
but it didn’t seem to work like that.
She motioned me forward for one final look.
Hidden beneath a dreamy fabric lie a beautifully glowing book.
Bound with ancient…
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The Joys of Writing: How Great Books Help Us Live through... [insert life event here]
The Joys of Writing: How Great Books Help Us Live through… [insert life event here]
Setting aside insecurity in order to gain momentum again, especially in the face of defeat is bravery, easy peasy way to work out that muscle is facing whatever is biting at your heels head on.
Signing a dotted line under the promise of time and the freedom to pursuit in any other direction, because that is what excellence demands in exchange for a broader point of view that allows others to…
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The Joys of Writing: Failures Can Bear Fruit Too!
The Joys of Writing: Failures Can Bear Fruit Too!
I faced my first real failures in my early twenties. Things weren’t looking how I’d planned them too. A brand new dystopian dreamscape had stolen realities place. Unfold into a story which until now has been left untold. With an eight-year military contract underway, and drudging through not one but two unfulfilling degree paths day after day, I was well on my way to become a textbook case of…
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The Joys of Writing: A Peak into Weaknesses Becoming Keys
The Joys of Writing: A Peak into Weaknesses Becoming Keys
SIDEBAR: Treasure Hunts
  One of my earliest setbacks manifested as a struggle with words. authority figures around me just sure, I would need special attention, not to mention separation from my peers? Insult to injury in the eyes of a little pea, who hadn’t see the ways she thought as a bad thing… until then.
I thank God my mom saw opportunity where others simply saw weakness. She taught me…
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The Joys of Writing: A Poem for You
The Joys of Writing: A Poem for You
I’ve been at points I don’t care to mention here,
You are good enough to lend me your hearts,
I fear I might scare you away if I share all of my words,
So I will give them in doses, and those you care to share the most,
I will let your likes lead my memories.
(I hope you enjoy!)
All I can say is I empathize with both sides of a never-ending spectrum
Infinite positions are…
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The Joys of Writing: The influence of Personal Heroes, Humble Beginnings, and Gratitude on the Depressed Brain...
The Joys of Writing: The influence of Personal Heroes, Humble Beginnings, and Gratitude on the Depressed Brain…
Hello Fellow Readers!
On my journey toward uncovering my writer’s voice, I’ve found myself in the dungeons of self-pity more often than I’d like to admit.
The ‘woe is me’ lamentations of others echoing more clearly around me. In my weakened state, society’s ‘anything goes’ environment seems way too happy to back me up. Doing their best to come up with excuses and labels to suit my bad attitudes…
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The Joys of Writing: There's No Place Like Home
The Joys of Writing: There’s No Place Like Home
Heroes and villains alike can never seem to get back to it fast enough. Be it a lair or a castle. Or a cabin in the mountains away from the world while submerging themselves fully into the true nature of it. Be it to celebrate, mourn, or lick their various wounds, seen and unseen, visible and invisible… bruised egos often take longer to mend than those rendered to the skin, in my humble opinion.
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The Joys of Writing: Character Building
The Joys of Writing: Character Building
How to Mix a Princess
So it’s Sunday, and it’s snowing and my grumpy underbelly is grumbling about how cold my run is going to be. If the wind is blowing I hope she goes gently, in the meantime I will satiate my irrational irritation with everything through a little cooking, and cleaning, and writing.
Once upon a time, there was a writer. On her best days, she sat quietly facing her computer…
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The Joy of Writing: Heroes and Villains
The Joy of Writing: Heroes and Villains
In my, book, the first steps are always the hardest, they require very vocal spirits to shut up and listen, find their rhythm. only then can you raise a pen, or bring a keyboard for the occasion. Remember to play, or the story becomes tragic, playing to the emotions of the tormented writer.
The game is absorbing and absorbing until you are bursting with everything you might possibly know at one…
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The Joys of Writing
The Joys of Writing
I am turning over a new leaf.
  Every day, I write about fantasy worlds, sometimes I get caught up in dystopian landscapes so sinister and closely parallelled to our own, it’s no wonder my self-prescribed morning practices include plants, roasted beans, a little sweat, and topped with a chapter from the most beautiful love story of all times.
  To anyone with an active imagination, or if you are…
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Picture of the Day
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NOTE TO SELF: Never stop playing with yourself, gender, politics, noisy newscasts, never satisfied masses, devastating crashes…. social isn't the spectrum to spend your life second guessing. Somethings are concrete, God given, and as solid as the science behind them. I've fallen in love with men and women alike, doesn't make me a…
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