supergirl16 · 5 months
arghhhh how to du grow ur blog. icl i’m ded jealous of u and all it followers and all ur requests and stuff. help a girl out 😭🙏
sure, here's what i could think of !!! :3 💗
use tags like "konig x reader" or "konig x reader smut" instead of "call of duty modern warfare 2" because using the cod mw2 is really broad and vague, people will be searching for something specific, so using tags like "konig x reader" or "ghost smut" will boost your account onto the dashboard (hopefully!)
i post quite often, and multiple times a day. honestly, i think uploading often, or having a schedule is important. of course, prioritise your needs first, don't push and force yourself on bad days because you'll lose motivation. but personally, i like to keep a schedule. (i do really enjoy writing though, i find it passes time!)
interact with your followers! reply to comments, reply to requests, help people out, and if you're comfortable, answer their messages! you don't have to do whatever you don't want to do, but i enjoy speaking with the people that support my work - i love responding to dms, i love reading their work when they want feedback and talking about their ideas. :)
this is more of a personal thing i do when writing (don't force yourself to do this if it isn't your writing style), but i usually describe the 5 senses; smell, sight, hearing, touch, taste. i think it adds detail and gives more context :3
and most importantly in my opinion, find what works for you. if you think that your long fanfics don't get as much traction, or don't get boosted, try other methods, such as drabbles or small blurbs. some people (myself included) enjoy to read smaller blurbs, that don't take a while. i like reading quick posts, small ideas that people want to share with their followers.
and TAKE YOUR TIME, it doesn't happen over night! i started in may 2023, and i'm so appreciative of the community of people, supportive and kindhearted people who always manage to brighten my day <3 🌷
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supergirl16 · 5 months
my tumblr jesters....tell me a funny
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supergirl16 · 5 months
Dec. 12, 2023: Biden describes Israel's military conduct as "indiscriminate bombing" (Source: Associated Press) Dec. 21, 2023: NYT Investigation confirms Israel "routinely" bombs "areas it designated safe for civilians" (Source: NYT)
Dec. 29, 2023: Despite the well-documented war crimes against Palestinians and the humanitarian catastrophe inflicted by Israel ... *the US sends more weapons*
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(Source: Associated Press)
This is not defense, this is not justice, this is an affront to international law. Palestinians are being decimated at this very moment. ISRAEL MUST STOP THE CARNAGE. THE U.S. MUST STOP THE COMPLICITY. I haven't seen Palestinians or Gaza trending on Tumblr for the past several days — we can't lose momentum. DON'T LOOK AWAY. KEEP UP PUBLIC PRESSURE. PUSH FOR PEACE.
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supergirl16 · 5 months
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supergirl16 · 5 months
The Scab & The Scar I
Basim Ibn Ishaq x GN!Reader
Warnings: Implied NSFW
Word Count: 1140
A/N: Happy New Year, everyone :) I finished writing this while I was recovering from a hangover, so hopefully it doesn't feel too rushed. I realized halfway through the story that the fanfic might be getting too long, so I've decided to cut it into smaller chapters. Hope that's okay!
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Many years ago, before you were tasked with traveling around the world and spreading the word of the Hidden Ones, you and Basim were attached at the hip.
It was bound to happen. Two young novices, both taken under the wing of the assassins at a relatively young age and bearing a relentless thirst to prove the world what they were made of. Your personalities clashed at first; training under the same tutor would prove to be a disaster. Thus, for the sake of balance, you were mentored by Rayhan’s teachings whereas Basim was trained by Roshan.
You took training seriously – not that Basim didn’t, but it wasn’t in your nature to indulge in large gatherings at night. Roshan was just like you in that regard; but you were not her ward, and your actual mentor had different plans in mind for you. Instead of retreating to your tent by sunset, Rayhan urged you to join the bonfire of rowdy novices. It is there that you come to know Basim properly, and like the fire that crackles every night, a spark ignites between the two of you.
It starts off small – you spar together, wooden swords in hand as you dance around each other; but then training escalates into gifts and spending time together at night, long after your peers have fallen into a deep slumber. You undergo the ceremony together, showing off your hidden blades and new robes to each other. Basim jokes that you have to put these things to use, and suggests patrolling together from time to time; but even once your duty is over, you come to rest together by the bonfire once more. For you, it’s a sacred ritual. A time for the both of you to bask in the silence of the night and just exist. He tells you stories of his childhood as he pokes at the embers, the stars in the sky, the world he’s always wished to travel and see with his own eyes; words meant for you alone. During one of those nights, comforted by the warmth and light cast by the fire, you share your first kiss. It’s gentle, inviting, and safe – there is no rush, and no words are exchanged for the rest of the night; but you figure he has no regrets from the giddy grin that adorns his face, and the longing glances he sends your way the next morning.
Basim is a bit cheeky by nature, you’re aware of this. Wherever you go, his hands follow, and if your duties keep you apart for far too long, he comes to whisk you away. That kiss by the bonfire turns into two, then three, and then you lose count. He steals kisses from you when others aren’t looking, brushes his hand against yours when you walk past; and like a spell a witch has cast on you, you start seeking him out too. Basim notices, and he can’t help but smirk everytime you linger close to him. It warms his heart, really; and the feeling only intensifies when you both learn you’re being sent to Baghdad to dismantle the order of the Ancient Ones together.
Baghdad gives you mixed feelings to this day. You know the man has been plagued by nightmares in his past, but neither of you are expecting them to return and throw him off balance the way they have. He struggles to sleep, and you start to worry when he talks to himself or thrashes around at night.
He never quite speaks of what he sees. He claims he doesn’t understand it himself, even after so long, and continuously apologizes for waking you up. You tell him you don’t care about being woken up, relishing the warmth of his hand which clings to yours for comfort, and you’re awarded with a squeeze. The assassin’s headquarters are a safe haven for you, and Basim releases a relieved sigh before pressing his lips against yours. This kiss pales in comparison to all the other ones back in Alamut – they were fleeting, teasing even, whereas this one is slow and drawn out. It grounds you both in the reality that you’re there for each other. This kiss is here to stay, and so are you.
The air grows hotter when he closes the distance, and your hands begin to explore each other’s skin. He swallows your sounds, bodies intertwined as you roll onto the bed; and you spend the night tangled in each other’s limbs, sheets coiling around the both of you and squeezing you together like a snake of love.
Baghdad was supposed to be a new chapter for you after that night, but fate had other plans. Basim becomes torn, a beautiful rose hurt by its own thorns; a flower to be admired from a distance, but not touched. He doesn’t shut you out, not really, but you can tell his mind is elsewhere everytime he comes back from a mission. Although he struggles, he speaks of what he’s learnt regarding the order and his visions; and the irony twists your heart when you realize that despite the amount of clues he’s discovering, Basim feels more at a loss than ever.
It all changes when Alamut is attacked. Fuladh shoves a satchel bag into your hands when you are summoned to the bureau, ordering you to protect the few books the Hidden Ones hold sacred – and run. Far, far from the ambushed camp you were built upon, and into unknown territory. Find the other Hidden Ones, convince outsiders to join – anything to help your people’s cause and creed, if they were to be completely slaughtered in this battle. 
You want to ask him where Basim is, but time is ticking. Fuladh hops onto his horse and rides East, towards Alamut. The bureau is now vacant, and even if the people of Baghdad continue to go about at a leisurely pace, you know there is a war raging next door, painting the dunes and mountains in crimson red. If you do not leave right away, the order will find you. 
But the pounding in your heart tells you you can’t leave just yet. You scale up the buildings, leaping from roof to roof even when your muscles throb in pain, pushing yourself to check all the spots you know he visits. The House of Wisdom, the garden, the Bazaar. But you find Basim nowhere, and the revelation constricts your throat. For whatever reason, he is no longer in Baghdad; and if he is on his way to Alamut, then your lives part here. You are needed elsewhere, now. Going to Alamut would ensure the extinction of the creed.
And so, with a heavy heart, you turn away from the one place you’d called home over the years, and steal a horse for your escape.
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supergirl16 · 5 months
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Hytham: why didn’t u snatch it from him after he said that?
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Basim: fuck that bitch... mf got me rethinking everything and i hate him now.
Basim rethinking his life choices
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Basim thoughts”why didn’t I just do it like him before cutting a damn finger off??”
(Ik its ugly . I’ll try to improve my comic art cuz I’m only good at making one art piece and drawing one person! But thanks for this new challenge I had fun drawing this for you . Oh btw I did this while I was in college 💀)
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supergirl16 · 5 months
for those who would like to support Palestinian olive farmers, equal exchange has Palestine-sourced olive oil! they're an amazing worker owned co-op that works closely with local farmers to support sustainability and pay fair wages.
i frankly cannot afford it, but i know some folks can and would like to get some. it comes in packs of 6 bottles, so if you can get 6 friends together, each person can pay for one bottle!
they also have some of the most delicious coffee and hot cocoa mixes that i've ever gotten, and the same approach applies. given how horrific farming and labor practices are in both of those industries, i highly recommend supporting them and getting some amazing products in return if you can afford it.
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supergirl16 · 6 months
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squishies for when you need a nap
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supergirl16 · 6 months
just so you know
@basimbigtits is my other account. I’ll post some basim / assassins creed Valhalla and mirage related art (with y/n if u want) … why am I saying this ? So if i post the art here instead of the other account i wont be called a stealer (or you reposted without permission) .So if you want me to draw you something u can request :D
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supergirl16 · 6 months
*IMPORTANT REPORTING* A Times Investigation Tracked Israel’s Use of One of Its Most Destructive Bombs in South Gaza
(Source: New York Times | Last Updated Dec. 22, 2023) During the first six weeks of the war in Gaza, Israel routinely used one of its biggest and most destructive bombs in areas it designated safe for civilians, according to an analysis of visual evidence by The New York Times
Here's a clip for easy access, but please WATCH the FULL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE with no paywall * Warning: Graphic Content* Ultimately, the investigation identified 208 craters in satellite imagery and drone footage. ... the findings reveal that 2,000-pound bombs posed a pervasive threat to civilians seeking safety across south Gaza. Reporting By Robin Stein, Haley Willis, Ishaan Jhaveri, Danielle Miller, Aaron Byrd and Natalie Reneau
This is not defense, this is not justice, this is an affront to international humanitarian law. Stop the carnage.
The international community must do more than merely profess the defense of human rights; it must also ensure compliance in practice. DON'T LOOK AWAY. KEEP UP PUBLIC PRESSURE. PUSH FOR PEACE.
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supergirl16 · 6 months
i replayed AC valhalla
Cuz I wanted to see basim . I couldn’t buy the new game cuz i need to buy things for myself
ANYWAY HERE IS SOME PICS I TOOK . When basim was first introduced:
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Basim doing the peace sign before trying to kill eivor:
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(and i love him)
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supergirl16 · 6 months
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             —   FROM THE VOID, WITH LOVE    !
                             AO3     |     SPOTIFY     |     PINTEREST
a masterpost for the drabble series by yours truly. a revisitation of a well-loved story; watch two forever-lovers fall in love again. canon divergent, set during loki (2020). 
READ ME !  /  completed  ;  8/14/21
1.    the beginning of the beginning  2.    apartment CMY9 3.    dress code 4.    pester pester 5.    absolutely miserable 6.    blunder #1 7.    expectations 8.    control variable 9.    a time disguise 10.  fingers entwined 11.   half a sandwich 12.  beauty sleep 13.  the perfect storm 14.  a million meteorites 15.  keep on 16.  home is the heart 17.  petal-mouthed 18.  rib of adam 19.  desperation 20.  heart-haunted 21.  touch 22.  one more almost 23.  an ode to the void 24.  the catharsis of venus 25.  the end of the beginning
1.   the sacred timeline 2.   the variant timeline files 3.   the tag 4.   the god & the scientist 5.   fan art
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supergirl16 · 6 months
btw this account is also mine . I’ll post some y/n and basim art ( cuz it’s in my ipad and idk how to move my art from the app im using) Im thinking to post my art and the stories behind them .
basim bin Ishaq x virgin fem reader
tw ?): nsfw .(tell me if I missed any)
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You and Basim sat on the cliff in Alamut looking at the rest of the assassins from above ,the sunset was beautiful ,birds going back to their nest to turn in for the night , Basim was looking at the sunset thinking out loud “there’s something inside the is calling me in .i don’t what it is but I must know “ Basim said then he looked at u to see your reaction , u stood up looking angry “ absolutely not Basim! people who enter never come back ! I won’t lose you to some voice in ur head !” Basim stood up looking straight into ur eyes “Nehal said-“ “ WHO IS NEHAL BASIM THERE IS NO NEHAL AROUND ” You looked at Basim angry , he keeps talking about entering the temple over and over again but you always tell him no because you know who he will never come back , not as a dead body but as a different person .if he enters and know his own identity. You will lose your lover .” I’m tired of hearing about her and never see her” you said and turned your head . Both of you Sitting back down .
“ well- wait are you jealous.?” He said smirking “ I’m not ! And who would get jealous for you? Ew” YOU ARE , you loved basim since the day he became an assassin. Tho you’re not an assassin but a healer for them. Whenever they are injured your there for them. That’s what got you to love basim, a day never passes without him getting injured and coming to you. You and other assassins joke about him hurting himself just to see you “ I don’t know… maybe someone named (y/n)?” He said and was getting closer to you “ you know (y/n) ….sometimes I see how you look at me .and when I look back at you my heart goes crazy for you “ he took your hand into his. You looked at him, trying to see if he’s joking around. “Thought I’d never hear you say this” you said as your faces got closer until your lips touched. Both of you started to kiss passionately, your arms wrapped around his neck while his right is holding your face and the other is on your waist . as the kiss got heated , you started to remove each other’s clothes, basim clothes were annoying cuz they were layers of fabric . But yours were easy to get rid of , all he had to do was pull your dress up .
after getting his clothes off , he started to kiss and suck on your neck. Then he pulled,” are you sure about this ? Or do you want us to stop? “ he said “ don’t stop my love” you said while pulling him closer to you , his hand went to your chest , touching and pulling on your nibbles . You moaned loud ,and that made his cock throb, he can’t take it anymore he needs to be inside you ,inside that warm and tight virgin cunt “ I can’t hold it much longer… I need you” he said lining his throbbing cock to your entrance. “wait!… be gentle please I’m … a virgin “ you said , a little embarrassed “ don’t worry my dear. I will be gentle and there’s nothing to be. Embarrassed about.” He started to push himself in . ‘Oh god. She’s tight ‘ he thought to himself, he can’t hold back ! You’re so tight and your pussy is warm!. “ahh basim please.. ha. I need you so bad.” You said moaning as you run your hands through his hair. His soft and beautiful hair. He pushed until he’s all in. , filling you up with his cock . He started to move in and out slowly so you can get used to him , even tho he want to bully your tight hole and fill it up with his cum, make you his and have children with you. He can’t stop thinking about you carrying his child .that got him to start thrusting.”ohh your so tight. I think I can’t hold back .forgive if I hurt you “ after he sa Your eyes got wide as he started thrust faster, your moaning isn’t helping too, it keeps driving him crazy.
your bodies were hot .sweat rolling down ,foreheads touching, panting sound can be heard .basim thrusts were fast ,his cock going in and out in a hard and fast way but you enjoyed the feeling. His cock reaches places where it drives you crazy .”you like that ya rouhi? (My soul) do you want me to fill you up until your pregnant?” Basim said looking into your eyes . “ah… yes yes! keep going my love, i want to have your baby ” Your moans makes him thrust faster . It’s like music to his ears , he put his hand on your mouth to quit your moans so no one else can hear you moan for him. He’s a jealous guy after all. Feeling like he’s closer to your finish he started to suck on your neck , leaving some marks behind to mark your his only . “Ohhh yes baby right here… I’m about to cummm..” at this point your a mess . Panting, sweating and horny for him, “ i am too… cum with me my love . Let go” after few hard thrusts you both came .
“Ha… are you fine my love?” He said looking at you . Seeing if your hurt “I am fine …. That was crazy . I’ve never done this before.” You both broke out laughing . Looking at each other , basin put his hand on your lower belly.” I can’t wait to start a family with you love .” He kissed your cheek and got his scarf on you.”I love you” you smiled at him” and I love you “ you said and kissed his lips one more time “ let’s rest now my love , we have a long day tomorrow “ you said , standing up to dress you self , leaving basim behind. The voice inside his head is no longer there and the thought of entering the temple is no longer there. Guess it all needed a pussy to make him forget. He chuckled and started to dress up. Laying down beside you, he kissed your head and pulled you to him . Both falling asleep in each other’s arms.
lolll that took me long 😭😭anyway guys tell me if you like it and if you want more
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supergirl16 · 6 months
basim bin Ishaq x virgin fem reader
tw ?): nsfw .(tell me if I missed any)
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You and Basim sat on the cliff in Alamut looking at the rest of the assassins from above ,the sunset was beautiful ,birds going back to their nest to turn in for the night , Basim was looking at the sunset thinking out loud “there’s something inside the is calling me in .i don’t what it is but I must know “ Basim said then he looked at u to see your reaction , u stood up looking angry “ absolutely not Basim! people who enter never come back ! I won’t lose you to some voice in ur head !” Basim stood up looking straight into ur eyes “Nehal said-“ “ WHO IS NEHAL BASIM THERE IS NO NEHAL AROUND ” You looked at Basim angry , he keeps talking about entering the temple over and over again but you always tell him no because you know who he will never come back , not as a dead body but as a different person .if he enters and know his own identity. You will lose your lover .” I’m tired of hearing about her and never see her” you said and turned your head . Both of you Sitting back down .
“ well- wait are you jealous.?” He said smirking “ I’m not ! And who would get jealous for you? Ew” YOU ARE , you loved basim since the day he became an assassin. Tho you’re not an assassin but a healer for them. Whenever they are injured your there for them. That’s what got you to love basim, a day never passes without him getting injured and coming to you. You and other assassins joke about him hurting himself just to see you “ I don’t know… maybe someone named (y/n)?” He said and was getting closer to you “ you know (y/n) ….sometimes I see how you look at me .and when I look back at you my heart goes crazy for you “ he took your hand into his. You looked at him, trying to see if he’s joking around. “Thought I’d never hear you say this” you said as your faces got closer until your lips touched. Both of you started to kiss passionately, your arms wrapped around his neck while his right is holding your face and the other is on your waist . as the kiss got heated , you started to remove each other’s clothes, basim clothes were annoying cuz they were layers of fabric . But yours were easy to get rid of , all he had to do was pull your dress up .
after getting his clothes off , he started to kiss and suck on your neck. Then he pulled,” are you sure about this ? Or do you want us to stop? “ he said “ don’t stop my love” you said while pulling him closer to you , his hand went to your chest , touching and pulling on your nibbles . You moaned loud ,and that made his cock throb, he can’t take it anymore he needs to be inside you ,inside that warm and tight virgin cunt “ I can’t hold it much longer… I need you” he said lining his throbbing cock to your entrance. “wait!… be gentle please I’m … a virgin “ you said , a little embarrassed “ don’t worry my dear. I will be gentle and there’s nothing to be. Embarrassed about.” He started to push himself in . ‘Oh god. She’s tight ‘ he thought to himself, he can’t hold back ! You’re so tight and your pussy is warm!. “ahh basim please.. ha. I need you so bad.” You said moaning as you run your hands through his hair. His soft and beautiful hair. He pushed until he’s all in. , filling you up with his cock . He started to move in and out slowly so you can get used to him , even tho he want to bully your tight hole and fill it up with his cum, make you his and have children with you. He can’t stop thinking about you carrying his child .that got him to start thrusting.”ohh your so tight. I think I can’t hold back .forgive if I hurt you “ after he sa Your eyes got wide as he started thrust faster, your moaning isn’t helping too, it keeps driving him crazy.
your bodies were hot .sweat rolling down ,foreheads touching, panting sound can be heard .basim thrusts were fast ,his cock going in and out in a hard and fast way but you enjoyed the feeling. His cock reaches places where it drives you crazy .”you like that ya rouhi? (My soul) do you want me to fill you up until your pregnant?” Basim said looking into your eyes . “ah… yes yes! keep going my love, i want to have your baby ” Your moans makes him thrust faster . It’s like music to his ears , he put his hand on your mouth to quit your moans so no one else can hear you moan for him. He’s a jealous guy after all. Feeling like he’s closer to your finish he started to suck on your neck , leaving some marks behind to mark your his only . “Ohhh yes baby right here… I’m about to cummm..” at this point your a mess . Panting, sweating and horny for him, “ i am too… cum with me my love . Let go” after few hard thrusts you both came .
“Ha… are you fine my love?” He said looking at you . Seeing if your hurt “I am fine …. That was crazy . I’ve never done this before.” You both broke out laughing . Looking at each other , basin put his hand on your lower belly.” I can’t wait to start a family with you love .” He kissed your cheek and got his scarf on you.”I love you” you smiled at him” and I love you “ you said and kissed his lips one more time “ let’s rest now my love , we have a long day tomorrow “ you said , standing up to dress you self , leaving basim behind. The voice inside his head is no longer there and the thought of entering the temple is no longer there. Guess it all needed a pussy to make him forget. He chuckled and started to dress up. Laying down beside you, he kissed your head and pulled you to him . Both falling asleep in each other’s arms.
lolll that took me long 😭😭anyway guys tell me if you like it and if you want more
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supergirl16 · 6 months
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Some day I will go back to drawing full illustrations, until then.
Man floating in space.
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supergirl16 · 6 months
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Revives this blog only for the amount of assassins creed art coming. I just finished the game and I'm big HHNMH NDHDHD SKSKSKDNSKEKJS rn
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supergirl16 · 6 months
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I had a son.... I miss him terribly. Even now
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