superhumankrp · 4 years
Hello everyone.
We are sad to announce that we have closed this group. To everyone who had joined us or has shown interest in Superhuman KRP, we thank you and we hope that you all are doing well.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Jean Junsang Giraud ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Human. ]
How he arrived at Neocity:
Jean Junsang Giraud (Sangie, for short), was born in Marseilles, France, to two loving parents. His father had been adopted from Korea by a french couple. His mother a Korean exchange student who fell in love and decided to stay after graduation. His mother actually came from Neocity, having her own quirk, but because it was so low-key, she decided she could survive outside the city. The family slowly grew, Sangie being the second oldest of 4 kids total. He was the sweet older brother who’d always be there for his older sister and younger siblings, but he’d always preferred his Korean side to his french side. When multiple of their children started to show signs of quirks, the couple decided it was best to move back to Neocity. Provide their children with a stable, safe environment to grow up without being bullied for quirks and get the guidance they need. Out of all 4 children, Sangie was the only one who was quirkless. His parents still loved him unconditionally, just like their other children and he grew up to be a happy, sweet boy. The only regret they had was feeling like they didn’t always pay him as much attention as they should, sometimes too busy with the other siblings who weren’t always in control of their quirks. Sangie never blamed them for this. He knew it wasn’t easy having powers, he saw how his siblings struggled at times. In fact, it was the reason he discovered art and that he was actually pretty good at it, to the point he decided to make it his career, picking the arts major in college. On the side, he made some friends and sometimes they’d paint masterpieces on the sides of buildings. His parents were happy he found his way. If only they knew that the graffiti murals they critiqued were partly made by their son… To this day, he resides in Neocity, still studying. His goal is to travel the world someday, but for now, he’s fine where is now.
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Kang Yeosang / Ateez
Full name: Jean Junsang Giraud (Junsang)
Nicknames: Sangie, Jeannie
Age: 21
Sexuality: n/a
Residence: University Dorms
Occupation: arts student at Neocity university, side job at Lotte Mart
Personality: Sangie is a very sweet person. He comes across rather quiet and shy but once you get to know him, you’ll see who he really is. He loves arts, gaming and chocolate. He’s caring and thoughtful, always putting others before himself, though he has his savage moments. Generally just a cutie.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Yoo Hyunsik ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Magnetic Touch. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Hyunsik possesses the qualities of a magnet, meaning his skin is able to magnetize to certain metals but only within a short distance of him. Although many say that controlling a quirk is simple it’s not that easy when your body is a literal magnet.
LIMITATIONS:   Despite his newfound ability he is still learning the ropes of what he can and can’t do. So far Hyunsik has figured out that he is able to magnetize only for two minutes but since he isn’t able to willingly control his ability he tends to attract whatever small metal comes his way that is within a short distance.
SIDE-EFFECTS:   Due to his newfound ability Hyunsik is still not able to control when he can use his ability which causes him to blank out during the duration that his ability is in use as well as hearing the sound of white noise which can become almost deafening for him. After the use of his ability he is rendered sensitive to the effects of electromagnetic disturbances.
How he arrived at Neocity:
Growing up in the apartment that was just above his father’s corner store with his two older sisters in Neocity. Hyunsik and his sisters would always help out at the store, always meeting new people that would come in for a quick snack or just chat with the regulars that would frequent there. One day while helping his dad out they had met a family that had travelled from China to South Korea, Hyunsik watched as his father conversed with the family, being the outgoing child he was he introduced himself to the man and woman’s son from there he learned that his name was Lin Yi. Soon both the families had become close with one another, Hyunsiks father always offering a place for Lin Yi’s family to stay everytime they would visit Neocity. Always looking forward to seeing Lin Yi and his parents as they would talk about the places they have travelled to as well as bring gifts to share with Hyunsik and his sisters. As time went by both families would occasionally visit each other but it was never the same as it was when all the children were younger due to being busy with their academics and work. But one day after hearing about Lin Yi’s parents tragically passing away Hyunsik reached out to Lin Yi offering his friend to move into their home as he thought his friend would be more comfortable surrounded by people he considered family rather than be alone. Helping Lin Yi adjust to his new life in Neocity had its ups and downs but Hyunsik and his family were always there to offer their full support to their new family member. During this time he watched as his eldest sister’s powers had become more evident as they had gotten older, always envying his sister as she would show her siblings her power. It made him wonder if he was going to get a quirk of his own? Not really thinking much about it he continued on with his daily life watching as the majority of his class had begun to show their powers he shrugged it off, already accepting that maybe him not having a power would be for the best. It wasn’t until Hyunsik had gotten accepted into university that his power had begun to slowly start to show. One day after class, Hyunsik went back to his dorm to take a quick nap before his next class started. After waking up from his nap, he woke up to an assortment of random objects sticking to his body. Obviously a bit unnerved by what he had woken up to he called his roommate making sure he wasn’t getting pranked but when his roommate had told him that they hadn’t been there all day he called his family for help as he didn’t know what to do, his quirk had finally become apparent but he had no way of controlling it. It’s going to take some time to adjust to his quirk but in the meantime his childhood friend Lin Yi had offered Hyunsik a job at his cafe as a waiter in order to make sure that he isn’t getting into trouble since he can’t fully control his ability just yet.
Other Information:
Faceclaim (Name/Group (or occupation): Choi Soobin of Tomorrow X Together (TXT)
Full name: Yoo Hyunsik
Nicknames: Hyun
Age: 19
Sexuality: N/A
Residence: Neocity University Dorms
Occupation: Student at Neocity District University + Waiter at Moonrise Cafe
Personality: A clumsy loveable giant who has the tendency to be very clueless about the world around him but often he is very open minded to learning new things around him.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Lin Yi ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Ice Age. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Lin Yi has the ability to create, shape and manipulate ice. He can do anything from making sharp icicles as a weapon to putting some ice into your warm water. The quirk can be both dangerous and harmless, depending on the user.
LIMITATIONS:  Lin Yi must have water in order to create the ice, he can not spawn it out of thin air. Due to this, he always carries a water bottle on him for safety, as one would a pocket knife or pepper spray.
SIDE-EFFECTS:  The side effect of Ice Age causes Lin Yi’s body to grow increasingly cold the more ice he uses. This can lead to his whole body being frozen for a duration of time, typically until the ice melts. While frozen, Lin Yi is completely vulnerable. Lin Yi doesn’t often get to this point though, as the lowering of his body temperature from the ice disables him enough.
How he arrived at Neocity:
 Lin Yi loved to travel ever since he was a kid. He was lucky to grow up in a family privileged enough to do so. He was an only child, so it was fair to say his parents spoiled him. But even though Lin was spoiled, he didn’t act like it. Lin loved helping others and took joy in befriending everyone. The abundant traveling also allowed him to try many countries' food, and he fell in love with it. Cooking and traveling were his two favorite hobbies, so he practiced the culinary arts everyday at home until he was old enough to go to school for it. 
When he was about to graduate high school, something tragic happened. Lin’s parents passed away in a house fire while he was attending class. Lin was devastated, as his family was all he thought he had. But they weren’t all he had. Due to his kind nature and lots of traveling, a friend from Neocity in South Korea reached out to him, offering a home for him. He was shocked, and moved in with the friend and their family. The move from China to South Korea was difficult, especially with everything going on, but he was extremely grateful. Here, he attended culinary school and had a part time job to help pay for rent. He didn’t have to, but he was so grateful to his friends' family he insisted. Once graduating culinary school, he opened up his own business in the city and moved into the Monstera Apartments. Lin opened up Moonrise Cafe, a place where one could go eat healthy and delicious food, but also feel comfortable and relaxed. He wanted his cafe to be a go-to spot for many, and to feel like a home for those who needed it. Due to this, he strived for a friendly and relaxing environment, wanting to make everyone feel like they belong somewhere.
Other Information:
Faceclaim (Name/Group (or occupation): Cai Xukun / NINE PERCENT
Full name: Lin Yi
Nicknames: Lin
Age: 23
Sexuality: Bisexual
Residence: Monstera Studio Apartment 
Occupation: Owner and Head chef of Moonrise Cafe
Lin Yi has a resting bitch face, and he is very much aware of it. To combat this, he tries to smile often when first meeting others so they can see his true intentions. Lin Yi is a kind man who loves his business and is passionate about it. He tries to make friends wherever he can around town, having connections almost everywhere.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Cho Minkyu ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Hypnotic Voice. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Minkyu’s voice is highly hypnotic. He can put people into a trance wherein simple suggestions sound like undefiable orders, during which time he can influence them into doing whatever he wants.
LIMITATIONS: He can’t hypnotize large groups at the same time.
The trance he puts people in doesn’t last very long, the suggestions he makes are also forgotten once the trance wears off.
 Normal communication is incredibly difficult for Minkyu as he can’t really control his quirk.
SIDE-EFFECTS: The more he asks of a person, the more drained he will feel afterwards. 
If he uses it for negative purposes he’ll feel worse than usual; his intentions are directly tied to his health. 
Paranoia is the worst side effect. He can never be sure if someone likes him for who he is, or if it’s because of his voice. 
How he arrived at Neocity:
Cho Minkyu was born exactly 1 minute and 36 seconds after his twin sister Minhee, who will never let him forget that she’s the oldest.
Their parents moved to Neocity shortly before the twins were born, in preparation for a child born with a quirk. Their mother had one, and she swore that she could sense her children would too, just by touching her stomach.
Minkyu’s ability presented itself very gradually. It began with little things, like asking for a toy and receiving it with no fuss, only for his parents to wonder how and where he got it from a moment later, as if they had no recollection of ever giving it to him. He talked them into all kinds of things: ice cream for dinner, game consoles, trips to theme parks.
It never really worked on Minhee, however. The two were simply too close, as if they shared the same wavelength, making it difficult for Minkyu to be able to influence his sister in the same way he could influence others. It was irritating at first, especially when he would ask for the TV remote and Minhee wouldn’t give it to him, but over time it became a blessing.
In high school Minkyu was treated like a prince. He was good looking, charismatic, and was able to talk himself out of any trouble he ever got himself into. This went to his head, made him reckless with his ability, and worst of all manipulative. He had many friends, but only because he planted the notion in his classmates’ heads. He was popular, but only because those who disliked him ended up outsiders due to his influence.
When Minkyu turned fifteen, everything changed. He was confronted by a classmate, one who’d never really liked him, no matter what he did or how many times he tried to win them over with his voice.
It was only after being forced to look at his actions from an outsider’s perspective that Minkyu realized who he really was as a person. Awfully manipulative, a bully, a spoiled brat. All this time, things had been going so well for him but it wasn’t real. It was all a lie. He wasn’t popular for who he was, his grades weren’t high because he studied. Worst of all, he’d been using the people he considered friends– did he even know what real friendship was? Without his ability, who was he?
Horrified by the realization, Minkyu tried to right his wrongs. The biggest problem was, he didn’t know how to stop using his ability, it came as naturally as taking a breath. And so he began talking less and less, feeling secure in the knowledge that as long as he didn’t speak, people would be safe from his influence.
At some point he stopped speaking entirely, at least to anyone but his twin. Together they learned sign language, which was Minhee’s idea. She wanted to pull him out of the isolation he’d back himself into by giving him other ways to bond with people, although it was tough. By the time the twins moved out of their family home, Minkyu was so terrified of accidentally hypnotizing people that paranoia set in and he experienced an existential crisis, all at the tender age of eighteen.
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Park Jihoon, soloist / former Wanna One
Name: Cho Minkyu
Nicknames: Kyu
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Student and part-time model
Residence: Aurora beach houses with Minhee
In his early teens Minkyu was outspoken, confident, and charismatic. He could talk anyone into or out of anything at all and liked to be surrounded by people. When he was about fifteen however, that changed. He became withdrawn and more hesitant to speak, until he became almost entirely mute.
Despite his shift in personality, he’s still as cheeky as he used to be; especially when talking with his twin, who seems to bring out that side of him. She’s a comforting reminder that he has at least one person who genuinely loves him.
He often has bad days, where paranoia and existential anxiety become too much and he can’t seem to shake his gloomy mood. It’s taxing not only for himself but for the people around him and he knows that, so he tends to self isolate, which can make him feel worse. He also struggles with feeling alone due to being so hesitant to communicate verbally and spends a lot of time wondering if it’ll always be that way, and if he’ll ever properly connect with people.
Minkyu has little regard for his own safety and will try anything at least once. Taking risks makes him feel alive, which is exactly what he needs these days.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Moon Yuna ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Insanity Inducement. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: The ability to cause madness in a person or large groups of people ranging from simply “a little loopy” to completely losing touch with reality and becoming delusional, paranoid, and potentially hostile toward those around them (including her). If left unstopped she can bring people to total anarchy.  Unfortunately for Venus, she is still young and largely unable to control her quirk and it typically manifests at the worst times.
LIMITATIONS:  As stated, Venus cannot typically control her own quirk and it happens at inopportune times. It also affects those within a large range of her resulting in unintentional catastrophes. It does not work on animals, thankfully. It’s duration limited to 40 minutes maximum.
SIDE-EFFECTS: *Each and every time her quirk is used it causes her to forget chunks of time, ranging from the last few minutes before the onset of madness, to days in a row. This is why she journals every evening.         * Attempts to cause madness on her own result in vomiting. Instantly.
How she arrived at Neocity:
         She did it! Moon Yuna stands across the street of Neocity’s District University, a suitcase in one hand and a purse on the other arm. In one of her hands is her student information sheet and the newly printed academic ID card she has just been given. She’s made it! Marveled at it all her eyes fall to look at the little card with her picture and name on it, her red painted nails sliding over it like a worry stone she places all her hope in.
    Here, she could start again and be anyone she wanted to be. It won’t be anything like back home.
   She did it!
  TW; abuse
Six months ago;
    “It was just an audition I don’t see wha–” her voice is cut off by the bellowing of her adoptive father.
  “It’s disgusting! No respectable woman should be ‘auditioning’ for dance teams. It’s nothing but a bunch of nasty girls trying to catch the attention of boys. A breeding ground for nothing but sin!” his voice drowns on her protests and slowly kills off the hope she has for this being a calm night. “You should be thinking of getting ready to go to school and getting marr–”
  Yuna snaps, again. “I DON’T WANT TO BE MARRIED!” Then, realizing the volume of her voice, she instantly turns wide and fearful eyes toward her father. It’s already too late. Looming over her that tall and imposing figure that has haunted her life since she was 14, his dark eyes burning fury at her as his hand lifts.
  It’s been like this for years. Years of headaches from pulled hair, years of color correcting skin sticks to cancel out the blues and reds left behind, and nights spend applying for university after university and job after job just to get away from this place. But tonight… it’s different.
   Yuna turns her face to see that hand flying toward it and for the first time she fights back.
Mr. Moon was taken away not long after a phone call was made about screaming within the household. The curious thing is that as he was being taken away the man seemed to completely out of touch with reality shouting about how something evil was going to get him. Yuna, watched with a blackened eye and split lip as he’s carted off.
  Years. It’s been years that she’s waited to be free.
Other Information:
Faceclaim:  Yoon Young Bae / model
Name: Moon Yuna
Nicknames: Venus
Age: 21
Sexuality: Open minded
Occupation: Student of Criminal Psychology at Neocity District University and Dancer at Leviathan Casino
Residence: Neocity University Dorms
Despite the severity of her powers Venus is a bright and friendly young woman with a love for bad jokes and dark humor. Well educated on a variety of topics her specialties are the study of dead languages and criminal psychology which she enjoys talking about quite a lot (you may have to ask her to stop). Kind whenever she can be, Venus is aware that she must not be a doormat so she set her limits and sticks to them.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Zero ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Needle Projection. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Zero has the ability to emit needles out of any area of his body. These needles are typically 4 inches long and extremely pointed. He can project these needles out of his skin and at a specific target, immediately piercing the flesh of anyone it hits. Due to needles regularly emitting from his skin, Zero has a very high pain tolerance. The only time he truly feels pain is when his weakness activates.
LIMITATIONS: While his aim is impeccable, his needles can only shoot 20ft ahead of himself, and only a minimum of 25 needles can come out of his body at once.
SIDE-EFFECTS: The first warning sign is a nosebleed. If he continues to push himself, his body begins to burst out in gashes and open wounds, attributing to more blood loss and pain. The gashes can be small or even lead to needing stitches. 
How he arrived at Neocity:
When Zero was around 2 years old, his power manifested, leading to injuries for himself and others. His parents were disgusted and in fear of his power, so got rid of him quietly. The people they sent him too, was a hidden “lab” created by self-proclaimed human scientists who wanted to learn more about superpowers and what they do. When Zero arrived at the lab, he was stripped of his name and any other identity he had prior. He was raised in this building his whole life, being kept in a small room that was akin to a prison cell. Zero wasn’t allowed contact with any other human unless the scientists themselves were communicating with him. Zero never knew that living this way was wrong, as it was all he ever knew. Wake up, eat, get tested on, go back to your cold, dark room. One day when Zero was at the age of 19, the lab he was staying in got raided by the police and he was freed. Due to his state, the police set up a place for him to stay and somewhere to go to counseling until he was ready to be on his own. Once he turned 20, they deemed him able to live on his own without being a threat to society, as they taught him simple living methods and educated him on the law. Zero moved into the Euphoria Hills in Neocity, in order to live around people like him and to live as comfortably as possible. Here he got a job as a piercer, since he was able to emit needles from his body, it was perfect. Zero struggles daily with communicating with others, and often comes off as a robot. He also still fails sometimes to decipher right from wrong and will often get himself into trouble.
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Han Seungwoo
Name: Zero
Age: 20
Sexuality: N/A
Occupation: Piercer at Silvermoon Tattoo Parlor
Residence: Euphoria Hills
Personality: Due to being raised in a lab practically his whole life, Zero has, well, zero people skills. He was never able to fully develop any friendships or anything, so Zero doesn’t know much about life. All he knows is his routine from the lab. He lacks much of a personality, and doesn’t really know right from wrong, leading him to sometimes commit questionable acts, such as randomly throwing his needles at people. He does have a soft spot for animals, though. Perhaps with making more friends and chatting with residents more, Zero will become a new person. 
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Suttilawhut Paval ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Darkness Manipulation. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows: control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, ensue total insanity upon someone by shadows, teleport one’s self through massive distances via shadows, etc.
LIMITATIONS: becomes insane for a duration of time depending on the level of power used.
SIDE-EFFECTS: inherently evil and corrupted, exposure to light power and good power makes him more insane, thus making his powers unpredictable.
How he arrived at Neocity:
val was not always consumed by the darkness. he led a simple life, raised catholic and by the book from the moment he was born to the second he gained independence. he followed the rules, went wherever his parents requested, and of course, followed the church in every regard. but something was never right. his heart unexplainably grew darker in his adolescence: several exorcisms, requested by his family of course, were enacted, but none successful. for he was not corrupted by the devil, rather he was the devil. there was an innate darkness blooming inside of him, shadows that followed wherever he went.
he began to destroy everybody around him, slowly. at first, he thought there was something terribly, terribly wrong with him. he tried to pray it away, he tried to be a better person, but it never worked. he was condemned to a life of insanity rooted deep behind his intentions. there was something wrong with him, but he grew to be fond of it. as he watched those around him, those who had always forced him into a box of conformity and blind submission, crumble and lose their minds… he realized he loved it. there was nothing he wanted to change. this was who he was.
neocity was a place regarded to him by the shadows. he was guided to a place where there were others like him, others gifted with abilities unlike any other. a chance to meet people and perhaps change his ways…
yeah, right.
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Ten - Wayv
Full name: Suttilawhut Paval
Nicknames (if any): Val
Age: 28
Sexuality: Pansexual
Residence: The Euphoria Hills
Occupation: Owner of ‘the leviathan’
Personality: Unpredictable, methodical, psychotic, narcissistic, destructive.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Morimoto Hideki ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Smoke Generation. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Smoke Generation; allows Kiki to create smoke from his body which means he could blow smoke from his breath or his hands. Also can be easy to use to choke someone due to how dense it can be the more he gives.
LIMITATIONS: This type of power Kiki has would have to be used in a rather close range. It’s best used in a closed space to fill up a room with smoke for defense if needed. The man creates it but cannot manipulate it to have a wider range of things he could do. It’s also best used in close range fighting than long-range.
SIDE-EFFECTS: Naturally, smoke and gas are made from high heat to an object whether that’s in a solid form or liquid form. To compare, when Hideki uses his smoke generation powers it does take a toll on him causing body deterioration in a sense. In a mild aspect; if Hideki plays with his powers lightly from his hands or mouth that would cause dehydration. At first, he would get very thirsty before the water in his body drains from him causing his skin to go from fair to paper-thin. As for if Kiki was to use his powers for defense, meaning multiple smoke blasts, smoke breath, and hotboxing a room or building the side effects go passed dehydration and off to skin issues. Kiki’s body starts to overheat pretty much burning himself. He’s never gone too far with using his powers to that extent just because the pain is excruciating but he does have scars on his chest, where his body’s core is, from times where he’s scratched the surface.  
How he arrived at Neocity:
They say if you play with fire you will get burned. As a young boy, Hideki has always been interested in fire. He loved the sounds it made, the scent it left, and the look of it. Watching a flame dance either from the wick of a candle or a roaring fire of a bit in someone’s backyard were both mesmerizing. Kiki still remembers hearing his mother’s voice yelling at him, telling him to not play with matches, or keep his hands away from the gas stove but he was always pulled towards it. He wouldn’t be able to tell you what kind of pull it was but it felt otherworldly. Maybe it was fate.
At the age of 11, in the one-bedroom apartment he grew up in with his young mother, Hideki was awakened from his bed in a trance, slowly walking out of his mother’s arms to make his way to the one spot in the place he was forbidden to be in; the kitchen. Completely hypnotized, the young boy was able to click on all the burners on the stove, cranked up to high just watching. All it took was one wild spark to jump from the stove into a kitchen towel sending this run-down apartment to a wild blaze sending the whole complex into a frenzy as it spread throughout the rest of the 3rd floor and up the half of the building. When first responders found Hideki he had passed out from the smoke and his young mother had been trapped in the bedroom unable to get out. The Japanese man only remembers waking up in the ICU to his conservative grandfather there at his side with a deep scowl. Kiki then moved in with his grandfather who lived in a very traditional home out in Kyoto. Moving from Osaka to Kyoto was hard for such a young man especially growing up with his strict grandfather. Constant fights at home, fights at school, running away only to be dragged back. Hideki was a very angry child and his grandfather was having none of it petty enough to want to give his only grandchild hell for being the reason his daughter was dead. The last time Kiki was escorted home by the police after running away was the last time. His grandfather was on a rampage, so pissed off his blood was boiling but what he didn’t know was so was Hideki’s. One second Kiki was shoved into a wall and the next second he watches this blast of dark inky smoke whoosh from his hand the same time he’s pushing away the old man’s face. The 17-year-old wasn’t even thinking anymore, it all just came out naturally, blast after blast of smoke hitting his guardian in huge puffs until his screams had more smoke pouring out of his mouth into his grandfather’s face until he’s passed out. Weak and dizzy now, the teenager rushes out of his house and into Japan’s streets.
Fast forward a couple of years later, rumors of a city in South Korea being open for people with powers circulated in Japan for the nth time, just loud enough to catch the 22-year-old Hideki’s attention.  The young man knew of others in the world that had their quirks, some interesting powers, but they were all kept secret. People with powers were always either targeted or feared, even for someone living in a shelter, but Hideki was willing to give Neo City a shot. Who knew two years after moving to Korea, Hideki would be a better place than he could have ever imagined?
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Nakamoto Yuta / NCT
Full name: Morimoto Hideki
Nicknames: Hide / Kiki
Age: 24
Sexuality: Pansexual
Residence: Peachtree Condominium
Occupation: Waiter at La Roseraie
Personality: Hideki can come off kinda cold and distant. He’s a very diligent worker and puts his all into anything he does but once someone is able to gain the guy’s trust and prove to him that they aren’t scum like most of the people on Earth are, he’s willing to pull down his walls. Only then would those friends catch a glimpse of the playful personality Kiki keeps under wraps after his hellish childhood.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Lan Kai ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Life Vision. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Kai can see the lifespan of other people, whether by perceiving the remaining lifespan and the date of their death. He can gather this information by the touch of their hand. He is able to know the information; however, he cannot change anything about it. The life vision is sudden once the touch occurs.
LIMITATIONS: In order to see a person’s lifespan, Kai must touch their hand with deep concentration. He is not able to know his own lifespan due to this regulation with his ability. Kai is also unable to determine how a person passes; he can only determine when the person will pass. He cannot help another person prevent their passing, nor can he give much information of their death. He only knows when.
SIDE-EFFECTS: The ability itself is troublesome as Kai despises knowing when those around him will pass. He often does not want to know the person’s lifespan as it brings pain and horror to his mind. This ability brings about depression. After determining a person’s lifespan, it is rumored that he loses a second of his own. This is why he avoids ever touching someone’s hands. After the act as well, he has a slight bloody nose—nothing too concerning. As stated, as well, the vision is sudden. He can get a bit lightheaded following the act of the ability.
How he arrived at Neocity: {TW: DEATH/SUICIDE}
The sound of a pencil tapping against the surface of a desk echoes throughout the silent classroom. Students steal glances all about, wondering who was disturbing the concentration of the setting. A student whispers for the person to stop, but the sound continues. Irritation lingered throughout until the teacher spoke up.
“Kai,” the name was spoken, and there is a glare in her expression. The teacher was not fond that the young student of the name did not listen to them. “Kai, stop tapping your pencil. Everyone is trying to focus on their assignment.” But, the sound continued. The targeted student was not listening.
But that’s when the pencil dropped. Suddenly, the young fourteen year old was running out of the classroom, rushing out with a panicked expression. Never before has he ran this fast. He felt out of breath already, but he kept running. What no one saw, though, was that his heart was beating so fast, and tears cascaded along his flushed cheeks. He was crying. He was feeling guilty. He felt as if the world was suffocating him.
He banged on the door of his home, but no one answered. He twisted the door knob, and he was surprised to find the door open. Brows furrowed, and he panicked even more. That’s when he started to call his out for his mother. She did not answer, though. He yelled again and again and again.
He stops.
There she was, in bed, and she was pale. He began to yell again, running toward her and shaking her shoulders. He yelled for her, screamed, and he was crying even more. But, there was no point. She was gone. She was dead.
He waited in the waiting room that night. Police officers checked in with him, but he did not talk much. He was still traumatized. Eventually, his older sister arrived. She was much older than she, having married years ago and settled down with her own child. She ran toward him, crouching down before him and reaching to hold him. Kai backed away so quickly. He yelled, “No! Don’t touch me!” And the older sister was confused, wondering why he reacted so poorly. She reasoned, though, that it must be from the trauma experienced that day. He begins to cry again, and all she could do was sit beside him in silence.
Ever since that day, he’s avoided people. He never lets a person touch him in fear that he’ll learn that he’ll realize they will leave him all too soon. He still tremors from the memory when he learned of his mother’s passing. He saw the time, he saw the date, he saw that she only had two days left. He did not believe it at first, but it was true. At that exact time, she took her own life away.
He grew up very cautious of everything. His sister always worried about Kai, wondering if he’ll ever recover from the terror. But, he kept to himself. She wanted him to play sports, but he refused. His hobbies were lonely. He painted, he wrote stories, he went out to take pictures. That was his best hobby.
His pictures were even discovered. Published on a blog and on social media, the young boy was asked by an agency to consider working with them. He did not take the job right away. But, when he realized that college was not the best fit for him and that he was tired of his sister nagging him twenty-four-seven, he decided to finally accept the offer.
The job is what encouraged him to move out as well. He was making enough money from work and his own freelance work that he was able to afford his own place. He moved to a place where he felt more people would understand him. They would not judge him for everything.
It’s been two years now. Does he feel better? No. He still cries from the cursed ability. He worries each time someone accidentally touches his hand. He worries when he shakes a person’s hand for business. Each time, he is reminded of the horror. He can see when life ends.
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Dong Sicheng (winwin) from nct / wayv
Full name: Lan Kai
Nicknames (if any):
Age: 22
Sexuality: bisexual
Residence: Monstera Studio Apartments
Occupation: Photographer for Esteem Modeling Agency
Personality: Kai is a kind person who is cursed with the attribute of caring too much. He worries all too much about people, and this is troublesome as he often fears becoming close to people. Because of his fear of becoming too close to others, he is reserved. He does not share much about himself as he fears great friendships and relationships. Others may perceive this as rudeness, believing Kai may think he’s better than the rest, but that is not the case. He simply fears becoming close to someone and then suddenly losing them. He is a cautious person too, always careful with what he does. If a person gets to know him, though, he is gentle and kind. He can be a great friend.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Jung Seolhyun ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: 9 LIVES. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Her ability means that she avoids death involuntarily without any conscience thought. From tying her shoe that makes her miss a doomed bus to simply drying her hands before touching a toaster. She will get a sudden urge to do something else, that will prevent her from a death. Currently she is on her third life. 3/9
LIMITATIONS: She only has 9 lives, meaning with every clumsy mistake her lives get taken down.
SIDE-EFFECTS: After her 9 lives is activated involuntarily, she is cursed with often months of bad luck. These can range from simply stubbing her toe to losing jobs and friends.
How she arrived at Neocity:
As the first born and a girl, she was undoubtedly pampered to an almost extreme. This built into her overwhelming competitive nature and ambition, which lead her into a good career path law. She studied and worked hard, but often sacrificed her homework for her father’s whims which lead her to repeating her first year in uni. And it just kept getting worse and worse, until finally he spiralled too far for help.
After her father’s fall, she had to finally step up to plate she had not been expecting to ever fall onto her lap. Her masters in law took a back seat and her weakness for those she cared brought her into the ownership of Eden. So she moved from the big city to her home, Neocity.
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Kim Seolhyun / AOA
Full name: Jung Seolhyun
Nicknames (if any): Bear, Seollie
Age: 27
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Owner of Eden
Residence: Aurora Beach Homes
Naturally a leader she often finds herself taking control in difficult situations, however she often feels guilty for taking the lime light away from others. Shes apologetic for everything she does, always trying to keep others happy especially for those she cares about deeply. This has lead her to multiple deceits and horrid situations. Seolhyun would rather tell a pretty lie than the ugly truth any day, and this often ends in mayhem. Where things will simply snowball out of control, and in a way to gain control again she sticks to seemingly meaningless routines. She has an addictive personality, falling onto habits and routines to maintain her frantic life.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Cho Minhee ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Force-field barrier (undiscovered). ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: The ability to form a force-field around themselves which keeps her protected and repels most objects.
LIMITATIONS: As her power will be newly presented it will be a struggle for her to produce it at will, it will be more about emotional triggers.  She also won’t be able to keep it up for more than 30-60 seconds to begin with.  As her powers grow she’ll be able to keep it up for longer (but not longer than 10-15 mins). It will only extend in a 1m radius around her and the heavier an object the more likely she is to crack under the pressure and be unable to hold the barrier.
SIDE-EFFECTS: If she pushes herself too hard or for too long she will lose consciousness. It can also cause her nose bleeds and blurred vision.
How she arrived at Neocity:
When Minhee’s parents first found out they were pregnant her mother’s initial instinct was to move the couple to Neocity.  She herself had a quirk and though her husband was regularly human there was of course the chance their child would also be gifted.  So the couple packed up their lives and moved halfway across the country to a lovely two bed property, only to find out at their first scan that they were having twins.
Minhee arrived first, a whole 1 minute and 36 seconds before her brother Minkyu. Even from in the womb they were inseparable, bouncing and feeding off each other as they grew, sometimes barely having to speak to communicate with each other.  The pair even shared a room until the onset of puberty when the family moved into a bigger house to accommodate them all.
Their parents were always on the lookout for emerging powers, joking with each other about which one of them they would take after.  Minkyu’s quirk was subtle, them not realising it until around the time they moved house.  It would eventually all blow up though and result in a boy that only his sister could still communicate with properly.
But Minhee never showed anything. The older she got the more disappointed in herself she was that she wasn’t like her brother, or most of the rest of the city.  At least up until the point when she saw how it unravelled her brother completely; after that she became more accepting of the fact that perhaps she was just a normal human after all.
After graduating school Minhee applied for the local university to study BL being accepted and as soon as they turned 18 the twins moved out of home, finding their own little place along the beach.  These days she mostly acts as an interpreter for her brother, the pair having learned sign language to communicate in ways their connection wouldn’t allow.
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Lee Nagyung / Fromis9
Full name: Cho Minhee
Nicknames (if any): Min, Hee
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: University student and part-time sales associate at New Horizons.
Residence: Aurora beach houses with Minkyu
For the most part Minhee is quite upbeat and a little bit of a geek.  She has a habit of hiding all her negative emotions behind a smile so that she can be the rock needed for her brother and others.  She’s fiercely protective, especially of her twin and won’t think twice about getting into an altercation to defend those she loves.
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superhumankrp · 4 years
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Noelle Yang ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Valkryie Armour. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Noelle’s Valkryie armour is essentially armour, but water. Her Valkryie armour has a breastplate, faulds [torso], spaulders [refer to shoulder pads], vambraces [forearm], chauces [refer to thigh high boots], and a tiara. Wing-like ornaments hang around her ears, and two large wing-like ornaments stem from her lower back. Her armour’s weapon is a lance made of spiraling water. When the Valkryie armour is worn, Noelle can use it to glide through air using a jetstream of water, while her lance shoots out water attacks.
LIMITATIONS: Noelle can only materialize her Valkryie armour, nothing else AKA no one else is affected by her ability. She can only use her armour to glide through air for a short period of time. The armour also has a risk of evaporating if faced with fire, or freezing when faced with someone who has freezing abilities. Noelle also has a risk of getting electrocuted. On top of that, her Valkryie armour can only be worn for a certain period of time before her physical conditions start to deteriorate.
SIDE-EFFECTS: Since Noelle has a compromised immune system and is anemic, if her Valkryie armour is worn to her limit, she starts to get fatigue, weak, and may eventually faint or get sick. If Noelle is overstimulated while wearing the armour, she’ll be sore, and cramping, and may not be able to walk without pain or stiffness for a few days. Sometimes, recovery can take a week or even longer depending on how far the armour is pushed.
How she arrived at Neocity:
Born into a family of regular humans, Noelle Yang grows up with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her parents being well-off, she lived within the confines set for her, only doing what her parents allowed her to and never past their limitations for her. Noelle’s siblings, however, looked down on her for being the ‘goody two-shoes’ and for always trying so hard to please their parents; she didn’t mind, since she was shown continuous love and affection. That is, until her mother’s announced dead. Noelle doesn’t know the exact cause, but from enough snooping, it seemed as though their family rose into wealth with dirty money. After her mother’s funeral, everything started going downhill. Her father began to neglect Noelle and her siblings by busying himself with work, and because he was rarely in the house, he never witnessed the awakening of Noelle’s Quirk.
Noelle was a late bloomer, in terms of her superpower. While some would discover theirs at a young age, her armour finally showed itself at the age of seventeen. You see, Noelle became closed off and socially awkward after the death of her mother, staying homeschooled for the longest out of her siblings; she was only transferred into a normal school by sheer force of her father. This school wasn’t very friendly, and Noelle ended up in situations where she was pushed to defend herself. At first, it was dodging their hits, those catty girls and their claws. Then, their deeds built up, and a grudge and resentment grew within Noelle’s heart. She hated herself for being weak, she hated her siblings for instigating the bullying, and she hated everyone who went along with it. This hatred built itself up until it manifested, in the form of Noelle’s lance. She ended up sending five girls to the hospital, and she hoped that this incident would’ve scared off her other offenders. She hoped wrong.
The bullying intensified. Noelle became classified as other, became shunned and a monster that even her teachers feared her presence. This treatment was her turning point, and the little faith she had in humanity was completely destroyed. With this conclusion, Noelle’s chains broke loose, and she began to wild out in her last year of high school. Her behaviour doesn’t end up unnoticed by her father, however, getting called everyday for her skipping her classes or for hurting another student who dared to touch her. He takes out time to try and reach out to her, for once, but to no avail. Noelle is far gone: a deteriorating lone wolf cracking under her struggle. Her father begins to find his bottles of alcohol empty, his credit card transactions overrun by convenience store cigarette pickups, and his daughter slowly tatted up and pierced and rebelling.
Noelle’s father does try to better her behaviour, though. He starts restricting her movements again by dragging her by the collar to intern in his office, and he forces her through rehab and group therapy. All those solutions that were forced onto her were more damaging than healing, as her destructive behaviour worsened. The last straw was eventually pulled, and her father finally had enough. Noelle was actually sent to Neocity against her own free-will, at first, her father having discovered the municipality and immediately acting on moving her away. She hated her father for dumping her into an unknown place, but she eventually realizes that being alone in the city was the best decision ever decided for her, and she continues to reside in Neocity to this day.
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Kim Chungha / soloist
Full name: Noelle Yang
Nicknames (if any): N/A
Age: 24
Sexuality: Bicurious, Demisexual
Occupation: Piercer at Silvermoon
Residence: Aurora Beach Homes
Noelle is a 5 year-old kid trapped in a 24 year-old’s body. At a surface level, her character is defined by tsundere-like traits; her way of showing affection may come off as offending and mean to some, but she means well and has no ill intent towards anyone. Once you get to know her past her arrogant, and borderline bully persona, she’s socially awkward yet very sweet. Having been a sheltered child, she doesn’t know much about having a fun social life or exciting relationships, but she still loves to show her affection and care for her loved ones.
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