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The love of my life rejected me… for a blonde.
Cupid on Arrow 7x11 about Olicity. I love her  (via marilita)
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The Draw (01)
Summary: The whirlwind starts at the 2018 ACE Comic Con in Phoenix but you’re not sure where it will end…
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader
Warnings: None so far, but this is a super slow burn. Bear with me.
Word count: 4521
AN: For those of you have been around a little longer - this story was originally published on my secondary blog Leijona Writes, but then taken down again, so you may have already read it :) Either way, please let me know what you think! Also, I mention a picture somewhere in the story, I’ve put a link in the text just to give you some reference as to what I’m talking about :) And last, I don’t have a taglist, but if you follow Harley Sunday x Sebastian Stan you should see any update I post.
(Y/N/N) = your nickname
December 2017
“Oh, am I the best aunt ever, or what?” you mutter to no one in particular as you click the ‘buy now’ button on the ACE Comic Con website, adding two Marvel VIP tickets to your online shopping cart. After you finish the transaction, you pick up your phone just as the email confirmation of your order pops up on your screen. Finding your brother’s name in your contact list you hit the call button, printing out the tickets while you wait for him to answer.
“Hey loser,”
“Not a loser when you hear where I’m taking Jake next month,” you answer, almost giddy with excitement.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop spoiling the kid?” he lets out an exasperated sigh and you can just see him pinch the bridge of his nose in the same way your Dad does whenever he didn’t know whether he should be mad or grateful.
“He’s my nephew,” you argue, knowing very well that what you’ll say next will win your brother over, because it’s not the first time you’re having this argument, and you have pretty much perfected your persuasive powers over the years, “I know you and Sarah don’t get to spend as much time with him as you’d like, what with Sarah working night shifts at the hospital and you running your own business, and I want you to know that it’s not about that, ok? But he’s as close as I’ll get to ever having a kid of my own, Nate. I’ve been single since God knows how long, I don’t have anyone else to spend my money on and I really like spending time with the kid. Will you please let me?”
“You need to breathe,” Nathan grumbles.
“And you need to ask me where I’m taking him,” you counter, smiling even though he can’t see you.
“Fine,” he sighs, “Where are you taking him, aunt (Y/N)?”
“The ACE Comic Con in Phoenix!” you exclaim loudly. “We’re getting to meet Captain America, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier!”
Keep reading
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Pairing: Dominic Sherwood x Reader
Summary: Dom and Reader are cast mates and really confused when they find out that they are dating.
Warnings: Fluff
Words: 530
( Y/N/N ) = Your name’s nickname
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Their morning routine was simple. Dom would go take her from her house to give her a ride to the set and ( Y/N ) would have hot, black coffee for him and a toast. That day was no different. He went to her house by 7 am and she was already waiting for him outside of her building.
"Morning sunshine." He greeted when she got inside his car.
"Good morning to you too." ( Y/N ) answered giving him the goodies that she had prepared for him. She already knew that she would end it up feeding him the toast while he would drive but still. He always takes the first bite by himself.
The drive to the set was only twenty minutes from ( Y/N )’s apartment. When they arrived Dom opened the passenger's door and helped her get out. Her shoes were not perfect for the amount of snow that had on the parking lot.
"Christ. I didn't think that I will not be able to walk..." ( Y/N ) said and Dom gave her a smile.
"Come on... Hop up." He nodded at her.
"Dom... it's 7:25 am in the morning..."
"( Y/N/N ) you adore piggybacks... plus, you’ll break your leg if you try to walk on those." He still smiling at her.
"Yeah... I do." She admitted and finally hopped up to his back.
When they walked in and greeted the cast and the crew, no one seemed to be confused about them. They were used to it. Dom would give her piggybacks when ( Y/N ) wasn't able to walk, he would give her all her favourite snacks from his plate on the break and he would put his arm protectively around her when someone from the crew, man or woman, would be brave enough to go and talk to her.
On the other side, ( Y/N ) would let him put his head on her shoulders or lap, when they weren't shooting, stroking his hair. She would let him drink from her coffee or tea when he had finished his and she would hug him back everytime that he would put his hands around her.
"Put your girlfriend down Dom. You need to go to the makeup." Director said.
"We are not together..." He said to him and looked at ( Y/N ) confused.
"Are you sure about that?" He asked him smirking.
( Y/N ) opened her mouth to said that Dom was right, but she hadn't the chance to do that.
"Actually, no. I am not..." Dom said smirking back to the director. "Gotta go." Said and turned to look at her.
( Y/N ) still with her mouth open, now on shock, she looked at him while he was smiling at her.
"See you later, on set." Said to her and before she could react he kissed her on her lips and turned to leave.
"What on Earth just happened?" She asked no one particular still in shock.
"He just made your relationship official." One of their castmates said to her smiling like an idiot and turned to one of the cameramen. "You owe me 20 bucks man."
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Playing Innocent.
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Someone steals Reader’s food and she isn’t happy about that.
Warnings: Fluff
Words: 295
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( Y/N ) walked through the huge doors of the studio. Almost everyone was there. They had already finished their makeup and they were ready to start shooting.
“Who the Hell ate my lunch?” Almost yelled and Scarlett jumped in her sit.
Chris and Lizzie, who they were talking a little farther, turned to see what happened and Anthony took his gaze from his coffee to Sebastian.
“I have no idea.” Mark said to her raising his hands in defence when ( Y/N ) looked at him angrily.
“Guys.” Sebastian said and everyone looked at him. “It’s not nice to treat (Y/N ) that way. She is a castmate. Our family… A truly great, smart and professional young lady…”
“You did it!” ( Y/N ) shootout stopping him and Sebastian froze while everyone, from the cast and the crew, started laughing.
“No, I didn’t.” He defended himself.
“You son of…”
“Language!” Chris stopped her, still laughing, but he stopped talking when she turned to look at him.
“YOU!” Said to him “You’re not funny.! And you…” Now she was walking to Sebastian who he started to enjoying it how mad he made her. “You’re buying me lunch! I didn’t spend my free afternoon yesterday to cook free meals for you.!”
“Fine…” He said smiling to her. “I will.”
( Y/N ) gave him one last look before he opens his mouth and said.“Today… I promise. Buying your lunch.” She made a winning noise and turned to leave. "It’s a date.“ He said to her and she turned back.
"Wait, what?”
“A date.”
“No it’s not…” She freaked out. “Sebastian…” she said trying to catch up with him while he was walking away. “Seb.! Wait… it’s not… STAN you asshole stop walking I’m wearing heels…!" 
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Meeting Seb or Bucky for the first time and having an argument with him, even if he reminds you of someone... fluff and funny. love with the first sight.
I hope this one’s good!❤
Drabbles Saturday
“Would you shut up?” You said playfully as Natasha giggled. She had just told you of how she had defeated a guy at pool and took his entire wallet with her without him even realising when you barely made away with a ten dollar note last night at a bar.
“Well sorry if i was interrupting” a sarcastic voice halted you and Natasha’s conversation. You looked up to see the newest addition to the Avengers. James Barnes, Steve had introduced him two days ago, stating that he had been out of cryo and you had only managed to meet him now. “I was talking to Natasha” You replied and Bucky rolled his eyes, throwing his paper cup into the bin. “Are you serious?” You retorted.
“Its funny how you ask me to shut up when your voice was so loud I could hear you from overthere” Bucky replied, his eyes daring you to reply him. “I didn’t ask you to listen anyway” you said, Natasha stood up walking away deciding she didn’t want to be involved in the banter. “It was hard not to hear how you couldn’t even get ten bucks doll” he replied, and you glared at him.
“Nobody asked you to eavesdrop Barnes” you said, pissed off. “You were so loud I had trouble not hearing you” he retorted. “Yeah maybe well you should seeing that you’re a grandpa” you replied, not caring how childish you sounded. “Grandpa? That all you got?” He teased and you glared at him. “You’re ancient” you added and Bucky chuckled. “You know if you need someone to teach you how to nick wallets, just ask” he said jokingly.
“I don’t need a teacher” you replied, biting your lip. “Really doll?” Bucky asked, a smirk on your face and you couldn’t help but admit that for a 100 year old man he was handsome. If it weren’t for those blue eyes, you could have sworn you would punch him. “Don’t call me that” you scowled knowing you clearly lost the fight. “Maybe I want to sweetheart” he said, his voice gentler than it was before. You looked up at Bucky, a blush and a smile forming. You just couldn’t get angry at him for long.
Send me your headcannons!
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Rebel Without a Cause (1955) -  American drama film
IMDb rating - 7.8/10
Category -  Drama
Story -  A rebellious young man with a troubled past comes to a new town, finding friends and enemies.
Director -  Nicholas Ray
Writer -  Nicholas Ray (story)
Cast -  James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo, Jim Backus
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Playing Innocent.
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Someone steals Reader's food and she isn't happy about that.
Warnings: Fluff
Words: 295
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( Y/N ) walked through the huge doors of the studio. Almost everyone was there. They had already finished their makeup and they were ready to start shooting.
"Who the Hell ate my lunch?" Almost yelled and Scarlett jumped in her sit.
Chris and Lizzie, who they were talking a little farther, turned to see what happened and Anthony took his gaze from his coffee to Sebastian.
"I have no idea." Mark said to her raising his hands in defence when ( Y/N ) looked at him angrily.
"Guys." Sebastian said and everyone looked at him. "It's not nice to treat (Y/N ) that way. She is a castmate. Our family... A truly great, smart and professional young lady..."
"You did it!" ( Y/N ) shootout stopping him and Sebastian froze while everyone, from the cast and the crew, started laughing.
"No, I didn't." He defended himself.
"You son of..."
"Language!" Chris stopped her, still laughing, but he stopped talking when she turned to look at him.
"YOU!" Said to him "You're not funny.! And you..." Now she was walking to Sebastian who he started to enjoying it how mad he made her. "You're buying me lunch! I didn't spend my free afternoon yesterday to cook free meals for you.!"
"Fine..." He said smiling to her. "I will."
( Y/N ) gave him one last look before he opens his mouth and said."Today... I promise. Buying your lunch." She made a winning noise and turned to leave. "It's a date." He said to her and she turned back.
"Wait, what?"
"A date."
"No it's not..." She freaked out. "Sebastian..." she said trying to catch up with him while he was walking away. "Seb.! Wait... it's not... STAN you asshole stop walking I'm wearing heels...!" 
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News Reporter: known Marvel Actors Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are Reported Missing..
Family: *Looks at Me*
Me: I’ll feed them
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[on having his Destroyer look] Did you ever go to Starbucks or a store and just notice you were treated a little different?
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Hello everyone,
I decided to make an account dedicated to fics! Feel free to ask me prompts. Below I will leave a list with people, characters and ships that I’m willing to write about. If you don’t see your favs, still ask me. Maybe I can do something for you. 
PEOPLE with reader:
Dominic Sherwood Sebastian Stan Can Yaman Jamie Campbell Bower
CHARACTERS with reader:
Jace Herondale ( Shadowhunters / The Mortal Instruments ) Bucky Barnes ( MARVEL Cinematic Universe ) Adrian Ivashkov ( Vampire Academy / Bloodlines ) Christian Ozera ( Vampire Academy ) Will Herondale ( The Infernal Devices ) SHIPS:
Thunderblink ( The Gifted ) Jaia ( Shadowhunters ) Olicity ( Arrow ) Wessa ( The Infernal Devices ) Sydrian ( Bloodlines )
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