superkickingit · 5 years
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On Twitter, I asked my followers who their current top 5 favorite male (singles) wrestlers are! Lots of great answers. The bar graph above shows which wrestlers showed up on 5+ Top Five lists. To see ALL of my responses, click here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qkKTfJdQu5kPryLJ6
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superkickingit · 5 years
Kelsi Likes Seinfeld
Go to the bottom of this post to see all of my Seinfeld recommendations including books, merch, articles, and more!
There was an echo issue with my audio in the segments while I am on camera. I am working to fix the issue if there is any way to, but until then here is the video if anyone still wants to see it:
Recently, I decided to start a weekly show called “Kelsi Likes.” The title is an anagram! Each episode is about a different topic with only one thing in common…that I LIKE it!
I’ll be doing episodes on wrestling, cartoons, my favorite movies, horror, my love of Halloween, tv shows, characters, my love for the 90s and so much more!
But this episode is about one of the most iconic television shows of the 90s...
Seinfeld, “the show about nothing,” that was actually about everything and anything!
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Even if Seinfeld wasn’t your favorite show in the nineties or if you never cared to watch it at all, no one can deny that it has had a huge impact on the current social and television landscape. Seinfeld played a huge role in television history, in academic television analysis and in society itself by becoming a massively influential, cultural phenomenon.
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In college, I wrote a paper titled “The Evolution of the Television Industry in the 1990s.” Seinfeld was one of the specific shows I analyzed and wrote about to prove my thesis: “television of the nineties was revolutionary and stands out from previous decades.”
Here are a few excerpts from the paper:
Hailed as “the best sitcom of all time” is NBC’s Seinfeld, which first aired in 1989 and ended in 1998. The show follows Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer as they go through everyday life making fun of and analyzing everything and anything. Famously described as “a show about nothing,” Seinfeld’s striking appeal is the wonderful comedy writing and revolutionary idea of having a show that revolves around quirky, but regular, people and their daily encounters. TV Guide describes the show this way:
As put forth by the series itself, Seinfeld was a comedy about nothing.But in reality it was about the very worthy subject of modern manners-waiting interminably for a table at a Chinese restaurant, for instance...and it addressed these issues with all the acute observation and satirical brilliance of a Restoration comedy. It’s just that the manners of Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer were often atrocious. (Lasswell, 235)
Nothing overly monumental happens to the main characters, but it’s the writing, the acting, and the premise of “nothing” that made this sitcom stand out above all others. It’s original. Even today, over twenty years after the show has ended, it’s still widely considered “the best” sitcom of all time. 
This show can be said to have single handedly defined nineties television and the uniqueness of the era. Entertainment Weekly describes Seinfeld as
...that brilliantly self-reflective series about a stand-up comic and his three pals, [and it] went on to become the defining sitcom for the ‘90s. In its eight years on the air, Seinfeld changed the tone of TV, our Thursday-night plants, the way we talk. It spawned enough imitators to fill Yankee Stadium, boosted sales of Jujyfruits and Binaca, and even made medical history--a journal reported that a Massachusetts fan laughed so hard, he kept fainting. It made a mint for NBC--and not a junior one either. (Gwinn, 11)
Always challenging TV “Political Correctness,” Seinfeld addressed countless topics that had never been discussed on television before.
Over the years, the quartet broke tube taboo after taboo, mocking deaf people, cancer, football-shaped goiters, and mental retardation. Even masturbation and oral sex slipped onto the airwaves, thinly disguised with masterful euphemisms. Not exactly safe, family, Tony Danza-type television. But it was precisely Seinfeld’s shocking deviations from formula that separated it from the sea of tapioca. The show gave us a peek at our Jungian dark shadow. It let nothing--not feelings, not death--get in the way of a punchline. (Gwinn, 11)
Overall, Seinfeld was a step in the opposite direction of the regular family-friendly sitcoms such as The Cosby Show and Happy Days that had aired in previous decades. This, however, is exactly why Seinfeld was able to flourish and succeed. In effect, the 90s television audience was left with a new type of comedy that has not since, one could argue, been matched in quality and content. 
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I also asked some friends and family what Seinfeld meant to them. 
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My friend Trace (who has a UCF podcast: @UCF_Knightline) described Seinfeld like this:
Well written and witty, the scenarios the characters found themselves in were absurd, yet relatable. Who hasn't lost their car in a parking garage or struggled with someone who is a close talker? The terms seeped into our public consciousness and decades after its debut, the show is still as relevant as ever.
When I discovered Jerry Seinfeld, simply put, his poke at little things made me laugh. My enjoyment of his comedy made me want to check out his new show. Seinfeld's core characters weren't written to be like-able, yet proved to be enduring and, ironically, quite like-able.
My 14- and 15-year old nephews have only recently discovered Seinfeld through syndication and laugh out loud as I did when I first watched the episodes during their original run and dozens of times since. 
It was billed as a show about nothing, yet became a show about anything and everything and remains my favorite show of all-time. No matter when I tune in, be it a few minutes in or only with a few minutes left, I watch and laugh and yell out the lines and ... yada, yada, yada all over again!
My co-host of my wrestling podcast, Paul, gave me a list of his favorite Seinfeld episodes! 
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My dad, Donald, also gave me a list of his favorite episodes and had this to say about the show:
Favorite Episodes for the Show’s Lead Characters:
Jerry (Possibly the most innately funny lead of a sitcom of all time) = With 180 shows to choose from? Maybe The Puffy Shirt, Season 5.
George = A three-way tie between The Marine Biologist, The Opposite, and the “I was in the pool!” Hamptons episode, all Season 5.
Elaine = The Bizzaro Jerry and The Little Kicks, both Season 8.
Kramer = Any and all of his appearances since the Seinfeld pilot (there were only two episodes in which he didn’t turn up: The Chinese Restaurant and The Pen). If I had to choose one favorite, it would probably be The Merv Griffin Show (Season 9); Also love any of the episodes that feature a Kramerica Industries venture, i.e., the NYU intern assisted oil bladder system (The Voice, Season 9), and his other various “Eureka!” ideas like Make Your Own Pie pizza restaurant or his PB&Js sandwich shop, the Coffee Table Book about coffee tables, The Beach cologne, ketchup and mustard in the same bottle, and the aforementioned male brassiere twist. Should I also include the co-created homeless person powered Rickshaw endeavor, Jerry’s imagining of a future Kramer’s car periscope invention, and possibly the roll-out tie dispenser? Cosmo’s umbrella corporation far outdistances George’s more pedestrian and fictional Vandelay Industries that was made up for extending Costanza’s unemployment benefits as a would be latex salesman.
Hardly a day goes by in my life that doesn’t include an occurrence or interaction within it that I can someway, somehow relate to a Seinfeld episode. Guess that does it for now, gotta go watch some Seinfeld reruns. It NEVER gets old, kinda like watching the movie “Jaws”. So Kelsi Likes, “you’re going to need a bigger list.” LOL
Lots of people on Twitter also weighed in and tweeted about their favorite episodes: 
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I also put out a number of Seinfeld-related polls on Twitter:
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The last poll shown above references Seinfeld food bits, and there is actually a massive amount of food references throughout the entire run of the show! I found this fun article/list that compiles all the references and includes episode numbers and descriptions: Complete Food Tour of Seinfeld by Moze Halperin and Jillian Mapes from flavorwire.com
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“Kelsi’s Kountdown” - My Favorite Seinfeld Quotes
The sea was angry that day my friends…
These Pretzels are Making Me Thirsty
No Soup for You
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Honorable Mentions: 
Just pop the top, and toss the stump 
You son of a bitch bastards
Schmoopy! No you’re schmoopy!
Yada yada yada
CABLE BOY…What have you done to my little cable boy? 
I was in the pool. 
Oh, No, I'm so sorry. It's the MOOPS. The correct answer is The MOOPS.
Here’s to feeling good all the time!
Believe or not answering machine message
You’re living in the past, man. You’re hung up on some clown from the 60s, man!
Just Take One Dip and END IT! 
Shut up ya old bag
You’re an anti-dentite!
If this wasn’t my son’s wedding day, I’d knock your teeth out you anti-dentite bastard
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In the video at the top of the blog post I also talk about my most underrated Seinfeld episode list as well as my favorite Newman episodes. 
“Kelsi’s Kountdown” - My Favorite Seinfeld Episodes:
The Chicken Roaster (1996 – Season 8) 
The Bris (1993 – Season 5) 
The Soup Nazi (1995 – Season 7) 
The Little Kicks (1996- Season 8) 
The Rye (1996 – Season 7) 
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In the video, I also recommended a number of books, articles, and Seinfeld-themed merchandise. 
Here is what I recommended (including links!):
The book “Seinfeldia”: A very comprehensive look at behind-the-scenes facts and information about the show. You can buy it anywhere, including Amazon.
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The Complete Series on DVD: Includes AMAZING, in depth bonus features, including interviews with the cast and creators, that will keep you entertained for hours.
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Factinate Article: Includes a lot of very interesting facts and tidbits about the show
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The book “Seinfeld Trivia”: Available anywhere, including Amazon
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A Rolling Stone Article: Lists and describes the 100 Best Seinfeld characters
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TwentyTwoWords.com Article: A visually appealing article that lists the best quotes and includes stills from the show.
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Festivus! The Book: About the Festivus holiday tradition referenced on the show.
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Seinfeld Funko Vinyl Idolz: Awesome figurines that can be displayed. I own all of the figures seen in the picture below except for Puddy.
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ScreenRant Article: Written by Sean Harrigan this lists the best 15 Minor Seinfeld Characters
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superkickingit · 5 years
Kelsi Likes 90s Nickelodeon
Full Video:
Go to the bottom of this post to see all of my 90s Nickelodeon recommendations including documentaries, books, videos, podcasts, and more!
Recently, I decided to start a weekly show called “Kelsi Likes.” The title is an anagram! Each episode is about a different topic with only one thing in common...that I LIKE it! 
I’ll be doing episodes on wrestling, cartoons, my favorite movies, horror, my love of Halloween, tv shows, characters, my love for the 90s and so much more! 
But the first episode is about something very near and dear to my heart...
90s Nickelodeon <3
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Now it’s important to note that there had been a few unique and out-of-the-box children’s shows BEFORE this time period, such as Pee Wee’s Playhouse (CBS 1986-1990 with reruns throughout the 1991). In my personal opinion, I can imagine that this show had a huge influence on American children’s television in general. It was hip, fun, and it had animation combined with live action. It also became very popular among college-aged adults. At the time of its airing, it was a cultural phenomenon. 
I haven’t found any written evidence to support this statement, but I think that this show could have easily influenced Nick’s new direction in the 90s. Nick wanted to go into a “creator driven” direction with their new animation department, and Pee Wee’s Playhouse was very much creator driven (Paul Ruebens). The art of the playhouse compared to the art style of Nickelodeon studios, Nickelodeon’s graphics, and Nickelodeon’s colorful style all seem very similar. And both Nickelodeon and Pee Wee appealed to adult audiences. Not to mention one of Nick’s first animated undertakings - Rugrats - used the same music producer as Pee Wee’s Playhouse: Mark Mothersbaugh. Regardless of any actual influence or not, there are similarities between Nick’s style and the style of Pee Wee’s Playhouse.
Overall, the 90s, more so than the 80s and earlier, marked a great time for children’s television, specifically cartoons. It was a time when television was changing - there was a “show about nothing” and sitcoms that tackled emotional issues that hadn’t been breached before (i.e. Roseanne, Boy Meets World, etc.). 
But you now also had non-toy driven, stylistically different animated series. A big part of that particular change, marked by a shift in style and attitude, was implemented and influenced by Nickelodeon. 
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Some people argue that these overly positive perceptions of 90s Nick can be attributed mostly to nostalgia. 
Nostalgia can warp a person’s perception of what is good vs what’s bad. It can make you remember something terrible very fondly because you grew up watching it. i.e. some of the attitude era’s worst parts are glossed over because of nostalgia, and Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers can be really corny to try and rewatch today – but we still love it because we grew up with it. 
Having said that, there are many reasons why Nickelodeon in the 90s WAS actually revolutionary, yielding some of the greatest children’s television shows of all time – regardless of the nostalgia factor. 
Nick in the 90s was TV made FOR KIDS...but COOL ENOUGH that adults could enjoy it as well. 
To get an adult perspective, since he watched Nick with me as I grew up, I asked my dad, “Why did you let me watch some of the shows like Ren and Stimpy and Rocko that seem like they were a little mature?” 
His answer was simple, “Because I wanted to watch those shows. I liked them.” Thus proving that adults, especially lovers of animation, truly enjoyed Nick’s 90s programming. 
For additional research I began reading the book “Nickelodeon Nation: The History, Politics, and Economics of America's Only TV Channel for Kids.” 
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It provided some fascinating insight behind some of the programming decisions made by Nickelodeon to create what we now so fondly remember. 
The book outlines that there was a large shift in thinking behind the scenes at Nickelodeon during the late eighties, early nineties: 
In 1989, Geraldine Laybourne became network president. In “Nickelodeon Nation,” it describes an important meeting that took place at Laybourne’s house that year in which the people involved in the network mapped out the new vision for Nickelodeon and the “philosophy” used in regards to developing the Nicktoons of the 90s. It’s interesting to note that Geraldine’s husband, Kit Laybourne, was an animator. Thus, we can deduce that he had some influence on her pro-animation mindset. 
A topic of conversation at that meeting was the current styles of animation that was out at the time. The executives at the meeting deduced that many cartoons of that time period “all looked alike” and that many shows used a “cookie cutter” approach to animation over artistry and creativity. 
The book also states that Laybourne believed that “the best characters lived inside the hearts of their creators...” 
These concepts became building blocks for the budding animation department, and a creator-driven series approach was born. 
Nick then proceeded to seek out artists and independent companies who had interesting ideas and concepts for animated shows. The network then commissioned eight, five minute pilots. The goal was to use focus groups of children to screen these pilots and then it would be decided which four of the eight pilots would be turned into full-length animated series. This was an unusual approach at the time. (It was a very costly undertaking to start a pilot-based system.) 
The result yielded three animated series (instead of the original plan of four) which aired in 1991: Rugrats, Ren and Stimpy and Doug. During this same time, the channel also revamped its style, bumpers, promos, etc. 
I highly recommend the book Nickelodeon Nation to anyone who wants to learn more about the transformation of Nickelodeon as a network and its journey to becoming a powerhouse of children’s television as well as how the network influenced and affected popular culture. There are some really in depth articles in the book which include discussions on Nick at Nite, the live action game shows, and much more.
I put some polls out on my Twitter to gauge which shows and characters people love and remember the most:
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Not only did Nickelodeon have an impact in animation history, but their live action line up was also diverse, unique, and revolutionary. 
The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Clarissa Explains it All, Kenan and Kel, All That, Double Dare, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Guts, Salute Your Shorts, Legends of the Hidden Temple and so many other shows were staples of 90s Nick.
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These shows weren’t your typical kids’ fare. In the Adventures of Pete and Pete, Little Pete’s best friend was essentially a grown man who deemed himself to be a superhero of sorts, “The Strongest Man in the World,” Artie. Not sure if that character would be included in a Nick show today. Also, Little Pete had an unexplained tattoo of an adult woman on his arm. Why were they both named Pete? It didn’t matter! As kids we didn’t care that it was weird, we just loved that weirdness and many of us “90s kids” still feel enthralled by all the strangeness. In many cases, that 90s strangeness helped shape who we are today.
Looking back now, a lot of these shows, both animated and live action, still hold up. As adults, there are new elements to enjoy that you never noticed before - the references we were too young to get, the artistry behind the animation, the music, and/or the style of every show they produced, and we can now fully appreciate, in awe, the sheer amount of slime and pies used to film all of the Nick game shows! 
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Another important aspect of 90s Nickelodeon was their philosophy of embracing childhood. Many Nick shows of this time period did not talk down to kids but rather emphasized the humor, creativity, imagination, the stories, and sometimes the plain silliness that kids wanted to see.
With the help of focus groups and unique, creative material crafted by inspired and invested creators I feel that Nick struck gold with its programming in the 90s.
Yes, nostalgia is still a big reason that many of us “90s kids” look back on this time with a smile and a sense longing to go back, but I think it’s clear that Nickelodeon did produce some wonderful, uniquely different content in the 90s that has since stood the test of time, has made its mark in television history, and still holds a special place in the hearts of many.
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For more 90s Nickelodeon-themed content, Kelsi Recommends:
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- Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast:   
Episode 100 - “Listeners’ Favorite Nickelodeon Episodes”
Episode 95 - "Favorite First Seasons" 
Episode 1 - "Favorite Opening Credits" 
Episode 65 - “The Adventures of Pete and Pete: King of the Road”
Follow them on Twitter
Follow them on Instagram
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- The Nick Box quarterly mystery crate from thenickbox.com 
Crates are filled with very unique items including Nicktoons and live action Nick-themed merchandise. All the items are of great quality, and the mystery crate is worth every penny.
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- The NickRewind Channel on YouTube 
Playlists and videos on all kinds of old Nick shows which includes interesting information and tidbits. i.e. Kennan and Kel Take on the Double Dare Obstacle Course; an Old Nicksclusive playlist; etc. 
The Music & Sound Behind Doug | On the Orange Couch: Doug 
A whole playlist on Pete and Pete called “PeteandPeteTakeover”
Fun Video about Artie
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- An interesting article written by Lawrence Burney  
In the article he interviewed the creator of Doug: Jim Jinkins
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- “I Know that Voice” documentary on Amazon Prime 
A great film about voice acting. It was released in 2013. 150 interviews of producers, animators, and voice actors were conducted for this film. There were rumors of a release of a series of the same name that would expand on the documentary. It was supposed to be released in 2018, but I couldn’t find any other information on it.
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- theadventuresofdannyandmike.com
The actors from Pete and Pete have their own podcast
They also do nostalgia tours
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- Nick Animation Podcast
Episode 49 - “The Making of an Iconic Theme Song”
Episode 31 - “E.G. Daily”
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- Book: Nickelodeon Nation: The History, Politics, and Economics of America's Only TV Channel for Kids.
Buy on Amazon
Book Review
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- Book: Slimed!: An Oral History of Nickelodeon’s Golden Age 
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superkickingit · 5 years
Either/OR - Ospreay/Suzuki
My new weekly series entitled “Either/OR” forces me to choose between two things I love. The topic can be two wrestlers, two movies, two shows, two theme songs, two matches, two books, two characters! The possibilities are endless! 
For my first episode, I chose between two of my very favorite wrestlers: Will Ospreay and Minoru Suzuki. The premise isn’t to pick who I think is a BETTER wrestler, but to just pick a favorite between the two (WHICH IS DIFFICULT AS HECK!)
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Here’s the first episode on Periscope: 
In this episode, I revealed the results of a poll I posted on my Twitter which asked my followers to choose between Ospreay and Suzuki. The results were surprising:
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I was very surprised that Ospreay won, not because he isn’t marvelous and impressive, but because Suzuki is a legend. Although Ospreay was one of the reasons I tuned into NJPW after having seen his Ricochet BOSJ match, I think Suzuki brings a whole different element to NJPW. 
And that brings me to my decision, the choice I had to agonize over because I love both wrestlers so much! 
I chose Minoru Suzuki. 
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- His persona is so evil but somehow you still love him anyway.
- His evil laugh and maniacal grin can’t be matched
- His theme song is iconic and so fun to sing along to. “KAZE NI NARE!” It’s my favorite wrestling theme song, period.
- He can have a great match with any style of wrestler: technical, comedy, high flyers, powerhouses and so many others
- Suzuki is 50 years old, but he is in wonderful shape and condition. He has had some of his best matches these last two years in NJPW. He can still go with any wrestler of any age. You can’t say the same about just anyone!
- Not only is he a legit MMA fighter, but he was instrumental in the creation of MMA. He helped formed the historic MMA company/promotion of Pancrase.
- He “tapped out” Ken Shamrock, The World’s Most Dangerous Man
- For having such a scary character, he is really fun, nice, and funny. I had the pleasure of meeting Suzuki in person at WrestleCon in New Orleans in 2018. He joked that the belt he let me hold was too heavy for me. He also laughed from afar when he saw me meet up with my friends nearby and jump up and down in excitement after meeting him! 
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- Nobody...NOBODY...has a better Instagram account than Minoru Suzuki! He posts the most fun and out of character pictures which just adds to his overall charm: https://www.instagram.com/suzuki.d.minoru/
- His match quality is SO high. I love his brutal chops and his very real looking submission holds.
- Overall: he’s a great character, a wonderful wrestler, a dependable athlete for NJPW, he’s over in foreign countries, and he’s a joy to meet! 
My top 3 favorite Minoru Suzuki matches:
1. AJ Styles vs Suzuki G1 Climax 24 2014: This is THE match that made me fall in love with Suzuki. He was brutal, and I took notice right away. I had never seen someone besides Ishii look that brutal. And this was a different type of brutality, a brutality from someone with real character and depth. Suzuki looks much different in this match. Of course he has his signature hair but he wasn’t in as good of shape as he is now. The match was still wonderful, and it seemed like he really made Styles earn his win here. Would recommend this to any Suzuki fan.
2. Goto vs Suzuki (Hair vs Hair match) WK 12: The reason I love this match is because I remember how invested I was in the result.  I did NOT want Suzuki to lose and thus lose his signature hairstyle which had been associated with his mystique for a quite a while at that point. Usually, hair vs hair matches are silly, but this one had real meaning. In Japan, hair vs hair matches were a matter of honor. It was a dishonor if you had to cut off your hair. Although the result of this match wasn’t what I wanted. I think the way Suzuki took control shaved his own head (instead of fleeing or looking upset as he let someone else shave it) perfectly fit his character. And actually his hair looks great now, and it didn’t hurt his persona, his allure, or change the look of his menacing grin. 
3. Okada vs Suzuki from Suzuki’s 30th Anniversary Show: Suzuki had quite a few great matches against Okada specifically: one at G1 Climax 27, another at The New Beginning in 2017, and others. But this particular match took place outside IN THE RAIN. Nothing beats the visuals of Okada and a white-haired Suzuki squaring off outside in the open air as the skies opened up. It’s a match definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already. The live performance of “Kaze Ni Nare” didn’t hurt either! 
Honorable mentions: there are many, many other wonderful Suzuki matches, including ones much older than the ones I listed. These are just a few that stick out in my mind because it either drew me to him as a wrestler or made me even more invested in him than I already was before having watched the match. Other wrestlers he has had great matches against that I particularly like include Ishii and Tanahashi. If you find any with either of them and Suzuki, it’s a safe bet that it’s wonderful. 
I also love his faction Suzuki-Gun and love that he is part of a very successful tag team with ZSJ. Their chemistry together is wonderful.
So there you have it, it was hard to choose between Ospreay and Suzuki, but I DID IT, and I don’t regret my decision a bit! 
Become the wind...
AND love Suzuki like me! 
Let me know who you choose and why!?
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superkickingit · 6 years
Two Faced Wrestling Talk Ep. 9 - “Scott Steiner is the Worst Wrestler EVER!”
In this week's podcast episode, Kelsi and Paul discuss ALL things wrestling including...
The recent Impact Redemption PPV show and what they thought about it, including Paul's strong opinions on Scott Steiner; The build to the upcoming NJPW match between Naito and Suzuki; Some highlights from WWE Raw; 
Kelsi interviews Ring of Honor's Jay Lethal and Cary Silkin.
Paul and Kelsi answer your questions! Question topics included: Omega going to WWE; Women's tag team belts; Which wrestling company will become the #2; Predictions for the main event of Wrestle Kingdom; Golden Lovers getting the tag teams belts; Who will win the NJPW G1 tournament;  A Cross Promotional Supershow; AND MORE! 
Kelsi closes out the show with talk of the NWA and their YouTube series "Ten Pounds of Gold" including the latest episode "The Ballad of Colt Cabana." 
Paul closes out the show by discussing the steep price of wrestling PPVs such as the $40 price tag of latest Impact PPV: Redemption.
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superkickingit · 7 years
Two Faced Wrestling Talk Ep. 1: WWE Elimination Chamber, NJPW Honor Rising, Are we in a new "Attitude Era" now?
Little, subtle touches in a match can enhance or even detract from the in-ring story telling. Kelsi and Paul discuss this as well as other opinions about the WWE Elimination Chamber PPV and the two NJPW Honor Rising shows. Lots of talk about the drama going down in Bullet Club. We also discuss a Eric Bischoff and Dave Meltzer Twitter confrontation and if Bischoff was a factor in the success of the Attitude Era. Kelsi and Paul also talk about the current state of wrestling; is it on the rise!? We also answer questions submitted by our fans and more! Hope you enjoy
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superkickingit · 7 years
The Commentary for the NJPW USA G1 Specials May Have Been Worse Than You Perceived
Part of my writing sample I wrote about the commentary for the NJPW G1 USA Specials:
Kelly and Callis are used to calling all big NJPW ppv shows live for the past few months. Before Callis came on with NJPW, it was Steve Cornio as Kevin Kelly’s partner. Kelly and Callis are familiar with the storylines as well as the wrestlers and also have a sense of what NJPW is about and is trying to portray to an international audience. Barnett and JR usually record their commentary for the AXS shows months after the matches have already taken place and aired on njpwworld.com.
As I was watching the G1 USA NJPW shows in person, the entertainment value and especially the wrestling was incredible! It was truly a special experience. One could really feel the excitement in the air! The crowd was electric, popping multiple times during the two nights. 
Recently, I decided to rewatch the shows on njpwworld.com to see how the crowd came off to the televised audience and to listen to the commentary. I had already heard rumors about Jim Ross confusing a few of the wrestlers’ names including the two Briscoe brothers and confusing ZSJ and Will Ospreay. I didn’t think that was too bad of an offense, mistakes happen, and I have and will always have extreme admiration for Jim Ross as he is one of my favorite on commentary of all time. I also know he is going through an especially hard time because his wife recently passed away from injuries sustained in a fatal accident.
Having said that, I tried to watch this with an open mind and not be too harsh about the mixing up of names, which can happen to anyone. However, as I watched, I was shocked by the stark difference in the way the product was portrayed by Barnett and Jim Ross throughout the night. Unlike Callis and Kelly, they seemed unfamiliar with subtle story points that anyone following NJPW would know. In his Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer weighed in on the style differences, stating, “Ross did a lot of pun type commentary and banter, like a WWE type of banter, while the hardcore New Japan fans wanted a more serious approach, which he did deliver strongly in the top singles matches…”
Because of the HISTORIC nature of the events, I feel they could have made sure to do some extra research. Some people may have tuned into NJPW for the first time to see these shows. If they did, some of the wrestlers and stories were misrepresented. 
Seemingly unimportant to most who may not even notice, but when you spend time on air debating how to say a name for an extended period of time (as in the Ishii vs Omega match) or making subtle jokes about the wrestlers/the product and taking jabs about the booking of multi man tags (which NJPW is known for because it is made up of factions), you aren’t representing the company/product to the best of your ability. Neither man was really acting as the heel commentator, so all this seemed out of place and a little awkward at times. Watching it back, the excitement and the importance of the event seemed like it didn’t come across through their calling as they were very talking very casually for the most part.
Nick and Matt Jackson, The Young Bucks, were guests on XPac’s Podcast shortly after the USA G1 shows. They discussed how Barnett has buried them on NJPW commentary because Barnett does not like their style of wrestling. It is fine to have a wrestling style preference, but Nick Jackson made a great point in that his job as a commentator is to get the PRODUCT over.
The first specific example of the miscalculations on commentary that instantly comes to my mind is the calling of the Roppongi Vice vs Young Bucks match. The commentary should have emphasized the teased Meltzer driver, The Young Bucks’ finishing move named after wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer. Earlier in the day, Meltzer’s father passed away. The Young Bucks tweeted that they were going to do the craziest Meltzer Driver ever in honor of him.
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So, that became one of the main stories of the entire match, and yet JR and Barnett only mentioned Dave’s dad passing away right after they FINALLY hit the teased Meltzer driver, and they did not go into very much detail. The crowd all chanted “Meltzer” in unison, and it was a really passionate part of the show to see live. Watching the broadcast, it did not come off the same way. Barnett and Ross could have added and infused extra emotion into the match if they would have explained this at the start. It was easy to infer the storytelling if you follow the YB on twitter, but if not, commentary could have explained this, thus making it even more compelling to new and casual fans.
In the singles matches, the commentating wasn’t as bad in parts, but Ross and Barnett also seemed to not know some of the wrestlers’ finishers. This can be heard in the Jay Lethal vs Hangman Page match during night one. This isn’t as big of an issue to me as some of the other qualms I have stated. Some of the NJPW roster took to social media to express their indirect or direct displeasure with the commentary.
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On twitter, JR apologized for mixing up Mark and Jay Briscoe and making other mistakes. I admire him for admitting he made mistakes. I have a ton…a TON…of respect for Jim Ross. This commentating won’t lessen my respect for him at all. However, having stated that, I really feel like he and Josh Barnett both need to do more research if they are ever to do live commentary for NJPW again, which is likely. 
One could easily argue that Jim Ross is a bigger name than both Don Callis and Kevin Kelly, and that the mistakes were too minor for anyone casual tuning in to notice, and thus his inclusion in the broadcast team brought eyes to the product. I prefer Jim Ross as a western/WWE commentator, and have enjoyed many of his calls in the past. 
And although my personal preference for NJPW commentary is Callis and Kelly, the importance of any commentary team elevating, not underselling, the great product that is New Japan Pro Wrestling cannot be overstated! Overall it as an amazing set of events for NJPW and personally for me as a fan of professional wrestling! 
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superkickingit · 7 years
My latest article writing for PWP Nation featuring interviews with Adam Page and Punishment Martinez
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superkickingit · 7 years
Wrestling is An Art - Wrestling Artist Profiles
Art inspires art, and the art of professional wrestling is no exception. Many are familiar with the artist Rob Schamberger who makes WWE-themed artwork. But there are so many other, lesser-known artists crafting wrestling-themed pieces, all with their own unique style. Three such examples are artists Erik Hodson, Erle Tompkins, and Bruce White.
Erik Hodson grew up an ardent fan of both professional wrestling and comic books! When he became a touring artist, he decided to insert both of his loves into his work by basing his art on the comic book covers he grew up reading. Instead of portraying the popular superheroes that would usually grace these covers, he features wrestlers, both past and present. If you, too, love comic books and comic book-style art then Hodson, @heymelby, has pieces that will visually appeal to you.
The colors of his artwork are rich, vibrant, and saturated. Hodson’s first wrestling-themed piece is a depiction of Bret THE HITMAN Hart trapping Vince McMahon in a sharp shooter. His inspiration for this art print came from The Amazing Spiderman 129.
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In another example, he based his intricate and colorful Finn Balor piece on Jack Kirby’s The Demon. 
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He was later inspired by one of the best matches in wrestling history, using the layout of the Tales of Suspense comics to create his piece depicting the famous Ricky Steamboat vs Macho Man match from Wrestlemania III. Other pieces feature wrestlers such as Chris Jericho, Lita, past and present Bullet Club members, the Four Horsemen, Mean Gene, Sting, John Cena, Becky Lynch, and many more!
Hodson sketches his art by hand, then brings it into his computer to fine-tune it and uses a program to infuse beautiful depth and rich, bright colors. His art is printed on a sturdy poster stock. He does non-wrestling artwork as well!
To purchase his art find him on Storenvy: Here You can find him on FaceBook: @ErikHodsonIllustration Instagram: @heymelby His website: erikhodson.com He is on Patreon at: patreon.com/heymelby
If you enjoy a more general, pop-culture, illustrative style of art, then Erle Tompkins, @artbyerle, has some prints for you. His pieces are also unique and colorful. He bases his subjects on which wrestler is currently popular or visually appealing and also depicts prominent events throughout wrestling history.
Tompkins creates his art digitally using a drawing tablet to sketch and manipulate images. It is printed on heavy-duty cardstock.
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His favorite piece illustrates an extreme close up of Steve Austin’s bloody face from the historic Bret Hart vs Stone Cold match at Wrestlemania 13. Erle describes the piece, “…I love the image. It is very cartoony. It’s pop art style…I think it’s a perfect image capturing a moment that has become iconic not only in wrestling but for Steve Austin himself.“
Other subjects of his art include Broken Matt Hardy, Kenny Omega, Daniel Bryan, Vince McMahon, Sasha Banks, Sting, The Undertaker, Shinsuke Nakamura, and many more. 
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You can buy his art at his website artbyerle.com and connect with him on Twitter and Instagram @artbyerle
Then there is non-conventional artist Bruce White who channels his inner George Costanza, "I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable!” by using the unusual medium of velvet to create wrestling portraits.
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His subjects include some of the biggest names in the history of the business. His latest wrestling exhibit is called Velvetmania II and is on display in the New York art gallery Gallery 1988. You can find it online at gallery1988.com. Bruce also features other subjects in his art including horror movie villains and other pop culture icons.
Why velvet? White says, “…my partner found a bad one at a thrift shop, and I became obsessed with the idea of trying it. Velvet painting has gotten such a bad reputation over the years, and has been regulated to the lowest of the "low brow” art, which I think is unfair. That reputation is really a result of the poor quality of the art. I wanted to try to push it in the other direction, to be as realistic as possible.“
His favorite wrestling piece he’s created has been Koko B. Ware from his first wrestling exhibit entitled Velvetmania I. "His glasses, the feathers, the colors, and a parrot! Just a colorful, amazing look. Goldust was fun too, with all those feathers. Chris Jericho was a cool one this time, with that ponytail and shiny shirt. I really enjoy the more ‘over the top’ costumes the guys used to wear in the 1980s.  With the new show [Velvetmania II], the 'attitude era’ outfits, the colors were more toned down… it was all about leather, chains, tattoos and black shirts. Without the over the top costumes, I was more focused on facial expressions to give cues to their characters.”
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Besides the wrestlers mentioned above, some of the wrestlers he’s portrayed are Triple H, DDP, Bam Bam Bigelow, Paul Bearer, Scott Hall, and many others.
Find him on Twitter, IG, and FB @velvetgeek His website is velvetgeek.com, and he can be reached for commissions at [email protected].  To view the new Velvetmania collection go to gallery1988.com. To purchase email Gallery1988 at [email protected]
Vince McMahon once said, “To those who believe in the beauty of professional wrestling, nothing needs to be said. For those who don’t appreciate wrestling, nothing could be said to change their minds.” So I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in this writer’s opinion I think all these artists craft beautiful and distinctly different works of art. I have purchased items from all three talented creators, and I can’t wait to see what they will come up with next!
Check out my interviews with artists Erik Hodson and Erle Tompkins below!
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superkickingit · 8 years
Merch Monday #3 - SuperKicking It With Kelsi
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superkickingit · 8 years
Meeting The Young Bucks and Finn Balor; New Orleans Wizard World Comic Con; WildKat Wrestling Show; ROH TV Taping!
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These past few weeks have been INSANELY busy for me. Right before Christmas I had officially launched my YouTube channel SuperKicking It With Kelsi. I had released one promo-style video, but I had planned on going to Wizard World Comic Con in New Orleans to get my first real content filmed. My plans for content included: interviewing Jason David Frank about CM Punk and other things (but that fell through unfortunately), getting some interviews with artists selling wrestling-themed artwork, and I was hoping to stand in front of Finn Balor’s table and shoot a funny bit with Fake Nick about the Bullet Club defecting to Balor Club or something along those lines.
Things were going okay as I was walking around the Con with my friend Steve who was filming for me that day. 
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I quickly realized we were late for Finn Balor’s Q&A panel, and I wanted to get b-roll of that to use in my comic con compilation video. So we headed upstairs...little did I know what would happen next!
We walked in a little late unfortunately, and I saw people waiting in line in a not very crowded room to ask him questions. I debated getting in line for a minute or two, but I decided to just go for it even though I was a little nervous to go up there in my costume. As soon as I stepped up to the mic, Finn began to realize what I was holding: A Fake Nick Jackson. He really seemed to laugh and enjoy it. He asked if I could bring it up there, but the doll was attached to me by a belt so I asked if it was okay if I went up because it was physically connected to me, literally. He said yes. So I got to sit down and talk to Finn...he was laughing, and I was laughing. And really the feeling was indescribable. 
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And it’s surreal, but I wasn’t nervous somehow. I felt and still feel like I am made to do that sort of thing: Interacting and talking with people in the profession that I respect and love more than anything in this world: wrestling. It feels like it was a dream, but it felt very comfortable in the moment. And it’s a memory I will never, ever forget! I feel so lucky and grateful to have had that interaction with him.
Finn couldn’t have been a nicer person. He didn’t have to let me on stage. He didn’t have to interact with me for what felt like a good bit of time. He also had a really cute interaction with a little boy who was overwhelmed when he asked Balor a question later in the panel. Finn went down and picked up the little boy, and it was a very sweet moment. The story was even picked up by Bleacher Report and some other sites. Very cool! 
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Nick Jackson also posted a picture of me on stage with Finn. I guess someone sent that to him. That was really nice/funny of Nick to post that. And as I was about to find out first hand just one week after meeting Finn, the Young Bucks are also nice, cool, and genuine people just like Finn! 
At Wizard World, I also met and talked with Luke Hawx of WildKat Wrestling which is a New Orleans-based wrestling promotion. We discussed setting up a future interview(s) for my YouTube channel! I had just attended their local show the night before our meeting. I had a lot of fun at the show and also got to meet Stevie Richards who is the current champion of the promotion. He couldn’t have been any more of a sweetheart!! 
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I also met and talked with Rhett Titus at Wizard World. He wrestles for ROH and had also wrestled at the WildKat show the night before. He was funny and very nice to talk with! He even asked to take my picture with Fake Nick so he could text it to real Nick Jackson, haha! That really was one of the things that helped make my day so special and memorable!
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I had so much fun at Wizard World Comic Con, and I even made some new friends while there! 
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Shortly after too sweeting Finn Balor, Fake Nick deflated - he popped him (literally!) Luckily my mom and I were able to patch Fake Nick and restore him to perfect health later in the week (hahah!)
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Monday I went to RAW in New Orleans. I saw Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. And marked out to see Jericho win the US title belt. I had a really fun time! Of course I had to sport my two Young Bucks pins on my shirt even while at RAW because I will always represent my boys [my bois--hahaha] You can buy these pins and a Kenny Omega pin at Patti Lapel’s website
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Fast forward a few days to Friday, January 13th which is my birthday. Coincidentally it fell on a Friday this year, and I was actually born on Friday the 13th as well (some people say that explains a lot about my personality, haha!). Sometimes I feel like I’m unlucky, but these past few weeks have been like a dream, and I feel like the luckiest person in the world! On my birthday, I flew to Atlanta with someone I really like and think is very cool and fun, Paul. We had lunch with awesome people, went to my first basketball game (The Celtics vs The Hawks--I’m happy that the Celtics won since that’s who we were rooting for!), had a great time at Torched Hop Brewing Company, and went to a bar and listened to some live music after the game.
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The next day was the ROH TV tapings at Center Stage Theater in Atlanta. I was going to participate in the meet and greet to meet The Young Bucks.
The Bucks requested I bring Fake Nick and wear my costume. Haha, it was really weird having to pack Fake Nick in my luggage...I can only imagine what the TSA guys thought when my bag went through the X-RAY machine!!! I also made a new element for my costume: a Matt mask (I printed out a picture of Matt Jackson’s face and pasted it on some cardboard, cut it out, and attached it to a Popsicle stick so I could hold it in front of my face if I wanted to). I think it came out really funny!
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Getting out of the Uber and arriving at the show early, everyone stared at my costume. I felt really nervous but excited. It was funny but I saw a sweet boy and his dad who actually saw me at comic con in New Orleans at that Finn Balor panel. They told me they remembered me from the weekend before, and I talked to them for a good while. They couldn’t have been nicer. The boy loved my costume, we took a picture, and he was so sweet and cute! 
Then we filed in for the meet and greet and got in the official line. It was the moment of truth (they say never meet your idols or someone you look up to because you could be disappointed or they could wind up being mean and you’d never think of them the same way again), BUT I’m happy to report that wasn’t the case with the Bucks!!! They were so cool, friendly, and down to earth. They seemed genuinely amused to see my costume. They took pictures to send to their wives, and told me to tweet the picture we all took together which they both ended up retweeting. I’ll never forget how nice they were. But again, it was so weird that I didn’t feel very nervous at all while talking with them. It just felt fun and natural. 
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Somehow, I managed to slip in between the cracks and meet Cody Rhodes without officially buying a ticket to get a picture with him. I went up to him and asked him how much it was for a picture, to which he responded, “You know what...screw the ticket, let’s take a picture.” Since I had a Bullet Club shirt on and had fake Nick, I said “Bullet Club 4 life” haha. I also said how much I enjoyed his matches at Final Battle as well as his debut at WK 11 (wish I would have remembered to tell him how much I enjoyed his Bullet Club vignette/video package. That was one of my favorite vignettes of all time--that’s the way you hype someone’s debut!). He thanked me and said he was very happy with his performance at WK. He also asked me if I wanted to see “something cool.” I said yes, and he pulled up his jacket sleeve to reveal the cuff links he was wearing...gold bullets! I said “Wow, that’s spiffy!” I really liked meeting him, and it was totally unexpected. 
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I had a few interactions with some other people as well. Larry Legend asked to take my picture for the ROH Facebook Page (which they posted later!). I was very honored and happy they enjoyed my costume. Legend tweeted about it just the other day, which also flattered me greatly.
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I also met The Addiction! And Cheeseburger, haha. That was fun too! The people running the show and who work for ROH were so nice and accommodating. They came up to me and asked if I would like to store Fake Nick behind the merch table, which really helped because he was so difficult to carry around.
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The seats were GREAT. The value of the tickets were GREAT. You go to a WWE show and you sit through a ton of commercials and watered down matches for a very high price usually, but the ROH tapings were worth every penny. It was very long; The show lasted about 5 hours, which did kind of hurt my back to sit for that long, but I think I got a great value for the price I paid for those tickets. And most important of all: the wrestling was PHENOMENAL. There were quite a few great matches throughout the night (they taped four episodes worth of content).
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Seeing the Bucks and Cole wrestle live for the first time was really amazing and it lived up to my expectations. It created an energy and buzz in the room that gave me legit goosebumps (yeah, I know I am very corny...I don’t care!)
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Lethal, Bobby Fish, and Christopher Daniels all had some cool moments throughout the show (I don’t want to say any spoilers so I won’t go into detail). There was a funny crowd interaction having to do with a broom that was ridiculous but a lot of fun at the same time. Rhett Titus was in a match so it was neat to see him again as well! 
There were so many good quality matches. It’s going to be hard to attend other WWE events again and have it feel as exciting as this was to me. 
I had an amazing time at the show and in Atlanta, and it’s truly a time I will never forget! 
People doubted me along the way on this journey, but I think I am exceeding even my own expectations in what I am doing with my show so far. (and it’s only the beginning!) All I know is that making wrestling my life’s work is looking more and more like it’s in the realm of possibility (I hope!). 
In this world, nothing has captivated me the way that wrestling has, and I am forever grateful for discovering it. It truly is the love of my life. Passion is contagious! And if I can spread this passion for wrestling to even one person through my excitement and passion for the “business that I love” and for the wrestlers who put their bodies on the line to entertain the fans, then all the hard work will have been worth it. I have never been so fulfilled and satisfied with the work that I have been doing in my entire life.
I can’t wait to see what the future will hold in this next year, and 2017 certainly has gotten off to an amazing start so far. #LUCKY
Support wrestlers, support wrestling, support each other! And thank you to everyone who always supports me - It’s always noticed, appreciated, and I truly am forever grateful. 
<3 Kelsi - SuperKicking It With Kelsi
@theyoungbucks @ringofhonor
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superkickingit · 8 years
The Long and Winding Road - My YouTube Show Progress
I have been working hard getting things ready for my YouTube wrestling show. I have a lot of ideas, and a lot of things in the works. I am very excited, and I have had a lot of help. At the same time it’s difficult working around people’s schedules, getting my ideas across, and having hard deadlines that not a lot of people can understand. 
To be honest, it’s been a little isolating. I know my goal, and I have to keep at it until I can accomplish it. If I can just make it through these next two weeks then I’ll have a decent amount of content, my intro song/video hopefully completed and the set for the show designed (if all goes according to plan). My logo just got printed by Signs Now! I am going to pick it up from them today; I hope it came out nice. I plan to film a short video about my friend and my thoughts on Wrestle Kingdom 11. I am also going to be filming at Wizard World Comic Con in New Orleans in my Young Bucks costume on January 8th. That should be a lot of fun! Then the next day is Raw in NOLA! I hope that’ll be fun as well. And to top it off, at the end of the month I’ll be going to San Antonio for NXT Takeover, An Evening with Jim Ross, and the Royal Rumble! 
Usually, I can try and pep myself up when I’m feeling discouraged, but I have had a hard time doing that these last few days. I have just been feeling a little like I’m on my own with this. I know I’ve had help, but it’s still mostly me working at it. But it’s how it’s supposed to be: it’s my show, my dream, and I am responsible to make it happen. I have to keep plugging away at it.
I uploaded my first official video which was basically just a Christmas song which promoted my first “episode.” It didn’t get as many viewers as I would have liked. I worked really hard on it, and despite not a lot of views, I am so proud of what I did. My friend is kind of annoyed with me because he said he never got to finish mixing the song, but again I was facing a deadline and had to put the sing-along words and bouncing boat into the video (which took HOURS). My friend did the rough cut, but I went back through and added more cutaway/close up shots, graphics, the song words and the bouncing boat, voice over elements, etc. I worked on editing it for 12 plus hours. I’m not really an “editor” so I was really surprised at what I was able to do. 
Although, it didn’t get a lot of views, I still am so very proud of that video because I put my heart into it, and it’s very representative of me: very silly, sweet, ridiculous, somewhat creative, and I guess parts were “cute”. I like that it had a Pee-Wee’s Playhouse vibe because that’s kind of what I’m going for. AND Nick Jackson (1/2 of The Young Bucks), who I sing about in the video, retweeted it. I thought that was nice of him. He didn’t have to retweet it. Every time I’ve had any sort of interaction with them online, I’m reminded of what nice and thoughtful people they are. So proud to be a fan of theirs because not only are they amazing and entertaining in the ring, but seem like legitimate great people outside the ring. I really love that about them. That’s a rare quality. They really are “good Christian boys” haha! AND Superkick Foundation also gave me some really nice compliments about the video, and said they’d love to collaborate/help maybe one day. That was so cool and totally excited me! Even Pro Wrestling Tees, which is my favorite ever place to buy wrestling t-shirts, (I swear I should invest in them because I spend so much of my money on their shirts, haha!) retweeted and seemed to like it as well! 
I just wish Broken Matt would have retweeted it. Maybe he didn’t like it, but I have to come to grips with the fact that not everyone will like what I do. There is even one friend who didn’t like the video at all. Which I have to come to grips with like I said above. The important thing is I really like it, and I’ll always, always be proud of it.
I’m going to keep plugging away and try to make my dream a reality. I get a little laser focused, so I hope everyone I know can bare with me for a little longer until I get things set up initially. All I know for sure, is I’ve never cared about a project so deeply as I have this one. I have extreme passion for what I’m trying to do; I just hope I have something to say and show that’s worth hearing and seeing. 
I’ll end with two Kenny Omega quotes that I enjoy (there are a lot of other great Omega quotes, but these are extra applicable right now I think):
"...I just felt that I could give up and say, okay they don’t believe me, that’s fine, back to juniors. No, I wanted to prove them wrong. So that became fuel. And I was able to train harder, get bigger, faster, stronger…”
“I have an important job to do. I have a mission. And I can do something that no one else has done before, and if I start to focus on the wrong things, I might fail. So it’s time I go back to being the same old Kenny Omega...from now until the Tokyo Dome, there is no room to relax…”
-SuperKicking It with Kelsi 
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superkickingit · 8 years
Just Uploaded my first video to YouTube which promotes the future launch of my new wrestling show Superkicking it With Kelsi. I am very proud of  this video. It took me forever, and it was a true labor of love! It’s a holiday, wrestling-themed video of a time lapse of me decorating my wrestling Christmas tree while an original wrestling-themed Christmas carol is sung! Please enjoy, share, and/or subscribe to my channel on YouTube, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 
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superkickingit · 8 years
Survivor Series 2016!!!
This post contains Survivor Series and NXT Takeover Toronto SPOILERS
This was the best, most entertaining weekend of wrestling viewing that I can remember in a LONG while. I was excited about the shows all week. During the shows, I was really captivated and entertained and after I was left shocked, curious, (in the case of SS--baffled at first) and intrigued.
NXT Takeover was amazing. I really enjoyed almost the whole thing. Not a big fan of the Authors of Pain winning, but that did not affect my overall enjoyment of the show of course. The DIY/Revival match...was perfection...but I had no doubt it would be as good as it was. I saw them have a match at a NXT New Orleans house show, and it was pretty much the best match I’ve ever seen live. They almost had the exact same match a few weeks later during NXT Takeover Brooklyn II. It was great! So seeing them win was a wonderful, feel-good moment for me. I even wore my awesome Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Johnny Gargano shirt that night!
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Survivor Series felt like a huge PPV going in. And I loved that. I was pumped all day, speculating and listening to wrestling podcasts in anticipation, which is really one of my favorite things to do. I was pleasantly surprised by the whole PPV. I really felt like it steadily held my attention. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time a PPV kept me that entertained for the majority of the show, but it did! That SS men’s match...was SO INSANELY GOOD. So many fun, entertaining, crazy moments. There were too many to list them all. AJ Styles was awesome like usual! I laughed so hard when the camera panned down to reveal Ellsworth’s hand holding Braun’s leg...haha, it was GOLD! The Shield reuniting was pretty cool as well...also I’m LOVING the whole Randy Orton and Bray angle...That RKO Randy hit on Seth was definitely a mark out moment, nicely done...and oh yeah...BRAY GOT TO PIN ROMAN! Thank goodness is all I have to say...finally! FINALLY! 
The Brock/Goldberg thing...I was confused at first because I was SO convinced that it was a one-off match for Goldberg (I guess I’m a little naive like that!). So at first, I really didn't know how to feel. I was thinking that was it for Goldberg, and having it end like that made no sense to me in terms of the story. I marked out at the Goldberg entrance, but did I really think he was going to win!? No, almost nobody actually thought he would, especially in the manner he did. The more I thought about it afterwards, and the more I kept reading Goldberg was actually going to be in the rumble, then the more it made sense, and the more interested and intrigued I am going forward. 
I listened to a special SS reaction episode of the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast, and he made perfect sense. I like his analysis of the whole situation and PPV. I would recommend listening to it. It really sums everything up perfectly, and he mentioned some great points that I didn’t even think of.
Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast Link
What started off as shock, disbelief, and confusion has turned into acceptance and even excitement! I hope Goldberg does wrestle at this year’s Rumble, especially because I’m going!!! I would really enjoy to be able to chant “GOLDBERG” and to witness maybe another historic/shocking moment. 
Just like with the Undertaker loss at WM 30, which I attended, everyone was stunned at first, and even upset, but with time many came to accept what happened. And I actually like the outcome of what happened! 
One of my big INITIAL gripes about Goldberg beating Brock last night was that he wouldn’t benefit from the win, that he was just gonna leave and basically wasted the momentum that beating Lesnar created. BUT if Goldberg stays, that’s a mute point. And it actually creates more opportunities for other people on the roster, and it has the potential to give someone else momentum. 
Every time I think I can’t possibly love wrestling more than I do, something happens which makes me love it even more! Although, I was unsure at first, I love feeling shocked and surprised at anything that happens in wrestling. Because of the internet, that is super hard to accomplish these days it seems. It may be controversial, but it has EVERYONE talking about what happened, which is GREAT for WWE. And you know what...it’s great for the fans too. Because one of the things I love about being a wrestling fan is hearing and reading other people’s opinions and listening to others’ reactions. I was up SO LATE thinking about the ending to that PPV and talking about it with friends. That’s something that is SPECIAL about wrestling: the passion it evokes in people. You can love it or hate it, but at least you feel SOMETHING about it and it got people talking/discussing and thinking! I felt so excited to wake up and listen to different podcast reactions and to read online opinions. I haven’t done that in a few weeks, so I feel like this is a breathe of fresh air, and it’s creating a buzz! Everyone is wondering WHAT’S (or WHO’S) NEXT! 
I think 2017 is gonna be an interesting year for wrestling, to say the least, and I can’t wait to see what will happen in the months to come in addition to...the EXTREME excitement I am feeling about going to the Royal Rumble AND Wrestlemania 33. It is looking like it will be a year in wrestling that I will never forget! 
I feel sorry for people who don’t know how amazing wrestling is...I am a corny person, but I don’t care!!!! I’ll always be grateful for the day I found my true love: pro wrestling!  (I only wish I had discovered it sooner!) 
-Hope you enjoyed the thoughts of a cheese-ball wrestling enthusiast, me! 
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superkickingit · 8 years
More Halloween Movie Marathon Progress!
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I have been busy neglecting my wrestling viewing and trying to knock out quite a few Horror/Halloween movies on my annual Halloween Marathon list! Next post I will be discussing some very light Halloween fare that satisfies the inner child in all of us such as Halloween-themed TV episodes and specials as well as Halloween kid’s movies and cartoons.
Here’s some of what I’ve been watching and some extra information as well as my thoughts on the films. 
Audition (1999) Directed by Takashi Miike. This film had a slow pace in the beginning, but it wasn’t boring at all. The slower pace created an air of anticipation because I knew there was a famous torture scene at the end, but I didn’t know how the film would wind up there or when exactly the scene would occur. There were some very disturbing scenes near the end, and I had to almost fully look away at some points, but I forced myself to look. It succeeded in freaking me out and making me cringe! It’s a great horror movie to add to your list. The story was entertaining, and I’d definitely recommend it. 
Dolls (1987) Directed by Stuart Gordon. This movie is so marvelously absurd, corny, and cheesy that it becomes an instant classic to me. I think this will be one of my new Halloween favorites that I will view year after year. It was my first time viewing it, and I definitely don’t want it to be the last. So many funny and ridiculous scenes and individual moments. The character of Ralph was my absolute favorite. His facial expressions were priceless. Some of the killings were also very funny. If you like Troll 2  you’ll most likely love this movie. It is perfect for fun and care free viewing especially when you want to see a film with a lighter mood. 
Cronos (1993) This is Guillermo del Toro’s first feature film. I have been meaning to watch this movie for the last three years, having read that it is a part of many people’s top horror movie lists. I finally got around to seeing it this year, and I’m glad I did. Though it was Del Toro’s first film, it did not come off that way. The production design quality was very high! After viewing the movie, I watched an interview with Del Toro (a bonus feature on the Criterion Collection version of the film). This was very interesting, and he gave some insight to the plot and color scheme as well as some behind-the-scenes information about dealing with the actors in the movie. One thing he pointed out was that the color red was scarcely used in the background and set design (he used mostly blues and other colors) so that when blood appeared it had a more striking effect visually. This is definitely apparent in the bathroom scene. The entire bathroom is black and white marble and a small pool of blood on the floor sticks out like a sore thumb! What happens after the main character sees the blood on the floor is pretty gross! I enjoyed this film, and I would definitely recommend it, although the horror element is subtle. Another thing I found interesting, but seems to be a theme in some of Del Toro’s other films, is it’s easy for the audience to sympathize with the character that is supposed to be the “monster” whereas the non-monsters/humans are the more despicable and deplorable characters. 
The Prince of Darkness (1987) This is one of John Carpenter’s less recognized films, but despite that I really found it enjoyable. There were some really neat and gross scenes! Also, Alice Cooper plays a possessed hobo! How can you pass that up!? Sometimes the plot dragged a bit, and many scenes consisted of just a lot of talking, but I found it kept my attention for the most part. Once the film picks up, it has some really unique on-camera kills and other creepy imagery. Some sections of the movie are a little corny, but that’s nothing new in terms of 80′s horror movies. Overall, I think it’s worth watching, especially if you enjoy John Carpenter movies, and seeing Alice Cooper as a crazy homeless guy is also a plus. I bought the collector’s edition, but I have yet to watch any bonus features. I am looking forward to checking some of those out in the near future.
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The Hallow (2015) I rented this movie on a whim, but I ended up enjoying it. However, it wasn’t anything mind-blowing or extremely revolutionary. It was a decent movie as well as a pleasant surprise because it’s usually hard finding more recent, entertaining horror films without doing extensive prior research. The movie is set on the outskirts of a small town in Ireland and many scenes take place in the forest as well. The plot deals with monsters and Irish folklore. The monsters in the film were unique-looking. I’d recommend it in general, but there are a lot of other films I’d also recommend viewing OVER this one if a choice had to be made. 
Quick Mentions: I re-watched John Carpenter’s The Fog (1980), and although I’ve seen it many times before, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It kept my complete attention. As many people know, it does not have over-the-top gore or extreme horror, but it’s subtle, entertaining, and very thematic viewing for this time of year. If you haven’t seen it, I’d suggest seeing it right away! Another movie I re-watched this year is The Ring (2002) which still holds up very well. I always enjoy this movie even after seeing it countless times since the first time I saw it in the theater when it was originally released. Although, it doesn’t scare me the way it did when I was younger, it still has an eerie tone. The videotape imagery is MUCH scarier and distrubing in the this version than in the Japanese film Ringu which this movie is based on (I wrote about Ringu in my previous post). I also watched the latest installment of the Purge series, The Purge: Election Year (2016). I found it to be a typical Purge movie, but I enjoyed it, and the plot was interesting. Some dialogue was a little too corny, but that’s not totally unexpected. A lot of people seem to dislike The Purge movies, but I find them to be mindlessly entertaining. They are what they are, and I don’t regret renting it. I also re-watched Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd (2007) which I barely consider a horror or Halloween-ish movie, but it’s passable. I guess I just wanted another excuse to watch it! It’s always fun, and the music is incredible of course. However, I noticed that the sound mix was a little off as I was struggling to hear the dialogue when the actors were speaking, but the level of the actors singing were much higher and easier to hear. 
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superkickingit · 8 years
Halloween Marathon 2016 Progress
Every year I make an extensive list of horror movies, and I try to watch as many as I can in the month of October. I sometimes start in September. I am a little behind in my horror movie/Halloween viewings this year, but here is what I’ve watched so far:
The Mothman Prophecies (2002) Starring Richard Gere and Laura Linney; Directed by Mark Pellington. Rotten Tomatoes rated the movie at 52%, and IMDB gave it a 6.5/10 score. Overlooked on many people’s horror movie lists, I find this movie to be filled with a creepy tone, which makes it one of my all-time favorites. I have watched it at least 7 times over the last few years, and I always watch it at least once every October. Some scenes in the movie still give me goosebumps all over my arms and legs even though I’ve seen it quite a number of times. I recommend this movie for people who don’t mind slow burn and subtle movies. It’s not over the top gore or in your face horror. The unsettling music along with the unique use of lights and other objects to transition into other shots and the stark winter setting all add to the unsettling tone of the movie.The film is also based on actual events. There really were quite a number of mothman sightings in Point Pleasant between November 1966 and December 1967. For my latest viewing of the movie I  bought a two disc special edition DVD with some awesome bonus features. The features included a Finding the Mothman featurette/documentary as well as a Director Day-by-Day feature with behind the scenes footage during the filming of the movie. Both sets of bonuses were very well done and super interesting. I’d recommend to anyone who enjoys well-done bonus features. 
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Session 9 (2001) Starring Peter Mullan and David Caruso; Directed by Brad Anderson. In my opinion, this is another underrated horror movie. I’ve enjoyed watching this film every October for the last few years. Again, it’s what I would describe as a “slow burn” and subtle horror movie. But it definitely picks up at the end. It has a very interesting plot, and the fact that most of the film was actually shot in part of the Danvers State Asylum makes it even more eerie. The Asylum in the movie acts as additional character and adds to the unsettling feeling throughout, leaving you on the edge of your seat while you’re waiting for something bad to happen. Interesting side note: I’ve read that it’s one of the first movies to be shot in 24p HD video. I’d recommend this film to someone who hasn’t seen it because it’s surprisingly good but flies underneath most people’s radar. Rotten Tomatoes rates it at 63%, and IMDB scores it at 6.5/10. I’d say it’s one of my favorites that I watch every year.
Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) Produced by Disney and directed by Jack Clayton, I especially enjoyed this film for the Halloween and fall atmosphere/aesthetics portrayed throughout. The screenplay was written by Ray Bradbury. The film has a dark tone, but this type of tone wasn’t completely unusual for a movie associated with Disney as Disney used to have frightening themes and imagery in their live action and animated features and shorts in the eighties and earlier, and even into the 90′s as well. These days, I find it’s not as common. This year was the first time I watched this film, and I really enjoyed it, and would definitely recommend it if you want something not too heavy, gory, or scary. The tone, dark themes, fall setting/aesthetics, and acting really stand out in this film! Rotten Tomatoes rates it at 58%, and IMDB gives it a 6.8/10.
Quick Mentions: Rewatched The Grudge again this year. I enjoyed it, but over the years I’ve found that I don’t enjoy it as much as I once did when it was more new. It reminds me a lot of The Ring (probably because I first saw both not far apart from one another), but I’ve always enjoyed The Ring a lot more. I also watched Ringu (Japanese version of The Ring) for the first time. I found it to be decent, but again I enjoyed the American remake better. The videotape in Ringu was not as disturbing, in fact it was very short and hardly showed anything. Also, the plot wasn’t skillfully executed as the American remake which has an interesting story that plays out almost like a mystery. I also watched Arachnophobia for the first time, which I really enjoyed. Again, light fare, nothing too gory or heavy, but still very entertaining and helps to get you in the Halloween mood!
The Witches (1990) Starring Anjelica Huston who was perfectly cast as the head witch and main antagonist of the film. The movie is based on a book by the same name written by Roald Dahl (same author as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for which the 1971 film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is based). This movie is fun and light but still puts you in the mood for October and fall festivities. I think it’s still entertaining to watch all these years later as an adult. 
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Suspiria (1977) Starring Jessica Harper and directed by Dario Argento. This film is on many people’s top horror movie lists, and it’s at the top of mine as well. I’ll never forget the first time I watched the film and was hit with the striking visuals and haunting/creepy score written by Goblin. Being so visually unique makes up for the bad dubbing and depth of the plot. I watch this movie every year, and I recommend to anyone who likes horror movies as well as people who like extremely artistic/visually appealing films. I also watched some bonus features which included interviews with some of the cast, crew, and the director. I was surprised to learn that the very rich color palate of the film was inspired by Disney’s animated Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Also, I believe they said this film was one of the last movies shot with a technicolor camera. The director and cinematographer begged Technicolor to use their camera for this film before it was to be dismantled. They agreed.  
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superkickingit · 8 years
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It isn’t October without a viewing of Disney’s 1929 Silly Symphony: The Skeleton Dance! 
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