superlexluthor · 10 years
Of course you would. You're like this entire ball of sunshine and I'm probably gonna take a bat to anyone who ever puts that sunshine out, just so you know. Okay, so even if she lived, like no thank you. I would not want that experience under my belt. Ever. Eh, don't be sorry. I didn't seek any revenge because I was incredibly displeased with the situation and I had two older brothers to calm down that were more important to me than the douche so there was that. So basically, now I'm a single little pringle and I'm very happy with it. For now. But hey if someone really awesome comes around that wants to makeout all the time, I'm not gonna deny them...probably. 
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I’d probably try and shake its hand and end up scaring it away or something, haha. I bet it would be really cool though! Like having an imaginery friend that wasn’t really imaginery and they were actually just dead! But, she lived!! She got back home safe and sound and the experience was probably incredible, right? Wow, that’s horrible to hear, Lex. Did you at least pull a super awesome prank on him to get revenge?! Oh you’ve got to let me take you on a date first at least!! Aw thanks, you deserve that too. Everyone deserves a really fun, awesome person to stick around and kiss them alot!
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superlexluthor · 10 years
Well I'd honestly probably be really scared if like I was filming and a ghost appeared in the footage, ya know? I mean like...I think they're super interesting! And I totally wanna see some, but I'm not sure how I would handle knowing if I had some in my room back home, or like...here. Just, no. No way. And the whole space thing...ever seen Gravity? Not even tryin' to go there. No sir. But yeah, I dunno. It was just really fucking weird, that whole relationship. I mean, I was with the guy for like two years right? But he lived on the other side of town as me, went to a different school. Turns out, I was his side chick and I had no idea. It ended...well, very very badly. But look, that's so nice of you to say I could probably just kiss you for it. But I won't, because that's a bit forward. Either way, I'm glad your story isn't as shitty as mine. And I really do hope you find love because I can just imagine how fun you would be in a relationship. And I bet you'd put your whole heart into it and like...yeah dude. You deserve that. You really do. 
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I thought I heard that ghosts were super aware of cameras and they don’t come out if you’re filming, but that would totally be the coolest thing ever!  We’ll definitely have to do it now! Really? You don’t want to go into space? Oh I’m sorry, but that’s his loss I think cause you’re wonderful, love.
I’ve never been in love and I don’t think anyone’s been in love with me either! My longest relationship was only about a year, but we were better off as friends.
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superlexluthor · 10 years
basically i just need mason and angel to make out now. *shrug*
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superlexluthor · 10 years
I have a friend who recently moved to Santa Barbara so I  hope that sometime within the next year I'll be able to visit him there (:
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superlexluthor · 10 years
I dunno, that's why we need to go to that cemetery and find out. I'm an avid believer in ghosts and I definitely want to go to haunted places and try and find them. And eventually make a vlog about the experience. God, blowing up would suck but I don't think I have to worry about that any time soon. And that's certainly a loaded set of questions. Uh, I've been in love once. But I highly doubt that he ever loved me. So ya know, it is what it is. 
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What about you? 
I’ve never heard that before, woah! Are vampires even real, do you think? I think not having oxygen in space would be the absolute worst though because I bet you blow up or something! That’s a good idea; everyone should!!! Has anyone ever fallen in love with you? Have you ever fallen in love with anyone?
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superlexluthor · 10 years
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superlexluthor · 10 years
I've never been but I want to so so badly. That's exciting though! How long are you staying?
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superlexluthor · 10 years
the gossip blog can hate on mason all it wants, I think he's adorable! :* how's cali?!
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superlexluthor · 10 years
"shoutout to shitty people in your life that you sometimes have to let go of, this one's for you"
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superlexluthor · 10 years
@angelhart: someone watch the potterhead weekend on ABC Family next week? Please?
@superlexluthor: @angelhart PICK ME PLZZZZ
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superlexluthor · 10 years
@superlexluthor: yoooo, shoutout to the gossip blog that thinks I'm too happy go lucky but still kinda likes me. :*
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superlexluthor · 10 years
Do you have a lot of tats?
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"It was pretty painful."
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superlexluthor · 10 years
I bet! And on the ribs, too. Bet it was painful as hell which makes you a badass for enduring it. 
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"Mhmm, and thanks. Took a long time to do."
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superlexluthor · 10 years
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superlexluthor · 10 years
Comedy and tragedy, eh? Very cool. 
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"I got a new tattoo. I'm rather fond of it."
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superlexluthor · 10 years
Sounds good, kiddo. But no worries, I'm probably gonna steal some of your nutella honestly. [she shrugged again before heading for the kitchen door] Since you get so lost ever so easily, follow me my little lost boy. [Soon enough she was leading him through the house, a smile plastered to her face until they reached her empty room. It was a bit messy inside, with her suitcase only half unpacked and her recording equipment half set up, and a small part of Lex cringed at that] Sorry for the mess...
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Yeah, she’s sleeping already. I say we go to your room. I’m gonna take this nutella with me though, just so you know. [Noah hopped off his chair and gathered the graham crackers and jar of nutella into his arms before looking up at Lex.] Do you want anything? I’m sure there are other snacks here.
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superlexluthor · 10 years
Shh, you're gonna make me blush. [Lex grinned, contemplating their options before shrugging] Well your roommate is probably passed out, right? Mine's not even here yet so we can go back and hang there? Maybe pop in a movie or listen to some music and contemplate the meaning of life?
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You’re adorable! [Noah laughed once he heard all the nice things she had to say. It was really nice getting to meet one of his subscribers and become friends with her so quickly. They just had an instant bond that was rare. He was enjoying her company, too.] So, what do you wanna do? We could just sit here or we could go back to your room. Or you could come to mine. It’s up to you!
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