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So I saw these bootleg plushies while out with friends and decided to draw em
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Come watch to get a first-hand introduction to Super Paper Mario the Musical!
50 videos in the works with combined efforts of multiple voice actors, artists, lyricists, and editors to retell the story of Super Paper Mario: As a musical! Super excited to be a part of this as one of the artists!
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Okay okay okay I'll do NES Peach
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Page 1 // ...... // Page 93 // Page 94 // Page 95 // Page 96 //…
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Prologue: Page 7
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Posting this much later than I wanted today, but it is what it is. Anyway and more importantly, the fight begins!
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TW // Character Death
BGM - King Croacus Appears - SPM
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ACT 3 - 1 <<< 21 / 22 / ???
I apologize at how long it took for this update to come out.
Things happened and I’ll leave it at that.
I also posted everything (except one comic) to TikTok! So there’s that too!
I will try to aim for my original schedule of an update every couple of days. If I don’t keep my word, I have failed.
I am also not apologizing for killing Cooper off. He was fated to perish the day he tossed the penguin 🤭.
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it was a normal day, until...
part 1 of 2.
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start at the beginning
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Hi, new-ish? to this blog um... do you think Dimentio is the kind to raid some random person's fridge at 3:00am just because he wanted to? And who's fridge would be targeted out of spite? I must know.
hi i've been laughing about this ask for 3 days now yes Dimentio absolutely would raid someone's fridge at 3:00am. it might be a random house, it might be someone he knows, it might be multiple people in the same night but he's going to find a worthy snack if he has to travel across the world and cause a war to get it. sometimes he's not even hungry, he just wants an excuse to ruin someone's night
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Specific and slightly strange compliment but I love the way you draw Mario with his hat off. He reminds me of a scruffy, concerned British shorthair cat in the best way possible.
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He doesn’t even need that cat bell powerup honestly
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Prologue: Page 6
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New challengers enter the arena!
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recovery is still slow.
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start at the beginning
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Prologue: Page 4 & 5
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Thank you guys for being so patient for these next few pages, I hope you enjoy the double feature.
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Someone showed me that cover of "chandelier" by Melancholiaaah! singing like Toad. It was stuck into my head. I had to animate it.
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…In a sense
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Go Brobot go!!!
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Two sides of the same coin
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the thousand year door comics!!
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