more of you should be taking vitamin D supplements
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Thank you for pointing this out I never really saw it this way
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comic about someone’s strange dream (and daydreams)
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Fuck hot
So, I'm at it again with ArtBreeder, and I attempted to make Severus Snape.
Whatcha guys think?
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My nephew likes to play McDonald's, which is what you'd expect it to be. He says, "Welcome to McDonald's. How may I help you?" After you order, he says, "Okay, coming right up," and pretends to give you your food. He has another game called "Silly McDonald's," which is the same thing, except no matter what you order, he says, "Here's your cold hamburger."
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if remus told me to do my homework and clean my room i would start IMMEDIATELY. however anyone else saying it doesn’t have the same effect.
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A lesson that we can’t afford not to be taught.
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Baby bird season is incoming and I’d like to remind everyone that birds do not have a significant sense of smell. Bird parents will not reject birdlets because you have handled them.
If you see smol birbs with few or no feathers on the ground, you can safely put them back into their nest, bird parents will still care for them.
If you see smol birbs with some or most feathers on the ground, please leave them there, as bird parents are probably nearby watching and feeding.
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Beautiful But I don’t wanna jump
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saw this on twitter and i’m not quite sure about the process here, but figured it could be helpful to anybody who’s homeless and needs the check, so i thought i’d repost it here. if anybody has corrections or things to add, please do! the thread doesn’t contain a lot of information about when you can expect to see this money, unfortunately, so i’m not sure if it’s the fastest or best method for this, and i’m hoping maybe someone else knows of more options.
i’m unfortunately not sure how to do image IDs correctly. however, to summarize, this thread says that anyone who is homeless should go to a tax preparation office, do their 1040 and file an EIP return. if you have a debit card, you can have the stimulus check put on that card. it’s also possible to use a homeless shelter address for this process at the tax preparation office, and to go there to pick it up. tax preparation offices charge a fee, but there is also an IRS program called VITA that can help you file for free, which i link later in this post.
here’s the link to the IRS VITA thing.
the whole thread is here for anyone who wants to get more information from twitter.
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Happy to know some people don’t get depressed over their childhood
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we come to tumblr bc we were all told we’re offputting in real life
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depression comix - 476 - View Site - My Patreon - Buy Me a Ko-Fi
This webcomic is made possible solely through reader support on Patreon and PayPal/Ko-Fi. Please consider supporting this work and thank you for keeping this webcomic running.
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Me: No one is hiring me
Adults: you’re just not trying hard enough
Me: oh yea, sorry about that. Let me apply “harder” this time. I’ll be sure to write my contact info extra “hard” this time. I’ll make sure to touch up my resume and make it hella “hard” this time around too.
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Big Warning
If you see a police car or a cop with a speaker looking thing on it, FUCKING RUN. It’s known as an LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device), a device that, when activated, can permanently damage your hearing and cause serious harm. If you’re too close, you’ll be left in a lot of pain and squirming on the ground permanently deaf. Ear plugs do not work. Unless you have one of those shooting range headphones, you do not stand a chance against them. Again, if you see them pull up, RUN. This is what they look like.
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Stay safe.
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Henry bowers
I don't trust people who look good in a mullet
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