terriardor · 5 years
Remember, birdwatching goes both ways
that’s vaguely threatening. thank you
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terriardor · 5 years
"It looks just like Life is Strange!"
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terriardor · 5 years
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Sometimes I wish I could go back to college. Pub nights, frisbee on the quad, late night hacky sack. We got some serious sack circles going.
schitt’s creek character appreciation || Ted Mullens
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terriardor · 5 years
unstoppable force vs. immovable object
my faith in MID and desire for it to be good vs. the number of times i winced watching the trailer, when the characters tried to “speak”, as we lagged so slowly around Salem, the jerky af body movements, the blurry backdrops
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terriardor · 5 years
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The best sleeping positions when you are injured.
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terriardor · 5 years
Carlisle being 23 is unfathomable but make no mistake: being a 23 year old in a group of 17 year olds you ARE the father figure. I'm baby, but if I found myself suddenly in charge of a bunch of high schoolers my maternal instincts would shoot to the surface like a beach ball from the bottom of a pool
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terriardor · 5 years
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In Allison Road you will take on the role of the unnamed protagonist, who wakes up one day without any recollection of prior events. Over the course of five nights it is your objective to uncover the whereabouts of your family, unravel the mysteries of the house, and face off against Lily and other dark entities that are nested deep within its walls, while the clock is relentlessly ticking towards 3:00am. What would you do if you could feel something stalking you in the dark in the safety of your own home? If you couldn’t tell what’s real and what’s not? The single-player campaign will mostly take place in one British townhouse. Your British townhouse. (x)
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terriardor · 5 years
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you know what they do to guys like us in prison x the last judgment. 
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terriardor · 5 years
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Scenery in EYES WIDE SHUT (1999) dir. Stanley Kubrick
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terriardor · 5 years
on change & rebirth:
1. "How much can you change and get away with it, before you turn into someone else, before it's some kind of murder?" (richard siken, from "portrait of fryderyk in shifting light")
2. "Part of me died so another could go on. The body I raised and abandoned still walking the path on the hill where I became larger than myself and the day could no longer contain me." (marty mcconnell, from "when they say you can't go home again, what they mean is you were never there")
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(juan arata)
4. "It is never late to ask yourself 'Am I ready to change my life, am I ready to change myself?' However old we are, whatever we went through, it is always possible to be reborn. If each day is a copy of the last one, what a pity! Every breath is a change to be reborn. But to be reborn into a new life, you have to die before dying." (shams tabrizi)
5. "People change and forget to tell each other." (lillian hellman)
6. "I’m always thinking of going back. When Lot’s wife looked over her shoulder, she turned into a pillar of salt. Pillars hold things up, and salt keeps things clean, but it’s a poor exchange for losing yourself. People do go back, but they don’t survive, because two realities are claiming them at the same time." (jeanette winterson, from "oranges are not the only fruit")
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terriardor · 5 years
When I was little my mom’s meatloaf was my favorite food. But ONLY her meatloaf. I didn’t like anyone else’s, and she told me that she would teach me how to make it when I was older. And when I was like 19? She finally taught me, but she told me never to tell anyone else and I was like weird but okay
Anyway, she was super fucking homophobic and abusive to me when I told her I was gay, so here’s the recipe
4-6 lbs of Hamburger/turkey burger
1 pk onion soup mix OR ranch mix
1 TBs ketchup
1 Tbs spicy brown mustard,
1 Tbs bbq sauce
1 Tbs steak sauce
1 egg
mix, shape into a loaf in a big pan, and bake at 350 for 2 hrs (maybe 2 and a half if you’re feeling dangerous)
You can get almost all of these ingredients at the dollar store, and have leftovers if it’s just you. The leftovers make great tacos if (taco seasoning is also like a dollar). Enjoy your revenge loaf
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terriardor · 5 years
recently i can’t enjoy things because i feel like i am living under that big ticking capitalist clock. if it’s the weekend, it’s only the weekend for so long. this movie costs two hours of work. this vacation needs to be packed with everything possible because i only get the one. i am exhausted from being sick but i took my sick time up, guess i just allow myself to be rundown and call it good enough. 
good things are broken now. the “countdown to christmas” blares over the store radio so often that even the songs i love set my teeth on edge. i get another email saying that if i want my loved ones to actually love me, i need to put a downpayment asap. my phone starts dying right around the new edition’s opening. the books i used to read are on their 26th series when there’s no longer a good story. 
nothing is sacred. remakes and new seasons and extended universes, none of which are done for the love of the original - just to fill dead lungs with rot and call that breathing. i can’t even waste my time zoning out; i am calculating how soon i need to go to sleep so i can wake up so i can get back to working. if i work two shifts i can afford a yearly subscription to the things that used to make me feel accepted, or i can afford to one time see a clinician for the very real problems i have that i have been ignoring. (can’t go to a doctor, they’re only there for business hours, and the medication will be ordered out of network, im sure). 
there’s nothing left to suck out of me, but they always find a way to suck something new out of me, and then act surprised when i answer with defeat. kids these days are so jaded, angry. kids these days have given up the idea they can ever find work that makes them happy. 
i’m trying to be optimistic. but optimism is now only available via a pay to play streaming service.
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terriardor · 5 years
“If the dead are watching, I want them to see us writing, dancing, singing, painting. I want them to see that we still reach out to each other.” - Richard Siken, Editor’s Pages: Black Telephone
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terriardor · 5 years
Three-Act Structure in 30 Days
A Cog Special for NaNoWriMo
Hey friends! I’m unable to participate in NaNo this year, but! I thought I could share with you a “prompt list” I developed for myself. One prompt a day, this list might just help you achieve a complete book in 30 days! (Maybe.)
11/01 - Develop what most inspires you. Let your world blossom, your character present themself, or your conflict begin.
11/02  - Introduce your protagonist’s day-to-day routine. Show who they are in their own element before their life spirals out of control.
11/03 - Show readers a conflict that’s been occupying your protagonist’s mind–use this as an opportunity to reveal another dimension of your world and the characters that inhabit it.
11/04 - Delve deeper into the side characters. Explore their superficial relationships with your protagonist.
11/05 - Bring in a new face. This face might belong to a new friend, a love interest, or even the villain.
11/06 - Take a moment to breathe, then destroy your protagonist’s world. Break it in such a way there’s no taping it back together. (And remember! This doesn’t have to be a bad change! Just an irreversible one.)
11/07 - Let your readers wallow in the fallout. Show how your protagonist initially responds and who they reach out to (if anyone).
Congratulations!! You’ve completed Act One! You’re well on your way to a book!! Remember to take a small breather and reward yourself. Look how much you’ve accomplished in as little as a week!
11/08 - Your protagonist is on the precipice; let them jump. Encourage them. This is where the plot truly begins.
11/09 - Show your character the paths they can take. They don’t have to choose one yet, but let them know what their options are.
11/10 - Introduce conflict between your protagonist and one of the characters they thought they trusted.
11/11 - Explain away the conflict. Put your protagonist and that character back on somewhat firm ground–maybe there’s still suspicion, but it won’t break them. Yet.
11/12 - Make your character choose a path. It’s too late in the game to be all wishy-washy about what to do and how to do it.
11/13 - Show them that they’re not yet equipped to handle the primary conflict of your novel.
11/14 - Let them take a step back and re-asses. Let them consult with those that they trust and try to find how to best tackle the conflict.
11/15 - Give them a way to grow the skills they need or learn the information they need to best succeed in the main conflict.
11/16 - Renew their confidence. Little-by-little, help them remember that they can do this.
11/17 - Let your protagonist’s relationship with another character take an unexpected turn. This could be anything from them having helpful knowledge/skills to having a connection with the villain to being romantically interested in the protagonist.
11/18 - After all their hard work is paying off and your protagonist thinks they might just be able to succeed in their goal.
11/19 - The newfound skills/information/etc. your protagonist has gathered are put to the test, and they come out victorious. Delight all around!
Take a moment to think and reflect. Have a nice tea and prepare for everything to go utterly, terribly wrong, because that’s where we’re going with this.
11/20 - Your protagonist’s worst fear is confirmed and all the bravado they’ve gathered comes crashing down around them. (Hint: This is a great place to bring back the 11/10 conflict.)
11/21 - Your protagonist struggles to cope with the last blow they took, but they don’t have much time. They need to compose themself.
11/22 - Time to gear up for the grand finale. There’s no going back now, and everyone knows it. Let your protagonist and their allies gather.
Look at you go!! You’ve written the majority of a book?? You’ve made it through the hardest part and you’re in the home stretch. You can do it!!
11/23 - Shove your protagonist into a room with the conflict that’s been haunting them from the beginning and let them have a moment with it.
11/24 - Bang! Pow! Climax time!
11/25 - Just when your protagonist thinks they’re winning, make it all go wrong. A fundamental piece of the puzzle is missing and we’re in disasterland now, lads.
11/26 - Let a side character prompt the protagonist’s defining moment–let them do something unexpected to prompt an even more unexpected response.
11/27 - Ideally, this will be victory time! Everything we’ve been hoping for since the beginning comes to fruition and all the protagonist’s hard work pays off. Alternatively, you could make this end real bad. It’s up to you.
11/28 - Let the results of the final conflict settle in. These could be good or bad, depending on your story, or even better: both.
11/29 - Go back to the beginning. Rewrite the first scene or develop a prologue. Now that you have a sense of the ending, you’ll have a better idea of where things should’ve started!
11/30 - Show your readers where everyone ended up–did they get a happy ending? A sad ending?
You’ve finished your book!!!!!!! YOU’VE FINISHED YOUR BOOK!!! Heck yeah.
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terriardor · 5 years
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All’s well that ends well to end up with you
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terriardor · 5 years
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Incorrect Haunting of Hill House
Source: The Good Place
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terriardor · 5 years
Nell Crain having to show up as a ghost to one of her siblings for the 17th time that day
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