Hiatus announcement for all of my blogs. 
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Alright, alright, now that I’ve somewhat cleaned things up here, could you all do me a favor and like / reblog this if you’re interested in interacting with the ever Lovely Pretty Boy, Jeff the Killer? 
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-skips off to make bad decisions-
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Alex Kralie is cute.
*Very flustered film douche.*
Equally as flustered life ruiner. 
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Alex Kralie is cute.
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What do you think Tim from MH's life would be like if the operator never existed?
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this is your only chance
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While he waited for Jay to sort out whatever it was that was going on in his useless head, he decided it best to rest a bit. Then again, it’s not like he could get back up very easily so in reality it was more of a forced and rather uncomfortable rest while Jay took forever.
When Jay finally spoke up again and with some decent questions, he took a few seconds to figure out just how to answer them without giving away any unnecessary information.
“Well long story short, I got poisoned about a week ago apparently, and so I tried to take revenge before I died. That clearly didn’t go well though since I ended up on the ground like this.” The proxy sighed. He admittedly found it a little odd that he was so honest with his own failures. It was probably just thanks to him being unable to think well in general though.
Blood is actually that important, surprise surprise.
“I think I’d rather just let it kill me actually.” Alex said in response to Jay’s latter questions. 
Usually he’d be alright with not getting help because he knew he’d be brought back to life. Now he wasn’t quite sure if he would. That didn’t mean it wasn’t somewhat peaceful though.
Maybe I’ll finally be able to rest for real.
   Jay’s brow rose and fell, shoulder     shrugging slightly and head bobbing,    all of which implied that wasn’t too     bad an idea, to let Alex die. But he     sighed and pushed aside the small    bit of resentment and took into ac-    count what he’d actually been told. 
       “How’d you get poisoned? And         what kind of poison does that to        your face?” He motioned upward        to the cuts and bruises, then leaned        back to look him over more thoroughly.         “You look more like someone beat         the shit out of you.” He muttered, but        sighed and dismissed it. “Well can I        at least take you somewhere else or        would you rather die in this alley?” 
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Despite the situation being rather grave, he couldn’t help but continue to find Jay’s attempts as being amusing. Really though, what could he possibly help with at this point? He couldn’t even help with getting away from TO, how’s he supposed to help save someone who’s literally on the verge of death.
Maybe I don’t look as bad as I feel or something?
“He’s probably gone.” Alex replied simply. “He’s kinda a coward so he probably ran off.” Was that right though? Was he actually a coward, or was he getting that wrong too? He did poison him though so maybe he was after all? I doubt he wants to interfere with his own work anymore anyway so we should be good for now.
   “Alright,”Jay replied at first, nodding    his head. That was a little more com-    forting, to know that they weren’t    going to suddenly appear and screw    him up just as bad as they had Alex. 
         Still, he couldn’t help but be a little          on edge. Obviously this situation          wasn’t very good, and even if it was,          it was Alex he was sitting with. 
   “Okay so what happened? How can I    help? Should I just take you to the hos-    pital or something?” Was that even a    possibility?
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Jay Merrick, <I>Marble Hornets</I> - Character Aesthetics
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slenderman series of the day
last updated Jan 9, 2014
proxy series: totheark
marble hornets is the slenderman series that started them all.
funny enough the “slenderman” is actually a creature basted off slenderman called the operator.
marblehornets is also said to be ending soon,however the series has been so successful that it will be made into a movie called the operator,staring Doug Jones as the operator.
you can also buy this series on dvd.
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